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Water of Exalted Mercury

Water of Exalted Mercury

We weren’t in a good position to erect a distillation station for the Exalted Mercury election, so this spray is a combination of consecrated Kolonía and water harvested from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta at sunrise from the first Mercuryday following its direct station in Virgo, 2022. Colloidal gold, abre camino, a small amount of shimmering mica, and essential oils of frankincense, copaiba, hyssop, and rosemary.

Spray to fill your field or atmosphere with Exalted Mercurial goodness, opening the way for communications, commerce, and increased capacity to do what needs doin’!

Offered in a 1/2 oz sample or travel sized spray bottle with keepsake agate for $30, or full 2 oz for $75




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Creation Date

August 12th, 2022. Hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects


Spray Bottle Size

1/2 oz, 2 oz

Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Olivia (Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland)
Great if I'm being a lazy procrastinator

I often struggle with procrastination when it comes to responding to messages and emails. It's not uncommon for me to go "I'm gonna reply in the morning" and then once the morning comes I think to myself "I'm gonna reply in the evening" and then I postpone it to the next day and the next and so on... With exalted Mercury, I spritz it on myself and I get an instant urge to message everyone, haha. No more delayed emails, no more leaving people on read. I also work as a writer and it really helps me with getting to work and being focused. It can be a lot at first cause I get overwhelmed with ideas but it settles quickly and helps me arrange my thoughts when writing. Love love love Mercury!

S.T. (Tennessee, United States)
Started with a mini now I gotta spring for the large!

I love waters but when I was first getting acquainted with sphere and sundry I did not know what would be best for me or what forms to try first. I got the small exalted mercury water and a few other EM items--I used that water so fast. I adored it especially for school and work-related projects I found boring, Needless to say, I will be grabbing the large and keeping it stocked from now on.

D.M. (California, United States)

I love this water for this ability to put you in the groove immediately. Helpful in a time crunch projects.

H.C. (England, United Kingdom)
great for focus

This is so good for spraying an office / work area and getting ready to face tasks in hand. Mercury is so useful, I see this as a daily-use all-rounder. Highly recommend.

Linda Y.L. (California, United States)
Water of Exalted Mercury

I love the way it helps me to hone in and focus on whatever task it at hand! I use it on Wednesdays along with Exalted Mercury Candle during Planetary Attunement ritual and as needed when needing extra focus at work. I am still astounded by it all!

Kait L. (California, United States)
Setting my Writing Space

The water of Exalted Mercury allows me to transform the space in which I write into a magically supported environment. I have been very productive and my creativity is flowing without effort. This is a beautiful energy.

Katrina B. (Arizona, United States)
Beautiful and Useful

I love this spray! I have multiple items from the Exalted Mercury series, but this one is probably the most convenient to apply. (Which is my favorite thing about S+S waters in general!) I enjoy the herbal scent, which is really fresh and light. I’d say the most prominent note is probably the rosemary. And the hint of golden shimmer looks so beautiful in the bottle! That said, I’ve purchased three S+S waters with mica in them so far, and this one is definitely the least glittery of the three. So people who want to avoid a ton of shimmer might still like this one! As far as the effect goes, I’ve found this spray to be quite helpful for staying focused on tasks, especially ones that involve writing. However, the first time I applied it, I started feeling super tired and ended up taking a nap, much to my confusion. After checking the current transits, I realized that Mercury was combust that day. (This was also shortly before an eclipse.) So it might be worth considering Mercury’s condition before using this! (Especially if you happen to have a supercharged Mercury ruling your chart, like I do.) However, I haven’t had any similar problems since then, so it’s possible that I just needed to get acclimated to it. In any case, I’d definitely recommend this spray to anyone looking for some extra focus, and/or getting some writing done!

K. (Alberta, Canada)

Zoomy juice! Useful, but I can't use this alone. I have a tendency to forget to eat, burn out, not know when to quit and then just cry 'cause I need a nap. At the same time I need some help with the brain fog. So I can use this with Regulus - to help me feel confident and trust myself; or it does really well with Deneb Algedi II. I personally find the water the best form for me, it acts quickly but also dissipates quickly, which for me still ends up being a few hours. Helps with the getting done of the things that are so difficult to get done these days. Previous review said it so much better than me. I could've used some of the water, but I'd like to actually sleep tonight.

L. (North Ostrobothnia, Finland)
Think clearly and get it done

Works especially well when layered with DA oil or water for otherwise already active natal Mercury. EM brings sharpness and clarity, but also speed - and DA grounds and slows it just the right amount. The combination is extremely effective.

A. (Pennsylvania, United States)
Old faithful

The original Mercury cazimi water was what converted me to the absolute wonders of S+S, and this feels like more or less a replica. There is way too much different in my life from when the first one was released to make a truly granular comparison, but as far as I can tell, it hits the same spots. I have a Virgo ascendant, almost 50/50 earth-and-fire dominant chart, and ADHD, so this definitely can make me super prone to tunneling. But when I NEED that kind of focus - especially in the era of medication shortages - it's invaluable.


  1. I actually love to spray this around as an atmosphere spray in my in-home office and at work on days that it is going to have to be ultra productive. Just to prep the space to do all the things you have to do. Of course, after a few hours, you may be exhausted but during the time that you are constantly switching gears, EM to the rescue.

  2. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed to the point of near paralysis for the last month, juggling multiple jobs, a side hustle, and nonprofit volunteering and feeling like I was slowly drowning. Enter EM. I layered a light spritz of EM water for immediate focus boosting and a touch of EM oil for endurance, and my confusion was quickly sorted into a to-do list and two of the most productive days I’ve had all year. I did need more sleep the two days following, but the focused energy was well worth the fatigue that followed.

  3. my mind will spin in specificity – from the useful to the less.so (but still what needs figuring). unparalleled for memorization & retention (i mean LONG poems).

  4. Wow! This is a wild ride 🙂
    I’ve been experimenting with using this when I need to access ample language in public facing roles. My natal mercury (combust in Taurus) tends to be a bit arduous, and really loves a little boost. This does the trick in the most magical way. Where as a small dose of adderall can sometimes make me feel a bit robotic, this is a bit softer and lends itself to discussion of more metaphysical matters. Which, as an artist, intuitive, and astrologer, is right on the money honey!
    I also agree with other reviewers, that this is best used with specific work in mind.

  5. EM really gives me that clarity to accomplish things when I’m feeling muddled, confused and overwhelmed. I love spritzing on this water before I need to do chores. Making a list is helpful because I have been known to suddenly be focused on very meticulous details. I also like to use this spray before work when I have a large to-do list filled with tedious items. And lastly, a little boring office job “hack” I have is to use EM before I have a long boring day ahead of me, ask for my day at work to pass quickly and what do you know! I am finding things to do left and right and keeping busy all day. Not recommended for aimless use unless you’re looking for that kind of chaos though because you WILL be in the weeds, but my 6th house Gemini Moon & Mars love to be kept occupied.

  6. I got this for my sister, who just started a new business. She’s sprayed it in her office, and the business is (knock wood) going well so far. More importantly, she feels empowered while working!

  7. I used this spray when at work and on the computer while needing to multitask 2-3 things while also interacting with people and can attest it made me almost machine- like. I became hyper focused and could concentrate and balance several things I was doing all at once and without making any mistake. I could also do said tasks while people were asking me questions and I was answering them. I guess the only caveat would be that eventually my team looked at me and told me to lighten up (lol)- so I guess you could consider this type of focus very SERIOUS.

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