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Water of Mercury in Gemini

Water of Mercury in Gemini

Dill, wormwood, parsley, marjoram, bayberry root bark, mullein, skullcap, and seeds of fennel, caraway, and celery, along with opal and sour patch kids, distilled via copper alembic in water freshly harvested from Mt. Shasta. Finished with grain alcohol to help preserve, colloidal gold, and colloidal silver.

Use as an aura or body spray for a Mercurial boost, to help clear the field of stuck energies.

Can also be sprayed over altars, desks, and throughout conference booths or shopping areas to stimulate commerce and conversation.

Offered in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $30 or full 2 oz for $75, featuring a keepsake opal.




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Creation Date

Hour of Mercury, Mercury in Gemini on the MC. Moon DOE. June 23rd, 2022. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)


Potential Side Effects


Spray Bottle Size

1/2 oz, 2 oz

Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Derek O. (British Columbia, Canada)
Easy, spritzy, and fun!

I love this hydrosol as a prep as a primer for social situations. It makes me feel light, breezy, spritzy, and overall just lovely. Significantly less 'tunnel vision-y' than Exalted Mercury :)

HELEN C. (England, United Kingdom)
Playful and bright

This spray has a lighthearted and clarifying feeling, it's wonderful to clear mental blocks for creativity, and it's mood boosting. It's also a lovely altar spray for Mercury days and hours.

Sara K. (Wisconsin, United States)
Swing from the Trapeze with Water of Mercury in Gemini

This effervescent water lifts my spirit and mind at the start of each day. It has a lightly playful quality similar to swinging from the trapeze (with no fear of falling!). I have very strong and prominent Virgo placements - this water and series provides a lovely balance that.

H.R. (Maryland, United States)
helps by way of a series of surprises, also helps this sag rising w crowds

I had to go to a community event and scout as an organizer and the event was packed packed packed which is hard for me to work with but this stuff, the merc gem stuff helped give me the break in fear to stand up and say my thing, make some crucial connections, and best of all, run into an old friend that randomly had two separate pieces of secret and incredibly important information to tell me without me even asking. thats how this works. you kinda cant really ask for something specific, the help it brings is on its own terms but it is helpful and genius & delightful. also it makes you GO FAST

J.Y. (District of Columbia, United States)
Go with the flow

Out of all of the waters, this one is the most 'road opening' one? Feeling stuck? A little spritz of this is very rejuvenating. I feel like it promotes creative problem solution. And really sparks curiosity in the "what if" scenarios. Which is great when stacking with other materia. If you want to get that flow going, try this.

U.W. (Pirkanmaa, Finland)
Hopping fun

Fun and easy compared to Mercury in Virgo which is a more laser focused and serious. Mercury in Gemini wants to experiment and play, and not take anything too seriously. Perfect for any artist / writer who feels creatively stuck. Mercury in Gemini helps me to remember that I am probably taking myself and/or too seriously - it's the journey that matters in the game of life.

Samantha C. (California, United States)
A quick spark

Great for getting the ball rolling in regard to whatever tasks I need to embark on, especially (and obviously) with things under Mercury's purview. It seems to work like a hot cup of caffeinated tea: a quick little jolt of focused energy that wears off gradually. My only complaint is that I dislike the scent.

Jessica C. (Washington, United States)
Perfect for a day of writing

I love the waters for being affordable, easy to use, and easy to layer. When I need to get done some expressive tasks, a spritz of this Water of Mercury helps set the scene and my intentions.

H.R. (Maryland, United States)
quick low-presh smart brain/good luck/charm-charm

a very good choice if you just want a small boost, as a layer with other stuff, or as a layer to speed up the effects of the oil &/or salve. its great for its quick action and also for being an option that doesnt need to be a whole-day commitment like the heavier forms, nor does it give you the strength & sometimes whiplashy feeling of the kolonia. I think it smells nice & sometimes I mist it over my computer when I want it to work faster. very very convenient choice for increased ability to perceive and articulate complex info quickly, to read and write quickly, to speak with a little sparkle, and I think its kind of lucky and maybe makes me funnier? great choice

D.M. (California, United States)

Really really like this water for immediate effect it has on me and environment. Adds swiftness and resourcefulness. Excellent before wring promos or journaling, phone calls or tarot reading.


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