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Obligatory Mercury Retrograde Remediation Post

Obligatory Mercury Retrograde Remediation Post
March 4, 2019 Kaitlin Coppock

Obligatory Mercury Retrograde Remediation Post

This was posted to FacebookInstagram, and Twitter on March 4th, 2019.

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Here is Sphere + Sundry’s obligatory post for remediating Mercury retrogrades…

The good news: Mercury retrogrades aren’t nearly as bad as the hype surrounding them most of the time, and actions can be taken to reduce their impact. This is what we in the traditional + Vedic astro biz refer to as “remediation”, which we’ll get into shortly.

Retrograde Considerations

When a planet goes retrograde, the areas of life it has rulership over are universally affected. Mercury is in charge of many things, especially in our modern world, which is why there’s so much generalized panic the three times per year they start backin’ that thang up.

Side note on my use of gendered planetary pronouns: I use she/her for Luna and Venus, he/him for Sol, Mars, Jupiter, and sometimes Saturn (even though he’s mostly just post-hormonal and crotchety), and they/them for Mercury, given their status as the OG androgyne.

The planet Mercury oversees —

  • Communication in general
  • Written communications specifically
  • Transmitted information (so basically the entire internet)
  • Electronics
  • Software/ code performance
  • Travel, getting from point A to point B
  • Paperwork
  • Logistics and processes

Since Mercury’s function is to act as a bridge between any one person or thing and another, we can see how easy it is for shit to hit the fan when even just one baton pass gets flubbed, because it so often means we can’t proceed with the rest of a process, which results in delays and irritation.

Mercury retrogrades are typically characterized by things going haywire or not working the way they’re supposed, which means we have to go back and fix something before being able to move forward again — a literal representation of apparent retrograde motion.

Some retrogrades are more powerful than others, both generally and personally. To determine if any given retrograde is going to kick your ass or not, here are some factors to consider —

  • Which house does the planet go retrograde in?
    Angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are the most impactful, meaning mutable risings are on high alert
  • Are any of your planets (or key chart points) in the retrograde’s path?
    In this cycle, anything in the last half of Pisces
  • Is the retrograde planet particularly important in your chart?
    If it rules the Ascendant, sect light, or many other planets, it’ll be more significant
  • Is the retrograde planet highlighted by profection or time lord?
    It’ll have a greater impact

The more significant a role the retrograde planet plays for you, generally and for each particular cycle, the more attention you should pay to remediating the effects and the more carefully you should tread.

So, aside from the generally impractical advice to avoid contact with anyone and everything, signing paperwork or initiating new endeavors, what can we do about it?

Mercury Retrograde Remediation Ritual

The face of a retrograde planet is different from its standard presentation. It’s in an underground or darker phase, as Venus Cloacina can attest, so we shan’t be appealing to Mercury proper, who is drunk. We’ll be turning instead to Hermes Chthonius.

On the day and hour of Mercury during their retrograde phase, burn some storax or incense as an offering and say the orphic hymn to Terrestrial Hermes, who can help us navigate the chaos Mercury retrogrades sometimes bring —

Hermes I call, whom Fate decrees to dwell in the dire path which leads to deepest hell
O Bacchic Hermes, progeny divine of Dionysius, parent of the vine,
And of celestial Venus Paphian queen, dark eye-lash’d Goddess of a lovely mien:
Who constant wand’rest thro’ the sacred feats
where hell’s dread empress, Persephone, retreats;
To wretched souls the leader of the way when Fate decrees, to regions void of day:
Thine is the wand which causes sleep to fly, or lulls to slumb’rous rest the weary eye;
For Persephone’s thro’ Tart’rus dark and wide gave thee forever flowing souls to guide.
Come, blessed pow’r the sacrifice attend, and grant our mystic works a happy end.

You can also call upon this form of Hermes and pray to them to help solve specific problems that arise during Mercury’s retrogrades, and provide further offerings.

Practical Remediation Using Talismanic Materia

Items from the various Mercury-based and related series can serve as exquisite Mercurial aids, during direct and retrograde phases alike.

The Froggy and Door-Key subsets can be especially helpful during Mercury RX, as can cleansing forms like Kolonias, Waters, Spell Soaps, Shampoo + specifically selected Incense / Powder, Ritual Salts, and  Bath Salts.

Indirectly Mercurial series like the Third Decan of Capricorn can provide support without going against the “wind” transit-wise. Quicksilver Tongue can help you lean in and find alternative flows while boosting creativity.

Keep these items with you for quick day to day use as issues arise. They can (as always) be applied as needed at any time, but will be especially potent on Wednesdays and during Mercury’s hour.

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    Froggy Subset

    , , , , , , , ,
    "Froggy" was supposed to be a working title, but a more highfalutin one hasn't presented itself yet! We reserve the right to change its name at a later date ; )

    "From the works of Mercury, inscribe the figure of a frog on an emerald... Whoever carries this stone will be offended by none; nay, people will speak well of them, and they will say good things about all their works."Picatrix, Pingree edition

    "A frog engraved on a beryl, will have the power to reconcile enemies and produce friendship where there was discord."Book of Wings, Rabbi Ragiel

    Consecrated herbal blend and Anointing Oil from our Mercury in Gemini election, with the addition of witch grass, myrrh, hydrangea root, motherwort, anamu, devil's shoestring, rattlesnake root, deer's tongue, witch hazel, honey powder, slippery elm, and blessed thistle. Moss agate, tree agate, labradorite, and emerald. Violet leaf, pink lotus, and angelica root. Variegated green leaf. Two mummified frogs and two frog skeletons (ethically obtained, natural causes). A subset for the wise selection of word and deed, for reputation management, reconciliation, and greasing the wheels of difficult conversations/ dynamics. The Eirene of the Mercury in Gemini series, except for slyer, and more cunning. For the casting of Mercurial glamours... the "witchiest" of its Mercurial ilk. Wear or take a smoke bath before social occasions, important discussions, or simply going about your daily business. Good for adding safety rails to the act of socializing, and for solitary endeavors involving writing, contemplation, meditation, or ritual. Use as an offering, dressing, or fumigant in works of magic toward compatible ends. Froggy Anointing Oil: 1/2 oz Standard Vial for $80, 10 ml "flawless glide" Steel Roller for $65, or 5 ml Mini for $33 Froggy Incense-Powder hybrid: 1/2 oz Vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99 Froggy Spell Soap: 2" x 1" disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    The Door-Key Subset

    , , , , , ,
    Materia Magica to Open the Way, leveraging Mercury in Gemini's unparalleled access to anyone, anything, and anywhere it (or you!) sees fit. Abre camino leaf, quassia chips, frankincense, myrrh, witch grass, lucky hand root, palo santo, slippery elm, eucalyptus, and tulsi. Shavings from a 100+ year old skeleton key, and three key-shaped agates. 24k gold and white gold, mixed with consecrated Mercury in Gemini powder from the original election. Opal, and variegated red leaf. Some very fun, tremendously powerful Door-Key syncs oriented around the keys that were upon the working altar throughout the course of formulation, but we'll share those another time. Try it for yourself and enjoy your own ; ) Use as you would any "Road Opening" or Abre Camino-based products — to anoint yourself, take a smoke bath, or use in works of magic to gain access to your desires. Potent and exceptional unlocks await. Door-Key Anointing Oil: 1/2 oz Standard Vial for $80, 10 ml “flawless glide” Steel Roller for $65, or 5 ml Mini for $33 Door-Key Incense-Powder hybrid: 1/2 oz Vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99 Door-Key Spell Soap: 2″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.   
  • Sovereign’s Decree Lip Balm

    , , ,
    Sovereign's Decree Anointing Oil with organic beeswax and essential oils. Enchant the speech and tongue directly, as words travel through the portal of the lips into the wider Sphere. Influences thought and speaking patterns, as well as the reception of what one has to say. Wear when alone to support contemplation and planning, and in mundane and magical scenarios when speaking from the place of personal power need influence the end-result. Offered in a long-lasting, environmentally friendly chapstick tube (with 500-600 applications!).
  • $3$90

    The Sovereign’s Decree Anointing Oil, Incense + Powder

    , , , ,
    Ritually crafted Capricorn III Anointing Oil, given the gifts of dragon's blood, devil's shoestring, high john the conqueror, goldenseal, patchouli, bergamot, tobacco, amansa guapo, mandrake, and deer's tongue, alongside ancient Egyptian kyphi, myrrh, copal oro, royal hojari, 24k gold, and much, much more. The Power behind the Throne. An Oil of cunning and command — excellent for strategizing, executing, and perhaps some choice intimidation. Wear to be taken more seriously (by others certainly, but also one's self!), and to petition those in Power (Spirits included). A training ground for wielding influence, upon the path to embodying its true mantle. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Comment (1)

  1. Amy Carman 6 months ago

    Thank you so much for posting these super informative, concise and helpful writings- and for free! I appreciate this and re-read them through the years. If you ever write a book, I will buy it. I remember replying to a poll a while back in reference to a future publication and will continue to look forward to it.

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