Antares Candles
Antares Candles
Soy-coconut wax, dyed red and poured over consecrated Antares herbal mix, including ground up, homegrown (but deceased of natural causes) Oregon Forest Scorpion. Topped with fumigated red sardonyx, saffron, and 24k gold.
Burn to energize, strategize, and meditate on Antares’ arcana.
Use in candle magic toward specific ends.
Light sigils or petitions with its star-fire imbued flame.
Available in a small 2 oz glass jar for $95, or slim vigil for $165.
$95 – $165
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I treasure the candles from S+ series. They’re less rare than a talisman, but they carry a charge that feels more special occasion and ritualistic than some other forms. This candle has helped me move from the Aldebaran side of the polarity (that is acquisitive and growth oriented) to cutting back strategically (ie. decluttering, purging, streamlining, letting go of things that no longer serve me.) This candle helps me run lean and stay focussed on my primary goals without getting distracted or seduced by ***stuff***.