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Oil of Exalted Mercury

Oil of Exalted Mercury

An incredibly supreme Mercurial Anointing Oil, created during Sphere + Sundry’s Exalted Mercury election.

A blend of organic wormwood, slippery elm, psyllium seed, alfalfa seed, fennel, corn silk, barley, wheat, clover, and nutritional yeast. Gingko, hyssop, cinquefoil, shepherds purse, brahmi, and more.

Abre camino, lucky hand root, 8 sour patch kids per vessel, and a large copper Mercury dime. Ritually harvested palm frond and fern leaf in the day and hour of Mercury during its Virgoan tenure. Genuine 24k gold and sterling silver leaf. Peridot, agate, and high-grade opal in 100% organic golden jojoba. Essential oils of bergamot, peppermint, vetiver, frankincense, copaiba, and lemongrass.

Anoint the Self, keys, wallet, and Mercurial instruments, such as devices, to energize body and mind, expedite communications, promote eloquence, help problem solve, and increase sales. Use to dress candles and petition papers for compatible aims. Best categorized as a Way Finder, rather than strict Opener.

Stimulates brain, body, and quicksilver tongue. Energizing, Adderall-like effects from mere topical application. Focus application on the brainstem, ears, wrists, and base of the feet. If it is too strong, jewelry or clothing may be anointed instead! Lights up the nervous system. Promotes conversation and communications. Read the write-up for more.

Perfect before trade shows, conferences, vending, or any other activity where you’ll need lots of energy to communicate, transact, and sustain a high vibe.

Application too near day’s end may keep you bright eyed and bushy tailed into the wee morning… layer with other grounding, softening influences or apply them later to help “power down”…

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with herbal matter for $80, 10 ml “flawless glide” steel roller for $65, or 10 ml gold plated roller for $108. Each arrives with exactly 8 keepsake peridots. Or, a 5 ml Mini for $33.




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Creation Date

August 12th, 2022. Hour of Mercury. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Oil Selection

1/2 oz Standard, 10 ml Gold Plated Roll-On, 10 ml “flawless glide” steel Roll-On, 5 ml Mini Vial, Dropper Cap Kit for Standard Vial

Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects


Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 83 reviews
M.A. (Oregon, United States)

I think this mercury oil played tricks on me... I've been traveling, and because S+S's labels do come off due to bottle leaks (I love you still), I thought I've been using Froggy the whole time. Returned from my travels to find froggy bottle chillin' at home.
I'm still lost at how Mercury is showing up in my life. I'm naturally drawn to Mercury (I have mercury-north node conjunction). But like? Unfortunately, it doesn't help me focus. I had assumed that Mercury would help me write better, but it is too ADHD inducing for me to sit still. Reflecting on my trip, I think I might've been better at making small talks, which is essential for navigating unfamiliar terrains--something Mercury who travels to so many different worlds does so well. Being charming to groups of strangers and communicating my needs to gain something in the moment to move on to the next, I think, is what Mercury helps with best. Very mercenary.

G (Oregon, United States)

Grounding and stimulating at the same time, allowing for flexible focus, and a clarity of purpose and direction with your energy. Brightens and perks up the mind, and definitely heightens all things mercurial!

Alessandro P. (Veneto, Italy)

Sphere and Sundry never disappoints! The quality is insane! I love the oil and I probably intend to get some more Venusian or Jupiterian astrological materia to balance out. If this Mercury oil smells this good, the benefics must be heavenly

Anonymous (England, United Kingdom)

This was my first oil from Sphere+Sundry and it is no joke. The laser focus I get when using it means I only use it in the daytime. It allows me to tackle my tasks methodically. I also anoint my parcel with it to ensure a smooth delivery.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)
Laser Focus

Extremely similar to ADHD drugs, extremely useful for presentations, working, studying.. Please keep telephones and electronic distractions away from you :)

Anonymous (California, United States)
with a quickness

Wow! I first anointed myself with this back when Mercury was in its exaltation a month+ ago and Immediately I started writing my to do list and thinking step by step to tackle it. I had a lot of tasks done and created haha, but this oil helped me get through it. I also once applied this on a friend who was sleepy, who instantly had more energy after I applied it on them (with their consent, of course) and rubbed it in.

Jessica A. (New York, United States)
Joyful productivity

Tends to keep me happy and busy, but also open to messages that I can often shut out if I'm very focused. As an older student who's back in college, it's also been great for studying and test taking.


The Oil of Exalted Mercury has been a game-changer for my focus and mental clarity. From the first application, I noticed how much smoother my thoughts flowed, especially during writing or complex problem-solving. It feels like a boost of energy without being overwhelming, and it helps me stay sharp and productive. I use it before big tasks, and it's been incredibly effective in keeping me organized and clear-headed. Highly recommend!

Yarrow (Oregon, United States)
Mental Wheels Grease

A great oil to wear when I went to dig in and get the mental work done! Great when needing to write up communications and figure out the details. I feel like this is grease for my mental wheels. Love it!

C. (Missouri, United States)

The ultimate errand juice! Among my top favorite daytime oils as it makes me feel alert and ready to take on the day, but doesn’t have a serious vibe like Exalted Sol or Mars can *sometimes* have for me. This oil is POWERFUL AF and lasts alllllll day long. Makes me effortlessly choose my words with precision and care, helps me see to the root cause/solution to problems.


  1. Makes me feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Gives a boost of energized focus that works very well with analytical tasks and acts of focused “doing”, like doing a full-house floor wash to expel negative energies. A steadier feeling than the tincture (which, for me, feels fast-acting and more “up”) and has greater staying power. Is especially helpful to combat the kind of procrastination that come from perfectionism and fear of failure. Warning: my sugar cravings go through the roof when I use this.

  2. One of my favorite offerings. It smells fantastic and gives me a great boost when I need to get things done. I put a bit on before doing any kind of Mercurial things, like studying, crunching numbers, etc and it definitely gets me in a get-things-done kind of mindset.

  3. Every time I use this oil I get mentally alert, focused and very productive. It is truly magical!

  4. I love to use this oil before I call my clients. I work in Advertising Sales and this oil is my jam, helps me tackle meetings, consultations as well as the 50+ communications I make daily. Thank you for this fantastic blessing!

  5. This is a fantastic offering for focused work especially analytic in nature. It’s very potent and so I’ve used it to dress candles for times of demanding intellectual or analytical work. Provides a substantial thinking or focusing effect with a lot of energy.

  6. This oil gets stuff DONE. The oil itself is light and fresh ( I love the scent) but once applied, it zings with electricity, speeding up my mental processes and making interacting with other people much smoother and easier. It cuts through procrastination and helps me move effortlessly through long to do lists.
    It’s also great for getting around in my car. Whenever I’m driving and I have some of this on, it’s green lights all the way and intuitive knowing of how the other cars around me are going to react before they do.

  7. Exalted Mercury is my “Clear Eyes, Full Heart, Can’t Lose” oil…or more specifically, it’s been my “Clear Eyes, Calm Mind, Can Absolutely Focus” oil.

    EM has reliably turned down the volume on the anxious mental static that can keep me (uncomfortably) spinning my wheels. It creates mental space that feels protected and supportive for focus, productivity, analytic thinking, and problem-solving.

    So far, I haven’t had any issues with feeling overstimulated when using it.

    It’s been an exceptionally helpful and unmatched experience. Profound gratitude to Mercury and Kaitlin & Co!

  8. It’s been a week since I have been applying this oil. As a Virgo sun ( tropical) I had a bit of a crisis – I mean this one does not fool around with the ego checks lol. But it gave me the clarity I needed about myself and my work- allowing me to detach my self worth from the work at hand. I am a full time researcher and was struggling with perfectionism and procrastination around getting my research papers done. I am happy to report that I have found my focus back. I feel grounded and ready to go at the beginning of every day. I am a fan of S+ materia now !

  9. I apply this Mercury exalted oil whenever I need to do stuff on my to do list that I don’t feel like doing. It helps me to get into the ‘go’ vibe and check things off the to do list. Especially tasks that are Mercurial, like communications or finances. It’s of great help!!! Thank you Mercury and Kaitlin!

  10. I love this series, it absolutely adds to my adeptness while providing astrology readings for my clients. Instant insights and communication streams happen every time. I don’t find it as stimulating and amazing as the prior Virgo series (Mercury Cazimi) but it’s noticeably effective, even for me as some one with Mercury in Virgo in my nativity. I enjoy combining it with Mars materia, Saturn materia, and Hermanubis series, too.

  11. I waited so long for another Mercury in Virgo series and the exalted Hermes does not disappoint! Its my go to when my writing needs a little boost of clarity.

  12. This is one of my absolutely favorite oils for getting things done. I do think that it tends to send me into overdrive, and I love using a JiP materia to cool down 🙂

  13. Exalted Mercury, how do I love thee ways…
    You’ve cleared out my closet clutter, made me remember to check things off my ever long to do list. You’ve made my communications more fun and buoyant. I still can’t believe how bountiful and powerful you are in your organization of my life, and all with little effort, and dare I say joy! Thank you Mercury, and thank you Kaitlin and Co. you literally saved my life from the chore-ness of chores, from the gloom of clutter, and filled it with light and focused energy with this exalted Mercury. Worn two Wednesdays in a row, and immediately felt, what a blessing! Thank you!

  14. Exalted Mercury is like coffee without the caffeine jitters or crash and burn. It simply allows you to focus on what needs to get done without the weight of the to-do list on your shoulders. Before you know it, things are done and you don’t know how. They just are. Most definitely one of my favorites.

  15. An incredible work aid, supporter of focus and surprisingly, so far, with very little side effects. Occasionally challenged by mercury uncovering other pressing things lower on the list and that becoming a priority, but what needs to get done will in fact get done!

  16. I was invited last minute to be a vendor at a holiday art market a few weeks ago and I thought I’d give Exalted Mercury a whirl. For me, this oil is light and fun! I was chatty and had some great conversations, my energy remained steady throughout the weekend and it was the most successful show I’ve had to date. Thank you!!

  17. For whatever reason, I was hesitant to try EM – I’m a Gemini rising, and the thought of adding *more* Mercury to that felt exorbitant and unnecessary – but I divined on it and received guidance to try it. I am *so* glad I did! I’m in my Saturn return right now, and have felt completely crushed by the weight of Saturn – I’m so stuck analyzing all of the options, putting so much pressure on myself to make the right decisions, etc. This analysis paralysis was also part of the reason that I was hesitant to add more Mercury – it felt like adding fuel to the fire, but it did just the opposite. Immediately after I applied it, I felt so flexible and free in a way that I haven’t felt…probably since Saturn entered Capricorn (with basically every planet, save Jupiter and Pluto, in either Capricorn or Aquarius in my chart). It definitely does have a “get shit done” vibe, but for me personally, it’s not as much about the *energy* to get shit done as removing the mental blocks that prevent me from doing small tasks that feel insurmountable for whatever reason. For example, taking things to the post office, taking things for dry cleaning – those little things that don’t take long, but for some reason feel impossible, so you let them sit for weeks because you can’t find the motivation to do them. Basically, I love EM, it might be my favorite series so far, and it has been a huge help in removing mental blocks and honestly given me an entirely new understanding of what “way opening” really means.


    Let Hermes untangle the most twisted, mind-bending dilemmas of the human domain–and watch how their genius will delight and surprise you.


    Upon using Exalted Mercury, I kept hearing, “I’m bored. I’m sooooo bored.” With my Gemini Mars and fire stellium (and mercury-conjunct-northnode!), I thought EM will make me SPEEDIER. Nope.

    Used with Daddy Deneb Algedi II, I found good deals and bargains, but couponing isn’t my ambition. I got nothing done with EM and was a bit disappointed.

    Then I got the message: “Why use me, Hermes “the brain,” to “power through” tasks, when you can get grit, focus, discipline from Mars & Saturn?”

    Ding ding ding! Hermes likes games, tricks, a “new” way of doing things. This reminds me of Magicians– cards, sleight of hands, illusions. Rubix cubes. Got a mind-bending problem? Secrets to hide? Weird, unsolvable mysteries? Offer it to Hermes and xe’ll make ‘em vanish before your very eyes.

    PS: I’m developing our new relationship, which is: please solve my problems in a way that makes me laugh. As boring as it sounds, I want Hermes to help me find the most deductibles and money on my taxes. Then fix this painful, immovable bureaucratic problem I have for decades. I’m just gonna throw the most impossible tasks at xim, lol. I know Hermes will find a way, and it shall be cunning.

    Work smarter, not harder!

  19. This may just be my favorite S+ product this season, I call it ‘Virtual Assistant.’ And with a closely applying Sun Merc conj in a fixed air sign I need all the assistance I can get to dial down the internal chatter. A few swipes of the wrists and a prayer to make headway on my list and I’m good to go (for hours.) So much so sometimes I need a little Cloud Kingdom to help me take my foot off the gas.

  20. Um, wow. So, I was not at all sure how this materia was going to go for me. Virgo is my 12th house, so I’ve been forever watching astro ppl post about how Virgo transits help them get all their stuff in order, meanwhile the second the moon moves into Virgo I’m fighting the urge to crawl into bed and simply daydream for hours.

    I took a chance and met Exalted Mercury. I lit a candle, I read the hymn aloud (interrupted once by my kitchen timer, which I can’t explain why but it felt like a trickster sort of wink). I brewed some steep + smoke, I anointed my wrists and ankles with oil.

    And then — for the first time in recent memory — I checked everything off of my to-do list for the day. *Everything.* It was all little maintenance type tasks I’d been putting off, and I did them all and then some. Easily, with neither panicked rush nor procrastination. I’m also feeling, really for the first time… hmm, pulled, or drawn to connect with Mercury Themself.

    Also, the oil smells *amazing*.

  21. Upon receiving it from the mailman, I felt an incredible surge of hyper focus hit me. Didn’t take much! I applied the oil onto my wrist and the back of neck. The scent is absolutely pleasant! I’m really quite in love with this whole collection! After application, I felt like I was bouncing off the walls and honed into hyper-productivity mode. To really hone in my line of vision, so as to to not fall into other rabbit holes and keep focus on the tasks at hand, I supplemented this with Mars in Scorpio or Exalted Sun materia. I work full-time and attend school full-time so I’ll take what I can get to keep my focus! My job consists of working with spreadsheets all day and I can attest that the materia from this collection provides the necessary focus to tend to both mundane and fairly cerebral tasks at hand!

  22. Hello, just here to report that I purchased this based off of my desire for the effects, and did not note the scents involved, which are all of my absolute favorites. My last purchase (Saturnian King) I can’t even wear because the smell turns my stomach! This smells so, so good.

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