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The Torch of First Light Anointing Oil

The Torch of First Light Anointing Oil

This is an experimental subset, designed to [ juice / milk ] the Sun and Moon coming together as One.

Sol is the Spirit and the animating, Apollonian force, governing over all that is visible and apparent.

The Moon is the Body, the animalic, and the subconscious, holding sway over what is hidden, esoteric, and mysterious.

Each Luminary is arguably twice as important as a normal planet, as Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn all rule two signs (one yin, and one yang), while Moonstruck Cancer and Sun-soaked Leo serve as their own primal pairing, responsible for single, respective domains.

Cancer and Leo, the two signs which just so happen to initiate creation in the Thema Mundi.

The name, “Torch of First Light”, is a double entendre — acknowledging the quality of the Solar charge in our Sun Without Sin election — like the first rays of sunlight meeting the morning dew, full of hope and the promise of a new day.

Torches are smoll, portable fires carried to help escort their bearer through whatever darkness engulfs them, whether through a cramped, dungeonous corridor or a Moonless wood.

The idea here, is to carry that Torch — that touch of Sunlight, within.

Within the necessary darkness of the Mind, and density of the corporeal form — into the Body entire.

To light recesses never before seen, and to facilitate cohesion and coherence of Self, from the inside out.

Rather than outside in, as is the norm.

This is a subset of introspection and of meditation.

It ultimately heals, as gentle rays of sunlight do, but first — one must process what has been revealed.

One must feel that which has been excavated, to eat and to digest and to metabolize it, to incorporate it into the One.

For it is by becoming Whole and Unified in and of ourselves that the Fall is picked back upKintsugi’d — and the Garden, restored.

The effects of this subset are, especially at first, heavy. The Descending Heart of the Sun.

The Dark Moon of our election.

They are also deeply activating, as one mentally escorts the Torch of First Light to various points within the Body and Mind, starting at the crown of the head, and descending… then stoking, until the entire vessel is consumed with the most brilliant rays of golden light, shining in perpetuity throughout space and time.

Integration follows.

The Spirit and Body come into closer, more conscious dialogue. The inner voice strengthens. The narrator within speaks will and wisdom at a volume we can perceive, more and more often.

We piece ourselves together again.

Includes suggestions for working with this subset specifically, and The Torch of First Light’s own prayer.

As a sequence, we highly suggest a Kolonía cleanse or full Ritual Bath before engagement.

Note: This subset is for inner transformation, not exterior results typical of Solar Talismans or Materia. For that, see the main series, rather than this subset. It is not recommended for newcomers, or people who are wanting to enjoy casual application. It is Work, in the highest and truest sense. It is intended as a therapeutic and requires guidance from the wearer. It is not intended for passive application. You have been warned!




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Creation Date

Sunrise August 4th, 2024, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Yarrow (England, United Kingdom)
Profoundly healing

I love this oil. I've found it to be one of the most powerful materia I've ever worked with, and not at all harsh, in my case. Really helpful with self-esteem, embodiment and and fostering the courage to 'show up'.

hK (Tokyo, Japan)
Deep and compassionate communion with self

Much more accessible than advertised, though get ready to cry. I've been using this to juice shadow work, journaling, and therapist appointments. I feel like the efficacy of these practices has doubled--but I've also been able to grow gentler with myself, as opposed to the confrontational vibes I brought in before using the materia.

Leah H. (Washington, United States)
Deep Work Here

Whew! I am so appreciative of this offering, but prepare yourself and give yourself some time to process what may come up. Much gratitude for being able to do some deep internal and intentional work with some of my allies and this shining the way.

J.B. (Ontario, Canada)
More gentle than advertised

It's better to be safe and sorry, but ToFL has been quite easy on me.

Now, I do have more than a decade of therapy under my belt, and a consistent meditation practice for half that time.

The main side effect possibility listed is activation of the energy body and kriyas. I do notice an uptick in that, but only because I've already been experiencing and dealing with them for several years.

Wear while meditating to reinforce energy boundaries, get blockages moving, and contemplate the nature of light.

Not bad for passive application either, but does not produce profound effects for that purpose.

Sea P. (Colorado, United States)
Surprisingly wearable

Without wanting to undermine any of the very reasonable "caution" flags about how accessible this subset is, my personal experience has been that I find TOFL to be supremely wearable and grounding in terms of "facilitating more conscious dialogue between Spirit and Matter."

For context
1. my natal chart overwhelmingly emphasizes all things introspective / reflective / cathartic in general (angular scorpio moon conjoined stationing pluto! the only planet that isn't retrograde is fallen in the 8th! planets in dark houses abound! etc)
2. I also came to this subset with multiple decades of inner work / processing already under my feet, so the below review is not to suggest that my experience would be typical for anyone else.

That said, I applied first with caution (followed the visualization exercise to the letter on at least 3 different occasions before I trusted myself to introduce as needed), but quickly came to realize how helpful my constantly over-stimulated nervous system finds the materia and now apply much more liberally. I'm an AuDHDer with CPTSD and multiple health challenges, and I've had a lifelong theme of not knowing how to be in or process the absolutely insane amount of information my body is constantly throwing my brain's way.

When I engage with TOFL, I feel immediately grounded in my body in a unique way, which I can only describe as "sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool while the world goes by." That image might not do anything for anyone but me, but as a hypermobile person with sensory processing issues, any sensory experiences that remind me of being underwater tend to be extremely positive because the water pressure provides skeletal support that no amount of compression wear can replicate. It also makes sunlight feel cooler and less blinding, like I've been given a liminal safe haven to observe the world and myself in before having to Do Something About any of it.

I also love the scent, which I experience as very rich and chocolately. Of course, it's also been amazingly helpful for tough therapy sessions, getting some journaling done, or other more "typical" uses, but I've found it to be much more versatile and friendly to my constitution than the write-up initially suggested, so if you feel a similar pull to it I'd definitely take the plunge (while still going slowly and respectfully with initial engagements of course)! Highly recommend and couldn't be more grateful to Madame Coppock and the whole S+ team for such incredible and beneficial magic

Lepus (Chiapas, Mexico)
An interesting proposal.

I ordered both the oil and the incense, the latter has not arrived yet, but there is something about the oil, in fact it feels moist, as mentioned in another review. It is not for daily use or at least not passively, that is definitive and the sensations it provokes vary quite a bit.

TV (California, United States)
Gentle Reflections

The Torch of First Light has been a welcome companion to all the emotional and personal work around closing out an old year and making way for a new one. Pairing it with other materia, Torch has been invaluable around aspects of desire work as well as teasing out hidden triggers and shadows of other kinds of healing work.

A (Illinois, United States)

This oil has been both gentle and nourishing as well as angst provoking, I was really going through it when the series debuted and felt like it was already starting its work. The feeling reminded me of the Luna in Cancer initiation and exorcism cycle, but with the lights on when going into the basement. It was also super supportive to have main series materia to lighten the load. Another feeling I get with Torch is that it's running a field of Venus-Innana work, maybe it's the Venus-Regulus connection. I would recommend, but make sure you have the time and space for it, especially in the initial stages.

Hillary H. (Pennsylvania, United States)
“A Light in a Dark Place”

Think story-time of the self with Frodo’s Vial of Galadriel with the light of the Silver Wood coupled with Sam sitting there dreaming of Oliphants with his box of seeds from Galadriel… but, like, you aren’t giving the Mordor marathon a run. You’re safe in Gondor at some table of kings who know how to hire a good bard to sing your story right with all the best lines you wrote put together back to you. Yeah. It’s dark, and there are many hands to play stories on the cave wall—chronological time may not be a concept either, but fearie lights are really darling. So yeah, dark, but darling. Can’t wait to hear the laughter from your perfect bonfire once you’ve got your round table going.

Personal note: sound turned down to that chill you get in the forest quiet. It made my tinnitus soft.

Anonymous (Colorado, United States)

My experience here may not be typical, as I have a highly introspective nature and a familiarity with melancholia, as well as an exalted sun/moon in my natal chart. But I found this oil to be nurturing/comforting, and it was a good facilitator for working with the pure solar energy in the main series (Regulus worked well for this too).


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