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The Goat’s Teeth

The Goat’s Teeth

The long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —

After them was born Kronos, the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children.

The Goat’s Teeth grind away mercilessly at everything. This is an oil of cunning, shrewdness, self-control, ambition, and renegotiating relationships with subordinates and figures of authority, of giving and receiving respect and gaining prestige by earning it. This is an oil of setting sights on a goal, making the plans necessary, and achieving that goal.

Patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), rosemary essential oil and leaf from three plants in the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis, Foxtail, Gregori, Tuscan Blue), dill seed (Anethum graveolens), agrimony leaf and flower (Agrimonia eupatoria), comfrey leaf from the TAL garden (Symphytum uplandicum), cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), black vegetal musk, and ethically sourced goat’s teeth. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.

Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48


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Creation Date

Sunday, November 22, 2020, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application


Step / Function

Magical Applications

, ,

Planetary Body


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Anonymous (California, United States)

As a nocturnal-born person with some already malefic stuff going on in my chart, I'd bought this perfume to help me really focus and hone in on my goals. To be ruthless, essentially. The constant presence of this perfume--staring at me from my Saturn altar--was quite daunting and digged up years worth of ego issues, trauma, self-flagellation and harsh (harsh) criticism, allowing me to address (or stew in) my self-limiting beliefs. When I had anointed my Saturn necklace with this perfume, I instantly felt a heaviness I couldn't wash off of me. I hadn't yet known about energetic clearing, and was in a precarious mental state to begin with, so having this perfume on my altar facing me daily coincided with months of dread and dredging up. Even the moment of purchase chart's synastry with mine reflects that. Needless to say, I haven't reached for this perfume (as I also do not know where it went, probably for good reason). I don't recommend buying this perfume if the buyer is already deeply prone to depressive states and harshness directed towards the self and others. I still don't regret buying this perfume, just wish I had done more research earlier. Although it might not be the intention, the funerary scent is LOVELY and is nostalgic for me, reminding me of viewings I've attended throughout my life, the scent of flower bouquets so beautifully arranged surrounding a departed loved one. I find so much fulfillment in being present with others in their grief. I would actually reach for this if I could find it, just to smell it again.

Kathryn R. (Oregon, United States)
Taxes, Schmaxes

I turned to Goat's Teeth because I was dreading doing my taxes this year. Not only did I need to complete 2023, but I needed to re-estimate what I'll owe in the current year because my filing status changed (and not in a financially favorable way). Plus, it's Pisces season, the weather is getting nice, and I was dreading spending my weekend day off grinding away at taxes.

All my procrastination faded away with GT's help. It was exactly the boost I needed and will be my goat-to from now on!

stealthopera (New York, United States)
Relentless, Methodical Power

The Goat's Teeth are no joke. You will chew through your to-do list, not necessarily with ease, but distractions will be non-existent. If you also struggle to finish a project, this is the silver bullet that will help you stay the course. I would stress being careful about using it for several days in a row, even if you have a big project to just get through, or to supplement with more life affirming materia once you've "clocked out" for the day. It did kind of drag me down, emotionally, when I tried using it daily for a full week, but as far as doing the damn thing, this is more effective for me even than my beloved Exalted Mercury.

Anonymous (New Jersey, United States)
Get er done

This is the best magic I know for getting me to do the thing when I don’t want to do the thing but I know I have to do the thing. 10/10, thing done

Travis T. (Texas, United States)

Absolutely my favorite scent of all the BPAL oils I own. The energy is grounding, calculated, acquisitive, cunning, tenacious, while the scent makes me feel elevated, composed, refined, and as if I’ve stepped into my power. I have saturn in my fourth house, near the IC, so it’s qualities of discipline and structure, boundaries, have taken decades to *slowly* emerge or be revealed. Though once they have, their stance is a powerful one, and I can tell they’re permanent shifts. I am so grateful to have this in my life, not only to rid myself of any procrastination or anxiety regarding matters around responsibility, but to help myself become more accustomed to being and becoming a sturdier, more capable, and sovereign version of myself. Amplifies self-discipline, self-direction, and self-reliance, which works wonders for my confidence and drive. What is there not to love!?

Lucy (Ontario, Canada)

Do you need to work very hard for a sustained period without any breaks? The Goat's Teeth is here for you. TGT smells lovely -- a sweetish, slightly masculine scent. On its own, I find it gives me a bit of a push toward "working smarter", making me see the rewards of work so I procrastinate less and look out for myself more.

In combination with Exalted Mercury and third-party application of base Saturn in Capricorn, TGT will turn you into a machine. I have never worked as hard, for as long, with so little anxiety or distraction, and with so much grim determination to just keep going no matter what came my way. It was truly necessary during a gruelling month. The goat’s teeth really do grind through everything.


I noticed that I would sometimes speak out unnecessarily as a trauma response and wanted to connect with SiC Goat's Teeth to stop saying stuff that I didn't even mean in the first place. This feels like it does just that and therefore protects the longevity of material gains. J'adore the smell too, it reminds me of fancy ginger spiced gourmand scents.


oh saturn!
you who trap my chiron between your rays and the other malefic opposite that terrible conjunction of uranus and pluto in virgo. to say the least i was wary of your presence. yet, you seem content upon the altar of ancestors, being used on your day.

i have certainly noted that my ability to draw boundaries since it has appeared, particularly with authority figures. to have those boundaries respected has been a tonal shift. oddly enough at the time this was released the dept. was getting a new chair (supervisor), who is a good match as a co-worker (i am the dept. admin).

the scent of this offering is strangely at odds with the weight i have often thought of with saturn. gods know i walk in that heaviness constantly. it is as light and bright as a soft spring rain on newly bloomed flowers. cunning to be sure.


I was a bit hesitant to engage with the Saturn series, but I'm glad I did, and I'm glad I got this! First of all, it smells amazing-- deliciously masculine, old-fashioned, and refined, like an antique shop. I genuinely would love it on the strength of the scent alone, but wait, there's more.

I struggle with executive dysfunction, especially on the weekends after a full week of office work. But wearing this on Saturdays, suddenly I'm neatly slicing through work that I previously fought to even start on. I find that I run out of steam precisely when I start to realize I need to eat-- and then I have the wherewithal to actually cook instead of needing to order out. I will definitely be looking into the rest of the series when I can!


I got this to help me power through the dread of both long-incomplete household tasks, and the frequent tedious maintenance that so often i simply don't want to bother with despite its necessity. It's worked great, and several problem spots in the house are looking much better! Maybe in a year or two's worth of Saturdays there won't be any unpacked boxes left.

I was a bit wary of the entire line due to the warning about potential joint pain, but as someone who already has chronic pain, i've not actually seen any increase that's obviously beyond the normal fluctuations of my pain. Of course, your mileage may vary, though!


  1. I noticed that I would sometimes speak out unnecessarily as a trauma response and wanted to connect with SiC Goat’s Teeth to stop saying stuff that I didn’t even mean in the first place. This feels like it does just that and therefore protects the longevity of material gains. J’adore the smell too, it reminds me of fancy ginger spiced gourmand scents.

  2. oh saturn!
    you who trap my chiron between your rays and the other malefic opposite that terrible conjunction of uranus and pluto in virgo. to say the least i was wary of your presence. yet, you seem content upon the altar of ancestors, being used on your day.

    i have certainly noted that my ability to draw boundaries since it has appeared, particularly with authority figures. to have those boundaries respected has been a tonal shift. oddly enough at the time this was released the dept. was getting a new chair (supervisor), who is a good match as a co-worker (i am the dept. admin).

    the scent of this offering is strangely at odds with the weight i have often thought of with saturn. gods know i walk in that heaviness constantly. it is as light and bright as a soft spring rain on newly bloomed flowers. cunning to be sure.

  3. I was a bit hesitant to engage with the Saturn series, but I’m glad I did, and I’m glad I got this! First of all, it smells amazing– deliciously masculine, old-fashioned, and refined, like an antique shop. I genuinely would love it on the strength of the scent alone, but wait, there’s more.

    I struggle with executive dysfunction, especially on the weekends after a full week of office work. But wearing this on Saturdays, suddenly I’m neatly slicing through work that I previously fought to even start on. I find that I run out of steam precisely when I start to realize I need to eat– and then I have the wherewithal to actually cook instead of needing to order out. I will definitely be looking into the rest of the series when I can!

  4. I got this to help me power through the dread of both long-incomplete household tasks, and the frequent tedious maintenance that so often i simply don’t want to bother with despite its necessity. It’s worked great, and several problem spots in the house are looking much better! Maybe in a year or two’s worth of Saturdays there won’t be any unpacked boxes left.

    I was a bit wary of the entire line due to the warning about potential joint pain, but as someone who already has chronic pain, i’ve not actually seen any increase that’s obviously beyond the normal fluctuations of my pain. Of course, your mileage may vary, though!

  5. I really like using this oil in combination with Golden Goat and am glad I invested in a bottle. This is an oil to use when you need the aid of something that will ensure you keep thinking about, and focusing on, completing your goal or goals no matter what else you have going on. The Goat’s Teeth can cut right through procrastination and that is very helpful to me.

    In fact, I can’t help but frequently think of getting back to working on what is most important to me at this time when I use this oil. I keep in mind that “the Goat’s teeth truly grind away at everything” in how I use this oil. I also avoid using this oil near bedtime or on days when I need to go to sleep early, as this is a very active-feeling oil.

    Overall, The Goat’s Teeth has a rather persistent or urgent energy to it that seems like an ally I need right now as someone looking to make a change in vocation in a seemingly limited amount of time. I recommend trying it to those in similarly urgent situations – whether they involve job hunting or otherwise.

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