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Son of Apollo Attuning Tincture
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Son of Apollo Attuning Tincture

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

Son of Apollo herbal base, suffumigated with frankincense resin during the Sol-heavy Asclepius III operation. Calendula, St. John’s wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, balm of gilead, carnelian, and 24k gold, immersed in top shelf vodka and shaken on the Sun’s day and hour for its many months of incubation.

Anoint icons or items to illuminate, elevate, and integrate healing processes, attuning to Asclepius in his capacity as the Son of Apollo.

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass dropper bottle w/ 24k gold for $26, or full 1 oz for $52

Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself (nowhere sensitive) or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.




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Creation Date

April 12th, 2020, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Uses / Applications

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Potential Side Effects


Spray Bottle Size

1 oz, 1/2 oz

Suggested Pairings

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Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions N/A
Weight N/A

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Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Andrea L. (Philadelphia, US)
Every day!

I have been taking 4 micro drops (I know this is a lot! YMMV) in my morning coffee for the last 6-9 months. Even with this dosage, the 2oz bottle lasts forever, & it has been extremely supportive as I have taken more active steps to maintain my health: scheduling long put-off appointments, quitting smoking, taking my daily vitamins (magical & otherwise). While I have sampled many of Sphere + Sundry's celestial offerings over the years, Asclepius & Deneb Algedi have emerged as my mainstays I wish to always have on hand. Thank you ♡

Mary S. (Minneapolis, US)
Liquid Gold

This is my secret to feeling rock solid every day. First thing in the morning, I take a few drops of Son of Apollo with a glass of water. My energy levels have never been so steady, my overall demeanor is much brighter, and it feels so easy to make the healthiest decisions for myself. Looking forward to seeing how these results evolve over time.

Anonymous (Pacoima, US)
grounding, clarifying support

When I anoint myself with this tincture, it becomes so clear to me what's in need of repair in my life. Ras Alhague is a significant star in my nativity, and this tincture helps me so easily and clearly address health-related issues I need to work steadily on.

As mentioned in the Exalted Luna tincture review, I also decanted this tincture in the 5ml bottle with EL, and gifted it to a friend who's also suffering from chronic sleep problems. Both tinctures have helped him ground and have alleviated his sleep problems.

Elias L. (Los Angeles, US)
Daily Vitamins

This series is excellent as a daily addition to my water bottle! Healing, brightening, it feels like a boost to my body and my spirit. I also feel like a drop or two in my water bottle is excellent, but when I do more, that feels great too! Like you can't go wrong with this one. Also excellent for dressing candles and adding to water/liquid offerings.

Ann L. (Atlanta, US)
Energetically distinct from the earlier Asclepius tincture, but just as potent

Having just reached the bottom of my Series II bottle, I cracked open my Asclepius IV: Son of Apollo tincture for the first time yesterday. The bottle urged me to take a full half-dropper full for my priming dose. As I swallowed, I felt a group of kindly gazes assessing me - it was very much the feel of a consulting physician's circle; a multiplicity of healing Archons assembling for intake, triage, and treatment. It was just a moment, but I feel connected to their pipeline now. Where one or two drops of the older tincture was enough for one time, I'm feeling encouraged to take much larger doses of this one, which makes sense as I'm currently recovering from surgery. The tincture doesn't interfere with my sleep but definitely has a more energizing, solar feel than the II series.

Luisa P. (Louisville, US)
magical adaptogen

Sobering, grounding, clarifying, fortifying -- this stuff is really steer-able and packs a punch in terms of delivering rest and encouraging whatever behavior is needed to center health and safety. An indispensable ally in a COVID-19 world!

Mariya B. (Burgas, BG)
A great all-purpose-best-selling-my-favourite series

I love the Asclepius series. As everybody on the S+ community as far as I can see and read. But this is my first Son of Apollo bottle and I just can't believe how I went about without it until now. The first time I used it after an exhausting trip abroad that gave me a terrible headache upon arrival back home. I immediately put some of the tincture on my pulsation points and although I still had headache for some time I was able to do some work and attend my kids in an adequate way. On the third application the headache was gone. I have an established devotional practice with the Divine healer and I think this series adds to my altar in a perfect way.

Lisa K. (Seaside, US)
Health & well-being insurance

This tincture is great background "insurance" on everything else. I layer it with literally every other series I use. I don't really feel it in an affirmative way per se, it just takes the harsh edges off of other stuff (mundane and magical), and makes me feel generally better - more at ease, less stress-prone, and less pain-prone. It has also reduced the length of my migraines and other headaches and mitigates the intensity of other bodily pains, and it neutralizes any potential harsh effects of the Saturn in Aquarius tincture, which I layer it with. It's the only series I use for every activity and with every other S&S series, because it just gives me a more supportive and better version of everything.

Sarah F. (Portland, US)
A great place to start with an incredible series

I know the popular opinion seems to be that the best starting place for working with Asclepius (which is, as far as I can tell, totally essential) is the water— and it's great! I've gone through two bottles! But honestly, after a month of working with the tincture every day, I'd maybe recommend starting here? So, SO versatile, but mostly just a great thing to drop in a water bottle— it wants you to stay hydrated and take care of yourself!! You can put it in baths, on your body, in lotion— I've done all these things and love it!
I think what I love most of all about the tincture is— and this might just speak to my months of work with the series— but I came into it with SUCH desperate energy, like "oh my god SOMEONE FIX ME please," and of course it turned into a healing crisis, as it can and often does with Asclepius. I was applying a form of it every day SO URGENTLY, but with this tincture— or just with time/frequency— I've felt ready to take the training wheels off, so to speak. I still struggle with dysregulation, but there's just not so much panic around existing in my body anymore, and I've found at least a couple phenomenal people to help me with health stuff. Divine Coterie is no misnomer! Love this tincture, adore this series, and would happily recommend to anyone interested in working with Asclepius.

Jaimmie Q. (Richmond, CA)
My first tincture

This is my first tincture - I wasn't sure what to do with them before so I never bought it. Then I got sick... and feeling a bit desperate, bought this Asclepius tincture. I wasn't sure what to expect, and I'd been taking 3-4 drops in my tea. Since then my lingering symptoms are aleviating. Now I can't say if it's due to this tincture, or if it's my body naturally healing (maybe both?). However, I realized there's SO many more uses to the tincture! I can use drops topically, such as on my skin, instead of the oil. I can add this to my (alcohol based tonic) dandruff treatment! I didn't realize before how versatile this could be, and I love it! I need to buy another bottle soon.


  1. This stuff is great. It’s almost adaptogenic– a small amount gives me a little lift to my day, nothing too crazy, a slight warmth and anchoring. When I’m sick or wound up I take a lot more, it feels HOT and I have to go straight to bed. The next day I feel rested. Definitely a great tincture to have if you get sick + run down easily.

  2. While my S+ apothecary is wide and deep, I attribute the biggest change to my health to daily doses of this tincture. I was general, not specific in my spoken intentions, letting Asclepius lead the way, and sobriety has resulted. What could be better to support my overall immune system, whole body functioning, and emotional & mental well-being? Praise the Divine Physician!

  3. this bottle rides with me as charm and sidearm – whenever i’ve felt most on the verge, concerned, or paranoid(!) of catching ill, i’ve taken a dropperful and been kept from worst harm.

  4. I love this product so much. It’s helping me heal on physical and psychic levels. Not a fast heal, but slow and steady. (I use a few drops in my drinking water.)

  5. I was late to the Asclepius party, since as a new-ish client, I was preoccupied with exploring the Jupiter and Venus series, as well as Deneb Algedi. So the Divine Physician has sat on my shelf patiently for months before application. I must say, Asclepius is a game changer. Healing that I didn’t even know I needed. Its helped me recover from caring too much about the troubles our world has faced over the last few years, restored my sense of self, and my sleep. So especially grateful for this tincture, the SOA oil and salve. Remarkable and unexpected self-care.

  6. This tincture has been so helpful for the integration of my new medication. Asclepius moves with me to bring both knowledge and understanding of Him and how best to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Using daily has been integral to reducing Rx side effects as well as creating a life that takes seriously my health and well-being in a more holistic way—ie. How to better care for myself in all ways.

    This tincture has been such a game-changer, and I’m thankful to Our Hunky Healer as well as to the S+S team for this beautiful creation ✨

  7. I used this yesterday and added a drop or two to my water, that I drank after I lit the candle I prepared for Asclepius, yesterday Wednesday during a full moon. Again, I did this to greater attune to the healing aspects of Asclepius and give thanks. Definitely cleansing, and I can see how ritual use (doing so on a weekly sustained basis) can be very healing.

  8. I love this offering, when using it in meditation I feel a sense of being attuned to Apollo and Sol on such a deep energetic and physical sense. I feel like I’m vibrating with solar healing rays. I particularly like using it after doing ancestral healings on Sunday.

  9. I ingest this tincture despite the advisement to the contrary. I really love Kaitlin’s tinctures in general and find them to be aptly named, because they attune you to their energy over time, and you, in turn sustain it.

    As for this particular tincture, if you’re familiar with the feel of a room after you’ve smudged it with sage or palo santo, and opened up the windows to warm and sunny day; imagine that but in your person.

  10. This series is absolutely amazing! I do take this internally, so I think it takes a while to feel the effects. But so far, it is amazing at dispelling energies that are not yours that cling to you, as well as depressive states. It slowly integrates feelings of joy, gratitude and happiness into your life. It helps you to make healthy decisions that you actually keep to, ones that you can sustain. Since using it I find myself telling my partner how happy and healthy I feel. I have been integrating more healthy movement into my day, yoga everyday, long hikes, 3 mile walks each morning as the sun rises. I highly recommend

  11. I never tried a tincture before so I took a foot bath with it the day I got it, a Friday I had called off work due to not feeling well. I felt like an Asthma flare up was turning in to Bronchitis and my feet hurt too. This is definitely different than Asclepius I and II and the chart really helps. That night I woke up three times with a continuing dream about an odd health question I had about myself. Really digging into my subconscious. The next day I brought this to work and put some on the floor around my chair and on the threshold to my office door. I could only stay three hours and I slept all day Sunday. But, I feel great and I won’t get Bronchitis.

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