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Mercury in Gemini Anointing Oil Mini Set

Mercury in Gemini Anointing Oil Mini Set

Each Anointing Oil in the Mercury in Gemini series, in an adorable lil’ 5 ml Mini.

Offered for $99


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Creation Date

Hour of Mercury, Mercury in Gemini on the MC. Moon DOE. June 23rd, 2022. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Uses / Applications

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Potential Side Effects


Times/ Activities

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No – Frog (mummified)

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Kyle M. (Michigan, United States)
The softwere developers tool box

The worst part of my day is usually when I get an unexpected "ya got a sec", followed the ringing of a teams call. I say a quick preyer and dab on the froggy and it works every time in avoiding blind sided conversation I wasn't expecting. In code when something breaks you can sometimes luck out and find an easy fix, door opening is great for this. The gem anointing oil is a great pick me up socializeing after a long work day.

E.S. (Maine, United States)
Chattiness in a Bottle

I am NOT a social person by any means, and have strong hermit tendencies but this has made interacting with others very smooth and surprisingly invokes more chattiness on my end. Seems to pull out fun ramblings.

The frog subset is wild and tricky and for those familiar with synchs, pulled a lot of frogs, literal or otherwise, very front and center.

Door key is a must for getting access to things or social situations that are otherwise 'locked up'

Ariana G. (Colorado, United States)
Such joy!

I’m a ververy Gemini person and using the main series oil has led to me freely and joyfully laughing, singing and crying, often all at once. In a good way for sure, in case you are wondering. Goodness I feel so good wearing this!

angela k. (North Carolina, United States)
Mercury in Gemini!

If you are a person, like me, who has Mercury prominent in your chart, but surprise! Its retrograde! You need this in your life. You will not be the same after using this product and you will not want to leave your house without it. It becomes part of your routine immediately, just like brushing your teeth. A true gift. Don’t sleep on this.

Eleni G. (Ontario, Canada)
Beautiful collection!

All three in this set are brilliant. The 5ml are more generous than one might think, the oils can go so far! This trio allows one to really engage and get a sense of each one’s personality and distinctions.

TV (California, United States)

I really love the mini sets - giving the opportunity to sample subsets before committing to larger sizes. I work in technical sales - and I have found both the Froggy and the Door Opener to be invaluable for not only making me appear effortlessly professional and knowledgeable, but I seem to reel in bigger sales when I wear them. The main Mercury in Gemini oil is best for when I know I have to talk a lot - not necessarily at work. I find it is better for parties and gatherings where I have to pretend to be an extrovert.

Mara S. (Virginia, United States)
Contemplation and clarity

I have appreciated getting to work with the energy of a strong Mercury (I have natal Mercury in Pisces)... these oils have helped usher clarity of understanding of some big downloads I've had recently, and a much more direct communication style than I'm used to engaging in.

B.R. (Montana, United States)
Blind Spots Brought Up - 12H Gemini Review

I've been putting off reviewing this oil because it's been such a ride working with it. To start off, the first set got lost in the mail (something that has never ever happened to me at this location before and you were phenomenal in sending another. Thanks again). In the same time frame, my vehicle started having issues. Those issues didn't resolve until the oil arrived. However, when it did, nothing "changed towards the benefic" - and I was expecting this as Gemini is my 12th house. Instead, while the hurdles with the first issues were resolved, my vehicle continued to have issues/not behave as the mechanic said on my interstate road trip. The people I was traveling with also worked with some of the Gemini road opener oil. We had to use all the resources at our disposal to work through the issues as they arose. We were constantly reminded to center back into laughing about the absurdity and working through anxieties verbally.
However, over the course of that 2-week trip, those same people also manifested as a big part of my "blind spots." I swallowed my voice/objections to keep the peace and trusted people who ultimately were not good for their word (despite best intentions). I learned lessons the hard way about crunching time and not realizing my other options because I'm so tunnel focused on doing it the one way I envisioned. This road trip ended with me being pulled over in a small town 2 hours from my home for going 35 in 25. It was just after sundown in Montana spring and I was only in a t-shirt and pj shorts. I'd had 4 nonconsecutive hours of sleep over the past 2 days. I failed their acrobatics/drunk walk check with a cop who was convinced I was currently "intoxicated" by weed. He arrested me for DUI. I refused to give blood and so it was an automatic 6-month license suspension. I pled not guilty as I didn't do it. As a medical cannabis user of almost ten years, dealing with something like this has been one of my biggest fears. However, despite the DUI, the cards are stacked on my side (from citing the wrong code to huge clerical fuck ups). The situation has shown me just how incorrect some of my self-narratives are around "having to do it on my own" and "assuming people who care about us don't want to help."
That ramble is all to say, working with this set has illuminated my 12h hardcore. It's been one of the scariest times of my life. However, the medicine of fear and hardship I truly feel is the bitter work that eventually gets you to your goals. These three oils are so potent to me and I'm looking forward to continuing to build relationships with them over the next years.

Lauren K. (Virginia, United States)

Highly rec the minis if you're not sure which oil is for you! Door Key and the main series have gotten the most use for me so far, but I know Froggy's time will come. This series is *fun* and helps lighten me up no matter which subset I'm using.

C.P (Florida, United States)
Door key Subset:

Set is amazing to try out different items and the door key subset was A STAND OUT! very abre camino vibes x2948282 lots of frog syncs even with this subset! Means what it says when it means ANYONE N ANYTHING!!!


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