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Capricorn II Lip Balm
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Capricorn II Lip Balm

This entirely new Form was birthed by Sphere + Sundry’s most recent Postpartum Release, as a spinoff of the Lip / Nip Sticks. Choose that one for general use (it’s a more comfortable wear! which will surprise no one!), and this for Capricorn II things: productivity, focus, achievement, organization, and coordinated effort.

Lip products are wonderfully functional as magical tools, as they specifically empower the speech. It is a very cool honor to pioneer them!

This is especially well-suited to application before Solomonic works, or rituals involving the compel and command of Spirits. As well as prayers to the Goddess Hygeia, seeing this Decan is classically associated with Her.

For practical real-world applications, use before team meetings or brainstorming sessions.

Chapsticks bring an energy’s focus to the head, so this is a perfect choice to support the mental and verbal aspects of Capricorn II’s Great Works.

This one is warming and stimulating, and can be too much by itself. I highly recommend pairing with a dose of Asclepius Water, or anointing the third eye and base of the skull with Anointing Oil. Salve or Body Butter would also serve. Drink plenty of water!

Promotes good posture and alignment, and the carrying of oneself with command and authority.

A blend of organic and wildcrafted, ritually prepared Capricorn II herbs in organic extra virgin olive oil, with organic beeswax and essential oils of palo santo, nutmeg, tulsi, pine, and vetiver. It is slightly warming, bringing a light Martial flush to the lips. Not as cozy or soft to wear as Exalted Luna’s (which should surprise no one!), but activating and enterprising and imbued with logistical strategy.

Offered in a long-lasting chapstick tube (with 500-600 applications!) for $48.

$48 $43.20

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Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.

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Creation Date

January 28th 2024. Hour of Mars. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

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Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects

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TCM + Ayurvedic

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Times/ Activities

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No – Beeswax


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Elizabeth Gray

Firstly, what a fantastic idea to make something to enchant and empower speech. Hats off to S+S for wonderfully practical creativity. I use this as part of a process to sing ideas into manifestation. Wonderful stuff.

Work Bag Miracle

Hm, after reading the person who wrote a review about being okay with phone calls with this lip balm...I think that's what this lip balm has been doing with me. Recently needed to run around and start getting a LOT of unexpected paperwork done. I would usually prefer not to communicate via phone and in-person, but with this lip balm, communications were much easier, smoother, matter-of-fact, and respectful, it was great!!! Side note, I do find connecting with this series heating as the description says, so maybe pair with something else if you find yourself warming up a little too much.


Productivity and empowering are the best descriptions!

A thousand stars

I am in love with this product. The results have been extraordinarily surprising. My first use I was hoping to utilize the marathon energy to extend my very limited energy and stay up with my partner on a Friday night to just chat about whatever. It worked! I decided to start my work week following that weekend with applying this before work. Suddenly I was having conversations with people I had lost touch with at work. I was more receptive generally and was excited to answer the phone when it rang. This is extraordinary because if there is anything in the world that I hate, it’s talking on the phone. I hate it. I hate doing that. But I very gladly was answering phone calls!!! It took me a full week of use to realize my increased sociability was this lip balm. My suspicion is that this effect might be specific to this form in this series. The only other forms I have right now are the water and the kolonía and they all feel quite distinct. Aside from the magic, this is a nice lip balm and I looooooove the way it smells. It’s spicy in an herbal way and very earthy.

Conference Companion

I must confess I had no ability to conceive this series in a lip balm form, but as I got it I figured I'd try it and brought it to a conference.

To my endless surprise and delight, it was *perfect* for this. I felt more able to retain information and ask useful questions, I had amazing conversations with new collaborators, and felt so invigorated and anxiety free. This is definitely going to be in regular rotation while I'm in my last year of grad school.

Endurance, Coordination, Worldbuilding

I can’t sing the praises of this lip balm enough. I wear it for meetings, and they go smoothly, finally making progress on items that had been stuck in limbo for months. I wear it (along with the oil and sometimes the ink) before long runs or multi-hour gym sessions, and I have energy the whole time. Need to work on an art project? Capricorn II lip balm will spark my creativity and help with follow-through. Need to handle chores? Capricorn II will give me the energy and will to do it and give my mind the exact amount of focus it needs to perform the task at hand while also planning ahead if the task doesn’t require mental effort. The only thing I would note is that it does make me thirstier than usual—Hygeia says, “stay hydrated!”


If you want to supercharge for focus and results pair this with one of the Mercuty oil or body butters. In the short time I've had this it's become a must have for days I go into the office so I can get stuff done with the help of my team.


Wow, I am so impressed with this form of materia. Did not expect to see it for this series but indeed it just what "doctor ordered". Capricorn is my 3rd house of communications and I immediately loved this form. The scent is so appropriate - grounding and focusing. I love to use it before I leave for work.

Speak Your Building Into Existence

I love being the first review for something I love. This lip balm!! Folks!! Without planning it at all I got this lip balm and the exalted Luna lip balm in the same order, and comparing/contrasting them has been so cool. This is a very grounding, invigorating, sustaining vibe. I have used it on my lips before two hard martial arts practices with great success. I notice I do think about my speech more when I wear these items, and in particular with this product I notice I am much less likely to complain. I just want to do the damn thang and I love that for me.


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