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Body Butter of Exalted Mercury

Body Butter of Exalted Mercury

Twin consecrated organic herbal matter from the Salve infusion, poured over a proprietary blend of skin-nourishing safflower, apricot kernel, sweet almond, and jojoba oils during Sphere + Sundry’s Exalted Mercury election. Left to incubate for many months, combined with organic shea butter and coconut oils, and essential oils of lemongrass, copaiba, and frankincense. Whipped to a fluffy cloud-like consistency.

This is a true butter that can take time to sink in, or mixed with lotion for lighter application.

Apply in the morning or during the day to put extra pep in thy quicksilver step, help improve mental functioning, and empower problem solving and organization.

Offered in a 2 oz pot for $33 or 6 oz bulk for $78

Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately! 

They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send “half empty” Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content. 

Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather. 

Thank you for understanding!




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Creation Date

August 12th, 2022. Hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

Step / Function


6 oz, 2 oz

Magical Applications

Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects


Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in
Weight 5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
LM (Illinois, United States)
A little goes a long way

I'm careful not to overdo this since I'm naturally mercurial, and it definitely does the trick with stimulating my mind! Really enjoy this. It's less intense for me than an earlier series mercury oil

singingmousai (Rhode Island, United States)
The Real Deal

This stuff is legit. I'll put it on in the morning before work if I know I've got a busy day ahead of me, if I was out late the night before and am running low on sleep, or if I just need a pick-me-up for the day. It gives me all the productivity of caffeine without most of the side effects! I agree with the listed warning that it can sometimes make me a bit more easily distractible, but once I set myself on a project or projects with this stuff on, I was able to get so much done that I kept surprising myself. My only gripe is that the body butter is a bit too greasy for my tastes, but that's probably on me for not picking the most personally ideal piece from this line to try. This issue was also countered by the fact that it smells GREAT and you really do get a ton of product for the price, even if you get the smaller size like I did. 100% recommend.

Feven E. (England, United Kingdom)

I found that using this all over my body is a little bit overwhelming (because of its scent profile). But lathering it on my legs and feet before I set off for the day has been a good middle ground. The effects I have seen appear in my life is that I am a little bit too chatty which I had not anticipated (nor particularly strive for). There definitely is a way to go before I get a sense for how best to use it- because it has not lent much in the way of supporting my writing projects and organising of my literature, which I had hoped for. I do feel that the significations associated with this Materia has not manifested for me so immediately and clearly in my engagement with it (esp compared to some others like Cap II, Butter Ocean and VAD) but that could do with my having Mercury in the 2nd and ruling cadent houses. This was also one of my first body butters, so it may also be the kind of Materia that is impacting the duration of time it is taking to familarise with this sphere. Alas, only time will tell how I get on!

stealthopera (Tennessee, United States)
Energizer Bunny

This makes me feel like the Energizer Bunny-- hopped up and ready to go, but also silky soft. Definitely helped me get through a period when ADHD meds were short and I had a huge project to get through. It works best for me with layering-- a little spritz of the EM water, a little drop of the tincture-- but on its own it is very good for a quick boost of energy without the same level of buzzy anxious "GOTTA DO IT RIGHT NOW" feeling as the more intense EM materia.

Teresa S. (Washington, United States)
Fabulous energizer

Wonderful smelling, energizing! Love it.

M.W. (Illinois, United States)
Focus support and smells lovely

This body butter smells amazing and is nice and silky. I keep it on my Mercury altar in my office, and apply it to my hands and forearms on days when I need support to focus and power through tasks. I think it has a bit more staying power than the kolonia but honestly I love them layered together. As I mentioned in my kolonia review, EM materia isn't enough to totally overcome my ADHD resistance to starting tasks, but if I can use mundane coping tools to get myself started, this series will help me lock in to a flow and really get a lot done. (It can go a little too far, with a "just one more thing" mentality-- I often end up working way later than normal when I use it, so pay attention to a healthy stop time.)

D.M. (California, United States)

While i use most S+S in the evening, this one is absolutely delightful treat to brighten up your morning. Had also successfully applied mid day for getting back in the groove.

Yarrow (Oregon, United States)
Smells wonderful!

I really love this body butter! First off, I LOVE the smell of this! Really, the smell alone makes me feel good and motivated. I put this butter on when I need to present myself to the world and be well spoken. I also wear it when I have a day that will will involve a lot of use of technology. The results for me have been quite successful!

A. (Utah, United States)
slather-on directive

been returning to applying this wednesdays when my workweek begins & i cd use the citrusy wakeup - but i'd forgotten the wayfinding mercury's capable of. i seemed to keep being "set" - continually put in the best place whether ephemeral travel or longterm strategy - with the aim i think to sweep the board of anxiety so my mind can be where i'd rather.

K.D. (New York, United States)

Liked it so much I bought a backup before running out of the first container! Essential for anyone with executive dysfunction needing a little fire lit under them. The scent is incredible. As always, the body butters are high quality skincare. But more about the magic: Exalted Mercury WORKS! It’s stimulating and life-giving. It’s best to pair this with something traditionally stabilizing to avoid any energetic crash.


  1. Wowwowwow this stuff is potent! Within a day of its arrival I was writing a plan for the business of my dreams, something that had never occurred to me that I could *actually do.*
    Why Not?? Became a prevalent theme and I found myself thinking that Adderall just WISHES it could be Exalted Mercury, but it lacks the creativity, vision, and SPARK. I actually envisioned a little pill praying bedside to one day grow up and transform from boring pill shape to beautiful vial of oil. So yeah… the creativity is REAL with this series!
    I find the butter to be especially strong and apply it first thing in the morning- plan on being AWAKE for quite some time after application. As with all S&S products, a little goes a long way (which is one of the many things I love about them!) but go ahead and get the large size because you’re going to want more!!

  2. At first, this bb made me irritable, which was unexpected. I then noticed that it’s not a perfect alignment with my personal chart. What I have come to realize is that this materia (for me) needs a project. My job doesn’t have a lot of oversight and requires plenty of self-motivation. When I have a long to-do list for work and have taken the time to make a plan for the day, it’s very helpful.

  3. Better than coffee for waking myself up! Loved it so much I had to get a second (larger) jar!

  4. The smell of this body butter is citrusy and uplifting, as are the effects. I love to apply it to myself in the morning, especially when I have a busy work day or a long to do list. I feel focused and highly effective while using the body butter. I recommend applying this early in the day as it can be quite stimulating. I have a lot of mercury planets in my chart and I feel like EM enhances and focuses my skills. Thank you for this lovely product.

  5. This has been of the the most life-altering substances I have worked with. This has sharpened the mind, brush and voice beyond needs. Within a week of receiving this product I landed a job as a CX with the structure needed to continue working on my esoteric/astro work. THIS SHIT MADE MY ONBOARDING FEEL LIKE NOTHING! If you struggle with focus and have a relationship with business, customer work, and everything mercurial! I HIGHLY SUGGEST. Pairing it with Mercury in sag in his own bound and then term was especially funny and mischevious. *WARNING YOU WILL NOT SLEEP IF APPLIED BEFORE BED THEY WERE TOO RIGHT ON THAT. I TOSSED AND TURNED FOR HOURS JUST LIT UP LIKE A FIRECRACKER! And if you have anyone around you that is pre disposed to stealing- this materia did trigger some situations were —- mercury was mercury

  6. I’ve been using the Mercury Body Butter on the mornings I have to go into the office. It’s like an added bonus cup of coffee I dont have to drink. The scent is refreshing and lite and the pep and focus I feel tips the day into joy and productivity. I’m going to order the salve to go with the butter for an added boost.

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