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Working with St. Expedite — Altar, Offerings, Prayers, Specific Applications

Working with St. Expedite — Altar, Offerings, Prayers, Specific Applications
January 25, 2019 Kaitlin Coppock

Working with St. Expedite — Altar, Offerings, Prayers, Specific Applications

This was posted as a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram January 25th, 2019.

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Saint Expedite is a powerful and efficacious spirit, turned to throughout the globe for quick results and material intercession, especially in the case of emergencies. Most famed for delivering fast cash and bringing a swift end to lawsuits and bureaucratic nonsense, he can also be called upon to expedite the results of other magical work and prayed to for all manner of manifest results. Specific applications are listed at the bottom of this article.

For an introduction to the figure and back story of St. Expedite, see the description text for the series of magical materia we’ve created in his honor. These were constructed to talismanic standard during the full Moon in Gemini 2018 on a particularly potent Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius, giving our patron Saint a battery pack of planetary power to further aid his ability to manifest the fastest, most favorable results.

Note that using our Expedite offerings is not a requirement for working with this spirit, or for the instructions and prayers presented in this article. If you have them, wonderful — use them! If not, work with what you have.

Priming the Pump

If you’re looking to work with Expedite, it’s likely the case that you already know what you want or need help with and are ready to dive right in. Even if you don’t, you can still set up an altar and present offerings to him on Wednesdays to start seeding the relationship and building rapport for when the time comes. He’s a great spirit to keep on retainer, and can be a motivating, energizing influence to share space with.

More on the formation of requests and specific applications can be found below, but first, let’s delve into establishing Expedite’s base of operations within your sphere.

Altar Construction + Placement

Expedite is a hot way-opening figure who prefers to be placed beside doorways. The more primary the entrance the better, whether indoors or out — the front or back door is ideal. I recommend to keep Expedite altars out of the bedroom, because his activity can cause sleep disturbances.

Since St. Expedite is such a yang figure, his altars are most appropriately positioned in the South, East, or in the direction of your Sheng Chi, which is the direction of personal prosperity according to your birth in classical feng shui. In the case you don’t have direction options based on the door or other practical considerations, don’t worry about direction.

His altar cloth should be red or white, but you can always use paper, a placemat, or a decorative platter as a fallback.

You will need an image or statue of St. Expedite. You can print your favorite from Google Images or procure a statue, many fine specimens of which are available through Amazon. In a real pinch, you can pull his image up on your phone and place it on the altar as you make your requests, though that’s obviously not ideal for establishing an ongoing relationship.

Expedite has a fondness for triplicities, so many guides recommend situating your image or statue of Expedite in the center back, and then using a single candle in front on one side and a glass of water in front on the other, making a triangle formation. That’s the simplest layout of an Expedite altar, but far from the only way they can be arranged. Any way that looks pleasing and feels good to you should work great.


The two most basic offerings for Expedite are the aforementioned candle and glass of water. The bigger and more important your request, the more in the way of offerings you should give, to the degree you are able. The full list of favored/ common Expedite offerings includes —

  • Candle(s)
  • Glass(es) of water
  • Slice(s) of poundcake. Sarah Lee is rumored to be his favorite, which can be found in the frozen desserts section of many grocery stores, but homemade or other brands will no doubt suffice
  • Red flowers, especially roses
  • Red wine
  • Palm fronds

You do not have to give all of these at once. In fact, it works better to “pay” St. Expedite half up front and half upon delivery of your request, to incentivize him to act even faster. The following ritual structure and prayer is arranged to accommodate this, but feel free to deviate to what makes most sense to you.

Other Expedite lore advises that you flip your icon of Expedite upside down while he’s in the process of fulfilling your request, the theory being that he’ll move quickly in order to get turned rightside up again. This is obviously easier to do with an image than a statue, and is entirely optional. I’ve never worked that way because it feels, uh… rude. But to each their own!

Appropriate Altar Items

Other items at home on Expedite altars include —

  • Coins
  • Paper money, mock money, and checks
  • St. Expedite oils, incenses, perfumes, and other materia made in his name
  • Small living varieties of palm, bamboo, or plants with red flowers
  • Items that are red, green, and/ or gold
  • Skeleton keys and lock picks
  • Crow feathers
  • Holy water, crosses, rosaries, or other Christian iconography and implements
  • Tarot cards and items related to your specific (and current) requests
  • Dice or playing cards
  • A bell, for ringing at the beginning and end of your petitions

Timing — St. Expedite + Astrology

In an ideal world, it’s best to establish a new Expedite altar (or clean and re-arrange one), along with give offerings and make requests on Wednesdays, his customary day, as well as the day of Mercury.

Most approaches to planetary magic are, well… planetary in nature, but because space-weather impacts everything (for better or for worse), it’s best to bring appropriate timing to all magical operations to increase their efficacy. Practical magic is but an odds game, at the end of the day.

St. Expedite is a spirit so you don’t have to use particular timing at all to work with him, but if you do, the results he delivers will be even better.

You can tie St. Expedite into your planetary magic work by pairing your requests with the house rulers of your natal chart, and using those periods of time to make offerings and prayers.

For instance, if you are asking for money and your second house is Pisces, Jupiter is the planet that has the biggest ability to impact your finances. Use the day of Expedite (Wednesday) or Jupiter (Thursday) in the hour of Jupiter for your prayers and offerings.

Quickly for those who don’t know what the houses correlate with —

1st = Self overall, body, personal presentation
2nd = Financial matters, material assets
3rd = Your day-to-day, short distance travel
4th = Your household or base of operations, point of origin, family
5th = Luck, creative pursuits, children, things you do for fun
6th = Health, habits, expenses, pets
7th = Spouse, business partners, close 1:1 relationships, outside world overall
8th = Debts, shared resources
9th = Higher education, long distance travel, religious and philosophical pursuits
10th = Career, prominence, reputation
11th = Online networks, social groups and communities, hobbies
12th = Psyche and subconscious

And the planetary rulers of each sign —

Aries and Scorpio = Mars
Taurus and Libra = Venus
Gemini and Virgo = Mercury
Cancer = Moon
Leo = Sun
Sagittarius and Pisces = Jupiter
Capricorn and Aquarius = Saturn

Planetary hours can be calculated online or using smart phone apps, such as Time Nomad, free for iPhone.

Forming Your Request

Be as specific as possible with your petitions and prayers. Contemplate exactly what you need/ want and consider writing it down to read during the ritual, since phrasing is such an important aspect of communication between all beings, and can deeply impact how your results manifest. Basic considerations include —

♰ What is your final objective?

♰ Who does this request involve, other than yourself?

Give their full name(s) or the title of their position. For instance, if you are seeking a promotion at your current job, name your manager or the person who will make that determination. If you are seeking general employment, something along the lines of “Make my future boss hire me immediately, and have me start work right away!”

♰ Where is the setting this will play out in?

Mention the location or stage the ritual there, if possible. If you are trying to sell your house, say something like “Make this house at 123 Expedite Way in California sell immediately! See that I have many offers over the asking price, and make closing as fast and easy as possible! Get the money from the sale into my account immediately!”

Use your Expedite materials in that location to draw his presence and empower his influence over the space, especially on Wednesdays.

♰ When does this need to be achieved by?

Generally speaking, it’s best to request “today!”, “now!”, “the soonest possible!”, and “without delay!” even if there is a deadline farther out. Expedite responds well to emergencies, so even if something is a desire rather than a need, form the request as imminently pressing regardless, and demand results at quicksilver speed.

♰ Why do you need to achieve this?

If you would like to further flesh out your petition, you can present reasons to Expedite about why you need something done, to add more emotional weight and urgency. An example would be “I need $2,000 to pay my rent, to keep a roof over my family’s heads and feed my children!” Don’t focus too much on the negative, and be careful with your phrasing so as not to consolidate difficulties.

General Petition + Prayer to St. Expedite

Have your request formed and offerings prepared, ready beside the altar. The following script can be downloaded to add your own petition and print underneath the prayer text. You can also write your own, or look up hundreds of other St. Expedite prayers available on the internet.

A word you should know how to say is “HODIE”, which means “today” or “at the present time” in latin, which marks Expedite’s cross. It is pronounced (h)o•dee•aay – with the ghost of an (h).

Listen —

Present prayers and offerings in a heartfelt manner, and address the spirit as if it were actually there in front of you, in the same way you’d give a gift and speak to someone with whom you have much respect, reverence, and regard for. Begin by lighting the candle(s) and incense, if you are using it. Here is a petition script —


Saint Expedite, Saint Expedite, Saint Expedite!
[Ring bell or knock three times on the altar]

I call you, here and now, and pray for your intercession!

You who acts immediately, and is reliable in times of need!
You, dressed in the red and gold colors of a Roman centurion
Holding high your sacred cross, marked HODIE!
Bearing a palm frond, showing all God’s children the triumph of Spirit over matter

Expedite, who heard the crow shout “tomorrow”,
Expedite, who denied the beast — stepping upon it
Exclaiming “TODAY”!

Come to my aid, glorious martyr! Deliver me this, my prayer and petition —

[Speak your desire; place your petitions or sigils]

I make you offerings of… [place them on the altar if not already there, and say them aloud: flame, water, poundcake, flowers, and…]

In return for your faithful service, and upon delivery of said needs,
I will give you further offerings and sing your praises to the heavens,
For all should know of your power and splendor!

Expedite, Leader of the Thundering Legions
By the glory and grace of your Special Providence
Find a way. Go forth, make it so!

This instant!


Download a free Word file of this prayer, to personalize and print

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Upon Receipt of Requests, and Disposal of Offerings

As far as offerings go while your requests are pending, leave them on the altar for as long as you desire, but remove them before they rot or wilt. When it comes to disposal of offering water, if you have house plants (especially palms!), water them with it (more on that in specific applications below…). For other offerings, put them outside for animals to feed on or to compost.

When you get the results you asked for, make sure to return to Expedite’s altar and give him the further offerings and praise you promised (if you did). It can be as simple as placing the offerings there and telling St. Expedite, from the bottom of your heart, “thank you”.

Expedite loooves to be publicly recognized. It’s customary after he delivers your request to sing his praises and tell others about him. This is one of the ways of offering to him upon making manifest your requests and prayers.

This can be done on social media by posting pictures, praises, and hashtags, or done the old fashioned way, in person. In South America some people hand out prayer cards on the street by the hundreds!

Growing a Business

If someone wants to increase their business, it follows that they likely also want to increase their income and social media followers. In the case that you want many things at one time, don’t just present Expedite with a list of demands.

Ask for the biggest, most final form of your goal, which if achieved means the smaller things also ended up happening — or that they didn’t matter as much as you thought.

For instance, some people have tens or hundreds of thousands of social media followers but very little sales conversion, while others have much higher conversion rates and higher paying clients, but don’t seem as successful from a “social proof” perspective. Focus on what will make the biggest positive difference in your life, not on what looks cool from the outside.

The most important thing about owning a business is generally related to the income they bring in, so if that’s the case for you, keep that your focus for your main petition. Use other forms of supportive magic, such as sigils and shoaling, for the more specific, smaller stuff, and ask Expedite to quicken and make manifest your sigils, which you should keep around his altar.

Note that magic works best when it’s supported by mundane action. All magic does is increase the likelihood of pulling something off, so you need to stack the deck in your favor by doing everything else in your power to make your business successful on a practical level.

Success magic is the cherry on top of all the other hard work you need to put in, in order to make that success possible in the real-world.


Increasing Business — Brick and Mortar

If possible, establish an Expedite altar inside the business. It’s very common for Chinese and Thai restaurants to feature small shrines on the counter, but they can also be hidden away in cabinets or back rooms. It doesn’t have to be large, but giving Expedite a base of operations in the establishment will empower his ability to increase your business.

If you can’t locate it in the business, have an altar to make offerings for him at home and bring an image or prayer card of Expedite into the business as a satellite. Put this somewhere near the door or in the cash register.

Set a goal for what amount of increase you would like, whether it’s earning $X more per month, getting X amount of new clients, or any other important metric. Add those details to the prayer, and begin saying it every Wednesday until your results are achieved. Then set another set of goals.

Material applications can also include —

  • Burning Expedite’s Incense in your place of business every Wednesday
  • Anointing the door knob with Oil of Expeditus every morning when you open; anointing a large bill you always keep in the cash register
  • Spraying his Holy Water around the cash register
  • Wear Golden Blessings of St. Expedite perfume to work
  • Keeping a palm or bamboo plant in the establishment that you feed with Expedite’s offering water

Increasing Business — Online

If you have a dedicated office you do most of your work in, locate your Expedite altar there if possible. If not, have one in your home and keep his image or a St. Expedite prayer card near the office doorway or beside your computer.

Set a goal for what amount of increase you would like, whether it’s earning $X more per month, getting X amount of new clients, or any other important metric. Add those details to the prayer, and begin saying it every Wednesday until your results are achieved. Then set another set of goals.

Material applications can also include —

  • Anoint the edge of your business cards with Oil of Expeditus or lightly mist his Holy Water over them, keeping them on his altar until you need to use them
  • Keep a palm or bamboo plant and put your business card underneath (or mark the pot with the name and website address of your business), and feed it with Expedite’s offering water
  • Wear Golden Blessings of St. Expedite perfume while you work
  • Burn Expedite’s Incense in your office every Wednesday
  • Print your natal chart and anoint the 10th and 11th houses with Expedite’s oil

Increasing Business — Vending

Bring a St. Expedite altar box set (or whatever you’re able) to construct a small, portable altar in your vending booth. Under the table works well. You can also get a medium or larger size cash box and reserve one portion of it for a miniature Expedite shrine. If none of that is possible, just an image or prayer card inside your cash box will suffice.

After set up or before the start of sales, take a moment to pray to Expedite with whatever your desired amount of income or sales generation is. Give the offerings there that you are able, or promise to provide them after delivery of results.

Material applications can also include —

Increasing Business — Gaining Clients

In the case of wanting to gain clients, you likely already have a brick and mortar or online business and will be enacting those techniques to work with Expedite.

Add your client goals to your petitions, in addition to whatever financial requests you’ve made. Make prayers to Expedite to bless your advertisements and make them more effective. Create goals for how many new clients you would like to amass, or new appointments booked.

Create a mock dream-calendar with appointment slots filled with combinations of “client,” “new client”, “established client”, and keep it on your Expedite altar. Use sigils to the effect of gaining new clients, and make sure you’re putting in the practical effort and marketing required to make gaining clients possible.

Material applications can also include —

Increasing Business — Gaining Social Media Followers

In the case of wanting to gain social media followers, you likely already have a business and will be enacting the applicable techniques to work with Expedite.

Create goals for how many new followers you would like to amass, and add that to your petitions. Print your social profiles and cross out the amount of followers you have, writing in how many you want. Leave on your Expedite altar.

Use sigils to the effect of gaining more followers, and make sure you’re putting in the practical effort and posting required to make gaining additional follows possible.

Material applications can also include —

  • Write out your social media handles and web addresses, and anoint them with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist them with his Holy Water
  • Wear Expedite perfumes when making important posts
  • Print your natal chart and anoint the 11th house with Expedite’s oil

Fast Cash + Gaining Income

Cash — Emergencies

Establish an Expedite altar if you don’t already have one. Determine the amount of money you need, and then add some to that amount. It’s always better to overshoot in these circumstances, and the extra money will come in handy if you’re strapped to begin with.

In a real emergency, you’re working with whatever timeframes are available. You don’t need to worry about if it’s a Wednesday or go for idealized timing, you can turn to Expedite any time you’re in need of him.

Make what offerings you’re able, or promise them upon receipt of results, and pray to Expedite with the amount of money you need, imploring him to deliver it to you NOW, conveying to him that it’s an emergency.

Write the amount of money you asked for down and leave it on his altar, or put that same amount of Monopoly or other mock currency there to represent the sum. Put an image of Expedite or prayer card in your wallet.

Pray to him every day until the money comes in.

Material applications can also include —

Cash — Increasing Income Overall

Establish an Expedite altar if you don’t already have one. In non-emergencies, it’s best to do things on the most appropriate days, so wait to start on a Wednesday, ideally in the planetary hour you think is most appropriate.

Determine your financial goals, keeping in mind you can raise this amount on a monthly basis as results are achieved. This is a money marathon, not a sprint! It’s best to choose an initial value that’s high enough to make a real difference, but not unfathomable based on your current income. Something that pushes your comfort level and expectations, but isn’t outlandish.

Write yourself a check with the amount of money you want to generate and leave it on Expedite’s altar, or put that same amount of Monopoly or other mock currency there to represent the sum. Put an image of Expedite or prayer card in your wallet.

Make prayers and offerings on Wednesdays, for ongoing work on your behalf. Spread word of his efficacy and glory, encouraging other people to work with this spirit.

Material applications can also include —

  • Anoint items in your wallet with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist it with his Holy Water, including the check you wrote out to yourself
  • Spill some of Expedite’s Powder in your bank
  • Keep a palm or bamboo plant on/ near Expedite’s altar, or in your place of work. If you are asking to earn $5,000 per month, take a $5 dollar bill and write “x1000” on it, and put it underneath the plant. Feed it regularly with Expedite’s offering water. You can also put the check you wrote out to yourself or the overall value instead of using real currency.
  • Wear A Prayer to St. Expedite or Golden Blessings of St. Expedite perfume on Wednesdays
  • Print your natal chart and anoint the 2nd and 8th houses with Expedite’s oil

Empowering Sigil Work

Many Requests — Sigil Shoaling

You can work with Expedite in a general way by asking him to help potentiate, quicken, and manifest your sigil work.

For an introduction to sigils and shoaling, see Gordon White’s work. Keep your sigils near, on, or above your Expedite altar, and pray that he helps expedite their materialization.

Anoint the sigils with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist them with his Holy Water, upon creation and when you pray to Expedite.

Real Estate

For Homeowners — Selling Your House Quickly

Create an Expedite altar inside the house if possible, preferably by the front door. It can be in a cabinet to make it less conspicuous.

The end goal is to sell your house as quickly as possible, but other things to consider building into your petition can include —

  • The number of offers you’d like to receive (many!)
  • At what price (above asking!)
  • How long the closing/ escrow process will be (as short as possible!)
  • When the money actually arrives in your account (immediately!)

[Consider putting together a sigil shoal to this effect.]

Pray and light up Expedite’s altar every Wednesday until the house is sold and the money has landed in your account. Pray that he settles any issues that arise throughout the process.

Material applications can include —

  • Anoint your front door with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist it with Holy Water, every Wednesday, and before showings or appointments with prospective buyers
  • Anoint the edge of your Realtor’s business cards and your house flyers with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist them with Holy Water.
  • Print their natal chart of all owners and anoint the 4th, 2nd, and 8th houses with Oil of Expeditus
  • Write down the price you’d like to sell the house or write out a check to yourself, and keep it on Expedite’s altar
  • Hide an Expedite prayer card under the welcome mat

For Realtors — Selling Your Listings Quickly

It’s likely not going to be possible to create an Expedite altar in the target house, but you can (and should!) put one in yours.

The end goal is to sell your listings as quickly as possible, but other considerations you may wish to build into your petitions —

  • The number of offers you’d like to receive (many!)
  • At what price (above asking!)
  • How long the closing/ escrow process will be (as short as possible!)
  • When the money actually arrives in your account (immediately!)

[Consider putting together a sigil shoal to this effect.]

Pray and light up Expedite’s altar every Wednesday. Pray that he settles any issues that arise throughout the various processes.

Keep flyers of your active listings or a list of addresses on your Expedite altar. You can mark sigils on the backside of each one and anoint them as you gain new listings.

Material applications can include —

  • Anoint the front doors with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist them with Holy Water, especially before showings or appointments with prospective buyers
  • Anoint the edge of your business cards and house flyers with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist them with Holy Water. The same can be done with contracts that need to be signed
  • Mix dirt from each property with Expedite’s Powder. You can leave it in their yard or carry some back to your Expedite altar
  • If possible, burn some of Expedite’s Incense in the house
  • Hide an image of Expedite or prayer card somewhere in the house, or buried beside the For Sale sign post, etc.

Bringing Movement + Ending Situations

Court Cases — Ending Quickly + Rulings in Your Favor

Establish an Expedite altar if you don’t already have one. Pray for whatever outcome you want for the case, whether you need it to be dropped, or have the judge rule in your favor, and emphasize that you need all of it as quickly as possible.

Material applications can include —

  • Anoint any case related paperwork you need to sign (or get signed) with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist with Holy Water
  • Anoint the edge of your lawyer’s business card with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist it with Holy Water. The same can be done if you have any items of identification for the judge, or case number
  • Mix dirt from the courthouse with Expedite’s Powder and bring it back to keep on your altar
  • Wear Expedite perfume oil during case related appearances, such as meetings with your attorney, depositions, and on court days

Stagnant Situations, Road Blockages

Establish an Expedite altar if you don’t already have one. Pray for whatever the situation is to move forward or end, depending on what it is you want.

List the ideal final outcome and tell Expedite to make it happen NOW. Name the key players involved, and if possible, have images or icons of them (or the situation) on your Expedite altar, to anoint with his materia. Keep praying daily or every Wednesday until your results are achieved.

For situations where you need serious movement/ fire power, keep the altar lit up as often as possible and make frequent offerings of red wine and incense.

Material applications can include —

Once the situation moves on, remove any of the things representing the situation off your Expedite altar. Consider burning or putting in a moving river.


Increasing Luck

Establish an Expedite altar if you don’t already have one. Pray that Expedite makes you luckier and come up with examples of how you’d like that to manifest — winning more games, always hitting green lights, getting dealt the best cards every round, things always working out for you, etc.

Use the planetary hour of the planet that rules your 5th house.

Material applications can include —

  • Keep dice on your Expedite altar, for instance a D20 with the 20 side up. You can do the same with playing cards, either a whole stack, picking out an idealized poker hand, or just all the Aces. The Wheel of Fortune tarot card would also be appropriate to display
  • Anoint any of the items you consider personally lucky with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist them with Holy Water. Keep these with you in your wallet or purse, when not on the altar
  • Wear Fast Luck perfume oil
  • Put some of Expedite’s Powder in your shoe
  • Print your natal chart and anoint your 5th house with Expedite’s Oil
  • When something especially lucky happens, promote St. Expedite in person or online

Winning + Gambling

Establish an Expedite altar if you don’t already have one. In your prayers, name the games you would like to win at and what you desire to receive from winning them.

Use the planetary hour of Jupiter, or the planet that rules your 5th house.

Material applications can include —

  • Keep idealized hands from the games you desire to win on your Expedite altar. For instance, if you are a poker player, keep a Royal Flush. If you play 21, cards adding up to 21. If you play dice, position the best side (for whatever the purpose) up
  • Keep casino chips on Expedite’s altar
  • Anoint yourself with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist yourself with Holy Water before playing or gambling
  • Wear Fast Luck perfume oil
  • Put some of Expedite’s Powder in your shoe
  • Get dirt from the casino or place of gaming and keep it on Expedite’s altar
  • Print your natal chart and anoint your 5th house with Expedite’s Oil
  • When you win, promote St. Expedite in person or online. Thank him and make offerings


Healing — Expediting Recovery

You can pray to Expedite to help encourage healing and recovery for yourself or others.

Do not do this too often because Expedite’s influence can tax the body, no more than once per week. For this purpose, I would recommend a simple offering of water. Do not invoke Expedite in situations where surgery is being performed, which might cause rushing on behalf of the doctor.

You may also find Asclepius, ancient God of medicine, more helpful in dealing with health and healing oriented scenarios.

Material applications can include —

  • Anoint the person (or their image) with Oil of Expeditus, or lightly mist them with Holy Water. The same can be done using Asclepius’ Oil and Water, and would likely be more effective.
  • Light white candles in honor of the sick person, leaving them burning safely and supervised.
  • Print their natal chart and anoint the 1st and 6th houses with appropriate oils.

Is there anything specific you’d like added to this article?

Looking for a platform to spread word of Expedite’s great works?

Sound off in the comments…

To Empower Expedite's Influence

  • Sold out
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    Oil of St. Expeditus

    , ,
    Organic sunflower oil ritually poured over Expedite’s consecrated herbal blend, along with a tiny bit of cinnamon bark essential oil, alkanet, 24k gold leaf, and dried rose petal from Expedite’s altar bouquet. Shake well and use to anoint yourself and statues or icons of St. Expedite. Wear to increase luck and draw results of your petition to your person. Can also be used to anoint sigils or other objects of your desire. High stain potential. Offered in a 1/2 oz standard glass vial for $66 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10ml 24k gold plated roll-on for $106, or a tiger's eye roll-on for $49.
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    St. Expedite’s Holy Water

    , , ,
    On the Wednesday before the election, poundcake, palm frond, and crow feather were distilled to create the base hydrosol for St. Expedite’s spray. This was ritually combined with colloidal gold and essential oils of cinnamon and citrus during the series election and prayed over for Expedite’s blessing. Holy Water from a Catholic Church, collected freshly after a Sunday mass, was a final addition just before bottling. Spray before prayers to or invocations of St. Expedite, as an olfactory draw and offering. Use in spaces that need be impacted by his influence — for instance, if you are asking for money, spray some inside your bank or on a blank check you’ve made out to yourself; if you are asking for a raise, apply in your office or on your business card with your old title crossed out and your desired title written in. Spray upon your person as you undertake any material work toward achieving the goals you’ve asked Expedite to help you deliver. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with hand-painted label for $27 or a 2 oz for $56.
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    St. Expedite’s Self-Igniting Incense

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    The herbal Expedite mix, combined with makko powder and salt peter to make it self-igniting. Burn during invocations of St. Expedite or as an offering to fuel his works. Can also be burned to bring about good luck and progress in material circumstances. Suffumigate petitions and sigils in this incense to bring about faster results and kick-start workings. Available in a 1/2 oz vial with hand-painted label for $27
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    100%  Sold Out

    Powder of St. Expeditus

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    After invoking the blessings of St. Expedite on the Full Gemini Moon of 2018, herbs, resins, barks, and flowers were ritually combined to potentiate Expedite’s influence. Fiery, quickening spices like chilis, cinnamon, and three types of peppercorn, along with triumphant and luck-enhancing ingredients such as coptic frankincense, golden copal, 24k gold, basil, oregano, bay leaf, red clover and High John the Conqueror root, and sweetening, beneficent additions of vanilla bean, orange peel, and rose petal. These, along with various other sympathetic ingredients, were ground and combined with golden magnetic sand to make for a powder that can be used to dress candles, add to spell works, dusting implements related to your requests, and in any other way magical powders can be applied. Brings luck, speed, and the benefit of Expedite’s blessing. Note that this is for external use and not consumption, human or otherwise. Available in a 1/2 oz vial with hand-painted label for $27.
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    St. Expedite’s Fast Luck Perfume Oil

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    One of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, never to be made again.  In describing her creation —

    This is a new interpretation of a traditional Fast Luck intention blend, blessed by and consecrated to St. Expedite and containing flashes of his scents and colors.

    Vanilla oleoresin, red rose petals, alkanet, Ceylon cinnamon essential oil, ground cinnamon and cinnamon sticks, vanilla bean powder, coconut oil, pyrite, red and gold mica, and red jasper chips.

    The initial charge for this oil was made on December 20, 2018 during the primary St. Expedite election window, and it was subsequently charged every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday through Epiphany, with boosts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany. Offerings of poundcake, candies, chocolate coins, spring water, incense, fire, coffee, whiskey, and rum were made in supplication during the process under the auspices of both St. Expedite and the Virgin Mary.

    Available for $42
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    St. Expedite Candles

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    Virgin soy wax, dyed red and poured over the St. Expedite herbal mixture during the full Gemini Moon election, topped with genuine 24k gold leaf. The candle jars were all hand painted red and given golden accents, so after the original candle has done its work these can still serve as candle holders for future burns and kept on Expedite’s altar as permanent, dedicated statuary. Matches the offering glasses, box sets, and hand-painted labels for the rest of the series. Burn on your St. Expedite altar as you say your prayers and make petitions. Can be left to burn as an offering or only lit while you directly communicate with the spirit. Being offered to the public are 8 small 2 oz votive sized candles for $87, or 5 large 12 oz candles with a wooden wick for $165.
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    A Prayer to St. Expedite Perfume Oil

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    One of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, never to be made again.  In describing her creation —

    This is a general, all-purpose perfume oil for St. Expedite, appropriate for use in dressing candles, rosaries, conjure bags, petitions, and other items of power.

    Patchouli essential oil, vanilla bourbon absolute, ginger root essential oil, steam-distilled myrrh essential oil, Ceylon cinnamon essential oil, ground cinnamon, and cinnamon sticks, coconut oil, alkanet, pyrite, and red mica.

    The initial charge for this oil was made on December 20, 2018 during the St. Expedite election window, and was subsequently charged every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday through Epiphany, with boosts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany. Offerings of poundcake, candies, chocolate coins, spring water, incense, fire, coffee, whiskey, and rum were made in supplication during the process under the auspices of both St. Expedite and the Virgin Mary.

    Available for $42
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    St. Expedite… Slime Pots?

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    Red slime with red and golden glitter was created during the St. Expedite election and prayed over for his blessing, likely making for the world’s very first talismanic slime. What on earth was I thinking? Well, for one, it entertains me to no end! For two, slime is fluid and quicksilver-like, but also sticky and all-consuming, meaning it has the capacity to act in a similar manner to honey pots #ChaosWitchery #PostmodernMagic Immerse petitions, sigils, or objects representative of your desire in the goop, to signify Expedite’s influence over the topic as inescapable and constant. Includes a vial of Expedite powder with gold magnetic sand to add to the slime just before working. Available in 4 oz pots for $54, includes a 1/2 oz vial of Expedite Powder. 12 Slime Pots are being offered individually to the public.
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    Golden Blessings of St. Expedite Perfume Oil

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    One of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, never to be made again.  In describing her creation —

    This oil focuses on prosperity, money drawing, and the rapid acquisition of funds through the guidance and blessings of St. Expedite. It is a sweet, honeyed fast luck in money blend, and is suited for dressing ritual tools and as an offertory oil for the saint.

    Fossilized amber oil (dry distillation of Oleum succini), honey absolute, CO2 extract of clementine, Pimenta racemosa essential oil (steam-distilled), wild-harvested red rose petals, white sandalwood chips, resin of Pinus succinfera, sunflower oil, coconut oil, pyrite, and golden mica.

    The initial charge for this oil was made on during the primary St. Expedite election on December 20th, 2018, and it was subsequently charged every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday through Epiphany, with boosts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany. Offerings of poundcake, candies, chocolate coins, spring water, incense, fire, coffee, whiskey, and rum were made in supplication during the process under the auspices of both St. Expedite and the Virgin Mary.

    Available for $42
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    St. Expedite Talismanic Perfume Trio

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    GO THRICE TWICE OR GO HOME! Three of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, consisting of Golden Blessings of Expedite (sold out), St. Expedite's Fast Luck, and A Prayer to St. Expedite, never to be made again. Available as a trio duo (while supplies last) for $84
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    St. Expedite Box + Offering Statuary Sets

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    Wooden boxes hand-painted red and with a gold cross design to match the candle jars and offering glasses, along with miniature red altar cloth. Large enough to house all of our Expedite offerings in small form, the price of which includes the full set — Three such box sets are being offered to the public for $387. Dimensions + Sizing —
    • Box 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep
    • Offering glasses 5.5 oz
    • Altar cloth 21” x 21”
    Optionally include a complete set of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s 3 ritually created St. Expedite perfume oil blends.

All praise and glory to St. Expedite for answering our prayers, now and in our times of need,
for his power and speed know no bounds! 

Comments (335)

  1. Diana 2 days ago

    Thank you so much Saint Expedite for never failing to listen to my prayers. You are truly amazing. I love you very much. You never get tired of answering my requests.

    Anybody who reads this, Saint Expedite is truly amazing.

  2. Diana 2 days ago

    Thank you so much Saint Expedite for never failing to listen to my prayers. You are truly amazing. I love you very much.

  3. Diana 3 months ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for listening to my prayer and providing a swift solution. I love you. I am so glad my stepson is ok now.

  4. Diana 3 months ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for listening to my prayer and providing a swift solution. I love you.

  5. Jamie 4 months ago

    Sovereign St Expiditus, I thank you for allowing me to petition you today. Your help has been so speedy and effective, and I want the whole world to know of your wonderful works. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, I give you all praise and acknowledgement, and I fervently hope that others benefit from your grace and presence. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

  6. Diana 8 months ago

    Saint Expedite I have been praying so much to you because you are always there for me with unwavering love and support. You always help me in my time of need and I appreciate your speedy assistance. Thank you very much.

  7. Diana 9 months ago

    Saint Expedite Thank you so much for your assistance. Your response is so fast! I was not surprised because You have always been there for me. I am forever grateful for your assistance.

  8. Diana 9 months ago

    Saint Expedite Thank you so much for your assistance. You have never failed me in my prayers. You always listen to me. I appreciate you and I love you always. Thank you!

  9. Diana 9 months ago

    Saint Expedite Thank you for your speedy assistance. I really needed your help and you pulled through. I love you.

  10. Diana 10 months ago

    Thank you so much for assisting me with my issues. I believe in you and I love you. Thank you! You always listen to my prayers and problems and provide me with solutions.

  11. Diana 10 months ago

    Thank you so much for assisting me with my issues. I believe in you and I love you. Thank you!

  12. Diana 1 year ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for listening to my prayers. You always provide me with what I need and I have infinite fait in you. Thank you!

  13. Diana 1 year ago

    Saint Expedite thank you for listening to my prayers. I appreciate and love you always. I have so much faith in you and I want everyone to know that. Thank you!

    • Diana 1 year ago

      Saint Expedite Thank you so much! I appreciate you and everything you have done for me 🙂

  14. Diana 1 year ago

    Saint Expedite, time and time again you have shown me great mercy and love. Thank you for listening to my prayers and for helping me out. I have so much faith in you. I love you.

  15. Diana 1 year ago

    Praise and Glory to Saint Expedite for continuing to listen to my prayers. I love you. Thank you so much.

  16. Donna 1 year ago

    Dear St. Expedite,
    Thank you for hearing my prayer. I am not very good with words, but am so grategul

  17. Diana 1 year ago

    Saint Expedite Thank you so much for listening to my prayers. I love you and I appreciate everything you do for me always. I have so much faith in you.

    • Gwenn 1 year ago

      Love and thank you for listening to my prayers for help! Please hear my prayers for help to become independent financially. Much love

  18. Diane P 2 years ago

    This person ripped off your article without credit, Kaitlin. Th0ught you should know.


    • Author
      Kaitlin Coppock 2 years ago

      Yes, it happens frequently Thank you for the heads up though!

  19. Diana 2 years ago

    Saint Expedite thank you so much for listening to my prayer. I am praying for the continued recovery of my cat. You are the best and I have so much faith in you. Thank you and I love you.

    • Priyanka 2 years ago

      Thank you St Expedite for fulfilling my wish . You are so kind.

      • Sadhana 2 years ago

        Thank you St Expedite for getting the money back for my brother. You are very kind and thank you from bottom of my heart ❤️

  20. Nedra 2 years ago

    Thank you St. expedite for fulfilling my request. I am eternally grateful.

  21. Kahri 2 years ago

    Am feeling truly grateful to be getting to know St Expedite – What a marvelous help he’s been with getting my year-end accounting done on time!! I’ve had some great days when I’ve appealed to his energy- Woosh-they go by in a flash and Things Get Done. Hodie! Hodie! Hodie!!

  22. Jamie 2 years ago

    Wonderful St Expedite, the rapidity with which you answered my request today has left me speechless, grateful, and awestruck! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I pray that you will continue to guide, protect and favor me with your blessings. Oh, and enjoy the pound cake!

  23. Bianca 2 years ago

    St expedite I am forever grateful for all your miracles. You always grant me my wishes. I offer red roses slice of pound cake and a red candle every Wednesday. Please grant me my wish fast. Amen.

  24. Diana 2 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for listening to my prayers. I am ever grateful to you and love you.

  25. Gwenn 2 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, I know how you can help those in need with love and grace. I am asking for your help to change my situation by providing financial aid. I’ve read how others are so thankful for your intervention, please help me, asking with love and hope! I will always sing your praise and spread the meaning of you and your gifts. Thank you for being here for all in need.

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear st expedite, thank you in advance for listening to my prayers and pleas. It’s crisis time now and I am at the end of my rope. Hope is flying out the window and if you can’t help I don’t know what to do. Please aid me in getting the money to begin over with a place to live and funds to live on, pay off bills and be able to go on. I will forever be grateful, lighting candles, giving you gifts of the cake and spreading your name with love. Thank you so very much

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      St expedite I honour you for your loving kindness.please grant my request. I praise you with a lighted candle, pound cake and a red rose every Wednesday. Please hear my prayers. With love

      • Gwenn 2 years ago

        Dear St Expedite, I am praying for your help. The message marked with a purple star is my ardent need and request. With love and gratitude and all the blessings you deserve.
        With love

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear St Expedite, I read all the comments of your help to others. I am pleading with you to help me with my requests for help with a job and money to secure a home. With love and gratitude for all you do and who you are.
      With love

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear St Expedite, please listen and hear my prayers. Hodie
      With love

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear st expedite, thank you for your wonderful gifts today. You’ve restored my faith, I know you’re looking after all who pray for your help. I pray my other request for financial help to have my own home is still favorable I thank you for your continued love and support. I will praise you, give you offerings of pound cake candles and flowers. With love and gratitude

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear st expedite, you are kind and loving. Please help me with the interviews for a job. Thank you with love ❤️

  26. Diana 2 years ago

    Thank you for listening to my prayers. I love you and I trust you. Thank you

  27. Holly 2 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for making it so that my documents were received ahead of the deadline despite all of the potential delays and setbacks. I am sure that you will deliver on the second half of my request as you have been so generous, punctual and effective at granting the first half. You delivered my request far faster than I thought or hoped possible, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    I would encourage anyone on the fence to take the leap and engage St Expedite to help you, I followed these instructions and as you see, received what I asked for faster than I expected.


  28. Valéria 2 years ago

    Agradeço ao a glorioso Santo Expedito por ter atendido o meu pedido de forma rápida, me teazendo a fé e a esperança novamente! Muito obrigada, de coração, meu Santo Expedito maravilhoso!

    • Chelsea 2 years ago

      Thank you for your great strength and mercy st. Expedite. Thank you for helping me while I was on my last leg, I will follow you for the rest of my life loyally

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear st expedite I need your sincere help. You are my last hope. Please send your strength and love. I will honor you with gifts and prayers for always. With love

      • Gwenn 2 years ago

        Dear St Expedite, on this Christmas Eve, please hear my prayers for help and mercy. I will honor and follow you with gifts and praise for all my life. With love

        • Anonymous 2 years ago

          Dear st Expedite, thank you for my little unexpected financial gift. It helped pay for some essentials. I know that it’s from you and thank you with praise, love and gifts.

  29. Erica Ball 2 years ago

    St. Expedite I really appreciate everything you have done for me in my time if need. You were speedy with my request!. And I’m thankful I was able to call on your name for help. And I will continue to say thank you!. And continue to spread the wonderful name of yours around!. To anybody that would listen!. And won’t listen!. Lol!. Thank you so much St. Expedite!.

    • Erica Ball 2 years ago

      I’m so thankful to and for St. Expeditus!. I truly am!. I’m just thinking of the times I called upon him!. And he came and delivered!. What a wonderful feeling it is!. To have a relationship with him!.

  30. Shannon 2 years ago

    Thank you so much St. Expedite!! You worked hard for me and got me what I needed right away- I’m so very grateful and thankful for you, I hope you enjoy your offerings and I will continue to sing your praises!! Thank you again St. Expedite!

    • Deepika Gupta 2 years ago

      This is my public gratitude to st. Expedite thankyou for everything fullfill my wish ❤️

  31. Marion W 2 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I am in urgent need, I need $35,000.00 to pay my back rent. I do not want to lose my apartment. Please help me to obtain this financial blessing I need this by 6 days. I promise to give you your gifts of pound cake, flowers, and will publish your name.

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear st expedite, I am in real need of your energy and care to help me with this financial crisis. Please find it in your compassion to help me receive funds and help. I promise you I will provide your cake, flowers, and spread your name. Thank you in advance with love.

    • Anonymous 2 years ago

      Dear st expedite
      I am in urgent need of financial help. Please help me to obtain financial security that I need by the end of September. I promise to send your gifts of flowers, pound cake, and candles and will joyfully spread your name.

      • Gwenn 2 years ago

        Dear St Expedite, I know you help those in need. At this time I am really needing your help in this tax crisis and living situation. Please send your love and help so that I can clear these issues that continue to plague my situation. I will spread your name with love, and joyfully send your gifts of flowers, pound cake and candles. The need is urgent and I thank you sincerely.

  32. Diana 2 years ago

    Saint Expedite thank you so much for your assistance. You have helped me immensely and I am in awe of your powers. I hope that you will continue to help me and grant me my requests for assistance. You are the most holy. Thank you

  33. Kim D 2 years ago

    Dear St. Expedite,
    This is my first time calling on you for assistance. I thank you in advance for your quick response to my desperate dire situation. I am humbly requesting your assistance over my financial matter. Bring to me my 2 forex accounts in positive profits today, September 7 2022 and save me from the drawdown. I will continue to pray to you until by request has been met and after to show that your help is greatly appreciated. As promised I will continue to spread your name and do good deeds in honor of you. I have faith and trust and complete confidence that you will be my strength in this time of need. Quickly come to my assistance Saint expedite and help me to prevail these difficult hours. Please grant my request without delay.

  34. Quite Contrary 2 years ago

    Thank you, S+S for the introduction to Astro magic and specifically right now, for everything you’ve taught us about St. Expedite. I have enjoyed the process and getting to know him so much. But what I really want to share is how much he has come through, above and beyond, in the two requests I’ve made so far. I’m so thrilled and grateful for his help as well as the help of everyone in this community!

    For anyone reading this, I have pretty much followed Kaitlin’s advice from the article and have just focused on having fun with this and really getting to know and build a relationship with this incredible Saint! XO

    • Michelle 2 years ago

      Follow the guidance in this article to ask for St Expidite’s support, and you can’t go wtong. He will help. Period. Loud praise for the glorious St Expedite!

  35. Marion W 2 years ago

    I want to thank St. Expedite for coming to my assistance. I petitioned for financial assistance more than a month ago. I did not think anything of it when it did not come through with in the days that I requested. But, I did get a blessing last week. I truly truly Thank You. I will be providing you with your pound cake and flowers.

    • S B Singh 2 years ago


  36. Marietta 2 years ago

    Dear St Expedite
    Thank you so much for your Perfect help

    • Michelle 2 years ago

      St Expedite, glorious martyr, please keep us under your protection. Thank you for your continued grace and for all you have taught me.

    • Marietta 1 year ago

      thank you so much dear St. Expedite for your great help to find this important message.
      thank you so much for yout beeing

  37. Gwenn 2 years ago

    Dear st expedite, please help me get this job I interviewed for today. This will make all the difference and help me out of my difficulties. I honor you with love and will spread your name with glory and praise. Your favorite pound cake, red candies, and beautiful scent for you. Thank you with love

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear st expedite, please send your love and power to help me get this position for which I just took the preliminary assessment. I ask with humility and love and will send you blessings, your pound cake with candles as tokens of my thanks and love.

      • Gwenn 2 years ago

        Dear st expedite, thank you so much for this next phase in the job interview process. Please help me get through the next steps to the actual on-site interview and job offer. With love and prayers and thank you.

        • Gwenn 2 years ago

          Dear st expedite, thank you for hearing my prayers for temporary financial help. I am praying for permanent relief but am truly grateful for this immediate reprieve. I’ve honored you with love, thanks, prayers, and pound cake. With love and thanks

  38. Danielle Delgado 2 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, This is my second time asking for your help. Please help me with this urgent request. I need the $2076.00 the IRS owes me. I have alot of debts to pay including car insurance and water bill. Thank you for listening to my prayers.
    p.s. I read everything in this website, I promise next time I will follow all the instructions mentioned here.

  39. Diana 2 years ago

    Saint Expedite is the best and I am a believer. Thank you so much for listening to my prayers.

  40. Lewish G 2 years ago

    Great St. Expedite!!! Thank you very much!!! This article is of great help.

  41. Katie (Last Name Withheld) 2 years ago

    Thank you Expedite!! I made my request and offerings and you delivered before the 12 hour candle finished burning down. You completed my initial non-monetary request, granted me additional income as a bonus and I hope that I am in possessions of unknown valuable, which will be fully known in the next 4-5 weeks. I am spreading the details and the results as my testimony and also so others may call upon you for assistance at important and dire times.

    Thank you for writing this article as well.

    Offerings: Rum Punch, Spiced Pound Cake and Red Candles.

  42. Gwenn 2 years ago

    Dear st Expedite, I come to you with pleas to help in this financial crisis. I know you hear and listen and work from love. Please send the needed funds my way to avoid dire consequences. Thank you so much, with love

  43. marietta 2 years ago

    Thank you so much dear St. Expedite

    • Elvira Gilbert 2 years ago

      Saint Expedite please Grant my Wish, so I can pay all the debts that I have and I also help my husband paying the unit mortgage. I Claim it! I Claim it! I Claim it! Hodie, Hodie, Hodie! Amen

    • Maria Leyva 2 years ago

      Dear Saint expedite thank you so much for answering once again my request you are amazing !thank you thank you thank you❤️❤️❤️

    • Michelle 2 years ago

      St Expedite really makes things happen. I asked him for help, and help arrived within a day, out of a direction so unexpected that I was shocked. I am so grateful. Glorious St Expedite!

      • Gwenn 2 years ago

        Dear st expedite, I am asking for your help. Please ensure a safe trip home, protect my car and me on our journey. Also please help in providing financial support so I can help my son and have a home of my own so I am not a burden to anyone. Thank you with love.

      • Gwenn 2 years ago

        Dear st expedite, I am asking for your help. Please ensure a safe trip home, protect my car and me on our journey. I am worried about the long journey before I get home safely. Also please help in providing financial support so I can help my son and have a home of my own so I am not a burden to anyone. Thank you with love.

        • M.I maiden name M 2 years ago

          Dear St Expedite,

          I thank you for helping all these people in desperate situations, it gives me hope and faith and I humbly ask that you take mercy and show mercy to me and you help me in my despair. Please act now, starting now, immediately as this truly it can’t wait any longer.

          Please St Expedite, I beg of you, protecting me from all evil, from all loses emotional, spiritual, material, financial, protecting me from any kind of suffering and and shading tears, keeping me and A.M. united as husband and wife, groom and bride and lovers, building a life together, marriage, full of love, unity in mind, body, spirit, emotions in Jesus Christ, loving eachother, submitting and serving eachother, perusing eachother emotionally and sexually, fulfilling eachother needs only seeking and finding and needing fulfillment of our needs in and with and from one another, having eyes only for one another, being completely faithful, devotrd
          loyal, devoted, committed, invested in one another, choosing eachother first and above all others, prioritizing eachother, valuing eachother, being the most important person for eachother, and our relationship being the most important for eachother, protecting, nurturing, valuing, investing, fighting, making efforts big and small, positive big and small changes for one another and our relationship please, I beg of you help me and A.M have together and build together a marriage Christ and God orientated that puts Jesus words from the Holy Bible and teachings first.

          Please I beg you while doing all this please bring, keep, turn my partner, my husband A.M. in honest, truthful, intensive, constant, consistent sobriety and recovery, healing from porn, sex, alcohol, gambling addiction and any and all other addictions, emotional and mental immaturities, unavailabilities, traumas wounds, inconsistencies, systems of lies and gaslight-ing, lack of empathy and compassion towards me, lack of understanding towards me, lack of love, respect, value, appreciation towards me, lack of responsibility, taking ownership and responsibility, remorse and make ammends to me as my husband with me as his wife, bride and lover for ALL the ways in which he betrayed, cheated, lied, abandoned, emotionally abused, gaslighted, neglected me, caused me trauma and betrayal trauma and PTSD, and please, I beg you remove all obstacles, all fair and lack of courage, all procrastination, all hypocrisy, all system of lies that he says to himself, all the denials regarding his porn, sex and gambling addiction and the ways in which it destroys, harmed me and our relationship, all his unwillingness to help me heal and our relationship heal, all his negative attitude towards this, and please I beg you turn it around 180 degrees to the positive.

          I beg you, tears are running from my eyes and my heart is bleeding, I lost so much, more than I can afford to lose, please remove all blockages, turn the negative and the harm into positive attitude, facilitate healing of wounds and recovery.

          Please I beg you facilitate and give my partner, my love, my husband A.M. the courage, willingness to seek sobriety, recovery from ALL addiction and addmit, confess to all addiction as our psychologist U. told him many times before. Please work miracles in my A.M husband heart that he wants to become a better man, a honest man, a man of integrity, that he wants to become a better husband and lover, life partner for me.
          Please work miracles that in his recovery and sobriety process A.M. focuses mainly on healing himself, our relationship and make our relationship thrive and helping me heal, feel safe, loved , his one and only and most, all this because he loves me, cherishes me, I am too important, and too valuable for him to lose me and our relationship.

          Please St Expedite, you who are so brave, kind, glorious and honourable, and righteous, I beg you, don’t allow to be lied, cheated, gaslighted, emotional abused, emotional and sexually neglected by the man I love and for whom I pray now.

          Please forgive me if my prayer and request looks selfish, I value and respect and am eternally grateful for all help.

          Please work miracles, so that my husband takes a fidelity polygraph, takes dr Minwala intensive course of recovery from addiction and please let it be a positive game changer for us.

          Please work miracles so that AM my husband has eyes for me only and no other, loves, honors, cherishes, protects me, love, lust, craves, fantasies desires me in all and most beautiful ways, perseus me, shows me loving attention, moves mountains, is afraid of losing me, values me, is in humbleness, openness, transparency, brokenness, in rainfall of all his love and sexual, fidelity, commitment hormones with me, towards me, genetated, ignited, flowing towards me and no other. See and finds me as his one and only and most in most beautiful and amazing ways, is awed, charmed, mesmerized, perpetually in deep, true, profound love, attraction, unshakable love and unleashed passion, head over heels in love with me and no other. Please make AM reject, be disgusted, by any and all other women, porn, and sexual immorality. Please work miracles so he confesses to me in the most remorseful ways his infidelity and accept that all his porn, wondering eyes, seeking prostitutes, looking at other women in any way, anywhere is infidelity and cheating and admit, acknowledge, take responsibility and ownership, remorse and make ammends for all the pain he caused me with this and with the words he spoke and behaviour he had associated with it.

          Please St Expedite, I beg you, act now, without delay, because I truly can wait anymore. Please act in the most loving and kind way for both of us, all I wish is for my husband to be truly compassionate and empathetic towards the pain he caused me, be in true recovery and sobriety from addiction, my pain to pain him, so I understand that he really loves me, values me and won’t put me through this pain ever again, help us heal and restore the sacred bond of sexual and emotional supremacy and exclusivity between us as husband and wife, groom and bride and lovers. My husband A.M. to find, seek, need, take, give, fantasies, lust, crave, desire, appreciate, acknowledge, notice, take pleasure, happiness, adrenaline rush, love and sexual and good hormones, admire, compliment and validation to/with/towards me M
          I. maiden name M and no other.
          Have eyes for me and no other, see me with new love eyes, and discover me, fall in love with me over and over again while being in deep, true committed romantic, all enduring, ever lasting, unconditional love for me and no other. Be for him the most and only one beautiful, sexy, attractive sexually and emotionally, charming, aweing, mesmerising, breathtaking beautiful kind, amazing, gorgeous in any and all ways, and all other women to mean nothing to him, reject them, be disgusted act, behave and have inner and outer physical, intellectual and emotional states and reaction towards them instinctive, conscious and unconscious, rational and irrational that both in my presence and in my absence make me, keep me safe, loved, cherished, adored by my husband.
          My husband to willing, full of love, adoration, love and commitment towards me to give me all the assurance i need that i am his one and only and most, keep me in highest regard, love and admiration overwrite with beautiful loving words all the hurtful words he ever told me in a way that makes me feel special, the one and only for him. He is talking to me about other women and reacts and talk to other women both in my presence and absence in a way that makes me feel safe and that truly keeps me safe.
          Please allow us to build, heal our love and relationship, in all and most beautiful and amazing ways, especially in regards to intimacy and connection emotional and sexual, transparency, openness, commitment and keep us together as husband and wife in a blessed, healed, evolved, councius, holly, divine, passionate love union and marriage.

          I beg you St Expedite help me, it can’t wait any longer, i feel like die inside, please give us the gift of healing relationship, please do so without me suffering in any way as I have no availability left for suffering, please have mercy on me so I don’t pass this trauma to my daughter, so I can be a better person, mother, woman, I a merely the shadow of who I used to be. Please teach my husband A.M love me properly so I can evolve as a woman and be 10 times a better woman than I ever was. Please teach me how to love, inspire my husband A.M.

          Please have mercy on me I promise to praise your name, I promise to inspire faith for all those who don’t and go through same ordeal as I do, I promise to give you offering to the best of my abilities, circumstances and capabilities.

          Thank you st Expedite please have mercy on my soul as this and make all this process be for me the beginning of a perpetual honeymoon with my husband, because I can’t take pain, humiliation, abuse and neglect, being taken for granted, being threatened that it can be worst, feeling powerless, unimportant, not enough, anymore.

          Please St Expedite, you who are so honourable, you who are so strong, so amazing, so kind, please help and work miracles so that my husband A.M. keeps and lives up now and forever ALL and the most beautiful promises and vows and declarations of love and compliments he has ever made and said to me, because he said he is loyal like a soldier to me and he failed me like a deserter. Please, I beg of you, help us and have mercy on us, you who are so amazing, as this cannot wait any longer, is truly a matter of urgency.

          I am grateful even for listening to me I pray , ask and beg please intercede and help me.

          Thank you, thank you, thank you!

          Glory to you st Expedite

  44. Diana 3 years ago

    Saint Expedite you are the greatest. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. I love you.

  45. marietta 3 years ago

    Thank you so much dear St.Expedite for helping me
    Thank you

  46. Diana 3 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for your help. You are forever my hero. I love you.

  47. M 3 years ago

    Thank you, St. Expedite. You removed all obstacles from my husband’s path and he was able to meet the requirements for his job. Thank you.

    • None 3 years ago

      St Expedite very powerful

      • Judith 3 years ago

        I thank St Expedite for granting us fast results. My sister had fibroid and a day to the surgery the doctors said that it was very big and that they might have to take out her womb. Because she had not given birth before, we were scared. So we did a fast request to st Expedite to help us plead to God so that it won’t result to taking out the womb.
        Well, long story short, the surgery was done and by the Grace of God, the womb was not taken out.
        I’m returning the Glory to God and thanking St Expedite for the miracles.
        Thank You St Expedite!!!

  48. M 3 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite! You came though faster than I’d hoped! Hodie!

  49. Diana 3 years ago

    Saint Expedite you are the most wonderful. You always listen to my prayers and I am very humbled and forever grateful

  50. mln 3 years ago

    I would like to thank St. Expedite for working out the issues with my neighbor anf increasing my pay check and restoring my relationship with edw.

  51. Diana 3 years ago

    Saint Expedite thank you so much for your assistance. I am forever grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you so much!

  52. Nick 3 years ago

    There are many thank you testimonials to our beloved St. Expedite. What I want to share is that he goes a lot deeper than the word of any request; he goes to change the heart of the person saying the prayer.

    Yes, indeed, I got the job at the salary I hoped. But honestly, that’s just the start. I asked for a job, but as one of St. Joseph Novenas reminded me “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36)” As the St Expedite Novena says, he can grant the faith that we can be saved. St Expedite didn’t just help me materially provide for my family; he fundamentally shifted my relationship with God, and in turn, with the angels who I turn to for help daily.

    St Expedite is a “road opener” like no other – so be prepared for all sorts of stagnant energy and attitudes to be blasted from your path. Be prepared because you might be quite attached to the blockages you don’t want to acknowledge on some deep level. Things might get weirder than expected!

    Finally, let me add, many seemingly good job opportunities were amazingly vaporized. Later I could see that Saint Expedite had followed the spirit, not just the letter, of a contract that asked for a good job with a healthy work/life balance.

    Thank you, St Expedite. May your kindness and generosity be known far and wide. Hodie! Hodie! Hodie!

    • Katie (Last Name Withheld) 2 years ago

      This is so powerful, thank you for sharing this.

    • Lo 2 years ago

      Thank you for this!

  53. Anna 3 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for help with my sister’s job situation! Thank you!

  54. Shannon 3 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for helping me buy a house and helping me get though this tough time. I appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you for never abandoning me.

  55. VT 3 years ago

    Thank you

  56. Angie Phillips 3 years ago

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Saint Expedite! I Am Grateful! Asé Amen

  57. V T 3 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite, all Red/White Martyrs and everyone else to whomI have prayed these many weeks! For your part in providing me with this wonderful job and its opportunities. In a company/with people who say they are/ truly are family. For bringing my BFF back to me from one of the worst attempts by evil forces to separate us and destroy our God given friendship. Thank you for getting through to him and conquering yet again his doubts/ fears. Please make your courage/ faith his!
    Thank you for granting to me yesterday the request delivered so speedily. THANK YOU!

  58. Mercy 3 years ago

    Thank you so very much St. Expedite.. Thank you .

  59. cecilia A 3 years ago

    I want to thank St. Expedite for giving me the monies needed to fix emergencies in home I prayed every day and finally he did come through for me, I thank him for all the blessings and will continue to pray for him.
    Thank St. Expedite again

  60. Virginia 3 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for granting my request for giving me the job offer in the US.
    Glory to you, Saint Expedite!

  61. Nabomita 3 years ago

    Dear Saint Expedite,

    Please come to my rescue. You know and can see the danger I am in. Please protect me by buying me my own home in Mumbai immediately. Send me the money in my bank account to buy my home in Mumbai immediately. Please protect me from the peril that you know I am in by buying me my own home in Mumbai. I am praying you through night. You know the day I could barely survive through. Answer my prayer immediately . Please accept my offering of red alchohol . More power to you !!

    • Gwenn 3 years ago

      Dear st expedite
      Please help with the funds to have a home and security. You see the conflicts and continual issues. There is nothing I can do without your love kindness and help. Thank you with all my soul G

      • Jose 3 years ago

        Good… Saint expedite… Power full saint

  62. Marion W 3 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come with an urgent request, please bring peace and love to my Nephew G. W and J.J , Let there be no arguing, fighting or yelling, they went out with their kids and were arguing and yelling I ask that you please let not continue with that when they get home. Please just bring them peace and love into the home. I promise to give you your gifts on Tuesday, I will light a red candle today.

    • Eva 2 years ago

      Thank you St. Expedite for answering my prayers and always taking care of my family and our needs.

  63. Pratz 3 years ago

    Thank you to Saint Expedite♥️. I have overcomed so many difficult things in life

    • Sudeshna 3 years ago

      Thankyou so much dear St Expedite❤

  64. maha 3 years ago

    I recently experienced that how kind and benevolent saint can be . he answered my prayers , and made me pass one of the toughest exam.
    I am really really happy , gratitude .

  65. Purvi Shende 3 years ago

    Thankyou so much St. Expedite for granting me my wish I am Grateful to you…. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou so much

  66. M. W 3 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come asking for your urgent help with my nephew G.W and J.J, please bring them back together before this week is out bring j back home to the bronx with the children. Let them have growing love for each other, happy household with no arguements, no fights or disagreements. Also, please approve her financial assistance from HRA, ERAP for back rent which she owes 18,000.oo and also program approved to help her pay for her rent going forward. I promise to give you your gifts, I will also light a red candle today.

  67. L.M. 3 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for coming through for my Son’s.

  68. Gwenn 3 years ago

    Dear st expedite, i am beseeching you to intervene with the spiritual energies you possess to help me win financial freedom for the first time to help me, my family, and so that I can give to those in need. I will light your red candles, give your favorite pound cake and altar. Thank you for your spiritual guidance and help. Much love

    • Damini Bhajanka 3 years ago

      Thank you saint expedite for helping me in my tough times and making my wish come true.

  69. V T 3 years ago

    Thank you, St. Expedite, all Red,White Martyrs in Heaven, 2 Martyrs in my family tree. For all blessing and favors. For getting through to my BFF and taking care of us. Those gift cards got to my P O box much faster this time. For getting my fingerprint clearance to me as needed so I can start training @ my wonderful new job! Always appreciated! Glory to you all.An V

  70. M Williams 3 years ago

    ST. Expedite
    I come asking you for an urgent request, I applied for HRA one -shot deal I am asking that it please get approved. I owe alot of back rent I do not want to lose my
    apartment. Please bless me with a financial blessing. I promise to give you gifts and I will light a red candle today.

  71. anonymous 3 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite. Thank you all red/white martyrs! Thank you St. Joan. Both Breton martyrs in my family tree! Queen of martyrs. Thank you, glory to you all

  72. Dillyn 3 years ago

    Thank you St . Expedite For your outstanding work and speed I’m very thankful for you

  73. V T 3 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite! For getting through to my BFF. Thank you and also all Red/White martyrs. Now 2 in my family tree. For all favors! My wait at the DMV was only 3o min. Not 1.5 hours. Replacement driver’s license was only $5, not $30. Thank you for expediting those 2 $ cards to my p o box. only took 6 bus days. Thank you I was approved for them. USPS is a mess these days. Now I can get fingerprints and criminal history clearance for new job. Thank you and whoever else helped
    for lowering the debt on my bank account so I can pay it. It was my own fault but you still help me. Always appreciated. Holy cards will go out and more devotional sets on ebay!

  74. M Williams 3 years ago

    St. Expedite
    Please let my niece be able to attend class her mother owes 1100 tuition and they stated that it needs to be paid before she comes back. School is almost over and we do not want her to miss any days. Please let it work out so that they will be willing to make an arrangement with the mom today so she can attend class until they pay at least the 880 of the past due. Please find a way to get the money before the end of the week. I promise to give you your gifts pound cake.

  75. Marietta 3 years ago

    Dear Expedite
    thank you so much for the best technic for the very good work.
    many thanks <3<3<3

  76. v 3 years ago

    Thank you for everything! Glory to you all

  77. V 3 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite. Thank you Red/White Martyrs. Thank you Breton Martyr in my family tree. Everyone else in Heaven. For getting through to my BFF on earth for me. For granting my requests with such speed. Keeping me and my BFF together no matter who/what gets in the way! Thank you! Glory to you all

  78. Marion W 3 years ago

    st. expedite
    Please come to my aide I do not want to lose my apartment. Please come to my aide
    I owe 7642.00 please help me to get this amount quickly. I promise to post a Thank You and get you pound cake. I will get a red candle today to light.

  79. Marion W 3 years ago

    st. Expedite
    Please come to my aid, I need a big financial blessing to pay my rent of $7000.00 please come to me quickly find a way for me to get this money. May I be lucky in all my efforts. I promise to give you your gifts of poundcake and make your name known. I need this within 4 days,

  80. Gwenn 3 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, please help me with my request for a home of my own and the finances to enable this to happen. I thank you and praise your efforts for all who beseech your help. Hodie

  81. R.B. 3 years ago

    Much gratitude, praise, and recognition to St Expedite! I set up an altar and asked for a quick assistance. He helped me with my request! Hodie!

  82. Marion W 4 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come asking for your speedy help, you who have helped me many times.
    I need a big financial blessing of 10,000 to pay 3 big bills before by Monday 4/20/21. I will promise to make your name known, and give you your gifts of pound cake and , light a red candle.

  83. Marion W 4 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I Thank You for helping to get my niece’s rent assistance approved for her apartment. I will be getting your gifts.

  84. VT 4 years ago

    Hello my friend and protector St. Expedite.And all of you Red & White martyrs in Heaven. Breton martyr in my family tree. St. Dismas.Thank you ALL for everything you have done for me and those for whom I have prayed. Please send me a small financial blessing to get me through rest of this week. Please enable those who owe me $ repay me soon. I really need It! Please ask my BFF to wait until May to sell me the vehicle I am buying from him. Glory to all of you!

  85. Gwenn 4 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, I believe in your love and desire to help those in need. My prayer is to receive enough money to have a home. I know this is asking a lot, but I do thank you in advance for your power and love. I will light candles for you and tell others of your loving kindness. The world is in so much need and we all pray for a better peace and prosperity soon through your loving kindness. Thank you 🙂

  86. Chris 4 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedit for everything you do for me, par ton intercession u granted me so many wishes in a thunder manner than i never expected. you are my support in a high and low moments of my life. I thank you again and wish to express my love for you for always being there for me. Please Saint Expedit i also pray for the the people who pray for us and please grant their wishes as per your intercession. Amen

  87. Kiana 4 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for hearing my petition. You made it possible for me to achieve my goals. I know you are powerful and that I can go to you when I am in need. You always answer with a quick response! Thank you for everything!

  88. Marion 4 years ago

    Thank You St. Expedite

    I finally received my stimulus check in mail. I will be getting you your gifts today,

  89. V T 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite, all Red/ White martyrs,Breton martyr in my family tree/St. Dismas! For the great new job at which I was recently hired. No prior experience necessary! No resume needed. Thank you all for the grace to move on from former job and the way I was let go. Thank you for refund check from PGW and small loans from two of my sisters-more than I requested. For all favors received and for getting through to my BFF on Earth, keeping us together no matter what! For red martyr blood and all red white martyrdom. Thank you so much

    • Ann 4 years ago

      Thank you Saint expedite for interceding for me that I will be debt free and financial secure. Owing my on home again with joy happiness tranquility and divine protection. Thank you answering my prayers amen aw

      • Joy 3 years ago

        ST EXPEDITE Thank you in advance I know that my relatives court case will be a swift and happy ending for all.
        I will keep on working w you.

  90. timaeus22 4 years ago

    Thank you for this article!

    Thank you St. Expedite for the doors you are opening for me. I set up my altar and have already seen progress in my job hunt and opportunities. I thank you with all my heart for all you’ve done for me.

  91. V 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite, all Holy Red/White Martyrs in Heaven, Breton martyr in my family tree, St. Dismas. For all favors, requests, help granted to me. Please help me get this job for which I interview tomorrow. Please find and deliver to homeless person D housing she needs. We need to go our separate ways. Please send me $150,000 for my current financial needs. Especially to replenish funds spent on hotel reservations. My funds are getting dangerously low. Homeless person D mooching, leeching, freeloading, intimidating, bullying me. Please provide her needs so we can go our separate ways! Thank you all

  92. M Williams 4 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come asking for a quick and urgent response to my request for my niece’s rent which is behind. I applied for assistance to get rental assistance for her rent please let them send that approval before the end of this week. I promise to give you your gifts, flowers, and pound cake and print a thank you. I will light a red candle today.

  93. Marietta 4 years ago

    Dear St. Expedite
    thank You so much for your help to find the best.
    Thank you

  94. Bree 4 years ago

    St Expedite always come to my aid no matter how big or small the task is. EVERY Single time I call upon him to assist me he has shown me great mercy and I am forever thankful for him!

  95. Gwenn 4 years ago

    Dear St Expedite
    Please hear my ardent prayer and request. Can you help me securing a home of my own? I am praying for your intercession so that I can have a place of my own. Without your help this will not be possible. Thank you for all you past help and care. With love

  96. JR 4 years ago

    Praise be to St Expedite! He is quick to respond and has come through for me when called upon. He responds not only to petitions but to prayers and quickly delivers. Blessed be the Holy Saint for his speedy intercession and action on my behalf. I give him full honor and gratitude. I will continue to build a relationship with him.

  97. kristin 4 years ago

    thank you, thank you, thank you, St Expedite for delivering my abundant gifts over the last couple of weeks! I love you! We are really doing this thing! xo

  98. Marietta 4 years ago

    Thank you so much dear St. Expedite for the best negotiation and the perfect findings.
    with love

  99. Jess 4 years ago

    Praise be to St Expedite! He is quick to respond and has come through for my family when called upon. He responds not only to petitions but to prayers and quickly delivers. Blessed be the holy Saint truly he is a miracle worker! I give him full honor and respect and sing his name in praise. I will continue to build a relationship with him.

  100. V T 4 years ago

    St. Expedite thank you for helping me with my car and getting replacement master keys. Yesterday and today AAA roadside assistance came much faster than usual. Cab I needed this morning came very quickly too. Thank you for the speed with which $ transfer came to my bank account this morning. And for financial blessings from my ebay pages. Thank you and to all red and martyrs for all help sent to me through all of you.

  101. V T 4 years ago

    Sv. Expedite, all red and white martyrs, please send $50,000+ $50,000 to each of my gofundme campaigns. One is to recoup financial expenses + housing+ to help a homeless person who has nowhere else to go. Also to recoup $ loaned that is needed back faster than it can be repaid. Also please convince A to drop legal action sought vs me. Same for meeting with me and my sisters. Please cover heal erase our current problems, his ill mental health from brain damage. Convince him to return to true friendship with me. Thank you

  102. Coleen 4 years ago

    **I am rewriting my petition because I was not clear in my previous post.

    St. Expedite, I implore you to intercede on our behalf and grant us our desire and petition of receiving $15,000USD from various loans, backers, supporters & funding by end of March 2021, so my husband can launch his business ASAP so it can be a success.

    My faith is also deeply shaken because of the many roadblocks and obstacles in our way for the last 3 years! Since being employed has proven to be very challenging, inspite of his qualifications and skills, we HAD NO CHOICE but to be self employed and Covid19 has drained us of our savings.

    *St. Expedite we promise to fulfill our promise and will make sure you are recognised for fulfilling our petition. We will sing your praises to the heavens: ALL WILL know of your mighty deeds, we will also award you pound cake slices, a glass of red wine & red flowers to be placed on your alter in our home.
    Thank you St. Expedite

  103. V Tucker 4 years ago

    St. Expedite All holy red/white martyrs in Heaven , Breton martyr in my family tree, St Dismas, everyone in Heaven who knows me. Mon and Dad P,EASE Help me and best friend A. Please talk him out of this legal actionagainst me. I am innocent of the charges and accusations vs me. Inocent of the gossip and false witness vs me. Please give him a sign to believe me and everyone in Heaven speaking for me.

  104. M. Williams 4 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come asking for your urgent help with my niece’s rent, please let the request for rental aid be approved for her back rent of $2308.oo in Richmond, Va. I don’t want my brother or her to be upset that it has not been paid. Also, please let me get the balance of my rent paid which is 1674.00 Please come quickly before the end of the week. I promise to give you your gifts and print a than

  105. VT 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for all favors, blessings and requests granted to me recently and since I found out about you 2 years ago. Thank you Red and White Martyrs. Thank you Breton Martyr in my family tree. Thank you St. Dismas!

  106. Jaime 4 years ago

    Thank you, St. Expeditus, thank you! You have answered part of my prayers! I have so much faith that they will be fully answered soon! Thank you for the comfort, encouragement, and hope that you have given to me and my friend.

  107. Gabriel 4 years ago

    Thanks in advance for answering my prayers speedily, I will definitely offer my Thanksgiving as soon as I can

  108. Diana 4 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for granting me one of my prayers. You are the best.

  109. Sean 4 years ago

    Glory be to Saint Expedite! Thank you for coming through for my family and I, even through tricky conditions. Working with Saint Expedite has been amazing!

  110. Diana 4 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for listening to my prayers. You are an amazing miracle worker.

  111. M.C. 4 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for your magnificence! Once again, you have come through with your blessings and did so very quickly. Thank you for your speedy results. Please continue to bestow your blessings upon me and my group.

  112. Lavina 4 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for helping my sister in urgent needs. She needs little more help from you. Thank you

  113. Marion W 4 years ago

    Please come to my aid, I have a urgent request I need a big financial blessing please help me to receive it. I need 7908 for my rent please let HRA approve my request.
    I promise to post a thank you here on this site and also get your gifts.

  114. Claudia 4 years ago

    Blessed be! Thank you Saint Expedite for blessing me and my work. But most importantly thank you for blessing everyone that comes to you in their time of need

  115. Diana 4 years ago

    I was literally praying to Saint Expedite when one of my prayers was answered. Saint Expedite I am forever grateful for everything. I hope to get the rest of my prayers answered!

  116. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Praise be! Thank you st. Expedite for your speedy protection always and forever

    • Eva Hernandez 4 years ago

      Thank you St. Expedite for lowering the price of the house that D. and C. Rios are buying . Thank you for always helping me and my family.

      • Eva 3 years ago

        Thank you St. Expedite. My daughter and her husband have been able to buy the house. They got the keys today. Thank you St. Expedite!

  117. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Praise be! Thank you st. Expedite for your speedy protection

  118. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Thank you st. Expedite for your speedy protection praise be

    • John Tomo 4 years ago

      Thanks to you St. Expedite for helping me last week. I’ve cash to buy new tyres for my car and I have been service my car too. Many thanks for your help St. Expedite, Thanks… Thanks… Thanks…

  119. Thomas Hartsky 4 years ago

    I’m here to express my deepest appreciation and thanks to Saint Expedite. I feel he worked tirelessly over the last weeks helping me with a major financial worry. This is to publicly thank him, and to let anyone else know of the reach he has and how quickly he went to work for me. Many many many thanks.


  120. V T 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for the financial assistance that just came through for me. And for all loo f the help to my friend D. I told her about you!

  121. Marion W 4 years ago

    St. Expedite
    Please come to my aid quickly, I need a financial blessing to pay my rent please let my request be approved through HRA for 7908.00. I promise to make your name known and post a thank you up in the lobby of my building. I will also give you your gifts pound cake, flowers and will get a red candle tomorrow to light,

    • Erin H 4 years ago

      Thank you St. Expedite for answering a very personal prayer I needed answered in regards to my income. It takes a weight of my shoulders.

  122. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite praise Be!

  123. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for your protection, healing and employment

  124. Cecilia 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for granting my request! Praise be to St. Expedite

  125. M.C. 4 years ago

    Thank you again St Expedite for being such an awesome Saint! You never fail to come through quickly! Thank you so much for helping me and the others that I petitioned for! Please continue to bestow your blessings!

  126. Britney 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for your speedy protection, healing and new job you have given me.

  127. Gwenn 4 years ago

    Dear St Expedite,
    Thank you so much for the financial help during this pandemic. You sent me blessings I didn’t imagine and am so grateful for receiving. With love and deep appreciation.

  128. V T 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite! And all Holy Red & White Martyrs. Thank you Breton Martyr in my family tree. Thank you St. Dismas. For everything! Always appreciated. Glory to you all. Glory to God in His angels and saints

  129. Gwenn 4 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, I have implored for a home of my own, this current living situation is more than impossible. In your compassion and love, can you please grant me this wish? Thank you in love and sincerity for all you do for everyone.

  130. Anonymous 4 years ago

    Thank you again St. Expedite for being such a quick miracle worker in my life and others. Once you again, you have come through and answered my petition very quickly. Please continue to work miracles in my life and others. Thank you!

  131. Kade 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for coming though QUICKLY with my housing situation. HODIE!

  132. marietta 4 years ago

    Thank you so much for helping with the technic. It is so important for my work. We could find the mistake so fast with your great help.
    Dear St. Expedite

  133. Maya Divine 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for hearing my petition and helping my client get pregnant so quickly! You are amazing! Please continue to send your blessings and miracles. Thank you!

    • K 4 years ago

      St Expeditus is awesome!! I made a request to receive a reply from someone who hadn’t contacted me for days. One day after asking St Expeditus to help me, the same hour I asked the previous day was the same exact hour it happened. This person messaged me and even apologized for not getting back to me earlier. I forgot and then later realized it was because of this wonderful Saint’s intercession. I love you St Expeditus and I promise to share you with the people I know!! Thank you soo much!!

      • Maya Divine 4 years ago

        Wow! That’s awesome! St.Expedite never ceases to amaze me with how quickly he responds to our requests.

        • Algernon 3 years ago

          Thanks to St Expedite .I will keep on praying and doing kindness for anyone i could.Thank you for faith and courage.

  134. Gwenn 4 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, I know your power and I apologize for being absent for a while. Please help me with my prayer for a home. I love your strength and that you’re always here for those in need. Gratitude and thanks with love. Gwenn

    • Felix Keso 4 years ago

      Glory, Glory, Glory to the Blessed Trinity and My Miracle worker,Blessed St Expedite. I invite you tonight to intercede and obtain for my family a favourable response before the Holy Trinity that Mauresa Lydie a private lender expedite my loan of K50,000 into my bsp bank account tonight. I am in need to offset all my debts, Thank you Blessed Saint Expedite, I ask this in Jesus most Holiest name, amen

      • Francie Romero 4 years ago

        Hodie! Hodie! Hodie!
        St. Expedite, please help me in my financial need to fix our house, pay our taxes and other payables and needs. Especially medical checkups.
        I promise to offer you a holy mass as my way of thanksgiving.
        And share to others your blessings!
        Please send it fast abundantly exceedingly!!!
        Glory to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit forever!!!

  135. Ana 4 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for your help and speedy response and granting my urgent request.

  136. marietta 4 years ago

    Dear St Expedite,
    thank you so much that we all are healthy and can meet each other.

  137. marietta fritz 4 years ago

    Thank you so much St. Expedite for great protection and health. Thank you .

  138. Anissa 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for helping me with my finances and with my schooling!! Blessed be ❤️

  139. Veronica Howell 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite, for a speedy reply.

  140. Britt 4 years ago

    St Expedite thank you so much for getting my dad a new job. I am so grateful and blessed for this. You are such a divine and wonderful saint who makes miracles happen. I know you will no come through with my own prayer and help me. I am so lucky and full of prosperity because of st expedite! Thank you so much amen

    • S 4 years ago

      Thank you St Expedite for all the Help!

  141. V T 4 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for all favors and requests granted to me and my BFF Thanks also to all of you holy red and white martyrs. Thank you Breton martyr in my family tree. Always grateful

  142. Freya 4 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for the grant support scheme appeal approval!!! Blessed be

  143. Valerie 4 years ago


  144. Pushpa chetri 4 years ago

    I was told about St. Expedite by my friend. I was facing delay in getting my money back, I prayed to St. Expedite and I received my money few days later. Thank you St. Expedite for always coming to my aid whenever I was in need
    Lots of love and gratitude

  145. Marcy 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for restoring my health!

    • olive 4 years ago

      Thank you Saint Expedite for blessing me with my request. I will forever honor you.

  146. Anna 5 years ago

    I want to take this time to say THANK YOU ST. EXPIDITE.
    you have never failed me.
    I have been working as a temp., employee for 4 months.
    I prayed to St. Expidite to become a permanent, full time employee with great pay.
    St. Expidite interceded on my behalf and everything I requested has taken place.
    I was hired today with the company I was a temp., at.
    I am very happy and know that this never would have taken place, if it weren’t for St. Expidite.
    He is really and believe in him with all my heart.
    I will continue to pray to St. Expidite for eternity and spread the word of how awesome he is.

    • Teri 5 years ago

      Thank you Saint Expedite for selling our home

      • Adriana Ahumada 4 years ago

        Thank you St.Expedite for expediting everything my way. Thank you so much I’m so happy I ran into you . Thank you for all you’ve begun to do. This is just the beginning for me and you . Thank you so much!!! My wonderful handsome Expedite

  147. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear st expedite, I supplicate your love and support with all my heart heart to end the lifelong financial burdens by helping me with my request to gain the windfall I’ve worked for. I retreat your kindness and , which will be rewarded with your favorite pound cake, incense, candle and flowers. Without your help I be continue to be homeless and a burden to others. Please help immediately. With love

  148. AB 5 years ago

    Thank you, St. Expedite, for helping me a second time! He is a true miracle worker.

  149. AB 5 years ago

    My heartfelt thanks to St. Expedite for any prayer listened to or help given. I have heard many wonderful things and positive testimonials about him. Thank you for being a helper, St. Expedite!

    • Valerie 4 years ago


      • Annette Smyth 3 years ago

        Thank you so much St Expedite for request received..!!
        And thenk you for successful results to pending requests..!!
        With much love ..!!

  150. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, thank you so much for the unexpected salary that helps me through the difficult days. My company paid for work done before the actual payday, and your guidance brought this to me. I will give you your deserved blessings, pound cake, and new flowers for your loving help. Please consider my fuller need so that I can have a home, not be homeless but for my son’s kindness. I hope to receive a windfall in the next week and know this can happen as seen through your unexpected blessings. You love, you give to anyone in need. Thank you again, with love

  151. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, thank you for this latest small remuneration that will get me through the next few weeks. I will offer your favorite pound cake, incense, red candle and flowers in gratitude for your care. Please answer my plea for a large influx of money so I can have a home and help my children. With love

  152. Patrick 5 years ago

    I had some payments to make on a loan and the deadline for one of them is December 21, 2019. I started petitioning St Expedite on Monday December 16, 2019 to help me out with the cash for the loan and two other pressing needs I have in December. I used the red candle, glass of water, and some red wine.
    After the third day I say that the water and wine was considerably reduced. I gave thanks and changed them. I received an inspiration on how to get some money and i followed through.
    Today, December 2019 I received enough money to meet the deadline on the first loan that comes due tomorrow. I have already paid.
    I’m here as promised to St Expedite to show my profound gratitude and praise to St Expedite and to encourage everyone so minded to adhere to St Expedite in times of urgent need.

    • Monica 5 years ago

      SainT expedite came through for me just this morning, I petitioned him for a job and he gave me, I thank him and I wanna share his love and glory to all mankind. He’s the father of emergencies for real. Glory .

    • Beatrice 3 years ago

      Thank you st expedite answering my prayers I asked for big amount of money so I can pay all my debts.may your name be glorified Hodie.Hodie.Hodie.

  153. ACH 5 years ago

    Dear Saint Expedite THANK YOU for coming to my aid! we needed a place to live in a hurry and you came through getting us the place we needed. THANK YOU!!

  154. Matt 5 years ago

    Dear St. Expedite. Please bring a healthy baby into our home. Thank you.

  155. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, thank you for the small gift from my client, it was unexpected and will help this month. I ask again and in trust of your love to help me in my extreme financial difficulties to end this struggle with the hoped for windfall. With this I can be safe in a home, help my children, and not be a burden. I thank you with all my heart trusting in your love and joy in helping others. With love,

  156. Angela 5 years ago

    Praise be to St. Expedite! My petition was granted within 6 days! Praise Be!!!

  157. Paula 5 years ago

    St. Expedite! I thank you for listening to me, and helping me with my financial emergency as fast as you did! I have given you my offerings as a thank you! I will continue to spread your name, how wonderful you are, willing to help, and how fast to anyone that will listen to me.

  158. Agatha 5 years ago

    thank you so much St. Expedite for helping our cat. We are so happy and thankful. thank you so much.

  159. Nancy J Gagen 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for helping me with my money today.

  160. Irma 5 years ago

    Thank You St. Expedite for helping me understand everything they were training me for at my new job. In the precious name of our lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    • Levinson leviticus 4 years ago

      Dear beloved saint ..I came to know u today n surly the testimonies people are speaking abt u ate all good ….may the Lord continue to give more power to intercede on our behalf thank u so much

  161. Du 5 years ago

    Thank you, Saint Expedite! Thank you for coming swiftly to my aid and helping me before God and the Blessed Virgin to heal my spirit and my broken heart. I offer you the flowers I promised and these words of praise in hope someone who needs assistance knows they can count on you. Thank you for giving me comfort and steering me in the right direction. I will do my best to stay on this road and forget H entirely. Blessings to him, blessings to all. Ave, Expeditus!

  162. Jo Ann 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for coming to my aid when I was in need and for giving me what I needed in the moment.

    • Joy 4 years ago


  163. Dee 5 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for helping me in my time of need!!

  164. anonymous 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for helping my BFF A and me to keep a good friendship together. In the face of adversity, mental illness and distress. In the face of interference. you can, do and are getting through to my BFF for me. Thank you for everything! Always appreciated. Never taken for granted. V

    • MILLICENT 4 years ago

      Thank you St.Expedite for helping me out in business and financial crisis.

  165. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St expedite can you please help me. My financial situation is getting worse all the time. The harder I work I keep going backwards. Please send me your help and support. Provide me with the financial help I need to pay bills, help my family and start over. There is nothing left but hope in your help.

  166. Dehja Ashara 5 years ago

    Thank you!! St. Expedite! For resolution and victory!! for my court case win!! Finally a settlement offer from my car accident. Can’t thank you enough for this long 6year fight for this case. I’m so Greatful!! Glory! St. Expedite! ❤️

  167. Runa 5 years ago

    Thank you Divine St. Expedite for coming to my aid and helping resolve my issues so expeditiously.

  168. Nancy 5 years ago

    St. Expedite, Thank you for your help in my job search. Glory to you.

  169. Marion Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    Please come to my aid, I applied for one shot deal and they rejected stating that i did not complete the eligibility process which i know that i did. I am going to HRA to see what happened please let them approve it. As soon as possible let them approve it i promise to give you your gifts.

  170. MA 5 years ago

    Gracias, gracias, gracias SAN Expeditus
    Thank you, thank you ,thank you, San Expeditus. Hodei Hodei Hodei
    Thanks for settling my mediation and receiving the deposit for BS

  171. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, I too have been supplicating you for help in my financial crisis and have been entering all the free contests in order to win a large amount. Please help me so that I can pay bills, help my son pay his bills and help others in need. I have worked so hard and it is all to no avail, I am begging for your loving kindness and help in this crisis which is worsening every day. I need help immediately for a long term solution for financial security which I’ve never had. I continue to light the flame, incense, provide red flowers, and water. I will give poundcake and broadcast your name and glory upon receipt of relief. Thank you so much, with love

  172. Rikki 5 years ago

    St. Expedite, I come to you and ask for your grace and favour over my finances. I desperately need to settle all my debts. I have been playing the Powerball and Lottery with the wish of winning enough money to settle all debts and to be able to live comfortably without worrying about money and also to help all my relatives who are also in a desperate situation financially. I promise that I will help as many people as I can. Please bless me with a jackpot win as a matter of urgency. Please grant my request as soon as possible so that I can settle all my debts and help my relatives who are suffering financially. I thank you in advance for your help and as that you bless me abundantly so that I may bless others in turn. I promise to publish my thanks and gratitude to you as soon as I receive my blessing. Saint Expedite I offer you red roses as a gift for your favour and grace and blessing me with financial abundance.

  173. Madeleine 5 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expeditus!!
    I was in a desperate financial situation and called upon St. Expeditus for help.
    He brought to me exactly what I needed.

    Thank you for your Favor and kindness St. Expeditus!!!

  174. Anonymous 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite! I was wrongly, falsely accused of creating a situation that was someone else’s doing. I simply asked you to get through to that person that I was innocent of all false charges and you did. Donation in your name and gift coming

  175. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear ST Expedite, I really need your help today so that I can become relieved of the debt burden this week. I offer you the flame, incense, water, flowers and broadcasting your name and glory of your power and love for helping me in this dire situation. With love and thanks,

  176. Eliyah 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for helping me get the money I needed within 24 hours.

  177. Marion Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    Please co.w to my aid quick, I applied for assistance with HRA for rental assistance please let them approve it. I have an appointment with them on Thursday so please after this appointment let them approve it quickly. I went to see my housing assistant and she said that I will be getting something for court. I will only owe 1941.00 so please let this be $0 before the 31st of the month of I will give you a Thank you in writing and will post it so that people will know of your good works

  178. Ellen 5 years ago

    Dear St. Expedite,
    Please come to my assistance. We need business so desperately. Please hear my prayer and grant my request that my husband gets the business he needs. We need it today St.Expedite. Please help us and I promise to give you beautiful roses. Pound cake and spread your name in honor and glory. Amen

  179. Anonymous 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite. Evening at dinner with my BFF went well after initial upset because of something someone else said/did recently. Following through on plans for the rest of the year. I know it’s because you got through to him. He’s no longer listening to bad interference from others. Thank you. Can’t do this without you and others from Heaven.

  180. Virginia 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite. I’ve prayed to you many times recently. You get through to my BFF and help us keep a good longstanding friendship that periodically comes under attack from various evil forces. Thank you. Donation in your name and material gift to follow.

  181. Marie 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for help us so much. Thank you.

  182. Marion Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come again asking for your urgent speedy help. My niece wants receipt of rent that was paid, I don’t have any please let her stop asking for them. I told her I would take care of it. Please do let her be mad . I will give you gifts

  183. Marion Williams 5 years ago


  184. Bella 5 years ago

    Thank you so very much for helping me so fully and quickly! I am most grateful dear Saint Expedite!

  185. Marion Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    Please let them approve my request from my 403b, as soon as possible. So that I can pay my rent.
    I promise to give you your gifts flowers, pound cake, water. I will light a red candle today.

    • Nina 5 years ago

      St. Expedite
      I humbly come asking you for a urgent financial request, I need help with my rent so that i can keep a roof over me and my childrens head and other bills that i urgently need to clear by friday,i would also wish to have enough money so i can do something for my son’s eighth birthday thats coming up next weekend.I promise to give you your gifts, red flowers, a glass of water and pound cake.I will light a red and green candle today.Thank you !!! I will encourage everyone that need urgent help to pray that you interceded before the Holy Trinity on their behalf. Thank you again Saint Expedite, and I will request your help again soon.
      In Jesus’s name Amen!

  186. PB 5 years ago

    Thank you st. Expedite for coming to my aid. Thank you for for speed and accuracy

  187. Marion Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    Please come to my aid, I need urgent help with my rent of 5221.00. Please let me get approved at the HRA. Before the end of the week. I promise to give you your gifts. Pound cake, flowers, water. I WILL also light a red candle. Please I don’t want to lose my apartment.

  188. Marion Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come asking you for a urgent financial request, I need help with my rent as arrears as soon as possible. I am applying with HRA, please let it go well and they give me the money before end of week. Also I am going to apply with my 403b let them approve it. I promise to give you your gifts, flowers, pound cake, . I will light a red candle.

  189. Sarah 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for hearing my prayers and assisting me so quickly! You are my great friend! Gracias!

  190. DD 5 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for answering my prayers. Thank you for also answering my son’s prayers. I will encourage everyone that need urgent help to pray that you interceded before the Holy Trinity on their behalf. Thank you again Saint Expedite, and I will request your help again soon.
    In Jesus’s name Amen!

  191. Marietta 5 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for answering my Prayer request for healing and Protection for our beloved cat.
    Thank you so much

    • Jeena 2 years ago

      St. Expedite, I came to know about you today through my brother. I am starting my prayers today. I am in big financial crisis. I lost many things I a. In big debt and in bankruptcy. My house paper is in bank which I could not take back. I tried to sell my house. Around 80 customers visited to purchase and many liked the house. But one they go out of the gate won’t come back. We are utter in trouble. We gave advance to another house which agreement period is going to over. Without selling this house we cannot purchase the other one. Today I need 30000 INR for the payment of the installment. Notice served and case gone to bank. Please urgently make a way. Bring the right person to purchase the house. Atleasr 45 lacs INR should get for the house. Around 35lacs are in debt. Please help me and my family. I will surely publicize your name . I will give testimonies in what means I can please help me HODIE

  192. Marietta Fritz-Broghammer 5 years ago

    Dear St. Expedite, thank you so much for beeing with us for health and luck. Thank you so much for your help.

    • Anna 5 years ago

      St. Expedite,
      Thank you for answering my prayer request and granting my job interview to go as well as I wanted. I request to get hired the same day and I was offered the job.
      This would not have been possible without your help.
      Thank you so much, with all my heart.

  193. Alisa 5 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for helping heal my sprained wrist. I had a very speedy recovery and am almost 100% healed! Hooray! Thank you for your assistance! I’ll give you pound cake as soon as I can find it. Honor to you! Praise Be! Amen!

  194. Andrew Herman 5 years ago

    Thank you, thank you, thank you St Expedite!! This was my first time working with you and I hope it is the start of a long and fruitful relationship. I asked you to help me sell my vehicle quickly and you sure did! I am happy with the sale and I will be leaving the pound cake I promised you as recognition of services done tonight! Praise, gratitude and honor to you blessed Expedite, you truly are an aid to those in need!

  195. Yvette 5 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite for helping me with my finances.

  196. Marietta 5 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for getting the money back. Thank you so much. It helps us so much. Great St Expedite. And Thank you so much to get the money back from the flight. Thank you

  197. Maurice Hughes 5 years ago

    Thank you ..St. Expedite for answering my request, I will continue to share what you have done for me. You have truly blessed me in special way. I will continue to glorify your name. Love Always..may your soul rest well in heaven.

  198. M Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    I come asking for an urgent request to help pay my rent of 7041.00. I ask that you come to my aid quickly. I promise to give you gifts and will publish your name so that you can be known.

  199. Ritchie 5 years ago

    Thank U Saint Expedite …..

    • Felix Keso 4 years ago

      Glory to the Blessed Trinity, Glory to you Saint Expedite,Bless the Blessed Trinity. Bless you Saint Expedite. I love you my miracle worker, please intercede for me and obtain for me a favourable urgent favour before the Most Holy Trinity that my private lender, Mauresa Lydie is asking for a fee of K608, to complete my fees to transfer my loan of K50,000 to my bank account. I need the loan to refinance all my other two loans. Please my Dear Saint Expedite, find a way and pay it for me and fund my loan payment of K50,000 into my account right now(today) Please miracle worker find a way and help me now. I ask this in Jesus Most Holy Name, Amen

  200. Ritchie 5 years ago

    Dearest Saint Expedite , thank you so much for your help. As promised; here’s your Novena /Prayer

    My Saint Expedite of urgent and just causes,please intercede for me with Our Lord Jesus Christ . Succour me in this hour of affliction and despair ,my Saint Expedite . You who are a Holy warrior .You who are the Saint of the afflicted,You who are the Saint of the desperate , You who are the Saint of the urgent causes ,Protect me ,Help me,Give me Strength,Courage,Serenity.Hear my plea —————————- (clearly express what you want ,and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)
    My Saint Expedite ,help me to prevail through these difficult hours, protect me from all those who want to harm me ,respond to my plea with urgency. Bring me back to the state of peace and tranquility , my Saint Expedite .I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life and I will speak your name to all those who have faith. (Now promise to give Saint Expedite a specific offering when your desire is granted .) AMEN. ( Say one Our Father , one Holy Mary, and make the sign of the cross .) .( Be sure to fulfill your promise if Saint Expedite grants your petition .)

  201. Avion Collins 5 years ago

    Thank you st expedite for bringing my boyfriend back to me for ever grateful Avion

    • Marion Williams 5 years ago

      Thank you St. Expedite
      My 403b was approved.
      I will be getting your gifts as soon as possible.

  202. ravenwithamohawk 5 years ago

    In the process of obtaining a car from my late brother’s estate. The one main issue is that my sis in law is not very well organized and was having a hard time finding the title. Sunday the 8th, I asked St Expedite to assist her in finding the title in a timely fashion. Today the 9th, in a conversation with her around 2 PM, she had found the title. I graciously thanked St Expedite and in addition to the wine, candle, and rose already on his altar, I added a piece of pound cake in a special offering bowl purchased just for him. He’s truly a wonder.

  203. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for coming through with the contract for my new job. This has been a difficult week financially and the contract helps. Please be with the bank in their decision to give me the refund. These are the first steps and I know you want to help bring financial relief as you have in the past months. Please grant my request Hodie, Hodie, Hodie. Amen with love

  204. David 5 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

  205. editarts220 5 years ago

    Saint Expedite has come through yet again! I received an entirely unexpected check for $91 as part of a class act settlement I was unaware of. And a yearlong dispute with a health insurance company was settled — and I received the payment from them. Thank you, great Saint Expedite! My gratitude to you. You are truly powerful. Praise be!

  206. Rick 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for help everyone, including myself. I set up a small alter a few days ago and prayed and told St. Expedite what I needed help with. A few days later I got some of what I asked for. Thanks so much.

    • Rick 5 years ago

      Thank you St. Expedite for helping me, please except my offering and continue to help me. Thanks again for what you already helped me with.

  207. editarts220 5 years ago

    Hail St. Expedite! I gathered the items and prepared an altar to do my first-ever ritual to him yesterday morning (a Wednesday). The ritual was scheduled for afternoon, but that morning — before I’d even done the ritual! — I found a large client payment deposited in my bank account TWO WEEKS before expected, and even before the usual email had arrived announcement the payment. Expedite acted before he was even asked! Thank you, St. Expedite!

  208. Marcia 5 years ago

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart,,St. Expedite, for coming to my aid once again. All love and honor to you, blessed saint who works miracles!

    • Anonymous 4 years ago

      Thank you St.Expedite for opening a path to resolve my legal problem.May you keep assisting me towards it’s eventual resolution.May you help others as you have helped me.

      • anonymous 2 years ago

        Thank you St. Expedite for aiding the process for me to get financial assistance paying my recent medical bills. Thank you & everyone else in Heaven for protecting me during rec not auto accident. & Helping my recovery. Thank you for helping to keep me & my BFF together

  209. RP 5 years ago

    St. Expedite Thank you for helping me obtain a job offer for a great organization! I am truly grateful for your help in this very important time.

  210. Gwenn 5 years ago

    I just want to publicly thank St Expedite for the two blessings I received today. I got the job for which I applied, just in the nick of time, and received the payment from my other job today rather than having to wait which was a prayer answered and a lifesaver. Thank you dear St Expedite, I believe in your power and love, and ask that you provide me with the requested funds this week so that I can have my own home and pay bills. Thank you again with love in God’s glory. Gwenn

  211. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, thank you so much for helping those in need. I am beseeching your love, power, goodness to help me obtain enough money in the next week. Debts are mounting, and having a home of my own cannot happen without instant relief from a lifetime of financial needs. With love and thanks, Gwenn

  212. Mom 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for quickly giving a place to live for son & his family.
    Could you please resolve newest issue of immediate sale of FL property with full cooperation from tenant. Sale will help with son’s debt issues.
    With thanks and love

  213. Michaela 5 years ago

    I am so thankful to St Expedite for hearing me in my time of need. I asked for $500 by Friday August 23rd 2019, and on the third day he granted my request. I am so happy. Love you, than you so much.

  214. Judith TrenthamMontano 5 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for solving all my son’s problems in selling his house. Your help has been the relief of stress that we needed for him. We are so grateful for your aid and rejoice in singing your praise. Through the blessings of Father Son and Holy Spirit you make faith survive.

  215. Gwenn 5 years ago

    I am so thankful to St expedite for providing me with a new job opportunity. He does care. Thank you so very much for your help. With love and affection. Gwenn

    • Anonymous 3 years ago

      Thank you St. Expedite for your quick delivery in results with my petition (ranging from work, business, personal, relationship).

  216. A.E. 5 years ago

    I want to truly thank St. Expedite for granting me what I asked him for. He has given me a new found faith and strength. I highly highly highly recommend everyone to call upon St. Expedite for their needs. He is truly amazing.

  217. David W. 5 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expedite.

  218. Elfm 5 years ago

    St. Expedite I thank you for my job that is on trial basis. Please intercede that J and JH ask me to continue my services. Please help me work hard and satisfy JH. Please give J all the patience to teach me. Please bless me with the wisdom to work efficiently. St. Expedite you have never let me down. I am forever grateful for the house you gave us overnight, and also the money for the rent and deposit. Please continue to be by our side. Thank you for LMs new job. Please be with her every moment of her life. Please calm her down and control her temper. Love you St. Expedite.

  219. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Thank you so much St Expedite for providing me with a great new job opportunity that will help relieve some of the financial burdens plaguing me. Without your insight and help, this opportunity may never have appeared and now I have reached the second and final step in the process. I promise to make the most of your gift. Thank you with love, Gwenn

  220. Gigi 5 years ago

    Thank you St.Expedite for coming through during my time of financial need. You never fail me.

  221. James 5 years ago

    Dearest Saint Expedite. We are Infinitely Grateful for the Numerous Miracles You have performed. You have Blessed our lives. Thank You So Very Much!!!

  222. James 5 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite fir Always helping me and my family!!!
    Thank you so much!!!

  223. EB 5 years ago

    St Expedite, you brought me back to life. You helped with my health when you heard me almost giving up. I was desperately crying, and you were there for me, and you gave me a miracle.
    Thank you for your divine intervention. Praised be my Saint Expedite!

  224. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, I want to thank you for the small gift of money helped me get through another difficult patch financially. I am so thankful to you for being there and wishful to help all those in need. I continue to pray and ask for your love and kindness. Your help is most appreciated. Your joy and helpfulness is a wonderful gift for all of us in need. Please keep me in your heart to bring about sufficient money to have my own home and help those close to me in need. Thank you with love, Amen

  225. Gwenn 5 years ago

    I wanted to thank St Expedite for his loving care in providing me with a bonus of money very urgently needed. Praying to St Expedite for help in my financial crisis has brought comfort since I know he wishes to help and care for those in need. Thank you so much for your help and love your spirit of joyful care for those in need. Thank you so much, and I pray that you will continue to relieve my serious financial crisis so that I can have a home and the means to live a useful, productive life. Love you and your help. Amen

  226. Ken. 5 years ago

    I want to thank Saint Expedite for always being there for me in my time of need. Whenever I was struggling to leave a situation or needed someone back into my life Saint Expedite always came through. I asked for his help many, many times and each time he would always deliver. He is my go to man for the toughest things and he is very quick to respond. Praise be to you Saint Expedite. Thank you so much once again you truly are remarkable.

  227. CA 5 years ago

    I just wish to share that my husband and I had our first child about 2 weeks ago, and I thank St. Expeditus for helping with a smooth and very fast delivery. I had heard from others that St. Expedite can help with speedy pregnancies and deliveries. I am truly grateful for St. Expedite’s help when it comes to finances for my business as that has been really beneficial in the past. However, for us getting ready to have our first kid, after praying to St. Expedite for help and blessings in this process, we became pregnant in less than 3 months of trying, I had almost no pregnancy symptoms or morning sickness, my water broke a week early than my due date with contractions happening right away, I was in labor for 10 hours roughly and only had to push for 16 minutes to deliver our son.

    I have no complaints and am very thankful! It has been a wonderful experience becoming a first time momma. Thank you so much St. Expedite, speed really does help to alleviate a woman’s fears of being able to become pregnant naturally when so many of her friends had to take IVF and being able to go through birth and delivery with such relative ease. The hospital staff was stunned at how well birth and recovery went, and how fast it all was, too. I will be always thankful every time I look at our newborn. Praise be your name!

  228. Marcia Blaustein 5 years ago

    Thank you, St. Expedite, for coming to my aid so quickly. All love and honor to you!

  229. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Dear St Expedite, thank you for helping me with my request this week. I am thankful for your presence and loving assistance. I offer you pound cake and broadcasting your glory and name for continuing to help me in my struggles that have been a lifetime of worry and pain. Your generous love is so much appreciated. Amen

  230. Bridget Carroll 5 years ago

    Thank you st expedite for answering my prayers please keep hearing me and answering yes thank you st expedite st expedite I love you

    • Elisabeth 4 years ago

      Saint Expédit I want to express all my Joy knowing you!!!! I believe You are very faithful, so I will be very patient waiting for my prayer request to be granted by God through your intercession. I thank you for listening to me and spending time with me. Thank you in advance Saint Expédit! Amen

  231. Anonymous 5 years ago

    I can highly recommend working with St. Expedite! He was super-helpful when I asked for his support in resolving a really convoluted situation. I ended up getting what I really wanted out of that situation. Thank you, St. Expedite!

  232. Gwenn 5 years ago

    Thank you dear St Expedite for the small work orders that help along the way. Please grant my request within the next 48 hours for the large sum of money to pay bills and have the funds to have a place to live and ability to accomplish my goals. Thank you for being there always for anyone to come and ask for your help. I continue to give you the red flowers, candle and water as an offering for your blessings.

  233. Marion Williams 5 years ago

    St. Expedite
    Please give me a financial blessing to help with money for the trip I am taking with my brothers, I need a big urgent blessing from you today
    I promise to light a red CANDLE and make your name known and give you your gifts

    • Elisabeth 4 years ago

      Saint Expédit I want to express all my Joy knowing you!!!! I believe You are very faithful, so I will be very patient waiting for my prayer request to be granted by God through your intercession. I thank you for listening to me and spending time with me. Thank you in advance Saint Expédit! Amen

  234. Ana 5 years ago

    Thank you Saint Expeditus for an Answered prayer❤️ You provided financial assistance and directed specific persons to grant this help. Thank you.

  235. Elfm 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for the miracle of the money that you arranged for us. St. Expedite we are going to see the house today. Please come along with us and help us finalize one. St. Expedite also please work a miracle with my job. I am desperately in need of a job. Please intercede that I get the job at Deloitte. Love you St. Expedite. Thank you St. Expedite for standing by me and my family always. Please continue to keep under your care now and forever.

  236. Elfm 5 years ago

    St. Expedite I need urgent help. Please help us find a house so that we can move out tomorrow. We were asked to move out today but are helpless. You know St. Expedite what we are going through. Please please help us with a house and the money to have one. St Expedite we don’t have enough money and she wants us to move out immediately. Please help us St. Expedite I don’t know what to do. Please work a miracle St. Expedite. Please take care of me and my children. Thank you St. Expedite. Love you St. Expedite.

  237. Elfm 5 years ago

    St. Expedite please pray for us. Need urgent prayers St. Expedite. Please help us with a house St. Expedite. I am surrendering everything to you. St. Expedite we are being forced to move out of this place. We don’t have enough money St. Expedite. Please please help me and my children. Take care of us and protect us from NFL and her behaviour towards us. St. Expedite please help us with the money to move out. Love you St. Expedite. Thank you St. Expedite.

  238. Lin 5 years ago

    St Expedite is my favorite. Lin.

  239. Elfm 5 years ago

    St. Expedite thank you for LMs job. Today is her first day at work St. Expedite. Please go along with her. Bless her with all the strength and confidence to work meticulously and methodically. Please forgive her if she has wronged you St. Expedite. Please calm her down her anger. St. Expedite please don’t give NL a chance to complain about her or bring her down. St. Expedite I surrender LM to you. Please guard and guide her. Thank you St. Expedite. Love you St. Expedite.

  240. Moipone 5 years ago

    Dear St. Expedite, I am very happy to know from other people about how powerful you are in assisting people on their needs. I believe that you will also help me, as I believe in your powers you have. Please Expedite help me get money, win from Mega Million, Lottery any amount that I will be able to pay my loans, built a house, help mu family and people in need. I need money desperately. Help me to believe and trust God in every situation in my my life. I believe you will help me on mu financial crisis. Amen

  241. Siobhán 5 years ago

    I thank you greatly for your work and your time in getting my requests before I had a chance to make an alter to you or even give you half of your offering. You put your faith in me, for which I am forever thankful. I promise to promote people’s faith in your great name.

  242. Marion W 5 years ago

    Sr. Expedite
    I thank you for helping me.my request came to me.
    I come asking you for another financial blessing. I need some money to pay 700 on my niece rent and I need 1500 for my rent. I am applying for money from my 403b plan on monday please let that be approved with out delays. Please come to my aid with a big financial blessing some way .I will promise to light a red CANDLE tonight. I will also give you your gifts I need this before the week is out

  243. Gwenn Meredith 5 years ago

    Dear Saint Expedite, I am so grateful that you helped me to attend my grandson’s wedding. I was without hope until you came to my rescue. With all my heart I thank you for your love and assistance.

  244. Lin 5 years ago

    St EXpedite is powerful. Praise be.

  245. Laureen 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite for all your help, words cannot express how grateful I am

  246. Dora 5 years ago

    Thank you St. Expedite
    For all you have done to help me and my family!

    • Felix Keso 5 years ago

      Glory to you Blessed St Expedite,,,Please intercede for me and obtain for me my desire of refinancing my debts so that I can build my house and send my son to the University. I ask this in Jesus Name.

  247. Mary 5 years ago

    Thank you saint expedite for your greatness and your power and also the way you have helped me. My petition was for my daughter as she writes exams. You are truly great and amazing

    • April 5 years ago

      Thank you st expedite

      • Lavi 4 years ago

        Dear St expedite,I had given an interview and I got failed. I am jobless for 2 yrs, Please work a miracle with my job.Thank you advance.

  248. Victoria 5 years ago

    Thank you St Expedite for hearing my petition. You answered me even before I had a chance to set up my alter and ask. You heard me even before then. Thank you.

  249. Ellen Boucher 5 years ago

    Much gratitude, praise and recognition to St Expedite! I set up an altar and asked for a quick resolution to my job hunt. Less than a week later I was offered a new job!

  250. Jackie 5 years ago

    Much gratitude to St. Expedite! I have only come to know him recently and requested his help for a situation in my community involving the intention by a small group to slaughter 2,000 geese that they deemed a nuisance. I asked that I be protected publicly and in the media for speaking out on their behalf and that the geese be protected. Things shifted quickly in favor of the geese and it is now highly unlikely that a massive slaughter can or will take place. I was protected greatly for my courage to come forward.

  251. M 6 years ago

    Hail to you St. Expedite on your feast day!
    thank you for all you’ve helped me to achieve so far. I ask your blessing that I can pass the bar exam and thus achieve my goals of being a wealthy successful lawyer. thank you.

  252. A 6 years ago

    Happy feast day to you saint expedite!
    St. Expedite,
    This is my first time calling on you for assistance. You’ve showed me signs that my request has been heard. I thank you for your quick response to my desperate dire situation. As promised I will continue to spread your name and do good deeds in honour of you. I will continue to pray to you until by request has been met and after to show that your help is greatly appreciated. Saint expedite help me to prevail these difficult hours, protect me, guide me, help me. Respond to my plea with urgency. Bring peace and tranquillity to my life. I have struggled for so long and need change as soon as possible. I will be grateful for the rest of my life as my request will change my life forever for the better and future generations. Future generations will know about you and will honour you. Saint expedite I offer you pound cake, will spread your name and much more if you grant my request. I am begging you to kindly bless me with winning the lottery On your feast day Friday April 19th 2019, 25 million dollars lotto max draw at 10:30pm Please grant my request without delay

  253. P 6 years ago

    Thank you so much for this article, outstanding work!

    • Gwenn 2 years ago

      Dear St Expedite, though this is not my first time calling on you for assistance, the time and circumstances are becoming more urgent. I plead in love and thanks to you in advance for providing me with financial assistance for help. I have struggled all my life to be financially secure with no real success. Please come to my aid at this crucial time so I can help myself and family who are in real need of your love and support. I offer you rum spiced pound cake, red candles and spreading your name with honor for your countless blessings. Thank you again for hearing my plea! Love and amen!


  1. […] (He’s into gold and red we learned). We followed the prescribed prayers (found online at Sphere + Sundry) and then added our New Thought practice of spending five minutes with eyes closed concentrating on […]

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