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Anointing Oil of Golden Sol II
  • Golden Sol Sun in Leo Sphere and Sundry Anointing Oil 2

Anointing Oil of Golden Sol II

Organic and wildcrafted herbs including chrysanthemum, calamus, yellowdock root, bay leaf, balm of gilead, angelica, ashwaganda, hyssop, St. John’s wort, cinnamon, orange peel, ginger, and rue were fumigated with royal hojari frankincense + incense from Golden Sol I during the height of our Sun Without Sin election.

The softest, fuzziest Sun in Leo to ever Sun in Leo — so feel good, so warming, and so very full of love, gratitude, and appreciation for life itself.

A wonderful infusion of soft, morning light, with the promise of a new and better day.

Includes 24k and a Jyotish remedial-grade ruby (in Rollers and Standards).




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Creation Date

Sunrise August 4th, 2024, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 38 reviews
C. (Oakland, US)

Very warming and gives me a sense of feeling safe. Like being in the sun’s chariot. There’s a comfort with this oil that I really like.

E.S. (Queens, US)
Aids in Uplifting the Mood and Restoring a Sense of Equilibrium and Wholeness During Difficult Times

I have a 12th house sun and now use Sol materia on my person regularly at the advice of a renowned vedic astrologer. In short, Sol materia seems to provide emotional scaffolding I benefit from as well as other results. I treasure what I have left of this oil as it provides a gentle boost of confidence and support for whatever I'm doing on a day-to-day basis. The oil is warming in nature and has a lovely scent too.

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Kelly S. (Rancho Palos Verdes, US)
Confidence to the MAX

I was *very* nervous about giving notice at my job, especially since this would entail some messiness with a problematic coworker, and make things rather inconvenient for a very dear coworker. Still, it had to be done, so on the day I was to hand over my letter of resignation to my boss, I practically *slathered* myself in this oil, drawing sigils with the rollerball all over my body in the appropriate hour before my shift began. This felt AMAZINGLY empowering, and somehow my heart wasn't hammering and my palms weren't sweating when I approached my boss, letter in hand. No triggering of the fight-or-flight response; no awkwardness! In fact, my boss and I had a surprisingly nice discussion about my future plans and her belief in my ability to achieve my dreams! Even my interactions with my coworkers were completely drama-free: the one I was worried about inconveniencing actually seemed glad for the upcoming overtime, telling me she could use the extra money and space from her husband during a remodel of their home! And the problematic coworker never once glared my way! It was just easy, breezy, bright-side sunny perfection and I felt absolutely capable and confident throughout the whole day. Incredible!

C. (Sewell, US)

This solar materia is so powerful and feels like loving, solar support. Especially when applied to my solar plexus, it makes me feel lighter, brighter, and fortified.

D. (San Francisco, US)

Such a beautiful and confidence boosting oil! I might have been getting Venus conjunction influence but I really like to add this oil to my beauty products. The election here is just unreal - Sun plus Venus on my MC and Jupiter with Moon on my Asc ruler. I only wish I could have buy more items from this series.

Katie T.

Oh my...this oil smells deliciously warm and affirming to me. A really beautiful combination of herbs here. I tend to apply on/around my heart and my solar plexus, as well as third eye/crown area. I also apply on my back, especially with in-and-out back pain that feels emotionally like carrying of burdens that are not mine, and this oil feels immediately warming, centering, and opening of the heart. It feels like a visceral, cozy sigh, a melting of the extraneous, heavy or tense layers that have been pressed upon the heart, emotionally and physically.

I am much more on the side of Solar/fire excess, and this oil helps balance the emotional and physical residues of old patternings of taking too much on and going too far & hard. It supports in alignment and being rooted in my center and truth in the day-to-day, as well as in public speaking and all forms of relational, social engagement. Thank you for this beautifully affirming gift!


This oil has felt to me like a suit of armor that readies me for interfacing with the world from a collected and deeply centered place. A warm glow of quiet "I AM" replaces anxiety, insecurity, and negative self talk. I feel most authentic, and most authentically projected, while wearing this oil. Thank you for such a deeply life affirming offering.


Sol in Leo has been lovely for me as a person with a dark house Sun, and some very fun ancestral trauma to boot. I only apply it occasionally, and generally feel its optimism and solar plexus strengthening warmth when I do. It's great for banishing doldrums.

I mainly use it to dress candles for my dad, and that is where it has been an out of this world success. Since I've done that, my father's health has completely changed, to the point where he went back to practicing martial arts I haven't seen him practice in more than a decade. If there's ever more Sol in Leo materia, I am absolutely going to experiment with a larger scale healing of my paternal line (Exalted Sol wouldn't work, if anything we have more than enough Martial influence already). Hail Sol and may all be made well under his healing light.


This oil is incredibly healing. It's hard to describe or explain - but through use over time, I have so much more self-love, confidence and forgiveness for myself. It asks me to live in the present, and to let that be enough. I've invited friends to use this oil with me: it always produces really great, authentic interactions.


I ordered Golden Oil of Sol a few months ago and have applied it in moments where I would rather shrink from the spotlight and shirk my responsibilities. What I like about this oil is that there isn't just shine, but a layer of resilience that's supported through working with it.


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