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Butter Ocean Attuning Tincture
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Butter Ocean Attuning Tincture

100% ingredients (organic): fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower.

Combined in the Butter Ocean election window with high quality vodka, following fumigation of frankincense during Sphere + Sundry’s second Jupiter in Pisces operation — in the wings since June of 2021.

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60

Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!).

We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time.

Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.




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Creation Date

Sunrise of Jupiterday the 17th of June 2021, Jupiter in Pisces on the MC. Hour of Jupiter. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


1 oz, 1/2 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Uses / Applications

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Potential Side Effects

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Suggested Pairings

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Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.4 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
E.A. (West Bloomfield, US)

I am writing a long story, because I want to emphasize the magnitude of what I was going through (for those going through something similar) and how much this materia did for me. I am currently in my Saturn return, and the lead up was brutal. There is a TLDR c:

During my 2020 spiritual awakening, I discovered that my entire life has been lead and shaped by fear. My body physically stopped allowing me to ignore it, I had some seizure-like panic attacks while driving, but still maintained that “I wasn’t anxious at all!!” This fear continued to multiply exponentially, as I had no safeguards. I started being able to acknowledge it, but fear was so woven into the framework of how I knew how to keep myself safe (trauma!) that I didn’t even know how to begin remove it without rethinking every single aspect of my entire existence.

Cue my existential crisis/nervous breakdown! That has been the last 5 years of my life in which my family fell apart, I experienced my first loss, I was diagnosed with autism, didn’t know where the f I fit into the world, and I truly wanted to end things almost every day. During a particularly difficult spell my mom bought me the Butter Ocean oil, my first experience with S+S materia, and it showed me a light in that seemingly endless dark when I truly didn’t know who I was or what was real. It helped me begin to imagine a better future for myself. I have done a lot of internal work, and seen some movement towards a better experience of life, but it has been slow. After making necessary external changes, moving house, and beginning to work (for realsies) as an artist I am finally in a safe space where I can delve deeper into my spiritual work, yet I still have been deeply struggling with that intense fear.

It’s been so frustrating!!! After all the hurdles I’ve made my way over (or through), I was comically stuck thinking that I was still in constant danger living on a very VERY safe and charming horse farm. Like it was actually so hilarious when I zoom out. It’s like a ACTUAL shadow was looming over me, obscuring all the work I had done and all the lessons I had learned, and I had grown too tired from just trying to stay afloat and alive to shoo it away. I am a bright sunny Leo stellium with a Libra moon, and for the first time in my life I was actually so terrified I had burned out my light for good.

In my desperation, I purchased a bottle of Butter Ocean tincture earlier this month for my birthday and take it internally (at my own risk) multiple times a day, because I figured if it says it’s best used with regularity, I am 100% certain I am one of the people that need that. I am so overjoyed to share that this materia has helped me begin to shift in profound ways!!!! I can say with confidence the shift would have not happened without it. It has helped color return to my world again.

Of course, after a lifetime of spiritual trauma it will continue to take time, but I am no longer afraid of my spark being lost. I feel seen by Butter Ocean, and it helps me see myself. I have incredible things to share with the world, I am so thankful I made it through, and I am reminded I will achieve everything I desire and more AND share that with the world so long as I tend to my softest parts.

I am eternally grateful for these offerings, I will note: when I was stuck in jobs that didn’t serve me/dangerous living situations, the effect was not AS profound. Though it did help me remember good things exist, because of the intensity of my situation I had to do work to find safe spaces for myself in the world. Now that I have, the Butter Ocean tincture is helping me integrate those lessons. I am brining myself in them, and it’s workingggggggg!!!!

I have also been using Deneb Algedi for the last year or so, and also purchased Fomalhaut at the same time as time as this tincture, as my Saturn is in Pisces and I have many lost parts of myself to delve into (and I’m on the spectrum and wondering if it will help me feel more ok with eye contact lol).

TLDR: if you experience any of the following; intense fear, inability to feel comfort/safety, hyper vigilance, disregulated nervous system, CPTSD, undiagnosed neurodivergence, hopelessness, loss of trust in the world, or anything related…
This could be for you. Don’t skip the internal/external work. Find a space that is safe, and Butter Ocean will do the rest. Will help you move towards better things if your environment is not safe, but in my experience the magic is greater after you have intentionally made efforts to contain and nurture yourself.

To Kaitlin and S+S, thank you for creating the stepping stones that are leading me towards the life I’ve always been meant to live. With the guidance of your materia I will also create some form of true and intentional magic to serve the highest good of all someday ccc:

Zacchary P. (Bellevue, US)
Perfect for Dionysian Devotion

When this series was first announced, I knew instantly that this would be perfect for my devotional practice with Dionysus. I love our relationship so much, and this series so perfectly enhanced our relationship, helping me to open up to more playfulness and ease as I continued to engage in regular use. One beautifully spot on outcome of using this tincture was that I ended up getting a job as a wine buyer out of nowhere!! I had been looking for different opportunities, but was finding it difficult to find the right thing. Then, soon after receiving and beginning to use this tincture, this wine buyer opportunity came up, and I snagged it right away! I had always wanted to work in wine, and I have bigger dreams of moving to Europe to work on vineyards one day, so this was the perfect entryway to that aspiration. And it all started with this tincture <3

April S. (Los Angeles, US)
A bit of sunshine in a bottle

This series always brings me joy. This tincture in particular is like a little burst of sunshine. I use a drop in my tea. It has a buttery- butterscotch kind of taste to it and it lifts my mood even if just a little bit. It’s smooth not overly stimulating.

Silverius M. (Oakland, US)
Everything Is Actually Okay

I use a few drops of this on myself when I want to smooth out the edges of a particularly spikey or stressful emotional moment. It immediately reminds me that this moment is just one of many and that ultimately everything is okay. I've also mixed this with paint to paint a room and change its vibe. The room has a totally different effect on me now. Instead of feeling stressed walking in and thinking of everything that needs to be done, I now feel optimistic everything will get done in its due time.

J.B. (Toronto, CA)

I'm a bit worried that I "ruined" my bottle, as it was my first materia purchase and I stored it in the fridge, thinking that would be dark enough. Please heed advice about keeping away from light! This has been the S+S product I've noticed the effects from the least, although I'm still giving it five stars because I'm certain that's due to user error. Also, Jupiter's pretty much the only planet in my chart that's in excellent shape, and is in a water sign, so it's possible that I just already possess the sort of energy that this tincture delivers, and that's why I find it to be more subtle in its effects. I'm going to venture into other BO products to see how they compare.

K.Z. (Greensburg, US)
Butter for the Soul

Sometimes, you want to really FEEL Jupiter – for that, you should seek Jupiter’s Empyreal Vantage. This is subtle, when you don’t want to feel big, but content. Buttery. Calm. The word "insulated" was used in another review - YES. When you need to unwind, when you’re nervous;, when you need peace or to feel blessed, reach for this.

Lisa K. (Monterey, US)
Temperance and ease

I love this tincture for taking the edge off of edgy things. I layer it with some of S&S's harsher series to lighten them up, and use it in pretty generous doses most days to make things just easier and smoother and less grating. When I'm focusing on things I tend to get overly serious or heavy, so this is a nice little dose of levity that layers really well with pretty much everything.

S.S. (Pueblo, US)
Necessary insulation

"Insulation" is a pretty regular keyword in a number of Jupiterian offerings here. I've used this tincture a number of times to just to feel a little happier or have a little more fun. And it does work this way, for me. But when I really need it to soften some harsher feelings coming from within OR from my environment, is when it really shines. It has brought me out of some serious funks. I'm grateful for that and to just know I have it on hand.

Caitlyn P. (Denver, US)
Relaxation in a bottle

I cannot say enough good things about this tincture - I primarily work with it internally (at my own risk of course) and the effects are always immediately perceptable: less anxiety, more go-with-the-flow, an innate knowledge that my needs will be taken care of and met without me having to know all of the details, and the good luck the Greater Benefic is so renowned for. Also, it tastes delicious!!

Lara S. (Frederick, US)
Buttery Goodness

Very relaxing and a helpful buffer when stressed. Utterly delicious (like this whole series) and great for slowing down and enjoying yourself…or for remembering that hard times will pass. A nice reset for Sunday evenings (Jupiter’s night).


  1. I want to preface this review by saying that I feel Butter Ocean’s benefit more viscerally than any prior Jupiter series. Of BO, the two theoretically “consumable” forms (tincture and steep) are the most hands-on supportive.
    Like the previous reviewer, I was grieving a loss when the tincture arrived. The first dose dropped right down to the pilot-light of my belly furnace and lit it right up. Where Sol’s heat falls from outside and top-down, BO radiates this dry, airy heat from the bottom up. I literally felt it popping open channels and expanding walls so I wasn’t clenched so hard around the pain. It didn’t change the pain at all; it changed me so the pain had less impact. The word is “buffered.” I still felt the pain, but the me-container was bigger and I could actually get a full breath around it. After 2-3 drops daily for a month I hit an internal rest-point of “enough growth for now,” but I’m back to regular use. It’s in my top five S+S products of all time. I’ve stocked up two more bottles, given away a bottle’s worth, and was honestly reluctant to post this review in case it caused a huge run on the supplies and I couldn’t get more – such an UN-Jupiter-like urge! So here it is. Honestly delicious to me straight from the dropper, but also palatable in coffee.

  2. Previous Jupiter series materia have brought me so much joy and ease, but the timing of this release coincided with a life event that was/is excruciatingly stressful and heartbreaking. I didn’t want to avoid the work. I wanted to stay present with it, even if it meant not interacting with the butter materia right away.

    But I was curious enough to try a little something when my package dropped and this was what called to me. Strengthening, nurturing supportive but holding space. It reminded me of the Saturn bath mud in steadiness but filled with encouraging hugs.

    Hail Jove!

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