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Blank Canvas Shampoo

Blank Canvas Shampoo

Learn more about the concept behind our Blank Canvas Collection here.

It can be so difficult to find a largely organic, botanically derived shampoo that is effective and a textural pleasure to use, but after tens of formularies tested over the course of over a year, this one took the cake!

Blank Canvas Shampoo is best infused with Prima Materia in the form of Powders and Incense (I’ve been loving GSII I/P). Unscrew the cap and add as much or as little as you personally like (I use about 1 tablespoon per bottle), screw the cap back on, and shake shake shake (or, stir first with a long, thin utensil to make it easier).

Your shampoo can be used right away, but for best results leave overnight. You’ll be surprised at how much scent and color comes from even a little bit of powder! And it will continue infusing over time, growing more concentrated as it ages.

Store these bottles cap-side up in the shower so herbal residue doesn’t clog the spout.

Use as you would any other shampoo, and enjoy!

Potentiate application of your Materia by saying prayers, affirmations, or expressions of gratitude to the Powers involved. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and make massaging the shampoo into that beautiful crown of yours a genuine Ritual.

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 5 × 2 × 2 in
Weight 16 oz

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