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Oil of Algol

Oil of Algol

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Mother Algol 👁

Black hellebore freshly harvested during the New Moon in Taurus on Algol 2018, the fixed star rising. Powdered (ethically and legally begotten) rattle snake rattler, snake’s skin, and diamonds. Combined with charcoal in organic almond oil, bestowing upon it a natural blackness befitting Algol’s nature and reputation.

Algol was petitioned and the ingredients suffumigated and combined, sealing the jar and etching the seal at the height of the election.

Only poured from the Mother bottle during sympathetic days, hours, and transits. Includes a natural preservative to stave off oxidation. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial hand labeled with the glyph of Algol and basic instructions for use.

Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. 



Out of stock

Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.

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Creation Date

The wee hours of May 15, 2018. New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Algol. Chart in the image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Times/ Activities


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components


POISONOUS — This formulation contains a naturally poisonous ingredient, such as deadly nightshade. Do not consume. Keep away from pets and children

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

This is so amazing - I didn't even buy this and was just looking at this oil deeply. and right afterwards, i sent off a text i usually wouldn't have sent off to a potential business partner who had a bit of a romantic interest in me. i drew my line, set a boundary - i was like no romantic anything, you need to nip that in the bud or else we cannot work together. which usually is so hard to express for me, as I have so much libra in my chart - sun, mercury and venus. so it's hard for me to vocalize in fear of offending. but i was so fierce in that text. and that potential business partner did not respond kindly. but algol worked and protected me, even through just viewing an image of this product. that was not the right situation and opportunity anyways and it was taken away from me. kaitlin's products are serious magick and she is truly a gift. i hope to get the new algol set when it comes out!


Algol's protective energy is fierce, and as advertised, works in Her own way and no other. Shortly after purchase, the odometer backlighting in one of my vehicles began to flicker, only when I was alone and driving, however. Once the oil arrived, I made offerings and the flickering settled.

I've employed this oil successfully in drawing a number of boundaries, though one situation was my most focused use and had a most Algol path toward outcome. There was someone approaching my personal life via a shared lover, who wore a very sweet mask but left a trail of hints that something underneath was amiss. I needed them "exposed" in a way that everyone involved could see, and I needed myself and my immediate family protected from their involvement. I entreated Algol's aid with some offerings as recommended on this website, and some of my own drawn from relationships with other dark feminine energies which felt appropriate. While traveling to visit this person, a number of "unfortunate" and stressful events happened which limited the amount of time that could be spent with them. A woodstove would not light. Torrential rain and seasonally unusual chills. Interruptions in communication. Algol also brought out a side of me that was not overtly dark, yet was more cunning than usual. I remember sitting in the vehicle returning them to their home (they were unwilling to visit with us in our chilly air bnb with unlit woodstove) and having what felt like unusual and a little out of context responses to some of their disgruntled remarks. I had cutting questions for them that I had not thought of before then, which obviously made them uncomfortable, and yet were totally valid in the context of the relationship which was being approached. They didn't answer at that time, and the next day, while alone with my partner... out of frustration and feeling put on the spot, unintentionally revealed a number of details about their intentions which were not going to work for the dynamic we wanted. They went further to express a level of anger and lack of empathy that made my partner very uncomfortable, and ties were cut. I am deeply grateful. This person would have been a slow poison in my life.

When I returned to the air bnb without them, the woodstove lit just fine on the first try.


As with many of Sphere + Sundry's offerings, the Algol energy immediately connected with me as soon as I purchased it. There was an individual who would not get my hints that I did not want to engage with them. Within a day, one of my main connections with this person via a social media platform was removed, their social media was hacked, so I took the opportunity to block his new account.

I also used the oil to close a particularly intense/unbalanced part of my life, to "make stone" as the gorgon-esque energy was suggested as a way to bind. The ritual was quite intense, associated with the solar eclipse in Capricorn, south node transiting Capricorn. The sought after emptiness of the eclipse cycle was prevalent after the ritual with the Algol oil. As the Universe does not like a void, I wonder what will come to fill it.


  1. This is so amazing – I didn’t even buy this and was just looking at this oil deeply. and right afterwards, i sent off a text i usually wouldn’t have sent off to a potential business partner who had a bit of a romantic interest in me. i drew my line, set a boundary – i was like no romantic anything, you need to nip that in the bud or else we cannot work together. which usually is so hard to express for me, as I have so much libra in my chart – sun, mercury and venus. so it’s hard for me to vocalize in fear of offending. but i was so fierce in that text. and that potential business partner did not respond kindly. but algol worked and protected me, even through just viewing an image of this product. that was not the right situation and opportunity anyways and it was taken away from me. kaitlin’s products are serious magick and she is truly a gift. i hope to get the new algol set when it comes out!

  2. Algol’s protective energy is fierce, and as advertised, works in Her own way and no other. Shortly after purchase, the odometer backlighting in one of my vehicles began to flicker, only when I was alone and driving, however. Once the oil arrived, I made offerings and the flickering settled.

    I’ve employed this oil successfully in drawing a number of boundaries, though one situation was my most focused use and had a most Algol path toward outcome. There was someone approaching my personal life via a shared lover, who wore a very sweet mask but left a trail of hints that something underneath was amiss. I needed them “exposed” in a way that everyone involved could see, and I needed myself and my immediate family protected from their involvement. I entreated Algol’s aid with some offerings as recommended on this website, and some of my own drawn from relationships with other dark feminine energies which felt appropriate. While traveling to visit this person, a number of “unfortunate” and stressful events happened which limited the amount of time that could be spent with them. A woodstove would not light. Torrential rain and seasonally unusual chills. Interruptions in communication. Algol also brought out a side of me that was not overtly dark, yet was more cunning than usual. I remember sitting in the vehicle returning them to their home (they were unwilling to visit with us in our chilly air bnb with unlit woodstove) and having what felt like unusual and a little out of context responses to some of their disgruntled remarks. I had cutting questions for them that I had not thought of before then, which obviously made them uncomfortable, and yet were totally valid in the context of the relationship which was being approached. They didn’t answer at that time, and the next day, while alone with my partner… out of frustration and feeling put on the spot, unintentionally revealed a number of details about their intentions which were not going to work for the dynamic we wanted. They went further to express a level of anger and lack of empathy that made my partner very uncomfortable, and ties were cut. I am deeply grateful. This person would have been a slow poison in my life.

    When I returned to the air bnb without them, the woodstove lit just fine on the first try.

  3. As with many of Sphere + Sundry’s offerings, the Algol energy immediately connected with me as soon as I purchased it. There was an individual who would not get my hints that I did not want to engage with them. Within a day, one of my main connections with this person via a social media platform was removed, their social media was hacked, so I took the opportunity to block his new account.

    I also used the oil to close a particularly intense/unbalanced part of my life, to “make stone” as the gorgon-esque energy was suggested as a way to bind. The ritual was quite intense, associated with the solar eclipse in Capricorn, south node transiting Capricorn. The sought after emptiness of the eclipse cycle was prevalent after the ritual with the Algol oil. As the Universe does not like a void, I wonder what will come to fill it.

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