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Son of Apollo Healing Salve

Son of Apollo Healing Salve

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

A mélange of Solar herbs and sundry essential oils famed for their healing properties, in a blend of organic olive oil and fair-trade, incorruptible jojoba.

Calendula, St. John’s wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, and balm of gilead, suffumigated during the Son of Apollo election. Immersed in our 50/50 oil + liquid wax and placed upon the Asclepius altar before being moved to the front porch to greet the rays of Sol’s rising on his Father’s day.

Left to incubate and shaken on Sundays in the hour of Sol for many months, before being mixed with organic beeswax and essential oils of frankincense, wintergreen, and eucalyptus, and poured in accord with the Sun’s timing as Humanity’s Own Star rejoiced in rulership. Topped with 24k gold leaf.

“My muscles feel like… gently melting butter”, Austin remarked following initial application.

Apply and spend 1-3 minutes rubbing into areas in need of relaxation. Great on the feet and shoulders as a way to de-stress after a long day. Can also be used to soothe and protect the skin.

Arrives in a 2 oz metal tin for $63

Note: Do not apply to cuts or open wounds! For comparison, peruse testimonials from our first Exalted Venus salve.


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Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.

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Weight 2.5 oz
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × .80 in
Fixed Star

Planetary Body


Benefic, Neutral


2 oz


No — Contains ethically, legally harvested animal components

Creation Date

April 12th, 2020, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery

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Customer Reviews

Based on 52 reviews

Im obsessed with this salve, all my aches and pains removed at the spot! My go to when I get cramps


I have a few forms of Asclepius materia and the salve definitely feels the most medicinal. I use this when something is injured or is bringing discomfort and brings relief so quickly within a day or two I almost forget that I had the issue in the first place. This has turned out to be great for my partner's chronic pain and it always triggers a period of deep rest for him, something he has a hard time doing when he's having a flare up.

Soothing and illuminating

The Asclepius IV salve is incredible, I never want to run out of this. It gives me such peace of mind to be able to use this whenever I need some healing, soothing energy. Great for aches and pains. I especially love rubbing it into my neck and shoulders before going to sleep, it helps with getting better rest, and beings more positive dreams. It definitely has a golden, solar energy about it, but it’s very relaxing.

Already need more of this

Between your own illnesses and injuries and those of the people around you, you'll probably go through this salve as quickly as I did. Works exactly as described. Asclepius materia may be slightly less 'fun' than some of the other influences, but health kinda governs everything else in our lives. The metaphysical equivalent of eating your vegetables.

Luisa Powell

I deal with chronic nerve pain from a ruptured disc and somehow this stuff brings genuine relief. Definitely the most potent of the salve offerings in terms of muscle release and medicinal scent profile. One of my favorite delivery methods of the various Asclepius offerings on hand, past and present.

Ani Mir
Relief and balance

The kind of pain and injuries I have nothing is going to banish completely…however, this salve softens the edge and balances other materia, gives me some temporary relief without drowsiness. I like the warm medicinal scent and light texture that absorbs well. I love this much more than my CBD rubs.

Only gave the Kolonia four stars which I’m now regretting…because the series pairs well with everything and works better layered with proper intention. Should’ve gotten a bigger size of both!


I reach for this all the time. It has helped my husband with chronic pain and my son with eczema. I also feel that it has an amplifying effect on energy healing practices. I find it very soothing and relaxing.

Caitlyn Post

A godsend for chronic illness, building my relationship with Asclepius has helped keep me sane this year and I feel his comforting presence every time I apply this salve to my shoulders and neck

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Kelly S.
Sleep Aid + RLS savior

I've been having a real tough time getting to sleep (and staying asleep) lately -- it seems that every time I get tired/comfortable, my legs start to get sore (shins/calves, primarily) and I feel like I need to stretch/move. This might be Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)? Whatever it is, I have found that rubbing some of this salve in not only makes the soreness dissipate -- my whole body relaxes and I'm finally able to get the rest that I need. It's quite remarkable! I've had a twinge in my neck all day and applied some of this salve before sitting to write this review, and I'm already feeling a difference.
One thing to note: this salve is a lot more gooey than most that I own by S+S, which makes me think that it's probably especially prone to melting in heat -- if it's a warm season, I'd advise waiting for cooler temperatures before ordering this, to avoid any shipping mishaps.

The world's most luxurious VapoRub

My 2024's been pretty intense from the jump and has required me to move through a lot of intense change, and I'm honestly not sure I could've managed without the help of Asclepius. I just moved across the country, had to handle a lot of heavy stuff essentially by myself, and I wasn't sure I'd have it in me to make it work, and I really think this salve helped me power through. This is only the second form I've tried thus far (alongside the water), but this series is fantastic for burnout: staying on even keeling for the work that absolutely needs to be done or putting a BIG loud stop sign in front of everything when rest is necessary. Rubbing this on my throat and sometimes chest every day for the most intense moments of needing to get my life together felt like incredible protection, not to mention it is the most luxurious VapoRub I've ever had the immense privilege of experiencing. A phenomenal ally for winter— and, well, really year-round in this very punishing, ongoing age of illness. Got this hoping it'd help with my chronic pain and was surprised it's, so far, seemed more interested in helping me getting out of the place I was in so I could actually *finally* rest, and maybe (hopefully) that relief is coming soon. This does feel like a benevolent spirit (or spirit!) watching over me and helping to guide me in a better direction, which seems to be a thing for the fixed star series. Real Swiss Army knife-style materia that seems to have a lot of talents— I'd not even mean to get some on cuts in my hand / fingers (and I imagine you wouldn't want to put this on very fresh or large wounds without it being *very* sterile), but noticed they healed *way* faster than without. "Divine Physician" is right! Would love to grab a larger size when I have more money. Definitely worth the hype.


  1. I applied the salve on my feet before a long trail run, in the hopes I would be spared any injury. Not only did I have an accident-free run, but I also finished without any blisters – a first for me, as I usually get a few after every long trail run I take part in.
    Praise to Asclepius! And praise to Sphere + Sundry for this truly incredible offering!

  2. went hiking on an overcast day and derped on applying sunscreen, resulting in fried neon red skin on my shoulders and arms. applied some other first aid ointments everywhere and on a whim, tested using this on one shoulder. the difference the next morning was profound. the arm that received Asclepius’ energy via S+salve (and this arm was hit/cooked harder by the sun) was now looking tan and healthy, felt great. the patch right next to it and the whole other arm–where I’d only applied other ointments–was still bright red, tender and hot to the touch. the next day and night I repeated the regimen including this salve (everywhere this time) and am still in awe of how much this salve quickened recovery.

    so much love for every Asclepius series offering that I’ve used. thank you always, Kaitlin, for making these!

  3. This is so helpful with the arthritis in my knuckles. Gently work it in before keyboard marathons, knitting, and other such. It is really is miraculous.

  4. Amazing to put on your feet before bed. Very relaxing and provides an alleviating draining out or unloading type of sensation, if that resonates with anyone. I *finally* have help with some difficult to describe sleep disturbances that I have been struggling with for months. Thank you, Kaitlin and team, these offerings are so needed and appreciated.

  5. This is the perfect ‘soothe’ that’s required on any particular place where I need support.
    I have no idea why it took me so long after the launch to buy it….like what good reason for not buying it!!!….Once I tried it the answer was none!
    Another gift to this world of magic materia by the gorgeous Kaitlin.

  6. I have already bought this twice & while im not sure it turns my muscles into butter, it does help with whatever I put it on. I have a torn meniscus in my knee & I apply it there when it hurts, and also sometimes my stomach when im not feeling well & it works equally well to quickly take away the pain & help heal. also, I had a major surgery in January that left me mentally & physically busted & once safe, I began applying this to my scars daily & around my chest area for the healing combined with the warm, uplifting, clearing solar kind of boost, it was a beloved part of my every day morning routine for awhile there. I think having the salve in addition to the oils with same or similar properties helps because it caused me to stop & take time to give love to my body by rubbing it in, which is part of the healing. ive also applied it to a few friends who were in pain & they said it helped too. Can’t speak strongly enough in favor <3

  7. Waow, this salve is An Experience. I’m in awe!
    First of all, the scent is heavenly. I don’t even know how to describe it… honeyed and green? Earthy and comforting. I wasn’t expecting to love it so much, honestly!
    The texture is truly unlike anything I’ve ever tried before when it comes to salves, creams, onguents. It’s SO soft, extremely pleasant to apply. Again, blew my mind away, beyond any expectations I might have had.
    I struggle with chronic pain and used it for the first time on a very sore day. Austin is right, “melting butter” really nails it! I fell asleep without the need for a hot water bottle (highly unsual for a high pain day!), woke up feeling rested and serene.
    Besides the incredibly pleasant sensations, the overall feel of this salve is so, so smooth. The synchronicities that happened around my first application has such a gentle feel. I felt seen and cared for.
    Oh and the sleeping side-effect is no joke, you can probably expect to be yawning soon after using it!
    Overall, incredible, definitely would recommend.

  8. This beautiful + potent balm arrived just at the end of a stressful period at work and the start of a turn-of-the-season cold, so I used it as an ointment on blocked up painful ENT areas. The pain disappeared almost immediately and the congestion melted away before I could even make my usual batch of cold-clearing sage tea!

  9. After tearing a ligament, I was stuck in bed that night and couldn’t even roll over, much less get up. The slightest move made me wince in pain. I decided to layer different Asclepius materia, starting with the salve. That helped me enough to get me into the tub, where I soaked in the bath salts two days in a row. Then, in between, I used the Asc II oil. By the 3rd morning, I could walk as if I’d never been injured. When my mother asked after me, I told her this remarkable story, then sent her the salve, as she has fibromyalgia and struggles to relax and fall asleep because of it. I spoke with her this week, and she asked me to order her another tin, as she’s been applying it every night and not only is she in much less discomfort, she’s also sleeping sounder than she’s had in years.

  10. This salve is everything I need when my cramps come, it’s so soothing and effective. I always apply it after long days of work and when my muscles are sore and it helps me relax and soothes my senses.

  11. This is probably the item in the series that has given me the most IMMEDIATE results. Time and again, I have used this when my husband or I have sore muscles that won’t go away on their own. I rub it in before bed and the next morning, they are completely healed without an ounce of pain. It’s truly amazing. I’m so happy I purchased two of these because I don’t know what I will do when they run out!

  12. All praises for this healing modality which has become a staple in our home. We use it for everything, but especially diabetic neuropathy and gout.

  13. I absolutely love this stuff. I have frequent lower back pain and often massage a bit into the muscles of my lower back before bed. It brings instant relief which lasts into the next day.

  14. So glad to have another salve as I enjoyed my Venus salve offering too quickly and ran out. This, coming from a completely different election, has its own character/personality. It is a little softer/more supple (Austin’s quote of soft/butter nails it) and has an herbaceous scent to it. I’ve used it on achy joints and sore muscles. It doesn’t have that hedonistic decadent feel of the Venus salve (personality-wise) but it does soothe and address any physical woes and did take the edge off of a surly mood once too!

  15. I bought this as a preventative — it seemed like it would be good for burns and would be a great addition to the first aid kit. I never expected to find a use for it so soon and be so pleased with it. Just to try it out, I used it on a couple spots – one on each arm. It’s been a decade but I’ve gotten these scratchy risen things. The first ones went away after five years! And before they were all the way gone, two new ones came up no far from the original spot. The doctor seemed to think they’re normal with age but they’re annoying because they’re itchy. The Son of Apollo salve makes them not itchy and they are actually starting to go down, possibly at least in part because I’m finally able to keep my hands off them, but the salve feels so good when it’s rubbed in, I do think they’re also healing from the inside.

  16. Upon opening the tin I smelled herby funk but in a good way. This is so wonderful to massage on my lower abdomen whenever I get menstrual cramps. I can’t take painkillers because I am allergic to them, and my other options are a hot compress or menthol patches which do not always work. I get almost immediate relief from this salve and is super moisturizing to boot! Kudos to you, Kaitlin & Co. and praise be to Asclepius, son of Apollo! My uterus can’t thank you all enough

  17. I took a foot bath with the tincture and finished it up by putting the salve on my feet and putting socks on for a few hours. (I have thick scar tissue on my feet that has required multiple surgeries and a lot of Cortisone shots and only acupuncture has prevented another surgery.) The next day I could move one of my feet much more than before! A couple of days later I wore the same pair of socks again and this morning I feel some kind of sensation in the other, much more thickly scared, foot. The nerves have been removed and I’m feeling something! I’m using this again tonight! This might seem pricey but how much would a doctor appt. and a shot cost? If I wear the wrong type of shoe or boot for a few days, off to the doctor for another steroid shot in a few months. Keep making this stuff!

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