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Asclepius Bath Salts III

Asclepius Bath Salts III

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

Ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing (as detailed in the series description for Asclepius II), and salt is a tried and true agent of natural purification in ways both meta and physical.

Dead Sea salt and magnesium enriched epsom, fumigated with frankincense during the Asclepius III election, combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside home grown and ritually harvested herbs inherent to the election’s consecrated herbal mixture. Rose of Jericho, incense cedar, and more.

Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify the system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. Occasionally pour water over the head and body, letting it swoosh away negativity impeding good health, mental, physical, and otherwise.

Add a small sprinkling to many baths or larger amounts for deeper soaks in tougher circumstances. May induce sleep, best used before bed. Drink plenty of water.

Offered in our standard 8 oz glass bale jar for $33, or for the first time, a 16 oz bulk pot for $66.

See testimonials of Asclepius II Bath Salt for reference.




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Creation Date

April 12th, 2020, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


16 oz, 18 oz bundle (weight), 8 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Uses / Applications

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions N/A
Weight N/A

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Customer Reviews

Based on 78 reviews
LD (Uusimaa, Finland)

Just smelling these salts clears my sinuses and somehow heals the insides. I keep them by my bedside and if feel like might be getting sick, I add some to a glass a water. I am often to prevent illnesscfrom advancing or healing quicker just from doing that.

Philly (California, United States)

My favorite bath salts ever! I feel like a new person. So much falls off energetically. I wish I had an unlimited supply for life in my arsenal. So so good.

Sarah (Washington, United States)
Versatile and Necessary

Stocked up on these during the re-labeling sale, and couldn't be happier. Use it to make a salt-spray to stretch it out, or go full in for a long soak. A potent ally.

T.W. (Silesia, Poland)

The Bath Salts are perfect for deep relaxation and deep body soothing. Compared to the Asclepius oil, these salts provide a more immersive experience that relaxes the entire body.

Mary S. (Minnesota, United States)

Essential for spiritual cleansing. Sometimes, the results are very subtle and not noticeable right away. But recently during a rough week, I took a full Asclepius bath and immediately all the mental noise dissipated. These bath salts also work wonderfully for physical health! I frequently prepare Asclepius baths for my partner when his back is acting up. This helped me not only manage chronic hip pain from work, but helped it disappear!! (Via finding an acupuncturist and a great yoga studio nearby!). Most highly recommend. Also an excellent primer for any magical workings!

Anonymous (Colorado, United States)
Deep Cleanse

I'm able to stretch these salts to last for several baths (supplementing with Epsom salt) and still feel profound effects as part of a full bathing protocol. In fact, it works so well that I don't know that I'd want more than a small handful at a time! I plan to try Son of Apollo for less stripping baths in the future, but this is absolutely amazing, particularly after working with heaviness. These salts should be a staple for anyone who regularly works in the depths.

stealthopera (Tennessee, United States)
Wash away what ails you

I use this with the energetic cleansing bath, but also love it for less formal baths when I am feeling sore or under the weather. Deeply soothing, and I get the most restful sleep after.

Anonymous (California, United States)

Echoing the clean and clean-slate feeling these salts provide. I feel like I'm able to slough off most of the week's feelings and turbulence from these bath salts alone. Because I don't have a bath tub, I dissolve a spoonful of salt into 2-3 cups of water, and gently pour the dissolved-salt water onto my body and rub it into my skin. Wish I had bought the bulk size because I can tell I'll be using this every week. The scent is Divine, and I feel so renewed after using it. Chef's kiss

M.S. (Wisconsin, United States)
Squeaky spiritually clean

I love a good bath and especially a good spiritual bath and these salts are my #1 all time favorite for spiritual cleansing, but they are ALSO great just for a restful soak without all of the ritual rigamarole (though I love that, too) OR for a quick cleansing scrub in the shower. You will feel CLEAN and bright inside and out.

Marianne (New York, United States)

My favorite limpia bath!! Whenever I feel weighed down by the stresses of life or the lingering negativity of challenging moments, this is my sanctuary. It's not just about washing away the physical grime; it's about purifying my energy, resetting my spirit, and restoring a sense of clarity. Using these salts it's a sacred practice of self-care and self-awareness. It's about acknowledging the importance of energetic hygiene and taking proactive steps to maintain my well-being. Love love Asclepius <3


  1. Love these Salts. Incredibly helpful and I’m really fond of the scent.

  2. I have loved all Asclepius bath salts (1,2, and 3 now), and is probably the one S&S materia item and type that I’ve used the most of. Again, the solar presence in the A3 materia gives it a warmth that is missing from the A1 materia. I like to use it to add to either my shampoo or shower gel as an energetic cleanser every few days aside from the Asclepius dates. Does well to also shake the winter blues, nicely warming and good for an energetic boost.

  3. Love these! Love experiencing the benefits in a bath form, highly recommend.

  4. I literally had the best nights sleep after using these bath salts for the first time. I was fortunate enough to move into a new home with a bath. Excited to finally use Sphere and Sundry’s salts range I was in awe with the stunning effect. I am happy with them, I am back to purchase more.

  5. I had the literal best bath of my life using these Asclepius III bath salts & AIII incense along with Kaitlin’s Ritual Bathing guide. Mercury rx & generally gnarly astroweather had me feeling depleted, unmoored, & Energetically Spent, but the Divine Physician guided me gently back into my body with my feet safely on the ground. I am newer to working with Asclepius & purchased these on a whim, but I am so happy I did! All Praise the Divine Physician!

  6. These Asclepius III bath salts deserve more reviews, as I am about to buy them for what is probably the fourth time. I use them to dislodge unpleasant emotional states (sadness, low energy points, etc), when feeling ill, and to improve mental clarity when exhausted and feeling crummy. They are also great for eclipse baths.

    I hope everyone in need of these can buy some before they are gone.

  7. I worked with these bath salts to help move the heaviness of Saturn then Pluto conjoining my Sun. They have such a clarifying, kind presence that helps dislodge whatever is best dislodged; they seem to know where our spirit and vitality need support, whatever it may be. Deep reckoning was more fluidly processed with the help of these. I love them and thank Kaitlin for the efforts.

  8. I LOVE these bath salts! I was a huge fan of Asclepius II oil so when this version came out, I knew I wanted the bath salts. Every time I bathe with these I get the BEST sleep and anytime I’ve felt like I was coming down with something and used them, I’ve always felt great the next day. They are also a favorite for my eclipse baths .

  9. The first time I used these salts (not a large amount, maybe 2 tbsp mixed in with Epsom salts I regularly use) I felt very sleepy very quickly and decided to lay down immediately afterwards for a nap. While resting I felt like I was receiving energy healing and had this distinctive feeling that I get with acupuncture sometimes where I feel I sink into my ‘true’ energy level. I’m often pushing myself to get through the day due to chronic illness and lose touch with how tired I am, instead buzzing along on adrenaline, so to truly feel relaxed is a blessing. I am by now a veteran of many healing modalities and these salts are a fantastic addition to my healing toolkit. They also have a lovely fresh, clean herbaceous aroma that is so pleasant I sometimes just sniff the dry contents of the jar for a quick boost/energy reset! Definitely recommend.

  10. Dear me not only was the bath an incredibly blissful experience. This line really hits me in the heart Chakra, in a good way. But my skin looked amazing afterwords, wonderful work, highly recommend for goodness inside and out.

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