Finely ground Dead Sea Salt, activated charcoal, clarifying and cooling essential oils of Saturnian evergreen, and genuine 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense and myrrh during a Saturn in Capricorn election supported by the co-presence of Jupiter.
Absorbs negativity, provides protection, and delineates energetic boundaries.
Create lines, mounds, or sprinkle along thresholds. Add to a dish of water kept at the bedside to promote long-life and protect against nighttime psychic disturbances. Include a sprinkle in cleaning solutions, energy clearing sprays, or floor washes to purify energies, promote responsible conduct, protect what’s within, and insulate against exterior meddling. Add to mojos or witch bottles.
Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
$30 – $90
Creation Date | Sunday, November 22, 2020, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery. |
Areas of Application | |
Step / Function | |
Size | 1/2 oz, 2 oz |
Magical Applications | Clearing, Dusting, General Wards, Mojo Bags / Sachets, Petition Packets, Spell Bottles / Jars, Spiritual Washes / Basin Baths, Water Wards |
Planetary Body | |
Vegan | Yes — Vegan |
Dimensions | N/A |
Weight | N/A |
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An amazing help for all warding and protection needs - I use it in witch bottles, or dissolve it in some water and put it in a spray bottle for a quick refresh to boundaries. I'm so glad I have two of these!
When extra protection is needed, do a purification ritual and then turn to this heavy hitter. A little sprinkle of this, and voila. Ask and you shall receive extraordinary protection. The vial is literally 4 times heavier than any other salt! It’s not for casual or everyday use. Add to a glass of water for deep and restful sleep.
I’ve had this salt for some time now and I love it for its sobering effect. I’ve mainly used this for protection and creating wards but have also found it helpful for when I’m feeling too amped and need to calm down. Anytime I have a somewhat manic episode, I like to reach for this to help me thoroughly think about what the consequences may ensue if making decisions on a whim (really good if you need to talk yourself out of impulsive buying lol). I have to store this materia away if I’m not actively using it as it tends to feel too heavy and depressive if I leave it near my usual workspaces
I love the smell of this salt so much - pungent, grounding, refreshing
I regularly use this Salt by including a few pinches in a glass of water, set upon an altar during rituals calling on spirits that might be agitated or just a troubling presence to behold. It does a great job of warding the space and making sure there isn't static in communications, or intrusions. Very effective, and it smells lovely.
I've used this mainly to guard against nightmares and for better sleep in general. It has worked well in this context. It does have a weightiness, however, that doesn't leave me reaching for it. Capricorn is my 12th house. The Saturn in Aquarius series, however, is much more simpatico with my chart (Saturn lining up with my ASC). Saturn in Aquarius is much more user-friendly for me, personally. This is mainly a review to attest to how important it is to compare the series chart to your own.
I’ve used this salt in a mini vial at my bedside to ward during sleep, and it works wonders when I really need that extra strong sense of protection, although I find Deneb Algedi salt better for everyday use. It’s also perfect for surrounding the outer perimeter of your home/property from spiritual/physical attack. Magically, especially in spirit work, this whole series is honestly indespensable.
I cannot clean without it now. Since I've started using it, I feel more at home in my place. It has eliminated a weird vibe that was in my place due to difficult situations with my roommates. Now I live alone and I feel protected and at peace in my place.
I've used these sparingly but they are extremely effective for binding troublesome people energetically and setting clear boundaries. The color is a lovely dark grey and the specks of gold look especially gorgeous. The charge is serious, heavy and earthy--just what you would expect from Saturn in Cap!
Works wonderfully well in almost any kind of cleansing and/or protective type situation. It's fantastic in spiritual baths, but also a sprinkle in various parts around the home also does the trick. Just sleeping with the tube near my bed alleviated nightmares and such. Most certainly worth buying! I highly recommend it!!
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Rose + Pink Lotus Bath Salts
Bath Salts, Empress, Face + Body, Salts, Sold Out

Bath Salts of Regulus III
Available, Regulus III, Salts, Bath Salts, Face + Body

Ritual Salt of Asclepius II
Asclepius II (+ Jupiter), Ritual Salts, Salts, Sold OutThis ritual salt is from the Dead Sea, mixed with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and rosemary, consecrated to Asclepius for the purposes of cleansing, banishing illness, and preserving good health.
Sprinkle on yourself, your doorstep or hearth, your floor before sweeping or vacuuming, or add to cleaning solutions to help purify energies and bring healing and renewal into your sphere. Can be used before workings to set a clean stage, or after to clear away energies and spirits. Also helpful against ghost and poltergeist activity. Not intended for consumption.
Available in a half ounce vial for $13.

My sleep is always terrible and nearly non existent during eclipses and these ritual salts changed that this last eclipse season. I put some in a small bowl of water next to my bed and I fall asleep so easily and wake up feeling rested and undisturbed. The salts last a long time because a little goes a long way. I recommend this to everyone!
Just received this on Saturn’s day and hour, and immediately made a little salt water for an altar, then doused myself a bit to cleanse my energy (coming right off of my customer service gig) and WOW. I feel *so good* and clear and really bolstered by this magic. I topped it off with a teensy bit of Saturnian King powder and my wildly Saturnian self has never felt more energized and well boosted. Very excited to keep working with these salts and glad I finally leaned into some Saturn materia. Highly recommend!
Wow, these salts have quite the charge on them! I was just sprinkling some in a little travel baggie to use on a trip and some of it fell on the floor and over my hands and it was electric. The energy just washed over me and it felt cleansing, clearing, and electrifying all at once. I LOVE the Saturn products.<3
I’ve deployed this frequently to keep a firm line between me and a new landlord who has boundary issues. It carries a gentle yet firm ‘don’t f*** with me or my stuff’ energy that both seems to both add a layer of invisibility as well as repel meddlesome visits. I trust in this salt and still have a lot left after repeated uses- a pinch goes a long way. Thank you Kait and thank you Saturn !
This is the most beautiful ritual salt. I use this at night when I feel particularly drained and I need a bit of help with rest and boundaries. Potent and effective.
This item is super practical and it is the foundation of a cleansing spray I use to reinforce boundaries. I keep some semi toxic supplies in a cabinet and that spray is great for keeping people and cats away. I also add these salts to the water next to my bed and it helps stave off nightmares. When things are particularly dangerous in my life, I will add juuuust a little to my hair rinse, usually offset with some Jupiter and/or Venus. It’s excellent for going about the world with greater discernment. Be warned, it’s Saturn. He may gift you with creepy crawlies if you’re using a ton of this stuff.
This is one of my favorite purchases from S&S. I consider it to be the all-purpose cleanser in my magical medicine cabinet and keep some by my bed in water, use it on altars and in offerings, and have it in a spray bottle for when I feel like I need to rid myself of energetic funkiness. Sometimes I open the jar and take a deep whiff to clear my head, like a smelling salt. Side note- the jar was filled so tightly with salt, I marveled that you couldn’t have fit one single grain more into the container, and after multiple uses, it is still full. Magic!
Grateful for this offering, the cleansing AND insulating aspect of this salt appealed to me a lot. Added a few pinches to a huge bottle of cleaning fluid (Sal Suds) and it was just the thing to clean my parents’ house from top to bottom as an all-purpose Saturn-backed cleanser: I could do mirrors, floors, toilets, everything. I needed it to absorb the accumulated negativity of 30+ years of familial drama while upping the protection as it has been A LOT for the world. I imagined the bubbles clearing out the waters themselves on the way out via water pipes and continuing its work through the waterways before making its way back into the clouds. Would I say it promotes responsible conduct? Yes, if cleaning sprees on behalf of your parents with lesser resentment flares count. It gets you working for the long-term result of better family dynamics and then better world functioning at large.