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The Throne’s Candles

The Throne’s Candles

Virgin wax poured over consecrated Third Decan of Capricorn herbal blend, quickly powdered with 24k gold and unakite jasper within the election window. Crowned with more of the same.

Burn as an ambient influence; use as a focal point for meditation; set sigils and paper petitions aflame; fuel success Altars and feed its light to Talismans. Employ in workings of classic candle magic.

Pour pools onto paper or parchment to impress wax seals and carve sigils.




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Creation Date

Pre-dawn the morning of January 29th, 2024. Hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery

Planetary Body

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Yes — Vegan


FIRE HAZARD — Never leave fire unattended. Clear away packing materials before burning and do not close the lid on boxes while a flame is burning

Wax Type

Soy-Coconut Blend

Dimensions 2.00 × 2.25 × 9 in
Weight 8 oz

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