Butter Ocean Kolonía
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Butter Ocean Kolonía
Cleanse all aside Jupiter’s sweet, restorative, nourishing Grace.
Arrives in the Client’s selection of 1.7 oz woozy ($32) or 5 oz bulk for $96, each with keepsake consecrated amethyst and yellow jade.
$32 – $96
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I love kolonias as well – and I got the largest size available when this came out. The kolonia is light and zesty, and its just comforting, bright, and cleansing. It doesn’t quite have the solar energy of Regulus, Jupiter in Sag, or any of the Sol materia. But it isn’t quite as soft as any of the Venus, or Lunar materia. Think about this like putting on your lucky shirt underneath your uniform/dress clothes.
For the most part the Butter Ocean scent profile isn’t for me, but I *love* the kolonía and it may end up being the first one I buy in the larger size when I finish my woozy. It’s grapefruit-forward/citrus-y in a way that’s so refreshing, and I tangibly and immediately feel what I can only describe as a “warm fluffy blanket” sensation when I do my auric cleanse. Instant rejuvenation + comfort in a bottle.