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Oil of Fomalhaut

Oil of Fomalhaut

Seaweed, blue lotus, aquamarine, mother of pearl, and sundry herbs inclined the influence of Fomalhaut, Jupiter, and the goals of this series’ operation, ritually fumigated and infused in 100% organic MCT oil during Sphere + Sundry’s brief election window. Almost entirely organic, including its absolutes and essential oils.

Anoint the vessel before ritual, journeying, journaling, and meditation, for the purposes of gaining clarity, deeper insight, delving deep into a process, and increasing extrasensory perception ✨

Anoint objects and icons for Spiritual Seeing, divination, and exploration of occult mysteries, artistic pursuits, and scientific studies.

Protects, expands, and illuminates.

Cultivates magical skill and an air of spiritual authority.

Instructs in the carrying, discovery, and cultivation of hidden Power.

Each bottle comes loaded with genuine white gold, and keepsake pieces of seashell and aquamarine.

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $80, 10 ml flawless glide steel roller ($65), or 5 ml Mini for $33

Note that the rollers for these were originally lapis, but gemstones are being phased out due to leaks or being too tight to roll. Natural materials are not reliably uniform, but steel gives a flawless glide 100% of the time!




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Creation Date

Night of Monday, June 28th 2021. Hour of Jupiter. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Oil Selection

1/2 oz Standard, 10 ml Flawless Glide Steel Roll-On, 5 ml Mini Vial, Dropper Cap Kit for Standard Vial

Planetary Body

Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Times/ Activities


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 55 reviews
Lu P. (Washington, United States)
fave journeying aid!

I’ve tried both the Triple Lotus “flying ointment” salve from the Empress series, and this as aids in internal journeying, and at least for my personal use, I have found this profoundly more insight-provoking. I love to anoint myself with it before inhaling ✨processed acacia bark✨ which has resulted in profoundly peaceful sleep, long-lasting impactful conversations with the Dark Mother, and the unlocking of some of my own Deep Knowing. unmatched. exactly as esoteric as the writeup promises

Anonymous (England, United Kingdom)

Fomalhaut oil has been a great companion every time I go vintage shopping. I usually has a rough idea of what I'm searching for and with the help of Fomalhaut I end up with even better finds.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)
Meditation Coach

This is the best meditation coach.. Smells a little funky but really helps in meditations and breath work to tune in into the energy.

Q S. (California, United States)

I mostly have been using this oil to aid with more clear divinations and in my studies with Astrological Magic and it has 100% allowed me more access to clarity and depth when it comes to both. My divinations tend to land regardless but this oil really amps up my ability to connect and communicate with my spirits.

Elizabeth G. (England, United Kingdom)

This was the catalyst for a deepening of my ancestor work. First use led to dream messages from relatives long dead and implementing those messages has brought many benefits. The smell is intense and reminiscent of ozone.

Cali (Nuevo León, Mexico)
Spiritual authority

It has helped me dive deeper into my philosophical and spiritual studies. Best approached with humility. Feels like immense power, and I wouldn’t say it’s gentle, the feeling of being near water (or in water) is very immediate, but it’s not obvious. You have to sink into it, in order for it to sink in. He hee

Kathryn F. (Texas, United States)
Let the WAVES of sleep pull you under

This for me has become a potent dream enhancer for when I believe I will struggle to get to REM. This for sure gets me there, and the dreams I have when wearing this to bed are usually more calm, and less about my usual dream anxieties. It's a very soothing smell as well.

Inner treasure

The most complex and complicated materia for me. I thought I had done deep work but this oil says otherwise. There is even a deeper layer, at the very bottom of the ocean. It is mostly lonely and hard work. (But not for everyone, looking at the other reviews) But my journey with this materia is mysterious, facsinating and continues to unfold.

Anonymous (New York, United States)
spirit of whalesong, spirit of sunken treasure

Fomalhaut is intense for me, heady, and sends me in search of treasure. For me, this has meant amazing vintage and estate sale finds, as well as treasures of occult knowledge. I've only just started but I can already tell that it's going to be a journey. Excellent aid for creative, spiritual, and magical quests.


Fomalhaut oil has been a transformative guide in my creative work. I'm not sure what it does, but it does it. It helps unlock what is stuck, in effect enhancing my writing and improving my motivation to create.


  1. One of the first things I noticed about Fomalhaut wasn’t necessarily the synchronicities but just how much Fomalhaut showed up in media I watched, how much I turned toward watching shows and listening to music that evoked that oceanic feeling. Other times the synchronicities just show up regardless: when the movie of the night has a plot focused on hidden treasure, when a whale jumps out on the TV screen, when I hear a new song about taking a boat out.

    Fomalhaut is a friend of the diviner. Before I ordered Fomalhaut, I made it a practice to begin closing my eyes when I did tarot and letting the imagery and sensations take over, then seeing what card I pulled that evoked those feelings. Fomalhaut puts me in touch with the inner vision, a sense that has historically not been my strong suit. Sometimes I see the exact shapes or an outline of the imagery that will be on the card I drew for the day. Even practicing my visualization skills, I’ve never gotten the results that I get with Fomalhaut.

    Fomalhaut also helps facilitate spiritual relationships and relationships with your surroundings. Fomalhaut can both help set the stage so you can clear a space and communicate with spirits, and can also help you to see spiritual activity that you may not have noticed otherwise.

    An interesting note about the Fomalhaut oil is that it’s one of the first non-BPAL oils I’ve used where my partner commented on it. He said “it smells familiar”, to which I responded “maybe it reminds you of the beach.” ️

    All S+S materia is a journey in a bottle if you’re willing to take it. Some of those journeys we may prefer over others. If you want to walk the spiritual and divinatory path, you may find Fomalhaut calls you…

  2. I love love love this oil. The literal manifestations have been unreal – the first time wearing it my little daughter, who had been shy of the water – begged me to go swimming with her in the sea (we were at the beach) and she spent half the day bobbing about in the water with me floating, jumping, getting her face wet. It was amazing for me because I’m an open water swimmer.

    When I furst put the oil on I felt so empowered, and fillled with a really clear sense of my own value in the world, and such a deep frustration that I hold myself back that I could not help but act in my own interests. And I have been doing so since. In the writeup it says good for finding lost things, for me it has been amazing for finding lost parts of myself, and reclaiming lost power, which I have been sorely in need of.

    I have amazing technicolour beautiful dreams too, although it can wake my up several times a night with the beauty so not exactly restful sleep sometimes!

    And I love the smell, it smells exactly of the fresh sea, I could sniff it all day.

    It is pretty hypnotic, if I go for solo walks I can get totally absorbed in the beauty around me, but in a kind of faery way, not a venusian way. I could have sworn the surface of the canal turned to a quicksilver mirror I could have stepped through, for example. It is excellent for my creativity and for storytelling, and for accessing symbols and mysteries from other worlds for telling here.

  3. Applying this oil adds a palpable depth to my abilities for engaging with clients for astrology, ensuring clearer vision to offer the wisdom and guidance they need. It rouses empathy, psychic ability, spiritual insight, cleansing and healing. A new favorite!

  4. The first thing that hits you is the smell- you really do feel like you’ve stuck your nose in a salty cave by the sea as soon as you twist off the cap!
    I’ve been using this oil before tarot readings, both for myself and others, and the results have been very consistent. Readings flow much more easily, cards resonate more meaningfully, and messages come through clearly and unambiguously. I used to struggle, especially when reading for myself, with intuitive hits getting caught along the way in a net of self-doubt and second-guessing. With Fomalhaut, I relax the muscles of judgement and operate from a place of true intuition.
    I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is working to develop their intuition and/or any sort of channeling ability.

  5. Upon arrival, I found that this lovely oil had leaked slightly in transit. Not wanting to waste it, I slathered it on to my wrists. Lo & behold, an essay I had been struggling to write on dreams as oracles, portals, and their importance for indigenous tradition and personal ancestral practice, more or less completed itself in a few hours. When applied intentionally, this oil is distinctly time-dilating & mind-expanding. The sea-funky smell dissipates on application. It’s close to Moon-Neptune oil in aroma & character, but distinctly stronger in its effects – tidally powerful rather than subtly influencing. I love it!

  6. Anointing myself with this oil before my daily Vedic meditation practice has enabled me to go much deeper during my sessions. I don’t consider myself a great meditator but this oil makes me feel more confidence about my practice and helps reaffirm my commitment to continue meditating.

  7. This offering is so beautiful! I use the oil for divination and meditation, it supports me in using ‘sonar vision’, seeing things more intuitively. I do notice that I need to be calm when I use Fomalhaut oil. When I’m in a state of overthinking and over analyzing, Fomalhaut just confronts me with the fact that my mind is going crazy (and in that sense this offering teaches me something always). When I’m ready to dive into the depth of the ocean, Fomalhaut takes me there. Thank you again Sphere and Sundry!

  8. No other series from S+S has been a doorway to the mysterious and otherworldly than this series.

    The “getting to know you” phase in particular had deep, transformative messages in and out of dream states and sleep.

    I’ve literally gotten occult messages from disney characters when layering with Venus materia.

    A series of unfathomable depths and possibilites.

  9. Take me to the sea…

    With candles lit and Epsom salts swirling in the tub, I applied this oil to my temples, base of neck and third eye, prepared to journey the depths of spiritual waters…

    While I tend to require significant ritual/ceremony to enter truly altered states, I found myself quickly slipping into oracular vision— exploring realms beyond the veil- gently held into this world by the grounding scents of the sea.

    This magic was a catalyst for oracular journeys of the stellar (sky spirit) variety and I look forward to carrying it forth with me in group trance ritual.

  10. I would recommend this to anyone who works with scrying. It’s great for either anointing the scrying surface, the scryer, or both.

  11. I love this series! It’s definitely helping me sleep and have very vivid dreams. I’m trying to find some lost items so I’m hoping it will assist in that as well!

  12. Incredible oil. I tend to see clouds the shape of a whale whenever I wear it. 🙂 First time I applied it, I felt the feeling of being on the water too, like I was standing on a boat. It was incredible. Very loud (in a beautiful way), deep, series; a gentle, joyous healing that plays wonderfully with my natal Fomalhaut placements. One of my favorite series yet.

  13. I love this series and all the ways it supports me when I dive into my divination tools. My standard MO is to overthink things (Sun+Mercury in Aquarius) so to get out of my analytic thinking space I use Fomalhaut Oil. I dig the initial waft of ocean … the scent reminds me washed up kelp beds drying in the sun. I can’t wait to pair this with the new Moon series .

  14. This is such a deep, sleepy, special oil. I used it along with the smoke before bed and couldn’t believe how deeply I sank into the depths of my unconscious. Truly special.

  15. I find this just like Im at the beach with something that Ive put the lid on only to find it has sand in the lid as to the screwing back on is now gritty/crunchy. It’s actually a comforting thing and put a smile on my face. The oil is significant in that I feel able to detach from my surroundings and drop quite simply into what I am intending. Divine

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