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The Torch of First Light Incense + Powder

The Torch of First Light Incense + Powder

The Torch of First Light is an experimental subset of our Golden Sol II / Sun in Leo election, designed to [ juice / milk ] the Sun and Moon coming together as One. To learn more, visit the Anointing Oil.

Here the same influence, offered in Incense + Powder form, to expand its potential applications. Use to fumigate or sprinkle. Dress candles or add to spells.

[Note that Spell Soap is also available]

Arrives with suggestions for working with this subset specifically, and The Torch of First Light’s own prayer.

As a sequence, we highly suggest a Kolonía cleanse or full Ritual Bath before engagement.

Important: This subset is for inner transformation, not exterior results typical of Solar materia or talismans. For that, see the main series, rather than this subset. 

Note that Sphere + Sundry’s Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite.

Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to ‘cut’ the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 




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Creation Date

Sunrise August 4th, 2024, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan


FIRE HAZARD — Never leave fire unattended. Clear away packing materials before burning and do not close the lid on boxes while a flame is burning

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.85 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Sea P. (Colorado, United States)
Surprisingly wearable

(this is mainly a re-post of my review for the TOFL oil since I'd describe the overall effects the same way, but definitely agree with the write-up that the incense / powder is less intense than the oil is)
Without wanting to undermine any of the very reasonable "caution" flags about how accessible this subset is, my personal experience has been that I find TOFL to be supremely wearable and grounding in terms of "facilitating more conscious dialogue between Spirit and Matter."

For context
1. my natal chart overwhelmingly emphasizes all things introspective / reflective / cathartic in general (angular scorpio moon conjoined stationing pluto! the only planet that isn't retrograde is fallen in the 8th! planets in dark houses abound! etc)
2. I also came to this subset with multiple decades of inner work / processing already under my feet, so the below review is not to suggest that my experience would be typical for anyone else.

That said, I applied first with caution (followed the visualization exercise to the letter on at least 3 different occasions before I trusted myself to introduce as needed), but quickly came to realize how helpful my constantly over-stimulated nervous system finds the materia and now apply much more liberally. I'm an AuDHDer with CPTSD and multiple health challenges, and I've had a lifelong theme of not knowing how to be in or process the absolutely insane amount of information my body is constantly throwing my brain's way.

When I engage with TOFL, I feel immediately grounded in my body in a unique way, which I can only describe as "sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool while the world goes by." That image might not do anything for anyone but me, but as a hypermobile person with sensory processing issues, any sensory experiences that remind me of being underwater tend to be extremely positive because the water pressure provides skeletal support that no amount of compression wear can replicate. It also makes sunlight feel cooler and less blinding, like I've been given a liminal safe haven to observe the world and myself in before having to Do Something About any of it.

I also love the scent, which I experience as very rich and chocolately. Of course, it's also been amazingly helpful for tough therapy sessions, getting some journaling done, or other more "typical" uses, but I've found it to be much more versatile and friendly to my constitution than the write-up initially suggested, so if you feel a similar pull to it I'd definitely take the plunge (while still going slowly and respectfully with initial engagements of course)! Highly recommend and couldn't be more grateful to Madame Coppock and the whole S+ team for such incredible and beneficial magic

Inner light

I’ve started my journey to get to know ToFL by burning the incense while wearing the oil from the GSII main series. It is a wonderful combination. The main series is bright, but ToFL turns inwards. It’s essence is ”moist”, not dry at all. It is an interesting, gentle introduction to the intensity of ToFL, before I dive deeper and wear the ToFL oil. I find this layering very healing and content, without having to go too deep, too soon. I trust Kaitlin’s warnings, so taking babysteps. It’s also a great combo for those who experience GSII as too bright - this incense brings down the outside brightness and brings it inwards.


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