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Client Field Reports + Experiences Since 2018

Based on 7360 reviews
So soothing

I'm using this soap almost every day. Its energy is SO soothing. I agree with Z - it feels like being washed by someone else as a kid. It's got the most amazing scent profile: gentle and delicate florals - and it is beautiful to behold.

I want to eat this BB. It's texture feels extremely luxurious. It almost instantly melts from fluffy cloud to deeply rich oil. Some bb's instantly vanish as soon as they hit my skin making me reapply for more moisture. Others sit on top of the skin taking a while to penetrate. This bb is the perfect combo of both making it feel deeply nourishing while also feeling light and airy. Makes me and my body feel beautiful. Perfect Taurean energy

Very lightly and sweetly scented. This salve is extremely nourishing to my dry skin which drinks it in like water. I like to use this anytime day or night. It calms my body and mind and feels like I'm wrapped up in a warm, cozy, exquisitely embroidered blanket

The smell reminds me of the Empress BB but with more Rose. One of the stronger smelling anointing oils. I'm in love with it's scent. Wish it lasted longer on my skin. I'm macro dosing this oil at night. Definitely using it up faster than any other oil. It feels like deep grounding and lulling waves. Excellent for relaxation, sleep and catching my breath


Head in the stars, riding the moon as my hair (I chose firstly on my hair) embraced the EL Beautifying Oil. Such a soothing journey as the remnants touched my skin through my day……OMG I just adore all things S & S…..I'm so gratfeul for it all…thank you x

Supportive Sippin

Oh LORD this Steep + Smoke is the shit! I absolutely love it. Funny enough it was the Steep + Smoke from this series that most called to me when I was resourced enough for my second LiT order and I'm so glad I listened to my gut. Just one sip of this delicious blend is enough for me to unclench my jaw, take some deep breaths and head outside to touch some grass. It's truly such a gorgeous offering and absolutely one of my favorite Steep + Smokes of all time!

Soothe + Restore

I can't think of a better companion to have at my side during this New Moon in Taurus than these special bath salts. They actually remind me quite a bit of the Immortal Heart bath salts (just the scent and texture/color....the vibe is for sure its own and not the same) which has been so nice because the Immortal Heart bath salts are *so* good and I'm forever sad they are sold out. I don't often take actual *baths* with the bath salts but that was actually the very first thing I did with these and it was so incredibly lovely to sink into a deeply restorative and soothing space and just drift. I highly recommend these.

BEST Beauty Oil!

I really like the Beauty Oils in other series so I was excited to save up my pennies and get this one. This version of the Beauty Oil truly blew me away! It's absolutely stunning and has been balm for my sensitive skin. If you are on the fence...GET IT...you will *not* regret it!

The funny thing about this oil is…

…whenever I wear it, people approach me and ask me if we’ve met before (last night after meeting a crew member after an off-Broadway show) or if I’m famous (at a party for a docu-series). I’m someone who spent most of her life trying to blend into the background, so this all is very interesting to me.

Beautiful smell and soothing energy

I have generally found Lunar waters to be so subtle I can't quite discern their energy. Not so with Exalted Luna! This water is delicious-smelling and so soothing and calming. I spray my face when I need to ground or cool down/feel calmer.

Absolutely beautiful, sacred energy

This oil has such a gentle, affirming presence. I anoint my wrists and heart and immediately feel calm and peace wash over me. The oil is shifting some energy inside of me in a really gentle way: I'm finding I have more energy for my many tasks (I have small children) but I'm not pushing myself or overdoing it. Just gently, peacefully, tending to my home and children. This is another Sphere and Sundry staple for me.

very uplifting

applying this on a slow Friday at work was an awesome decision. I felt brave and self-focused, did some drawing in my sketchbook and started a logo for a small music label I've been dreaming up. This flowed and went so easily. I even felt euphoric. Maybe not the best choice for every work day, but amazing for when you have some space to focus on your dreams and making confident progress on them.

Substantial and sophisticated

The small jar contains a lot more body butter than you would think. Substantial, sophiscticated, grounding and expansive all at the same time. Lighter than the oil but also more even and longer lasting effect.

The Divine Physician's Whipped Body Butter

Godsend for afflicted Moons

This restores something I’ve been missing without knowing. It brings interior contentment and delicacy. It helps me be careful and thoughtful, but active. I feel like I’m learning a different mode of being. It also helps with emotional awareness (if you’re shut down like me) and seems to increase precognitive material in dreams.

I’ve been working a lot with Immortal Heart (and Asclepius) for 9 months, which are phenomenal. Contrasting EL with IH, I recommend IH foremost for health issues with an emotional component, for trauma, and for addiction. Subsequently, I recommend pivoting to EL to assist re-establishing life going forward. IH helps set the the altar of one’s heart; I would suggest that EL builds a home inside you to shelter your altar and your heart.


This feels like a really potent Jupiter in Pisces. There is power here to aid and to resource. It's also a materia that makes me want to eat good food and lounge. It feels very nutriating. I've also used it for money stuff, and it's been great at opening doors there so far. Interestingly, the other day, I spilled most of the bottle onto the carpet. I was really sad, but then had this sense that perhaps that was needed. I had a medical appointment that went beautifully later that day (Pisces is my 6H) instead of going poorly as expected. I hope to be able to buy some more soon!


I LOVE this incense. An absolute slay (pun intended) from S+S. I was a bit nervous about getting it, but was Told to do so and repeatedly drawn to it. When I received it, I had just the worst migraine, which had been in effect since I ordered it, so I didn't touch it because I knew migraines were one side effect. But I was just so drawn to it, so finally, I unwrapped it and picked it up. As soon as I touched it, the migraine went from a 100% to a 25%. I set the materia down, and back up the migraine went. Picked it up and down it went. It was one of the wildest things I've experienced. So I burned some and used it one myself, and the migraine left entirely. My migraines do not just leave, especially suddenly. It felt almost like I had had some sort of severe deficiency that this materia satiated. I am a very Martian person, but am often unable to run that charge, and I've realized recently how much that has hurt me. This series feels like a homecoming in many ways.

I've used it to Get Shit Done a lot as well, and while it's absolutely aces at that, there is definitely the risk of burn out or running on fumes. I've never stayed up for 24hrs straight in my life, and after using this, I once stayed up for over 36hrs straight, just working on a creative project. So don't do that! Or if you do, do a ton of self-care afterwards and apply more nurturing series in between.

clearing the way to ease

This is the first kolonía I've ever used, and I think I'm hooked. It really does just seem to clear away the gunk in the Jupiter channel whereas application of just the oil could sort of pile on top of it. Pisces is my 6H and one of the funniest manifestations of this materia was that prior to receiving this, my dishwasher had been out of commision for months. It was making it hard for me to keep up with dishes and having dirty dishes makes me want to scratch my eyes out. I applied this and then was like alright well I have to do dishes. And then immediately realized that the dishwasher fix was incredibly simple (just pushing a loose seal back into place). It really does clear the most easeful way to your goal. It is definitely possible to overuse this, like all cleansing materia, but I find that I (and many people I know) have hangups around Jupiter stuff, and this helps just ease them away and clear the way for more Jupiter goodness in your life. It's also just very calming and peaceful, and creates a sense of enoughness on a nervous system level.

Aragorn in the Houses of Healing pt. 2

This one is a staple for me, akin to keeping band-aids and salve in my medicine cabinet. It's so warm and lovely. I actually apply it before I sleep most nights, and I also use it before leaving the house to protect from covid or anything else that would harm my health. I also like putting it on before I exercise because I find that it helps the workout be all to my health and benefit and helps me find the balance between effort being good for me and too much effort hurting me. Like other Asclepius items I've used, this one not only helps with health directly but also helps me find the doctors and resources I need. This and the incense from the earlier SOA series both have Aragorn in the Houses of Healing vibes, but the oil is less cleansing+drying and more fortifying and nurturing. But the similarities are there of course. From that review: "Asclepius is not just the doctor who comes into the room, looks at the cold hard facts, prescribes something or doesn't, and leaves. Asclepius is the healer who sings at the bedside, who bathes the heated forehead, who listens and crys and cares. Because of this, I think it's also very useful for healing medical trauma and helping to protect from it."

This is a bit of a complicated review for me to write. When I received this oil, I opened it and felt absolutely overcome with love and adoration. It's a visually and olfactorily beautiful. We began to work together towards self-love and comfort and just deep healing of the Venusian. And then, after applying liberally for around a week, a neighbor came to my door at midnight repeatedly to proposition me and it became clear that he had been watching me through my windows. It was terrifying and it made me scared to even go near the oil. I believe Kaitlin has mentioned something about how unprotected Venus materia can draw stalkers, and that was absolutely true for me. I've lived here for six years now and this was the first time in my life I've experienced this or anything like it. I had Deneb Algedi on hand so I began to use that fervently. Thankfully, the boundaries that I set were respected by the neighbor in that he doesn't come over anymore, but it's clear that he's still watching through his windows in a fairly obessesive way which is very uncomfortable. I still haven't returned to using the oil in the way that I was which makes me really sad because my first encounter was so beautiful and so life-changing in ways. I definitely don't think just anyone who uses this oil will get stalked or anything, but it might be wise to at least have a protective oil on hand to pair it with. And it really is a truly beautiful, luscious oil that really understands love and beauty.

I bought this and then forgot I had it for months. And then it just very clearly called to me and became very active. The spirit of this feels very invested in relationship, in teaching and showing and partnering with. I've been working with them to revitalize and rewild my imaginative and dream realms, as well as feeling like the oil is giving me what I need to be safe in the depths, particularly depths of the mystical kind. I also find that I write a lot when I've applied it shortly before writing. Also, this oil has taught me that they can help not just with finding lost objects, but lost parts of the self, lost memories, and so on, and they can help find less tangible things like names, the way forward, the true self, things like that. This oil really does encourage imaginativity and creativity.


I tend more towards the Son of Apollo subsets, so I'll note some of the differences I found between them. This one definitely runs cooler. I also found it to be more introverted in a way, or just quieter. Definitely great for bed time. I used the entire vial and still keep the little vial with the herbs in it in my bag for protection. This helped get me through covid, and I'm guessing it was especially great at preventing and soothing inflammation. It's also great for cleansing and protection. Just an all around classic.


I ordered the small powder and was sent the biggest oil; and then when I reached out, the cost of the powder was entirely refunded! So I guess that was the very first manifestation of this oil, and I think it really wanted to get to me. I adore the scent. It smells like my grandmother's house, and just feels so quiet and secure and homey. It feels like a quiet Saturday with nothing to do except putter around the house and pet the cat and look out the window and rest. I definitely prefer this to the base series, just for me. It feels like it doesn't just protect what I have, but also gives me something to protect. I'm really looking forward to building an ever deeper relationship with this one.


I'm not a huge fan of the smell of the base series since it smells a lot like laundry detergent. I find that it makes me a little sick. I can't really smell it on me though, so I just don't sniff the oil purposefully. This oil comes through on the protection. After I received this, and the Saturnian King subset oil, I was gifted a home security system by my father. I also got this and then ended up really needing it a month later when a neighbor started being stalky. I still haven't fully resolved that situation to my satisfaction, but I also have not been harmed by the neighbor. I will say that the thing about seeing more cops when using this oil is absolutely true. I haven't been stopped or bothered by any so far (I really like to pair this with Mercury in Gemini for long trips, and specifically ask to be invisible to cops lol—I find Mercury in Gemini is more than happy to help). I have noticed that if I use this oil too much, I will start feeling depressed and just bogged down. I love to use it anoint my home and car though; feeling protected is so good for my nervous system.

I haven't had the smoothest experience with Luna in Cancer, but I also have a natal moon that is a little harrowed and have noticed this same sort of thing with a lunar talisman (not S+S). I find that sometimes LiC will give me great sleep and comfort, and other times it will make me feel energetically raw, wayyyy too sensitive to EVERYTHING—it will draw attention to what in your life is not welcoming to lunar energies and wisdoms. I do find that it works better for me if I use it more as an amplifier of other materia, specifically benefic materia. I also like to pair it with QT for writing. Speaking of, I've found that it's great for poetry and creative writing and endeavors, moreso than sleeping even for me. I once applied it, went to bed, immediately thought of how to fix some issues with a poem that my editor had raised, and then spent the next several hours in a hyperfocus (my editor loved the changes, and the poem was published!). I do think I want to keep working with this series because I think my own experience with it has to do with a lot of lunar wounding, and this series has much to teach me. I almost wonder if the oil might work better for that, since this feels more quick and ungrounded than oils usually do for me.

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