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Asclepius Kolonía

Asclepius Kolonía

Grain alcohol and freshly harvested Mt. Shasta water, ritually combined with colloidal gold and medicinal essential oils as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences.

Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering one’s household or business establishment, providing some natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. This can be used in such a way, or as a type of Asclepius Florida Water for energetic cleansing, drawing goodness and illumination — anytime or before ritual. Makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body.

Energy Clearing Protocol

For energetic cleansing, sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palms of the hands and gently but thoroughly rub together for 10 or so seconds, coating both sides. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or be lightly touching it.

Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of the head, then start from the top again, going down the front of your face and body, all the way down to the tops of your feet. If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking them until energies disperse, and then proceed with downward sweeping.

Continue skimming from the head downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer.

Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank Asclepius for his protection, sealing the auric body from negativity.

Asclepius’ Kolonía can also be used before performing reiki, energy work, or any other healing activity, on clients or loved ones. It can be done on the self, objects, or 3rd parties.

Other Applications

This can also be added to baths, floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside for protection.

Extraordinarily versatile, effective, and p o t e n t .

Offered in a 1.7 oz glass woozy bottle for $33, or bulk 5 oz for $97




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Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.4 in

1.7 oz, 5 oz

Creation Data

Morning of May 8th 2023. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body

Fixed Star


Benefic, Neutral


Yes — contains NO animal ingredients

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Customer Reviews

Based on 52 reviews

The scent is fresh and slightly astringent and the energy is clean and crisp. A must-have in the magical first aid kit as it takes the edge off more intense materia and holds your hand when introducing yourself to something new.

Clears the way for healing

I got this after having a great experience with the water. While the water is gentle, this feels much stronger, like I'm getting scrubbed down. I've used it before doctor appointments and important medical procedures and feel like this has opened pathways to make sure the healing actually happens.

Loren Fleckenstein
Asclepius Kolonia

If there is only one product from S+S that you can choose, make it this one. This is THE most versatile product, both in form and series. Asclepius is so healing and cleansing and in the kolonia form feels so very potent. I've no other way to describe it other than wiping my spiritual slate clean. It has a lovely medicinal smell. More frequent use of this has been very beneficial for me and I would recommend this to everyone!

Wow In A Bottle

I used to occasionally drop a bunch of money on services at a salon. The way I wanted to feel then, and honestly never did - this kolonia gives.

I didn’t understand what a kolonia was. I’m an oil, incense tincture, and bath person, I understand those things, but I took a chance on this and it’s very much worth the buy.

Using as directed by Kait is pure luxury + healing. I can’t even explain. It’s like both a wonderful spa day and an incredible energy work session. The feeling is incredible. This might be my deserved on an island pick one.

A must have.

I was deciding between this and the water. I loved the Asclepius 1.1 water but was looking for something that would last longer and be more versatile. This ended up being perfect. In general, i feel like the bulk sizes of all the S+ offerings always have a lot more materia than you would think for the price point. So i’m all for getting a bulk product if I know for sure it’ll be something I use all the time. Huge bang for my buck imo. I think i’ve used my bulk kolonia at least a dozen times now, and it’s about a centimeter past the very tippy top of the bottle.
I also feel like i can get more of a “full body” cleanse with the kolonia, compared with the water I ended up using more spritzes depending on how much of my aura i wanted to cover.
For a shortcut cleanse/reset, I take a shower and then follow up with the kolonia cleanse and Asclepius anointing oil. It’s a great option for someone who needs regular energetic resets, engaging in lots of magic or magical products on a regular basis.

Strong and Clear

I think the strongest of the kolonias if you're looking to cleanse in general. Highly recommend having it in your apothecary for general good health. I like to diffuse it with a few drops of the oil from this series, together they transmute and then add in.

Ani Mir
Very astringent and ultra masculine

I like the cool cleansing effect, reminds me of men’s aftershave. It’s a little too sedative to use before AM qi work, but a bit strong before bed.
I’m still trying to find the best time and use to fit the nature and scent into my rituals. It stands alone wonderfully, but it competes with feminine magica and scent profiles.

However, I love the cool healing effect…splash on my hands, clear energy, and then place hands on areas of concern, inhale deeply in my hands…perfect it use before sitting meditation and play singing bowls. I’m going to invest in the physicians salve to go with it so the effects will last longer, and will experiment with Mercury door key series and Regulus to temper anxiety, uplift, and encourage resourceful practical problem solving to heal. That’s the goal anyway!


Literally use this every night to clear out the gunk of the day - this and the water are two of my staples I can't live without.

Daily essential

This kolonia is cleansing and re-setting, I like to use it on myself after arriving home, to take off any energies from work / being around people. It's good for using before meditation and pairs well with all the other materia I have. A great all-rounder!


Fresh and medicinal. This kolonia is the first step before working with any talismanic materia of any sphere or touching items of sacred significance. Breathing it into the lungs and body after I apply it to my hands generates both expansive and soft n’ settled somatic sensations, and a feeling of gratitude for the refreshment from all my insides. This is the one I can’t live without.


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