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Butter Ocean Powder

Butter Ocean Powder

Note that following our Re-Labeling Sale, as series are re-debuting, standalone Powders are being combined into Incense / Powders to increase utility, so this particular listing will forever remain Out of Stock.

You can find Butter Ocean Incense / Powder here.

Put it on stuff and in stuff!

Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90.




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Creation Date

Sunrise of Jupiterday the 17th of June 2021, Jupiter in Pisces on the MC. Hour of Jupiter. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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1/2 oz, 2 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Uses / Applications

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Potential Side Effects

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Suggested Pairings

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Times/ Activities

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No — Powdered milk

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.85 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
H.N. (Maryland, United States)
Offering Powder

Using this as an offering to Jove to show thanks and gratitide for his constant generousity. Brings peace and relaxation.

Azur C. (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France)

Love the scent profile for this powder. Such a comforting, nourishing Jupiter series!

C. (Missouri, United States)

I got the bulk pot and I can tell this is probably going to last for years and years. Definitely recommend the powder form if you’re looking for something versatile. Dress candles or mix with lotion for direct personal application.

Denise H. (Louisiana, United States)
Relax to the Max

I've been sitting on Butter Ocean powder because I love my Cloud King salve (another Jupiter in Pisces series). I used this directly for the first time last night, mixing a tiny amount of powder into some commercial lotion, then rubbing into my feet and lower legs. I was unprepared for how relaxed it made me and how quickly. Despite the local application, my whole body melted. It was the perfect relaxant after a busy weekend. Powders are so versatile. Don't sit on this one.

Lisa K. (California, United States)
Puffy white cloud vibes

Butter Ocean is my go-to for general mood lift effects - not intense like Luna or pleasurable/agreeable like Venus, but the powder gives me a sense of weight lifted off my shoulders. I use it for job interviews and meetings that I'm nervous about, to feel lighter a less wound up in my nervous system. I combine it with other series a lot as well - I like it combined with Exalted Venus II for parties/socializing, and with Regulus II to lighten the earnestness of that series. Basically it just makes everything feel easier and more lightweight!

D.M. (California, United States)

Excellent to have it in bed with you - your mind is at peace, with no overthinking, doubts and worries.

R.S. (New York, United States)

The first time I wore this powder was to a bar to watch the World Cup finale. Not only did my team win, my friends and I got free gifts from a marketing campaign they were doing at the bar for an alcohol brand. You have to laugh because what a sync.

The next time I wore this, I randomly got a bag full of makeup products from my BFF whom I hadn't seen in 6 years. Took a look at her birth chart with her and she was a Pisces rising lol. Every time I've worn this, things just cost a lot less than I budgeted for, everything runs smoothly with zero hiccups, and I just feel so much more at peace! Bonus: Ive never been a sweets person but wow has this given me a hankering for sweet treats.

Tamara A. (California, United States)
Friendly & Helpful

This powder is very friendly and willing to help. I suppose if I was in a place where I had the luxury of thinking ahead, this would be great for doing amazing feats of Jupiter magic, but as it is, I'm just trying to manage the insanity of my existence and stave off trauma- and anxiety-induced nightmares. Butter Ocean powder is really good for that.

Normally I cut my powders with rice and corn starch since you need so little to get a result, but my brain is a cesspool so for a while, I was using BO powder uncut in an old-fashioned hot water bottle to help prevent nightmares. Works great! And since I was doing that for a hot minute, the energy of Butter Ocean... uh, has kinda melded with my hot water bottle. Basically, my hot water bottle has become some sort of Butter Ocean-infused talisman. I was not expecting that, but I'll definitely take it!


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