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Immortal Heart Attuning Tincture

Immortal Heart Attuning Tincture

Organic and wildcrafted white water lily, blessed thistle, motherwort, meadowsweet, lily of the valley, skullcap, honeysuckle, valerian root, vervain, hawthorn, white willow bark, chamomile, tulsi, sweet woodruff, milky oats, honey, and 12k white gold, fumigated in frankincense and benzoin on the Immortal Heart election, alongside prayers to the Divine Mother for comfort, emotional support, and Her pure, unadulterated, and unconditional love.

Immersed in top shelf brandy and left to incubate for a full Lunar cycle, agitated on the Moon’s days and hours.

Use to anoint items you would rather not get oily, or add to floor washes and spiritual baths to expedite emotional metabolic processing.

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60

Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!).

We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time.

Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.





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Creation Date

Sunset of September 16th, 2020. Evening of the New Moon in Virgo III, Neptune rising.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components


1 oz, 1/2 oz

Dimensions N/A
Weight N/A

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Customer Reviews

Based on 43 reviews
Lu P. (Washington, United States)
catnip for recovering Catholics

I end up having deep conversations about religious trauma with friends almost every time I’ve engaged with this, though I apply it almost exclusively when I’m already feeling sad or in need of support, or with great intention before therapeutic activities. the conversations have been with exclusively women who were raised by Catholic moms. no kidding on the triumvirate mother goddess stuff! Her power he buoyed me through many griefs with gentleness and all the loving guidance of the cosmic creatrix

LM (Illinois, United States)
Catapults healing

This tincture feels like the biggest ally in supporting me during healing from a longterm illness. I was able to go to places I haven't gone in a long time and really feel supported along the way. I always reach for this series for support and it never fails

lk_37 (Illinois, United States)
Gentle and Supportive

Especially after engaging with the Descending Heart materia, this tincture provides a gentle, nourishing hug to come back up from the depths. Also a lovely support on its own.

Elizabeth (Virginia, United States)
Gentle heart care

I put this in my water before I go to sleep on nights that I feel tender. It's the sweetest, subtle heart hug.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)
One of My Favs

I really do think that this series is a must for everyone. Whenever I feel my heart is heavy, broken or gloomy this tincture lifts me up without making me burst into tears. The prayer itself is very nurturing and supportive. It is a warm blanket for any emotionally hard situations.

stealthopera (Tennessee, United States)
Inner child balm

Have you ever wanted to just have the kindest, gentlest, strongest mother wrap you up in her arms, dry your tears, sing you lullabies, and rock you to sleep? If you didn't get that as a child (or even if you did, and now you're "too old"), this tincture does that. Doesn't block the hurt and sadness, but let's you process it and let it go.

Kay E. (Washington, United States)
Healing in a bottle

One of my absolute favorite S+ products. Interestingly, like Luna attuning tinctures, this one has very little effect on me internally or applied to the skin, but is very powerful taken in the bath. After using this in the bath before bed, I had a spontaneous experience the next morning where I came to understand and accept some parts of myself that I had been rejecting. It happened without any conscious thought on my part, but has been deeply healing and helpful. Side note: I have had some powerful pre-sleep visuals on this too, moreso than any other S+ product, including LiC!

e. (Missouri, United States)

So supportive in helping one meet their circumstances as they are, without resorting to denial or despair. Subtlety and consistency of presence in untangling complex emotional resistance, safety in emotional experiences that are raw and immense. Over time it will help guide you to the heart of the matter, witnessing without the compulsion to fix or avoid expressions of grief.

Elizabeth G. (England, United Kingdom)

I love this tincture. It envelops me - a sacred embrace from the Divine Mother that lets me know that, whatever life throws at me, I am loved.

D.K. (British Columbia, Canada)
IM Tincture

IM has been instrumental in providing support and divine comfort in my recovery processes. It tastes sweet on the tongue, and the healing and comforting powers of the Divine Mothers is felt immediately upon partaking. Incredible tincture that should be a part of everyone’s toolkit if you have chosen to do this work.


  1. A few drops of this before a therapy session always results in profound discovery and breakthroughs. Not too heavy, not like being sucked back into old grief: just as the write-up says, this tincture helps heal and integrate wounds that are long overdue for integration. This is one of the first S+S products I ever purchased and I still use it regularly!

  2. This is a superb tincture and was one of the first products I used. It is excellent with initiating release of stuck trauma and energies from the system, however it does so in such a gentle manner and it really feels like you are being held in a loving embrace while you release and process it all. The tincture is incredibly potent but flows and moves things in such a gentle and seamless manner. It really is an excellent addition in trauma releasing, grieving and in shadow work as well. I definitely recommend this, if these are areas that are prominent in your life.

  3. When Immortal Heart was released, I ignored it. I didn’t see any relevance to my life. Later I had a minor uterine surgery and when I came out of anesthesia, I received a message to use IH for healing. It was just “in my head” as I awoke. I ordered the tincture and oil and began using twice daily.= for 2 months or so. I’m an Earth-heavy person with Moon in Capricorn, and always hated crying. It physically hurt my throat and head. When people said “crying makes you feel better”, I had no idea what they meant. Since using IH, tears flow easily. I can release sadness, grief and frustration without being stuck or harmed by it in a literal way. I suspect there are more long-term healing things going on under the surface, but just this change improved my well-being.

  4. This is the first tincture I’ve used magically and it has been astounding, genuinely. As someone with generational trauma (doesn’t everyone have some though?), this has been such a clarifying, opening materia. I personally use it on my Monday practices with the Moon in order to reach out, create a connection, and hopefully in the future, begin healing my matrilineal trauma. As someone with a Gemini Moon, I tend to be a fairly unemotional person and this tincture opens up something in me that allows me to process and feel the grief that I know I carry with me. I highly recommend this tincture if you feel emotionally blocked as I did— it’s probably had one of the most intense affects on me of any of the materia I’ve gotten from S & S.

  5. I began taking Immortal Heart in conjunction with Luminous Crown Oil about a week ago, largely to deal with issues surrounding my mother and father. It’s been stirring up a lot of stuff, the main thing being compassion for them despite all the pain they’ve caused, something I haven’t been able to get back in touch with for a long time. It was almost exhausting all the stuff it stirred up, to be honest, BUT it was also accompanied by a true sense of calm. The first drop I took sent an electrical shock through my system in a way that I’ve almost never experienced taking any herbal tinctures before. I was guided to take horsetail flower essence after a few days of it, which is specifically for exhaustion from grief, which made a lot of sense. This tincture will last essentially forever, 1 drop at a time is *plenty*.

  6. I have been for a witch for a long time but I let my practice go fallow and my altar go dark for years. Grief and trauma and the regular grind of life had left little room engage. But I was getting to a good place and in therapy to finally churn through the pain that holds me down. I missed Goddess and I needed Her. And then She appeared, in the middle of another session of the endless doomscroll, incarnate in a link to Sphere+Sundry. I wanted strength and flexibility in the material so the tincture was my first choice.

    I set my altar, began my devotions and prayed to the Ladies of the Immortal Heart. I was lovingly embraced and welcomed home. I was at the beginning of my new practice when the world exploded with grief and trauma. There was nothing for me to do but lean (collapse, really) into IH to dissolve old traumas so I didn’t pile more on top. The healing and catharsis I have experienced with Immortal Heart is profound. It builds trust- trust in myself, trust in the divine, and slowly, deeply, trust with others. I can do this is hard work because Immortal Heart supports and cares for me from where ever I’m at. I am accepted and loved for exactly who I am. It has helped me find my foundation again. It continues to help me build effective, deep practices from the loving arms of our divine Mothers. I joyful recommend calling to Them with Immortal Heart.

  7. Don’t sleep on this tincture! Oh my word it’s amazing and if you are reading this before the Venus retro in Cap, yes get it. There’s strength in its comfort, especially if you are working through generational femme trauma regarding your spiritual path. Cannot recommend this entire series enough, but especially this heavenly tincture.

  8. I was going to write a detailed testimonial, but those that have been shared already cover it all. Immortal Heart in general, but especially the tincture in baths, supported me through the death of my grandmother and great grandmother, throughly breakups, and through transitioning into a new home to live alone for the first time. sometimes I don’t even realize I’m emotionally wound up until IH softens me into what feels like my natural state. forever grateful.

  9. Powerful. The first time I used this tincture was before a bath, quite casually and almost forgetting I had used it by the time I had settled in. Not forgotten for long…What followed was a deep catharsis of released pain and compassion for my inner child. Tears were shed in that bath and also new found understanding and support for those ancient mother wounds, gently held and coaxed by the divine mother herself.

    Since then I have used the attuning tincture before a few group healing ceremonies to tune in and help call the Divine Mother’s healing and holding energies to support my healing and my ability to hold space for those healing around me.

    Highly recommend.

  10. I purchased this tincture because the death of my mother decimated my ability to cope with existence. Between the nightmares and the relentless memories of her last hours, there was no peace. So I got this and mentally prepared myself for more crying.

    Boy, was I surprised when what actually happened was a calming and cooling of my rage. I was expecting more feelings, not less, so the way this tincture, which I use a single drop of in my evening health drink most nights, has dimmed my notorious temper has been a welcome surprise.

    Using IH also takes the edge off of my dreams. I’ve always been nightmare prone and this tincture keeps the worst of them away. Or rather, it changes the way my subconscious expresses the fears that drive my nightmares.

    I have so much gratitude to Kaitlin and everything that led her to create these wares and me here to S+S. I’ve only been using materia since mid-April of this year but the impact IH has had on my well-being is immeasurable. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  11. I use this most frequently before going to bed, often in conjunction with the oil from this series, and sometimes in conjunction with tincture from Banefolk. I almost always have a good night’s sleep that is restorative and healing. I also feel that the tincture helps me keep my own “cup” filled and able to actually support others when they come to me with their problems. If you’re like me, and people come to you with their burdens whether you’re ready or not, this can really help. My experience with S+S tinctures is that they get you more aligned in a way that helps you receive the energy of a series. To me, they’re actually some of the most powerful offerings in series. I would not sleep on them.

    Since engaging with this tincture and the oil from the series, I have had some accelerated matrilineal ancestral healing, what seems to be some healing with my living mother, and even just cute on-the-nose synchros like getting a lavendar/wisteria/Immortal Heart colored cashmere sweater from my mom, or a beautiful pop-up holiday card with a reindeer and wisteria tree.

    I’ve also had a lot of cathartic crying. I actually really hate crying or expressing any real emotion, even in private. But this helps me feel okay doing it, and helps me feel okay just releasing and opening.

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