Capricorn II Ink + Skin Stain
An extraction of alkanet, black ginger, red beet, and hibiscus in organic cane alcohol, alongside consecrated Capricorn II herbal matter, nutmeg, vetiver, and myrrh.
Includes classical associations of red chalcedony, anenome, and colophonum, with modern additions of Devil’s shoestring, Master root, and sand procured with honor from one of the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Essential oils of laurel, myrrh, pine, nutmeg, and vetiver.
Use to stain the backgrounds of petition papers and sigils, or use as an Ink to draw them.
[Note that due to their consistency, our Inks work best using Japanese calligraphy brushes, watercolor brush pens, or the brush cap included in the bottle.]
Apply to the body to activate certain energy centers or meridians. Works especially well upon the root and sacral chakras for increased creativity and grounding. Apply before real-world scenarios where Capricorn II’s energy will be of service.
Promotes good posture and alignment, and the carrying of oneself with command and authority.
Energizing, inspiring, and structuring.
Magically, this series aligns fantastically with Solomonic methods and Spirit command. Or gentler efforts to compel, assemble, and organize a Spirit Team.
Arrives in a 1 oz bottle with brush cap for $66.
Please note that our Inks + Stains are botanically derived, and very light.
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