The long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —
This is an oil of protection – protection through bindings, limitations, and force of will. It is an oil that protects by defusing, inhibiting, constraining, and banishing curses, and of shoving your enemies back and away from you. The Goat’s Horns fortify you by setting boundaries, maintaining endurance, and for empowering you to overcome your enemies through sheer will, determination, and a stubborn and formidable refusal to capitulate.
This oil is relentless.
Cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), patchouli essential oil and patchouli leaf from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora kua), opoponax gum resin (Commiphora opoponax), Solomon’s seal root (Polygonatum biflorum), rue essential oil and rue from the TAL garden (Ruta graveolens), grey vegetal musk, goat’s rue (Galega officinalis), and ethically sourced goat horn. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48
In stock
Creation Date | Sunday, November 22, 2020, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery. |
Areas of Application | |
Step / Function | |
Magical Applications | |
Planetary Body | |
Vegan | No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components |
Warnings | HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium |
Dimensions | .80 × .80 × 2 in |
Weight | 1 oz |
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My moon is in Capricorn and my chart ruler is Saturn, so I really resonate with the other reviews here that compare this oil to a homecoming. I was momentarily put off by the warnings of this oil's potency in the included instructions--it's definitely not incorrect, I don't think this is something I'd be able to wear passively every day, but it was like I instantly knew how to work with it and it just felt *right.* I've worked it into a weekly ritual I conduct on Saturdays that is primarily in honor of a goddess who, shock of all shocks, is also closely associated with goats. Absolutely worth it.
I love BPALS for their slightly different take and nuance on the S&S elections. The first time I opened this bottle it felt to this Cap Moon like comimg home. I feel understood. If somebody would ask me what it feels to have the Moon in Capricorn, I would let them experience this scent. It’s powerful, deeply mystical, complex and protective.
Dang this is one strong material. I'm going through my Saturn Return in Pisces (7th house Placidus, 8th house Whole Sign) and I'd say my Saturn is well placed generally (day chart, sextile venus) but this has helped me hunker down whenever I need to work on a job or grant application. I have major procrastination tendencies but this one gets me seated and do the actual work lol. It does tend to give me headaches though, so I've tested using it directly on my wrist and feet for the days I really want to apply it on me.
Smelling it once I first got it, the scent had such a grounding and protecting feel - gave me shivers when I held it! I'm using it also to ward off weird neighbors, but still testing that out.
I'd say definitely give this materia a go! I'm in love with the scent
Highly recommend this product to cure what ails you. Keep up the great work S+S. Thank you for everything.
I mixed this in with my exterior house paint this last autumn. Three months later, we had the storm of the century and our home was not only spared storm damage, but our little strip of houses were the only ones in the neighborhood to avoid a lengthy power outage. We rarely get unwanted visitors - even the squirrels that were destroying my plants have calmed down. This has been one of the best investments I've made at S&S. Currently making a room spray to refresh the wards for the spring and it smells like leather bound books :-)
Just inhaling the scent of this perfume relaxes my entire body. I feel safe, which is wonderful for me as the past few years have mostly consisted of me letting go of things and trusting that better will come in their place. My progressed new moon is in 6 months if that means anything to you. While I wear this out sometimes, I most often use it when I wake up from a nightmare, it’s 2 am and my mind is stuck telling a scary story. I use this, and the scary story dissolves. Thank goodness!
I was going to wait until the working was complete, and I will update then. This oil is something else. I finally gave up and used a pipette to move it to things that were anointed with it. Every time I attempted to pick the open bottle up and use it, I either dropped it or tipped it. Once I wasn’t touching it (I’m guessing my natal Mars in Capricorn gave it a kick back) I could move the product to candles, etc. Energy associated with working thus far is huge. Impressive. We’ll see how it does over the moon cycle that I’m working through is done. I’m hoping it head butts the target as hard as it did me just trying to set my operation up.
Actually ordered the Teeth BPAL but was sent Horn instead by mistake (or was it meant to be?) as my first BPAL purchase. Fell in love with this scent and it still is my favorite scent from all the other S+ BPALs purchased. The mistake on fulfillment sending me the wrong bottle is probably the main reason why I dove into the world of BPALs. One of the few that I’ve purchased a second bottle… so good!
When I work with this oil I do not back down from anything which is great if I’m trying to handle difficult clients and coworkers and not so great if I’m trying to build bridges and have social events go well. For people who need a strong backbone, and incredible ally. For people who need to know when to admit they were wrong, maybe be conscious of context lmao. Powerful!!
There's a wedding coming up in my family that will require me to see relatives I have no seen in 5 plus years, particularly hateful, borderline evil people. This bpal is already producing results and protecting me. One relative cannot make the wedding, another has been warned not to cause issues. I'm so pleased with the results thus far and I've barely used it.
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The Goat’s Phalanges
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesFirst of all the deathless gods who dwell on Olympus made a Golden Race of mortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven. And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.
When one thinks of Saturn, joy is usually not the first word that comes to mind, but there is joy there: it is the joy of an untroubled heart and a mind in balance, the joy found in the serenity that existed in the Time Before Time.
The Goat’s Phalanges reaches back into the age of Titans. It is an oil of bringing ideas into form and an oil of grounding and guidance both from the earth itself and from primal forces beyond our comprehension. It is an oil that invokes a very specific nature of inner peace: the peace that came from a time before conflict existed. This oil honors Kronos of Elysium, King of the Golden Age.
Myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora kua), skullcap from the TAL garden (Scutellaria lateriflora), juniper berries, leaf, and essential oil (Juniperus communis), 3-year aged patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), caraway essential oil and seed (Carum carvi), cypress essential oil (Cupressus sempervirens), spikenard essential oil and root from the TAL garden (Aralia racemosa), poplar bud (Populus nigra), clove bud and essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum), home-brewed fruit extract of dark, earthy berries, and ethically sourced goat bone. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48

Primordial Bath Mud
30% OFF, Available, Face + Body, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Salts, Saturn in Capricorn

Golden Gator Subset
30% OFF, Anointing Oils, Available, Bath Bombs, Incense, Lip Balms, Powders, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Saturn in Capricorn, Spell Soaps

I have been using this more recently on Saturn’s days and have noted an increased presence of my father (deceased) in my dreams. We didn’t have the best relationship and the times were I set boundaries on his behavior stand out the most. He has been present in dreams before (post existence and pre) usually as a malefic force. One in particular (in a haunted house no less) woke me with such force I lifted out of the bed like a shot and proceeded to banish. The last dream he was in there was some contention between us and it was like those earlier defining moments were I set boundaries and they were honored; the malefic force dissipated and he was just another figure in the dream.
I can’t believe it only occurred to me recently to write this review, but that’s Saturn for you.
A couple of months ago, I had to take a plane and drive a lot in an unfamiliar area, which might not seem like a big deal to most of you, but I got my license as an adult and rarely drive thanks to public transport. So I was pretty nervous and brought this bpal along on the trip.
Everything went smoothly on the way there, but the trip home was mired with every possible delay you could imagine: late plane, weather problems, snafu with the stairs that would let us de-board, cab delays, traffic delays. You name it. I’d never experienced anything like it.
It’s fine with me though. I’m convinced all these delays piled up from Saturn to protect us from something nasty. I heavily relied on this bpal, and it delivered!
My very favorite BPAL scent. I wear this oil each Saturn’s day. It wraps me in a protective, productive cloak. Long-lasting and powerful.
I was surprised to vibe with the Saturn offerings pretty well, given the state of my natal Saturn — and this BPAL is one of my favorites of the various I own. The scent is musky, earthy, and gorgeous, and I feel fortified and grounded when I wear it. The oil also feels/smells ancient, as if you’re evoking and connecting to the more powerful aspects of your lineage and past lives.
I would wear this every day if I could for the scent alone. It is made of earthy, spicy amazingness that I cannot describe with any sufficiency. How it works? WELL. This is the S+S item that makes some other items usable without fallout. Jup in Sag causes manic episodes (I have bipolar disorder) but The Goat’s Horns keep that in check. Empress causes major rage issues, but the boundaries The Goat’s Horns helps me put up keeps me from acting out. It keeps me protected when I am out and about and helps my Piscean self be productive. But be prepared for an excess of flies and rodents. You’ll probably want to make friends with cats to keep them in check.
Love this oil. Powerful, dominant, earthy, solid. Makes me feel strong and in charge. Love wearing it on saturdays and anytime I need that cold hard saturnian boost of dont-fuck-with-me power. Thank you BPAL and Kaitlin for another beautiful talismanic perfume!
This is gorgeous. Strong and powerful stuff. I wear it at work routinely and it keeps my boundaries strong. Thanks so much!