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Exalted Luna Kolonía

Exalted Luna Kolonía

Organic cane alcohol, Mt. Shasta water, essential oils, colloidal silver and copper, and genuine white gold flake.

Use to quickly cleanse, priming the aura and any vessels before anointing, sleep, R&R, or magical operations.

Sanctifies the hands before Lunar works.

Arrives in your choice of 1.7 oz woozy bottle and orifice reducer for $33, or 5 oz bulk for $99




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Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.4 in
Creation Date

Night of November 24th 2023. Luna’s hour. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body



Benefic, Neutral


No – Contains Butter CO2 Total Extract

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
A great base

I love kolonias as a base for materia application. This one is no exception. It clears away the energetic gunk and creates a more seamless experience with EL oil after starting with this.


This Luna feels much more cleansing and settling to the mind, rather than getting me in touch with my emotional body. Which is very appreciated.

Nervous system support

This kolonia is such a gift to my often-fried nervous system! I do the kolonia cleanse after a long day or stressful event and I really feel centered and grounded from it.


I absolutely love the scent of this kolonia. The scent is soothing, and the kolonia is stabilizing and profound.

Will Scheffer
5 stars

Big Love

Angela Kirby
Grace in a bottle

This series is calming in its duty… I felt protected, almost, when I used the Kolonia. Freshening and allowed me to feel I could let go and continue in trust of this life journey… like riding in a boat looking up to the skies realising just how huge life is, & to feel embraced and safe….

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Undoubtedly comforting, phenomenally gentle in its cleansing effects. This does not come as a surprise, as comfort & gentleness seem to be key to the series as a whole. If the anointing oil is lush, beautiful & immense power, the kolonia is its slightly more chill sister. This is one of my favorite series' and kolonias, the Taurus energy is sexy as hell always lol. Love, love, loveee!

Caitlyn Post
The chill is real

Even just smelling the kolonia took the volume down on life in the subtlest way, all of a sudden going slowly or doing nothing at all was OK in a way my very airy mind and nervous system are very not on board with. As a natal Scorpio Moon I was a bit nervous about how "user friendly" the series might prove for me, but so far it is living up to it's description and I simply can't imagine being bothered by anything


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