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Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil

Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil

Note that Jupiter in Sagittarius II Oil is now available!

A blend of 100% organic Jupiter ruled herbs, warming and quickening spices, and essential oils with 24k gold and frankincense, ritually combined and suffumigated in dedication to Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix on a grade-A Jupiter in Sagittarius election, featuring the Moon conjunct the Leo-end of Regulus, crowned King of the fixed stars. Equal parts organic sunflower and almond oil with a natural antioxidant to preserve.

Anoint the self to draw good fortune and banish limiting melancholic beliefs, expanding visionary and creative capacity. Use during Jupiter’s days and hours as a form of ritual observation and to boost the beneficence of Jupiter transits. Use to feed Jupiterian talismans and implements.

Invokes a lightness and brightness of being, fortifying spiritual reserves and cutting through that which no longer serves. Promotes wisdom, warmth, and good naturedness.

Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ yellow jade rollerball for $58

This essential oil blend contains a small amount of cinnamon bark which may be warm on the skin. Highly sensitive individuals should patch test before broader application. Wipe away with kitchen oil on a paper towel rather than water if necessary.




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Creation Date

October 23rd, 2019, hour of Jupiter. Moon conj. Regulus. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
lucy L. (Ontario, Canada)
Zoom zoomy zoom

My family is going through a tough slog of a year (lots of change, some of it hard). I applied Cap II kolonia then reached for this on a whim, even though my tiny store is precious. Result: I am AWAKE, I am ON IT, I am IN CHARGE, and I am GOOD AT THINGS! This gives me the zooms like Mercury, but with a confident, forward-thinking vibe fueled by leadership and direction. All those feelings of powerlessness and futility are at bay. I feel confident, I've found myself instinctively wresting back authority and exercising it well, and I've been bulling through tasks and goals like nobody's business. Damn I wish I had more of this!

Elide K. (Dalarna County, Sweden)
Best scent profile

A natal Jupiter in Pisces here to say that Jupiter in Sag hits so different from the Pisces materia. More solar/diurnal, more outwardly jovial and downright generous. The scent profile alone reminds me of my earliest Christmas memories in a Time before corruption and cynicism ever took root. Makes me feel capable and positive, insulated somehow from sapping influences

April S. (California, United States)
Grounding & Soaring

I love this oil. I’m a Sag rising - Jup 1H and I find this oil so comforting, like coming home. It also makes a great base for the JiS BPALS.

A. (Texas, United States)
Jupiter in a bottle

I love this oil so much. It's uplifting and refreshing. I especially love using this oil on days when I have a lot of meetings.

V (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France)

I love this perfume -- energising, uplifting, and the scent has a nice woodsy gravitas.

Meredith M. (Colorado, United States)
Jupiterean goodness!

The warmth and positivity of this oil offers just the right boost in the wintertime. I recently tried adding a few drops of the oil to my abyahngha massage and loved this way of penetrating Jupiterean light and heat into my body.

Katrina B. (Arizona, United States)
Surprisingly Comforting

I relied on this oil during a difficult period over the holidays, when I really needed some extra hope and optimism, and I’m happy to say that it delivered. I typically prefer to use Sphere and Sundry’s oils to dress candles and other ritual items, but this time I just applied it directly to my wrists. Thankfully, the scent alone helped give my mood a lift! It really does smell like a classic holiday spice mix for mulled drinks—cozy and bright. I thought that I might find this oil to be energizing, compared to a Jupiter in Pisces series. In my case, though, I found it had a surprisingly comforting and soothing effect, possibly due to my personal needs and how Jupiter tends to show up in my life in general. Applying it really helped me to be calmer and keep things in perspective, and it seemed to lighten the mood in my surrounding environment as well. I could only afford a mini, so I’ve been using this oil sparingly, but I’m very grateful to have it for times when I need some extra light in the darkness.

Ruby (Alabama, United States)
uplifting and warm

Jupiter in Sagittarius is perfect for the holidays (not just because of the delicious scent profile ... but not *not* because of it, either) -- it's warm and uplifting, a good mood on demand. I like that this oil seems to ease the everyday aggravations; everything flows a bit more smoothly with it.

TV (California, United States)

Who knew Lady Luck was a centaur? This is fun, fun, fun - at least if you love things Sagittarian. I dabbed it on for travel and had a lovely adventure. Roll a few stripes on if I expected my day to be a slog - at least it ended up being fun. This is lighthearted, very yang energy. I wouldn't recommend putting it on at night - unless you mean to party until the sun comes up!

Cali (Nuevo León, Mexico)
Good mood in a bottle!

I haven’t had the chance to do some magic with this, just more low key wearing plus setting intentions for the day and it’s just a good joyous jovial (heeh) energy that is very strong! Nothing light and airy about this! It feels like being in the middle of a great feast surrounded by loved ones. Happy I got a bottle!


  1. Jupiter in Sagittarius is wealth in a bottle! I gave a mini-bottle of oil to a family member to sit on their business cards and a stack of prop money to work slowly. Over a year’s time, the number of network opportunities, industry recognition, and bonuses has more than doubled and at the end of the year they received a promotion and a huge raise. Watching the shift for this family member from constantly being plagued by evil eye, to a momentum of growing abundance has been amazing to see.

  2. I’ve mostly been layering this Jupiter in Sagittarius oil with my go-to combo of DA II + Eirene, which I wear before going into a particular type of challenging situation. The Jupiter in Sagittarius oil has added an unmistakable sense of joyful freedom and ease to the mix. Like driving on a warm day with the windows down and a favorite song playing. Praise Jove! Huge thanks to Kaitlin & Co!

  3. This oil is a good luck charm for me. I brought it with me the first time I went gambling with my brother in New Orleans – and I nailed it! Left the table when I felt the time was right and everyone said they tanked after!

  4. I can’t believe that this is still available– Praise Jove! It’s a gorgeous, pleasantly fragrant oil. I got my first bottle when it was launched, and that bottle is still fresh and sweet, but I’m running low now. I’m delighted I can resupply Jupiter in Sag energy! Sagittarius is my 4th house and this oil was a part of a puja I just made, asking for a new home of my choosing. The very next day I was offered a perfect cottage on a lovely piece of land where I wanted to live (at 20% below my rent budget!) Um, YES! Thank you Jupiter for this beautiful boon. Like the Homeric hymn says: Zeus, you are the greatest!

  5. Excellent choice for daily use, it’s uplifting and helps bring in optimism, faith, warm energy, and health. Pairs very well with the other series so this is my go-to pairing to smooth out harsh impulses of other offerings if desired.

  6. The Jupiter Sagittarius oil was purchased for support in basic Jupiterian prayers and petitions. The fragrance is mild but complex with warm and comforting hints of cinnamon and herbs. If you are familiar with the smell of kyphi incense, I would describe it as being somewhat similar. The gold flecked oil with its intriguing blend of whole herbs is beautiful and fascinating to observe. The oil has been useful for work aimed at improving states of mind and basic meditation practice. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to experiment specifically with Jupiter materia.

  7. The scent of this oil is incredible. Warm, comforting, spicy, it feels so joyful, abundant, energizing in a way I also find very soothing.

  8. Jupiter in Sagittarius oil arrived 9/8 and I started applying it twice a day starting Thursday, 9/9 and 5 days later, on Monday, I got invited out if the blue, by a person I don’t know, to be interviewed for the local paper because they wanted to feature my business!!!! My reason for getting this oil was for the promotion and the prosperity of my business!!

  9. This has been one of my favorite S+S offerings. I use it both for devotional work and days I could use a bit more luck/optimism/general Jovial energy.

    There has been a notable increase in financial opportunities– I do freelance work and have noticed more & better paying gigs. What’s been most notable is the feeling of overall mental wellbeing and optimism that accompanies the use of this oil. It brings a warm comfort, optimism, and hopefulness that I have found particularly helpful.

  10. So my Sun is in Sagittarius, and I this boosts my Jupiter (with some residual shine going to my Sun), which expresses itself through a Jupiter-Mars conjunction. So I get alot done every time my Jupiter is stimulated. I used this in conjunction with the water and powder, and its definitely a go big or go home energy. Definitely a mood booster, but unlike a pure Solar energy, because of my Jup-Mars conjunction, Jupiter always produces actionable results for me. Today at work was just being action and solution oriented while keeping in mind the big picture.

    The oil unlike the water is much more about pruning what doesn’t work. The water is optimism, but the oil has much more focus. Yes to brightness of being, but using that light to shine the way on how to get things done.

  11. A number of “abundant” synchronicities began happening as soon as I received this oil: I received a few unexpected checks in the mail, and other helpful opportunities have been been manifesting here and there. I’ve also enjoyed the boost I experienced similar to when I used the Regulus oil. Lately, I’ve been putting this on prior to beginning zoom classes and have found the student participating more actively and enthusiastically as a result.

  12. I LOVE this oil. It’s helped me manifest all kinds of things! It also gives me energy!

  13. The sunny optimism I get when I apply this oil is much appreciated, especially at a point in my life where Saturnian energy has been in the driver’s seat. There is literally a bolt of energy that happens when I apply it. The scent is amazing and comforting, and it is one of my favorite S+S offerings.

  14. Over the past years now I’ve used items from nearly all the series but the Jupiter in Sag oil is definitely my most consistent go-to, and is very appropriate for daily use. It pairs very well with other offerings (like Mars in Scorpio for instance) to off-set aggressive or more unwanted negative effects, and is an excellent uplifting oil for health, a mood boost, luck and financial matters. During a very difficult opposition from Saturn to my natal Sun the past year I used it quite a bit together with the Sol in Leo oil. I’ve given this item also several times as a gift, including to somebody making a big move to another country as well as somebody confronting a scary health situation, and both were very happy to work with it! Cannot recommend enough.

  15. Given that I have never felt particular affinity either for Jovian energy or for the energy of Sagittarius, no one is more surprised than I am about the fact that this is one of my favorite S+S items. However, I believe that also speaks to its potent ability to remediate and connect those of us who feel more Saturnian or less fiery to this sort of positivity and optimism.

    Not only has this oil been effective in terms of assisting personal growth and awareness, but it has yielded incredible material blessings when used to strengthen career-related petitions. Thanks to Ms. Coppock and all the S+S team for this wonderful oil and wonderful series.

  16. I was recommended this product as remediation after a Saturn return reading I recently had with Amaya Rourke. I luckily purchased this and the Jup-Juice back in March and used them whenever I remembered I had them but not too consistently. Since my reading and using them daily I can *FEEL* the difference. As soon as I put the oil on myself I feel like I’ve been given the warmest hug from ny favorite person on the coldest day. I feel like a ray of sunshine, I love the sensation so much. It has become one of my favorite steps in my morning routine.

  17. Among many other things, this oil has been a true boon to my mental health. I have a night chart with my moon conjuct my MC in Sagittarius, and Jup retrograde in an Aquarius 12th house. I’m in an Aquarius profection year.

    Many other things first: a sigil shoal under Mars/Jupiter got me my first real adult job, and the oil has been wonderful in supporting my performance, processing and adjustment to the new job. Working Thursdays is a joy – I learn much, with smooth sailing and less anxiety than I normally would have. I am told I am fairly funny, but when I wear this oil my jokes really land and I get complimented on them. I wore it to a physio appointment with Mars, Asclepius,LC and Aldebaran (I don’t normally layer much, but it was the day for it) this weekend and it added a wonderful cheerful dimension to some pretty heavy motivation without dampening the charge. My physio also cracked up. Additionally, I keep running into opportunities for free lemons when I wear this oil – I have bought lemons maybe once in two months. This might be one of my favourite effects.

    As for mental health, I can tend to get quite paralyzed by a number of emotional factors. This oil often stops the spiral and reorients me in a much more beneficial, supportive direction. It cuts through despair cleanly. This is a huge thing for me, and it really eases the struggle of functioning with an executive function disorder. I am super grateful for the magic S+S does. Thank you Kaitlin ✨

  18. I wrote a little about this experience on the old Facebook page, but I’d like to share it in-depth here. I live out in the country, and all my animals are indoor/outdoor. Every cat I have had, I tried to keep as an indoor pet only but cats, as any person owned by a cat knows, are strong willed. So, my little Sun goes outside for most of the day but then comes in to snack and drink water and then at the end of the day, comes in for the night to snuggle and fall asleep. A few months ago, he had gone out and not showed up around noon to eat like he usually did, but I assumed he had found a mouse or chipmunk to munch on and was just hanging around the woods. Then, he still hadn’t shown up in the afternoon, and I began to worry. I called and called for him, checked the road, called my neighbors, but no one had seen him.
    I didn’t sleep at all that night, and every couple of hours I went outside to call for him. I made coffee and tried to decide what to do with myself. A voice kept telling me to anoint my heart chakra with JiS oil and offer a prayer to Jupiter (I am Jupiter dominant), asking him to bring Sunny home safely. The next day I had to go food shopping, and I drove around beforehand looking for him, but with no luck. When I came home, I went up the driveway slowly, and saw a little fuzzy white face peeking out of the woods at me. It was my baby, covered in burrs and wet from the rain the night before, but perfectly healthy and happy to see me. I still have no idea where he had been, probably was hunting something and got lost in the woods, but Jupiter in Sagittarius and many good wishes and prayers from the S+S facebook group brought him back to me. He hasn’t disappeared like that again and Goddess willing, he never will!
    I think the warmth and optimism contained in this oil should be noted; it has zing, and makes you feel like the sure-bet in a boxing match. My natal moon is in Cancer and it can weigh me down alot, so using this oil brings more of my Sagittarius out (it makes me feel like a Decan 1 instead of a Decan 3 lol).
    This community and this oil have a special place in my heart. The experience changed me as a person, and I am so grateful to Kaitlin for crafting these offerings and creating a space for us to engage on.

  19. I am having a wonderful time with this oil. I was facing a particularly stressful & challenging two-week period at work, after a long, exhausting stretch. I wore this oil each day during the two weeks (I have no problems with cinnamon on my skin) and everything went much better than expected. My mood was optimistic, my performance was inspired, and while the work was still hard & tiring, I had the energy of body, mind, & soul to get through with flying colors. I must say I combined it at times with Jupiter’s Favor, which was given to me by a friend.

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