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Asclepius Anointing Oil

Asclepius Anointing Oil

Sphere + Sundry’s classic Asclepius Oil formula, given new life as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences.

Organic 100% extra virgin olive oil, rose of jericho (Selaginella lepidophylla), ecologically and respectfully wildcrafted sage, and ritually harvested incense cypress from Jove’s hour on the Sun’s day, untreated carnelian, and resin of frankincense.

Anoint areas in need of healing, including acupuncture and meridian points which correspond to connected organ systems, as-needed (as always!).

For chronic ailments, create a “treatment plan” for routine application based on planetary hours connected to natal or general astrology, or in stride with the TCM body clock.

[We can workshop these together in the Client Community!]

Application aids in purification, transformation, and facilitation of inner-alchemy. Increases one’s general bandwidth/ tolerance for stressful circumstances, while expediting the assimilation of experience into wisdom.

Layering with other influences helps mitigate symptoms, if Antares or Mars tends to result in overheating and headaches, for instance. It tends to help other Powers (and our own energies) run “cleaner” and with less buffering, clearing the way for better outcomes.

Apply before bed to promote dream incubation, as well as healing and initiatic visitations from Gods, Ancestors, and whatever Spirit-Beings you call.

Excellent for routine use by day and night, but may also trigger the need for sleep (or increase its duration).

Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $65 (with an optional dropper cap kit), 10 ml “flawless glide” steel rollerball for $52, or 5 ml mini for $33.




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Areas of Application

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Creation Data

Morning of May 8th 2023. Chart in image gallery.


Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Oil Selection

1/2 oz Standard, 10 ml “flawless glide” steel Roll-On, 5 ml Mini Vial, Dropper Cap Kit for Standard Vial

Planetary Body

Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

Potential Side Effects


Suggested Pairings

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Times/ Activities



Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 156 reviews
hK (Tokyo, Japan)
Truly glorious

Feels solar, but in a warm and relaxing way that doesn't impede sleep. A wonderful aid to real rest and healing; a little dab on pulse points helps everything unwind beautifully.

Lepus (Chiapas, Mexico)

I had heard or rather read about Asclepio, and I was somewhat reluctant to use it so I put off using it a bit. Wow, it definitely helps to heal, both physically, emotionally and spiritually, not to mention that it also helps to incubate dreams. When there was a re-stock I ordered some things from the series again. 100% recommended.

G. (Illinois, United States)

If I could get a whole gallon of Asclepius oil, I would! It’s so good in making me get the necessary sleep I need. I had suffered bouts of insomnia and I would apply some of the oil on my temples, forehead and on my soles to help me fall asleep.

Lisa K. (California, United States)
Health support where you need it

I use this oil to protect against skin cancer. One of my parents was diagnosed with it around my age and died from it several years later, so the health of my skin has always loomed at the back of my mind. I've had a few suspicious-looking moles that fit all the criteria for melanomas, and I apply the oil directly to them, as well as regularly to the rest of my skin. The suspicious-looking spots always turn out to be perfectly healthy. Along with all the mundane protocols (moisturizer, sunscreen, general healthy lifestyle), Asclepius is a precious part of my cancer prevention toolkit. <3

C. (Nebraska, United States)
Possibly the best medicine humankind has to offer.

I could go on and on about this oil and this series in general but i’ll try to keep it short. If you are new to Sphere and Sundry and are looking for what to get, seriously, get this oil (and probably also the salts, incense or water from this series). I can’t think of a better universally needed magic than Asclepius. Everyone I’ve shared this materia with has experienced change for the better. And there’s something about this version of Asclepius that is vastly intelligent, probably due to the multiple deities and powers that were called upon for its creation, because it reaches to the places where you don’t even know you need medicine, sucks out the venom and gives you EXACTLY what you need for the healing process.
I am almost certain ASC IV is what brought Vedic remedies into my life, and I have not been the same since.
There is a quality to this series that’s like the snake bite from which the medicine is made in that you will probably run into unhealthy habits or experience symptoms/situations that help show you were real lasting changes need to be made.
This oil is also the perfect pairing hack for any series or planetary energy that you’re having trouble “getting”. If you’re not vibing with a series, try it with Asclepius first before you decide it’s not for you!
Hail Asclepius! And may we always have access to this life changing medicine.

Dena D. (Maryland, United States)

This oil is good as an extra pick-me-up for whatever ails you, especially in the spiritual planes. I've used it for rituals to help heal people who have had bad energetic attachments or other blockages and it works very well. I enjoy putting it on myself, and the smell is nice.

LM (Illinois, United States)
Puts the gears in motion

I feel like this oil and series really help me align with the healing and help I need. Like helps me get to the right place right time healing moments while also feeling like it's supporting me under the hood.

Olivia (Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland)
Support for your health

The first thing I used it for was my tinnitus and after applying it around my ears for two nights in a row, the ringing in my ears decreased significantly! I also suffer from really bad numbing episodes of painful muscle spasms that I get once in a few weeks and a couple of times I've managed to calm them down instantly when using just a tiny dot of asclepius. Besides that, I find it helpful with headaches - they either linger shorter than usual or are a bit more bearable. Will definitely be stocking up on this materia!

Philly (California, United States)

I had no idea what dream incubation was until going to write this review. One night before sleep after engaging with the series, I was guided to do what I now see is dream incubation. I’ve gotten powerful guidance about healing through these dreams.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)

When I am about to catch a cold I anoint myself with Asclepius and I wake up significantly better. Very likely to induce sleep so I tend to use it before bed. Both healing and purifying at the same time..


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