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Capricorn II Kolonía

Capricorn II Kolonía

Organic cane alcohol and distilled, consecrated herbal mixture from Capricorn II (including classical associations of red chalcedony and colophonum), paired with colloidal gold and essential oils of palo santo, nutmeg, pine, and vetiver.

Follow our quick cleansing protocol by applying about a half teaspoon to the hands and rubbing them together to coat. Hover over the crown of the head and run your hands over the body in short downward sweeps, focusing on areas of energetic congestion, using your Kolonia soaked hands to “scrub” or wipe the residue clean. Do this all the way to the floor, lifting and cleansing the bottoms of the feet.

This Kolonia excels at helping people become aware of stuck energies, as it promotes grounding, and is unrivaled at bringing mental awareness to physical structures. Such is the glory of Hygeia! The Goddess given rulership over this Decan, Divine Consort of the Good Doctor.

Capricorn II offers the “densest” form of energetic clearing possible, lifting what is closest to the material realm, and therefore, most likely to manifest bodily or environmentally in the nearest-term. This makes it exceptionally valuable for Way-Opening and even addressing disease.

It can also be used to cleanse spaces and objects, or lit on fire (carefully! safely!) for this purpose.

Especially supportive of Solomonic methods, or softer efforts to compel Spirits and the Dead to the practitioner’s aims.

Arrives in your choice of 1.7 oz woozy bottle and orifice reducer for $33, or 5 oz bulk for $99




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Creation Date

January 28th 2024. Hour of Mars. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

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Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects

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TCM + Ayurvedic

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Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.4 in
Weight 3 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Kiran A. (Victoria, Australia)
I’m getting strong

This is my first kolonia, part of my first ever S+S order. As such, I’m still getting to know how its influence will unfold in my life and world. I like to use it as an enhancement to an energy reset practice I already do. I put about half a teaspoon in my palms like Kait suggests, rub them together, then visualise myself holding a golden sponge with which I polish every part of me, holding my hand a bit away from my body. When the visualised sponge feels full of sludge, I wring it out into a bubble in front of me, then push the bubble away so it floats out the window. I already love this practice but using it with the kolonia adds a sensory dimension and of course the presence of the talismanic spirits involved.

I don’t know if it’s because of Cap II as I attune to a synergy of helpful influences around me, but in the last couple of months I began a long-dropped habit of walking an hour a day, and then added in lots more movement in the form of incidental and body weight exercises. Yes, opportunities presented themselves - but I can’t ignore that I actually TOOK the opportunities. Ripple effects have included healthy diet changes and a natural loss of body fat and increase in muscle, as well as reduction in aches and pains and just overall feeling the exhilaration of finding my strength and being more well. It was only recently that I realised this series might have been the catalyst for exercise and taking more care of my health. It feels amazing to sweat again and I’m determined to keep going now.

Sarah F. (Oregon, United States)
Focus on what matters, forget what doesn't

This kolonia is great if you're like me and you get overwhelmed by a to-do list, or struggle to know where to start, and the pressure of it swirls in itself so intensely that the thought of doing it is enough to end up exhausted. I expected there would be an intensity to this, especially as someone with a daytime chart (and there is), but there is an unexpected softness, even something borderline lackadaisical about the influence of this. If something I consider a priority turns out to not be that big a deal, Capricorn II seems content to let it go, to conserve its energy for the biggest, most important tasks. I haven't used this too often, but I've been surprised when I've worn it and it's shrugged off some things that were really stressing me out, and that it's felt way more like encouragement to take it slow than to go-go-go. It's been oddly reassuring in that way, and it's a great ally for not just putting in the work that really matters, but figuring out what the hell that is anyway. I haven't worked with many kolonias, but the scent of this is probably my favorite of what I've tried. It's a warm, clean, joyful, very wearable masculine that would make a phenomenal perfume, and something that I'm always happy to still smell on my hands after I've used it. Great way to start a busy day. START LIGHT— I used to think a proper kolonia cleanse required keeping hands wet the entire time, but I learned the hard way with this one. Knocked me on my ass when I used too much of it. Your mileage may vary, but four splashes is plenty for me. Haven't tried anything else from Cap II, but I like this so much that I haven't felt the need to. Great start, especially if you love working with Asclepius as much as I do.

I can think clearly now

You know when we sometimes obsess over things and/or people...? Obsess no more - here comes instant clarity. You wonder why you didn't see the obvious answer (duh!) before. And I want to say... fun(?) Marsian energy. I know it's Mars and Mercury in Capricorn, but perhaps the Jupiter-Venus-Moon trine in this election contributes to the idea that work can be fun, fulfilling and even playful. First thought was: clarity. The second thought: water. I am headache prone, but as long as I stay hydrated, no problems. It is too much for everyday use, but when I need to think clearly I love to have this kolonia in my arsenal because it is powerfully clarifying, and clears away doubt and hesitation. Layers well with everything.

C. (Nebraska, United States)

The description is spot on in that this helps with breaking through blockages related to health habits and illness.
It’s road opening in the same way that Mercury kolonias are, but to me this has way more OOMPH in that it basically brings all of the resources you need for your objectives right at your feet. A very ideal offering for layering with just about everything, but this with Exalted Sol is *chef’s kiss*.
The smell is wonderfully smokey and masculine, like a very earthy cologne. I want to roll around in it.

Heather M. (Michigan, United States)
Very grounding and clarifying

I like to take a deep sniff and dab this on the region of my solar plexus for most noticeable effect, which is grounding and clarifying. Like I can see more clearly, but seeing isn't with my eyes in this case. It helps me cut through the bull*ish and get on with my day productively, and with a stronger sense of purpose.

You might want to be careful not to get it too near the stomach region though (extra touchy perhaps due to Mars in Cancer right now?) I did get a bellyache right after that!

D.H. (California, United States)
blasting through blocks

I knew Cap II was gonna be That B*tch for me (it's the decan of my natal Saturn/Asc ruler tightly conjunct asteroid Hygeia) but y'all????? I am doing things that have been on my to-do list for literally years???? Things I've avoided in part because executive dysfunction, in part shame, in part over-the-top overwhelm rooted in fear. I've only used this kolonia TWICE and somehow the blocks to doing what needs doing are already moved enough to be able to take necessary action. S+S is powerful but Cap II has me in awe like no other. 10 out 5 stars.

S.S. (Colorado, United States)
Excellent base layer

The previous reviews contain a plethora of useful info, much of which I've experienced as well. I have the salve as well as the kolonia, and when I used them in conjunction several days in a row, it was intense manifestation of my goals for those days, but also was a little much, physically, mentally, emotionally. I needed a break. I began to layer this kolonia with DAII or Jupiter oil, or visa versa. The effects are better tolerated, and perhaps even more well-rounded. Extremely potent and useful stuff here.

Satvinder M. (Ontario, Canada)
Earthy House keeping

This Kolonia is very grounding and the smell reminds me of the Earth thanks to the Vetiver. I've been using it to help me tackle the years-long overdue task of clearing clutter from my office space. I appreciate that the Kolonia helps me to detach from my emotions and stay clear-headed while letting go of papers and sentimental junk that's getting in the way of me moving on.

I've used it on myself as well as in mugs of water placed around the work space.

Sarah E.M. (Texas, United States)

This kolonia feels deeply purifying on a profound level. It is also energizing, invigorating, empowering, and smells SO good. I would categorize it as more of a masculine scent in nature (earthy/woody/piney), but not too much so that’s it’s overwhelming- it has a perfectly balanced aroma IMO and the effects are deeply cleansing and uplifting. If you’re intimidated or unsure about where/how to start working with this series or Mars in general, this would be a great first pick as the effects don’t feel quite as intense as the oil, but are clearly palpable and effective nonetheless. 10/10 recommend. Combines very well with Asclepius anointing oil and/or exalted Luna.

A (New York, United States)
Very Thorough

True to form as it's described, this cleanses at a very dense, material level. I really rate all the kolonias, they are an investment, but also make the other materia work better. I like adding it to a bowl of salt water for energetic hygiene in a space. Haven't tried this one in a diffuser yet as it's humid, but I have a feeling it will be awesome for tackling home chores efficiently. The scent is very refreshing, energizing, and clarifying. The subtle blue color makes me happy too.


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