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Capricorn II Ritual Honey

Capricorn II Ritual Honey

100% organic and wildcrafted ingredients, consecrated under the auspices of Capricorn II’s election and imbued in organic honey. Strained and bottled with a piece of keepsake red chalcedony.

Witch’s grass, skullcap, woodruff, burdock root, elderberry, devil’s claw, Solomon’s seal, stone root, nettle root and leaf, maca, horny goat weed, goldenseal, clove, red root, and foti.

Use as a honey pot, offering, or component in spell work to build the Team that will make real your Vision. This can be people, the Dead, or any Spirit called to aid in the construction of your Great Edifice.

Aids in connecting to one’s true vision, inspires ambition, and invokes right alignment.

Grounding and earthy, though aspirational and energizing.

Offered in a 2 oz glass pot for $33

Please Note: This was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.


Only 3 left in stock


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Creation Date

January 28th 2024. Hour of Mars. Chart in image gallery.

Step / Function


Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

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Uses / Applications

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Potential Side Effects

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Suggested Pairings


TCM + Ayurvedic

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Times/ Activities

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No – Honey


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in
Weight 5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
LR. (Colorado, United States)
Team Dynamics

Faced with tricky dynamics at work, I set this to work on a honey pot. Wow! The results have been astonishing. There had been a lot of complaining, gossiping and even some not so subtle sabotaging of each other's work going on. It was stressful and depressing. After getting the honeypot going tensions started easing. Slowly building over time, we have worked out some difficult inter personal scenarios, communication has gotten so much better and encouragement for one another's projects is finally taking place!

H.C. (Scotland, United Kingdom)
Excited to work with this

Cap II has a great feel to it... powerful and real. I did Austin's online Decans course, which I highly recommend, so was excited when a decan series was announced. The honey will have a multitude of uses - but I also think they work well unopened used as a kind of talisman.

David (California, United States)
Sweet success- my Cap 2 midheaven LOVES this!

As I effort towards completing my 12-book astrological-inspired children's book series, The Little Crab Finds a Friend, I needed to find supportive aids to structure my vision and allow it to become a reality. I instantly gravitated to the honey form and was thrilled to find that it has brought a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to actualizing my 10th house aspiration. I use this about 3-4 times a week. Thank you!

E. (Oregon, United States)
Fantastic Structured Sweetness

I LOVE THIS HONEY. It's so potent! Just a bit smeared on a petition makes a big difference. The vibe is very sweet, slow structured support. I literally cannot wait to make a Thema Mundi honey pot with this baddie!

Eliza B. (Massachusetts, United States)
Strong in All Ways

This is not the most pleasant tasting honey, which isn't too surprising given the nature of Mats and Saturn, but boy is it effective. The one time I used it in my coffee I had almost *too* much energy and focus. I needed the tunnel vision so I'm glad to have it but a word to the wise that even in it's sweetest form Cap II does not meds around!

I will be very happy to have this with grad school starting soon, that's for sure.

esmé (New York, United States)

Capricorn II Ritual Honey

HNatif (Maryland, United States)

In the time I've had this honey (with Jup Honey) on my desk at work I've received a raise, received a bonus, and found out our little 70 person Firm is merging with a 1900 person Firm... which to me is the ultimate teamwork.
Honeys (imo) are a materia underdog and incredibly overlooked. They're so powerful!

Julia P. (Illinois, United States)
This honey tastes like a worksite

This tastes and smells like pre-dawn trips with my dad in childhood where we would get breakfast in a diner with other hard working people. It’s like the taste of pancake syrup and the smell of coffee and the smell and feeling of dirt in the air. All good things from my perspective! It puts me in the right frame of mind to just get to work and see what the day brings.


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