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Powder of Golden Sol

Powder of Golden Sol

A combination of herbs and gems under the governance and accord of Sol, with Jupiterian emphasis — sunflower harvested during the hour and day of the Sun was dried and ritually consecrated during the series election, alongside cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, hibiscus, bloodstone, ruby, heliotrope, ultra fine Hojari frankincense, and 24k gold.

These were ground during the Sun’s day and hour, making for a pure and uncut powder of great Solar potency. Dress candles, sprinkle in carefully selected areas, use as an ingredient in your regular spellwork, or in any way magical powders can be employed.

Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30


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Creation Date

Sunrise, August 9th, 2019, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Yes — Vegan

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.85 in
Weight 2.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Powder of Golden Sol has a very different vibe from Exalted Sol. If Exalted Sol is like literally walking on the Sun, Golden Sol is about emanating the Sun. ES is much more of a fiery energy (get up and go), and GS is a more expansive. This is like the difference between citrus fruits - ES to me codes more like a grapefruit, and GS more like a lemon (sweeter, more mellow). Worn in conjunction with the GS water and GS oil.


With my natal sun in its fall, I was curious to try Sol materia. It's been wonderful. As someone who "doesn't know how to sun", I've found myself more confident in making time and space for myself in ways that have been historically very difficult for me to do. Do recommend!


  1. Powder of Golden Sol has a very different vibe from Exalted Sol. If Exalted Sol is like literally walking on the Sun, Golden Sol is about emanating the Sun. ES is much more of a fiery energy (get up and go), and GS is a more expansive. This is like the difference between citrus fruits – ES to me codes more like a grapefruit, and GS more like a lemon (sweeter, more mellow). Worn in conjunction with the GS water and GS oil.

  2. With my natal sun in its fall, I was curious to try Sol materia. It’s been wonderful. As someone who “doesn’t know how to sun”, I’ve found myself more confident in making time and space for myself in ways that have been historically very difficult for me to do. Do recommend!

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