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Fomalhaut Kolonía
  • Fomalhaut Kolonia 2


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Fomalhaut Kolonía

Grain alcohol and Mt. Shasta water, married to freshly harvested ocean water and colloidal gold during the height of Sphere + Sundry’s Fomalhaut-Jupiter election. Seaweed absolute, organic essentials oils, and aquamarine. Shake well before application.

Perform the following cleanse to prepare the vessel and sensorium for esoteric exploration, to facilitate depth and discovery. Use to anoint the hands and increase spiritual and magical authority, or before trance, commanding, and divinatory work. Add to essential oil diffusers for a background effect.

Using Kolonías before the application of other materia potentiates its influence, providing a clean energetic state primed for the aims of each series’ arcana.

Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering households and business establishments, providing natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. ⠀

Sphere + Sundry’s talismanic Kolonías can be used in such a way, or as Celestial Florida Waters for energetic cleansing – promoting clarity and way-opening, as life demands or before ritual. ⠀

Doing the following makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body, and establishes a clean slate which potentiates the efficacy of other materia…⠀

Shake well to integrate and disburse organic essential oils, colloidal metals, and botanically derived colors.⠀

Quick Kolonía Clearing Protocol ⠀

Sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palm of the hand and gently rub both together for 5-10 seconds, coating tops and bottoms. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or lightly skim it.⠀

Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of it, then start from the top again, going down the sides, the front of the face and down body, all the way to the tops of your feet. Sweep multiple times. ⠀

If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking until energies disperse, and then proceed with additional downward sweeping.⠀

Continue skimming downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, between the legs, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer.⠀

Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank your chosen Power for the cleansing and protection it provided, sealing the auric body from negativity.⠀

Kolonías also serve to anoint and sanctify the hands, and can be used before performing energy work, ritual work, or any activity related to each series’ arcana – on oneself, one’s clients, or loved ones. They can be used to cleanse objects, spaces, and add oomph to spiritual baths, as well as added to floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside and entries. ⠀

Extraordinarily simple, versatile, effective, and  p o t e n t .

Arrives in your choice of 1.7 oz woozy bottle with keepsake aquamarine and orifice reducer for $36, or 5 oz bulk for $106




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Creation Date

Night of Monday, June 28th 2021. Hour of Jupiter. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


1.7 oz, 5 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)


Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.4 in
Weight 3 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Excellent primer

It does smell like the sea but I personally really like it. Wonderful primer before applying something else from this series, and generally really good before divination. Centering, gently uplifting and calming.


Great kolonia to use before dreamwork and also if you want to see something that you have never previously considered. Aid in finding new solutions in unexpected place. Out of the box experience.


This didn't work for me so well as a kolonia because of the scent. However I've recently started putting a drop of it in a jar of water next to the bed which is surprisingly a really nice way of using this. It's versatile.

Ani Mir
Kolonia is effective in oil

If you’d like to add kolonia to your oil burner, this offers an earthy oceanic depth to aromatherapeutic oils.

I was hoping to use this on my hands directly, or spray it on my bedsheets to help with dream work, but the smell comes off fishy, and it’s particularly strong warmed on the skin. Others mentioned the pungency dissipates quickly but that’s not my experience. It’s sticky on the skin and did not leave me feeling cleansed.

However, I absolutely love using it in an oil burner at night to create a safe space for restful zzzs and dream work.

I was hoping this would be more like the other kolonias and have a cleansing affect on mh person, but with in the oil burner it serves an intended use that I enjoy more than imagined.


I use this to anoint my hands before reading cards and the answers always come out clearer and quicker. The sea smell is not overpowering to me at all.

Oceanic power!

On introduction, I found the scent unpleasantly fishy - but I am generally sensitive to briny scents. I ended up using it in ritual and found the briny scent lifted after a few minutes and was totally undetectable. The ritual was powerful, and my ability to sink in and do the Work was definitely improved by the aid of Fomalhaut.

Aleecia Head

This formula smells like the sea in the best way possible and I love the depth that it brings to my divination and dream work!


I bought this kolonia for aiding in tarot and pendulum divinations, the client reviews sold me. Fomy materia in general enhances my dream work, the kolonia is spectacular for working tarot spreads and deeper dives into readings.


my mandatory pre-divination protocol - feel fomalhaut is especially bridging the gap between me & a wily tarot deck -


I love this kolonia so much! It transports me to the sea. I use this kolonia to cleanse my energy before engaging in any psychic or creative work.


  1. The Fomalhaut kolonia has become my most-frequently used product. I’m a consulting astrologer and use to to quickly cleanse myself, and set intentions before and after client sessions, following the protocol outlined here. It helps me to have deep focus with each client, and trust the story I see in the chart. I ordered it on a whim, never having considered a kolonia before, and its truly an essential part of my toolkit now. (Please let it stay in stock.)

  2. This is my favorite Kolonia so far (without a doubt the smelliest to my nose too lol). I love the seaweed scent, it does dissipate really quickly on me, but the strong signal of okay we’re prepping for a dive feels apt.

  3. Out of all of the kolonias, this one to me has been the strongest (and even more so than the water). It has a deep oceanic and seaweed smell, and is great for immersing your entire being into the sphere that Fomalhaut provides. For those charts that do not have as much water in it, the experience can be very much outside your comfort zone. It really is like going off the deep end of the pool.

  4. I’ve been using this kolonia before my spirit work, and it really kick-starts my connections with Spirit. I appreciate its ocean scent!

  5. This is such a wonderful addition to your arsenal of materia magica. It’s been really effective in (paradoxically) grounding me into a cleansed and centered state almost instantly, such that I’m primed to Hear and See in ritual or divinatory contexts quite readily; I’ve found that I seem to command more gravitas and depth as well. The scent is indeed quite briny, which I happen to adore; it doesn’t linger if it might be a concern.

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