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Deneb Algedi II Kolonía

Deneb Algedi II Kolonía

Grain alcohol and water (freshly harvested from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta), married to colloidal gold and botanically derived, natural coloring during the height of our Deneb Algedi II election. Organic essential oils and blue chalcedony.

Perform the following cleanse to reinforce your personal boundaries and energetic sovereignty, or that of your physical borders and belongings. Use before bed, or sprinkle some in a dish of water at the bedside. Can also be used in essential oil diffusers for a more ambient influence.

Using before the application of other materia potentiates their influence, providing a clean energetic state primed for the aims of each series’ arcana.

Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering households and business establishments, providing natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. ⠀

Our talismanic Kolonías can be used in such a way, or as Celestial Florida Waters for energetic cleansing – promoting clarity and way-opening, as life demands or before ritual. ⠀

Doing the following makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body, and establishes a clean slate which potentiates the efficacy of other materia…⠀

Shake well to integrate and disburse organic essential oils, colloidal metals, and botanically derived colors.⠀

Quick Kolonía Clearing Protocol ⠀

Sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palm of the hand and gently rub both together for 5-10 seconds, coating tops and bottoms. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or lightly skim it.⠀

Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of it, then start from the top again, going down the sides, the front of the face and down body, all the way to the tops of your feet. Sweep multiple times. ⠀

If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking until energies disperse, and then proceed with additional downward sweeping.⠀

Continue skimming downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, between the legs, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer.⠀

Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank your chosen Power for the cleansing and protection it provided, sealing the auric body from negativity.⠀

Kolonías also serve to anoint and sanctify the hands, and can be used before performing energy work, ritual work, or any activity related to each series’ arcana – on oneself, one’s clients, or loved ones. They can be used to cleanse objects, spaces, and add oomph to spiritual baths, as well as added to floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside and entries. ⠀

Extraordinarily simple, versatile, effective, and p o t e n t .

Arrives in your choice of 1.7 oz woozy bottle with keepsake blue chalcedony and orifice reducer for $33, or 5 oz bulk for $99




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Creation Date

Waxing Gibbous Moon conj. Deneb Algedi + Jupiter on the MC, September 17th, 2021. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


1.7 oz, 5 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.4 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 50 reviews
LM (Illinois, United States)
Daily hygeine

This has become a go-to for me to use on my hands during work. I do remote customer service and it really helps me in clearing myself out and resetting.

I also use this in so many scenarios, like before ritual or working at my altar, before tarot, it just makes me feel like I'm showing up more as me without the clutter.

eae (Missouri, United States)

I love the smell of this, and it's so effective as a first step to feel secure and calm again when I am feeling disregulated

Meredith M. (Georgia, United States)
A Must-Have

This is one kolonía I cannot be without--I'm on my second bottle now! Whenever my energy feels scattered or disturbed I use this with the energetic cleansing routine and it never fails to help. It feels like it forms a protective container around me and reinforces the boundary between what is mine and what is not. I especially like to use it before bedtime and find it helps set the stage for restful sleep. And I love the smell!

Anonymous (California, United States)

An extra layer in my defense against weak/ened boundaries. I love that the kolonia is so versatile. My boundaries feel fortified, my hands cleansed, my mind calmed, my spirit intact

E.G. (Ontario, Canada)

This is an absolute staple and I hope to never be without. This form does so much in so many ways: sleep support and protection via my diffuser, added to a mist to spritz over my field and in my office after client work, after guests visit, to amplify reiki and clear evil eye and to prevent it in the first place before going out, to clean and charge protective stones, added to floor washes…and despite all these uses, it goes a long long way…so sturdy, reliable and long lasting.

C. (Nebraska, United States)
My new holy grail offering

It took me a long time to come around to kolonias, but this one has turned me into a kolonia STAN through and through. Not only does it pair well with nearly everything, but it’s great for every-day use and doesn’t feel heavy after awhile like some of the other forms of this series. Removes obstacles and reveals weaknesses in your protections, magical and mundane, so that they can be patched and reenforced. I use this in all of my floor washes but my favorite way to use it is mixing 15-20 drops in a spray bottle with vodka and filtered water to use as an aura spray. I *will* be buying more of this kolonia as I never want to be out of it.

Luisa P. (Kentucky, United States)
FAVORITE kolonia

This is, for me, the most clarifying kolonia. It busts up bad moods and self-indulgent spiraling like nothing else, and I almost always back it up by applying DAII salve. Best combination for reducing stress -- this Mercurial sweetie finds it the best way to slow down without feeling Slowed Down.

Sarah F. (Ohio, United States)
A highlight of a series I wish I'd had years ago

Deneb Algedi II is just wonderful and I've had great experiences with every form I've worked with. I'd actually happily recommend anything I've used as a starting point (ritual salt, steep & smoke), but I saw a really great argument on the client forum for starting with cleansing forms of any series, and DA feels especially aligned with that. A fancier version of hand sanitizer kind of feels like a good metaphor for DA's whole deal, and this stuff is pretty much exactly spiritual hand sanitizer. I keep a small decant in my purse and it's such a nice energy to have at the ready: good for showing up, maintaining boundaries, Doing the Right Thing, getting some of the world's absolutely plentiful literal and figurative gunk off yourself when necessary. Can't go wrong with DA in general as far as I'm concerned, but this feels especially worthy of its hype.

Kax P. (New York, United States)
Go-To Spiritual Cleanser!

This Kolonia is EXCELLENT. A perfect cleanser + “purifier” that isn’t too harsh and works in tandem with your own energies. Love it!!! I often see planetary energies with my synesthesia, and this has almost a light blue aura to it that is perfect for clearing out all energies that aren’t serving you & balancing your energy! Plus I love using this with other materia- it clears out anything blocking the planetary energies from working their magic!

EL V. (District of Columbia, United States)
who knew boundaries could smell so good?!

This is my first kolonia, and I almost fell over when I smelled it the first time. It takes me back to laundry days at my grandparents' house - the smell of fluffy, warm towels drying in the sun. The comfort of wrapping up in freshly laundered sheets at the end of a long day. I want to bathe in this!

On a practical note, I like to use this kolonia before rituals, ritual baths, or handling other materia like body butters. Have also added this to a window wash tincture made from other S+ materia for cleaning + protecting.


  1. I’ve found this kolonia to be very helpful in a number of situations. It’s definitely great before rituals and anytime a shift in energy is needed towards being more grounded, safe, and protected. I’ve also used it in a ritual which helped me be physically safer by relocating an aggressive dog that was making it difficult for me to leave my house and therefore giving me a ton of anxiety. (No harm came to the dog, and of course it was not the dog’s fault but the owner’s.) So, both metaphysical and physical protection. Very thankful. Plus, it smells delightful: lemon pop backed by a clean laundry, slightly antiseptic, mildly floral smell.

  2. This is my first kolonia and I love it! I use it before I talk to my difficult family members and it helps me stay firm with my necessary boundaries without being heavy or overly-serious. In addition to helping with boundaries it also helps me to feel like I’m cleansed of some of my own baggage which makes the paths of communication more clear.

  3. I used this so much while travelling and didn’t lose a single thing. It also calmed my nerves while flying and I got through airport security and customs (multiple times) faster than I’ve ever gone with no issues or delays. It’s like the way cleared for me all the time. I felt so calmly self contained and protected.

  4. I’ve been using this often and actually have it in my bag for on-the-go and its more practical hand sanitizing use! I feel a protective, no-nonsense energy whenever I wear this out at night.

  5. This has become my new favorite product. I’m super sensitive and often find myself exhausted after work navigating the politics of my workplace which can be very gossipy. I use the Kolonia every morning to protect my boundaries and to not take everything so personally and it really does help. I feel more confident standing up for myself and don’t get swayed by the little things. I use this in combination with Regulus oil (so the effects could also be a blend of both)

  6. I’ve used this to help me focus before prayer in situations water was hard to come by– no wandering and intrusive thoughts to speak of.

  7. This kolonia has helped me maintain peace of mind and boundaries through many situations. I used this in combination with the body butter for my evaluation at work which went well and the reviewer was very fair. I also had a creepy guy at work and some of this at the door helped a lot! It makes you feel very in charge of your life and more confident I would say.

  8. Lest you worry that Deneb Algedi energy would be overly heavy or a buzzkill, it just isn’t. This kolonia is so grounding and state-shifting in a way that is both profound and subtle.

    Subtle in that it doesn’t feel like you’ve taken a nootropic a la Mercury Cazimi; there is little to no difference in how you *feel* with this.

    Yet profound in that it changes the way you interact with information at the core. Doing boring or difficult things just doesn’t sound hard. Relevant tasks take on a sense of being imperative, but in a relaxed way – “okay, I need to just knock this out,” and then you do.

  9. I love all the kolonias I have, and this one is probably the one I’ve used the most. The cleansing effect is very noticeable. It’s great before dealing with difficult situations where I will need strong boundaries, as well as afterwards to get rid of other peoples’ BS. I am deeply grateful to DA for help in a number of situations. I’ve noticed that I’ve been able to avoid some unpleasantness as well, or get away from unpleasant people before they notice me. And the smell is nice!

  10. This kolonia has helped me maintain my cool and peace of mind while having to navigate difficult family members. I also use it as a firm, yet gentle, means of protection. It also helps that the scent is tranquil and refreshing.

  11. I am a big fan of the kolonias, as they are typically are somewhere between the water spray and the oil when applied on the person. The DA kolonia to me is like equipping a nice flying shield that likes to circle about you. You don’t even need to think about it, its there to help you enforce boundaries and make other things “bounce” out of the way. Someone throwing negativity at you? DA ain’t got time for that.

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