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Swamp Gator Subset

Swamp Gator Subset

While the goat is probably Saturn’s most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures.

Primordial… ancient… cold blooded… sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal.

Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere.

Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Swamp and Golden.

Swamp Gator is, in two words: down and dirty.

The downest and dirtiest in fact — its formulation comprised of actual swamp mud (graciously harvested by Austin’s absolute saint of a mother in the depths of Florida), gator vertebrae, gator teeth, and shavings of skin.

All of which were ethically, legally obtained…

Fun fact: the alligator population in Florida is approximately 1.3 million, and the Kingdom of Animalia is inherently eco-friendly and sustainable to harvest from in conditions where populations are healthy (in this case overly so), the animal has lived under good conditions (preferably in their native habitat), and they have come to meet a natural or necessary end.

The spent corporeal form is one of Saturn’s many gifts to the living, and making practical and magical use of these abandoned Spirit-shells is a worthy tribute to our Outermost Sphere: governor of death, of practicality, and of all well-aged and lifeless matter.

Fossilized dinosaur bone is another ingredient in the Swamp Gator sub-set, which is an invitation to explore the deepest, darkest, and most yin aspects of the Saturnian arcana (within and without).

Full disclosure: this is the most brutal and initially off-putting of any offering from Saturn in Capricorn’s coterie.

Swamp Gator is excellent for gnostic exploration of the darker aspects of nature, and facilitating shadow work. Excavate your darker features… those which remain hidden from even oneself. Incorporate them into the ego-matrix to build a more integrated, honest, and fully realized personality, or decide to banish them.

The main danger the Gator represents, is in not knowing what lurks…

In practical terms, this would be useful for direct application and magical intervention in dark circumstances where one needs protection from genuinely seedy, dangerous characters, and finds themselves already mired in circumstantial swamp muck. Or things like exploring the Tunnels of Set, or adding atmosphere to some quality H.P. Lovecraft time.

Swamp Gator’s main value for most people is going to be for exploration and incorporation of the shadow-self, and of exploring the crueler, more primordial aspects of all Nature.

Get right with the Swamp Gator in you, and with the Swamp Gators of the world.

Swamp Gator Oil is a combination of hemp and castor oils, gator vertebrae, teeth, and skin, fossilized dino bone, and swamp mud, ritually consecrated to talismanic standard during an excellent Saturn in Capricorn election. It is available in your choice of 1/2 oz standard vial ($80), or 10 ml hematite roller bottle ($65). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)!

The Incense and Powder are made of the same, and arrive in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $33, or very few 2 oz bulk pots for $99.

We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available.

Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here)

Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!

(If you do not wish to apply Swamp Gator items directly, a fetish for their vector may be used.)

Note that Sphere + Sundry’s Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite.

Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to ‘cut’ the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 




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Creation Date

Sunday, November 22, 2020, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery.

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Step / Function

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Magical Applications

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Times/ Activities


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components


Swamp Gator Oil – 1/2 oz standard, Swamp Gator Oil – 10 ml hematite roller, 5 ml mini vial, Swamp Gator – Dropper Cap Kit for Standard Vial, Swamp Gator Incense – 1/2 oz vial, Swamp Gator Incense – 2 oz bulk pot, Swamp Gator Powder- 1/2 oz vial, Swamp Gator Powder – 2 oz bulk pot, Spell Soap, Bath Bomb

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
C. (Nebraska, United States)

My initial impression when first receiving this oil was actually that it would be an excellent companion for a camping or backpacking trip. Especially somewhere deeper in the wilderness, or when one’s intentions are to come into communion with Nature on a primordial level. It reminded me of the times I’d gone camping that made me feel like I could have been perfectly happy sleeping in the dry dirt.

The energy of this oil definitely sloooooows everything down (expect delays, maybe energetic/physical “back ups”). But for me, I found the sensation of being “pulled under” to be grounding, even comforting at times. Paired with Fomalhaut is perfect for magical research and meditation - uncovering secrets.
Another side effect is bringing up “dirty” things that need to be dealt with. I was made aware of a pest problem when using this oil. But SG also helps with feeling more comfortable/less grossed out dealing with those things. And it also brings deep reverence for the dirt and dirty, literally and metaphorically.

L. (Maryland, United States)
A Forceful Pull into the Murky Void

I applied some of the oil during Saturn’s night and hour to finish up some Saturn prayer/meditation beads, and I was blown away by how strong the effects were.

My first impression was how physically heavy/constricting, antisocial, and specifically dark and silent this subset is. (My natal Saturn is part of a Capricorn stellium. I’ve tried Golden Goat and Golden Gator, and while they assist with discipline and focus, they don’t feel heavy to me. Saturn in Aquarius doesn’t feel heavy, either, just ice-cold, clear, focused, and quiet.)

Applying Swamp Gator felt like I was being pulled into thick, black water where I could see some truly bizarre things if I let myself be pulled further down. This definitely feels best oriented towards meditation and esoteric exploration, and it also feels like it won’t let you go until you’ve spent an adequate amount of time in silence. I finished the beads at the exact minute Saturn hour ended, and then I felt compelled to stare at them like a possessed person for a few minutes until I could make myself stand up. I was genuinely concerned that I might not be able to open my jaws and make my vocal cords work to talk to my family, so I cut it off with Venus’ Aerial Delight water and oil, and Exalted Luna lip balm. I still felt some effect five hours later, although it was closer to wearing off.

Anyway, 5/5 stars; highly recommend if you like being restrained and forced silently into the murky void. I plan on using it for intentional trance work when I have much more time set aside.

G. (Illinois, United States)

When I received this materia, it was delayed by a week from the initial expected date (how very Saturnian). Initially I got this because I needed some further protection from seedy and dangerous characters that were in my life at the time but upon receiving this materia, I had other interesting events that took place that same day.

1. I had to take an Uber to work one day and it was a black BMW with super tinted windows and the driver was dressed in all black as well. Out of nowhere, he had mentioned that he picked up a few people who had oversight on financial institutions and mentioned that sometime in the next few years (this was during 2022 btw) there will be some economic hardships that will impact many who are working class and that it will be best to build a stronger savings or nest-egg. At first I thought “Well yeah? Isn’t that what banks and financial institutions want anyways?” But as I reflect back on that conversation as of Jan. 20, 2025, I can see there was more weight to that conversation than I initially garnered—especially considering current events and intuiting the general trajectory of how this country will fare economically. In the manner of this subset, it was acknowledging a threat that lies in wait. (Sidenote, confirmed with the driver that he was a Capricorn Sun, LOL)

2. Same day, I had a pretty heavy conversation with my mother after I was done with work. The conversation had much to do with some deep familial trauma and my strong disdain towards a few of my siblings as well as the seedy characters they’ve introduced to my family (who tried to jeopardize my mother’s safety). After this conversation, I was reminded of just how much hatred and anger I’ve harbored and how much I’ve tried to protect my mother from the plight of selfish people. In this instant, I believe this subset was showing me my shadow self and the primordial darkness that lies within us all.

Out of all the Saturn materia I’ve owned, I have to agree with the write-up, that this is the most off-putting subset of them all. I have only tried to utilize it twice after those events and I’ve had to stow the powder away deep in my closet as the energy can be too much for me. I give it five stars for its efficacy because it does work, but suffice to say, I’ve had to use a bit of Asclepius right after.

Dena D. (Maryland, United States)
Great for inner workings

Swamp Gator is actually my go-to for a relaxing meditation session. It also helps me sleep at night, funny enough. It's like everything slows down and those racing thoughts slip away.

M. (Missouri, United States)
For the things you cannot face…

When I read the write up I knew this would probably be good for me, but I was also really intimidated. So, I got a mini and set it aside for ‘perfect conditions’ - i.e. when I was in such a good place that I wouldn’t actually need SG anymore.
My concern was not necessary. This is actually really supportive for dealing with appalling and frightening people and situations in your personal sphere and the world at large. SG will help you see it all clearly and deal with it. I couldn’t even identify everything before. Now I can. Which is so much better.
(Can balance nicely with Eirene offerings or for tincture Venus Aerial Delight x Immortal Heart, if desired.)

M.A. (Washington, United States)

I've had gator powder for over a year now, but I wonder if I should've gotten the oil instead to "feel" its potency directly. The powder smells "mucky," like decomposition---or beef jerky but wet. But it's not gross or disgusting. It just is. It also has bones, which I think makes the powder so cool. I love using it in spells, dressing candles, hoping for alchemic process when the fire meets the bones. So far, I've been using this for Karma work. Undoing Karma, uncrossing (new), return to sender, and protection. I haven't had to bind anyone, but maybe that's where its power lies. I feel like I might need to dig deeper and go darker with Gator... I haven't been to hell yet, but Gator knows where the river Styx is...

Lu P. (Kentucky, United States)

Best incense for setting the mood to consume horror media. Led to profound conversations about the nature of cruelty. I've found it useful for cthonic spell work. I have reason to believe engagement with this incense is partially responsible for the manner in which my first osteomancy set came arrived to me: I was invited to partake in the butchering of a deer, a practice nearly as old as humanity itself. Potent stuff!

L.S. (California, United States)

This oil is undeniably powerful. When I experimentally wore it on my person, I experienced nausea and gory, violent dreams. I was brought to some hard realities about death. This is not a series for feeling good, but for meeting tough. aspects of nature, society or death that affect us all, perhaps with heightened wisdom and integration. If you are one who navigates these waters in your life or work, Swamp Gator can meet you there. I hope I won't have much need for this oil, but I feel comforted that I have it, as a tether to the darkest parts of life and self, and therefore wholeness.

Cecilia R. (Maryland, United States)
Powerful Insights

I don’t have much experience with talismans or rituals but my sense is that Swamp Gater incense is great for shadow work. Many reviews mention this attribute. Good shadow work bestows riches!

H. (Maryland, United States)
Fierce Protection

I enlisted Swamp Gator to assist in some spellwork to bring in protection and safety to me against a relative who has ill intentions and who is contesting a will (tying up inheritance money and costing lawyer fees). Since using Swamp Gator this person has backed off and almost shown a brand new deference to me, which I appreciate. It's almost like I'm the Gator and they now have a healthy respect and fear for my potential bite and danger. But this isn't a delicate materia so if you do want to work with it be prepared to be really**working** with it.


  1. (reworded from my community comment) Once I did a meditation where the guide said something like “imagine your body is a river and all the thoughts floating around inside you are now settling like sediment to the bottom” as a way to not be so caught up in *thinking*. Swamp Gator gives me that feeling when I wear it. Settled, calm, grounded. It IS a bit dark though – I am very Saturnian so that type of heaviness typically doesn’t phase me but your mileage may vary. I tend to wear this to work when I know I need to not get caught in my thoughts and caught up in the drama, and it helps me to stay focused on what actually matters.

  2. I’ve used both this and regular SiC. They’re both very useful for my purposes but there’s just something about Swamp Gator that feels so… “Natural”, I guess is the best word for it, to me. I put a tiny dab on my skin all the time, though I wouldn’t recommend it for people who aren’t already in sync with this sort of energy- it really packs a punch. Acts like a battery for me for all my spells.

  3. I was hoping Swamp Gator would help me do some shadow work, internal exploration excavation and the like, but more than that, Swamp Gator has given me a sense of freedom based on SAFETY. With Swamp Gator I feel so incredibly protected, I feel as if I were one of those rich kids with bodyguards, who aren’t hurting anyone or doing anything other than just standing there, but the mere knowledge that they are there makes people double think about crossing them. I wasn’t expecting this, but I’ve had a lot of productive and fun afternoons after engaging with the materia.

  4. Swamp Gator Oil has been life-changing for me, and was the item that made me a S&S convert. I was dealing with two stalkers (one has been stalking me for 10 years) and living in a lot of anxiety, I bought the oil and applied it to my door, windows, and all my devices (phone, laptop, iPad). Never heard from either stalker again. Undeniably effective, I use it whenever I need to cleanse my space and life of anyone will ill intentions.

  5. I grabbed this powder to do the dirty work of self-excavation. I tend to work things out through dreams and damn, does this make interpretation unnecessary. Nothing esoteric or symbolic here. Just the brutal, literal truth of your worries in your face for you to confront.

    This powder is also great for creating protective barriers. It’s very effective and works quickly. At least that was my experience when using it to deal with some serious problems.

    Just a reminder that Saturn brings the creepy crawlies. When I first got the powder, my cats started bringing home lizards. That’s better than last summer’s rat & fly extravaganza, but I wasn’t too thrilled about having to rescue lizards. So now, I get one or two GIANT FLIES buzzing around my room basically every day. Saturn’s got jokes.

  6. I got the mini-bottle set of Saturn in Capricorn oils and wasn’t sure about Swamp Gator, but getting right with the Swamp Gators in my own sphere has been an interesting ride, enough so that I can get to the bottom of things and root out behaviors I’ve unconsciously inherited without flinching. It specifically helped me sit with a seemingly small situation around the choice of food around a birthday celebration. I could sense and look at the weirdness underneath directly without denial and instead of lashing out or getting weird and passive aggressive about it myself, fully calibrate my response in a way that served all. Politely sidestep an invitation to get mad and genuinely be nonplussed due to working out the situation internally with Swamp Gator. Brava! Felt like an initiation into a better version of me. It felt like unlocking generational possibility too. It’s sometimes literally the little things.

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