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Golden Gator Subset

Golden Gator Subset

While the goat is probably Saturn’s most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures.

Primordial… ancient… cold blooded… sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal.

Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere.

Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Golden and Swamp.

Golden is the Gator in its most yang and “positive” aspect, drawing out the virtues of strength, of taking action when needed, and of point of focus. It, similarly to Golden Goat, is surprisingly active and motivating — almost to a euphoric degree; but it is also patient, imbued with the sense that “I’ve already got this”, where the Goat seeks to get and to go.

Golden Gator is the better choice for people who are already more or less where they want to be in any given situation, and seek to maintain their empowered position with minimal wasted energy. Goat is for those who are in an active phase of striving and accomplishment (or wish to be). The same person can use both sub-sets in different circumstances, of course!

Golden Gator offers fortification, empowerment, and the development of King alligator virtues: patience, conservation of effort, being chill most of the time and a killer when necessary, and enjoying a long-reign.

It draws heavily on Jupiter’s influence in the election chart to mitigate malefic fallout and provide results that fall under the banner of excellence and positivity, while staying true to Saturn’s divine arcana.

Ethically obtained gator vertebrae, frankincense, and birch, alongside 24k gold, ritually created to talismanic standard during a prime Saturn in Capricorn election, with support from the Greater Benefic.

Use Oil of Golden Gator (100% organic jojoba) to anoint yourself, talismans, or other magical items, dress candles, and the like.

Smoke bathe yourself or talismans in Golden Gator Incense, and activate sigils.

Sprinkle the Powder in shoes, your office drawers, purse, or brief case, dress candles, add to mojos, or use however magical powders for protection, empowerment, and Saturnian virtue ought be employed.

Note that the Golden varieties of Saturn in Capricorn are smaller runs than the base series (and include a number of more expensive and exotic ingredients) — hence their higher price point.

Golden Gator Oil is available in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($80) or hematite gem roller ($66). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)!

Powders and Incense are offered in 1/2 oz cork top glass vials ($33) or very few 2 oz bulk pots ($99), all with hand stamped iconography.

Golden Gator Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($33) or 2 oz bulk pot ($99).

We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available.

Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here)

Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!

Note that Sphere + Sundry’s Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite.

Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to ‘cut’ the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 




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Creation Date

Sunday, November 22, 2020, hour of Saturn. Chart in image gallery.

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Magical Applications

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No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components


Golden Gator Oil – 1/2 oz standard, Golden Gator Oil – 10 ml hematite roller, 5 ml mini vial, Golden Gator – Dropper Cap Kit for Standard Vial, Golden Gator Incense – 1/2 oz vial, Golden Gator Incense – 2 oz bulk pot, Golden Gator Powder- 1/2 oz vial, Golden Gator Powder – 2 oz bulk pot, Spell Soap, Bath Bomb, .17 oz Chapstick Tube

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
U (Central Finland, Finland)
Targeted mastery

It has a positive vibe for Saturn oil, but it is still Saturn - and it is intense. Sophisticated, but lethal. I recommend giving it a job; petition something fairly specific. This is not ”let’s see what happens” materia. It forces me to think and focus what is it that I really want and what is my motivation.

Sarah (Washington, United States)
Saturnine Excellence

As someone with more than enough Saturn action in their chart, I have not been overly eager to engage Saturn materia. While I have not engaged with it much yet, there is a definite sensation of a grounded, generative Saturn I experienced while handling the bottle. Looking forward to future interactions.

Anonymous (Colorado, United States)
Inner Protection

I received this as a gift from a friend to help me with protection work. Although serious and powerful, this materia feels reassuring and comforting to me, not frightening. Knowing that I am wearing/using this powder makes me more aware of being proactive with my boundaries, because I know it's possible this materia will encourage me to "bite" if I'm stepped on.

stealthopera (Tennessee, United States)
Lying in wait

I picked this up just to have it on hand and haven't had a chance to use it except in offerings to Saturn. It feels slow, lurking below the surface, and a little bit dangerous. I know that there's going to be a time when I need it, though-- you can feel it saying it is lying in wait.

V (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France)
Golden Gator incense

A beautiful, beautiful offering to ancestors, and I found the scent (to my relative surprise) extremely pleasant.

Beata B. (Massachusetts, United States)
Slow and Skillful

I really love this subset. Slow, strong, skillful and serious. Use sparingly. A little goes a long way

Lucy (Ontario, Canada)
Apply conscientiously

I have only used this once so far but wanted to publish my experience in case it helps others because this stuff is very potent. I used this powder without a set intent, just to get a feel for it. I raked a little bit through my hair (yes, swamp dirt and alligator bones and all). Immediately my scalp felt CHILLED. Then I developed an intense headache at the base of my skull. It was the strongest physical reaction I’ve had to a s+s offering. I sat down at my computer and immediately got almost tunnel vision on my screen and my work. As time passed, the headache persisted, and I could feel my body almost slowing down. My pulse beat steadily and slowly, and the ADHD rhythm of my thoughts slowed to a tempered crawl. I didn’t feel sluggish - I felt steady, like I was conserving my energy and waiting for something.

The lesson I took from this is you should have a reason to engage with the golden gator. I think the gator didn’t like me fooling around - it wanted to mean business. Approaching it with an experimental, open mind didn’t work the way it has with Mercury or Venus materia. I’m going to wait to engage with the gator again until I’m ready to embrace it and channel that energy. But it’s clear that this sub series is not fooling around.

Virgo S.V.M.V.M. (Delaware, United States)
The Sacred Cleanse

The Golden Gator incense is my go to along with the Asclepius water. When I need to connect to the heart of a matter - show up in my most conscientious self I use this incense to set the tone. I immediately feel centered and grounded.

M.A. (New York, United States)

Maybe it's how my chart interacts with this election, but there is something so, so grounding about the Golden Gator series. Dare I say it's my favorite subset EVER. It was part of my second ever purchase at S&S a few years back. Very funnily - I intended to actually buy Golden Goat instead. I checked my receipt when it returned, and I had in fact clocked Goat, but through no conscious effort of mine. I've also, through shipping mix-ups, wound up with a bit more Gator in my life than expected. The fact that this subset *pushed* itself in front of me, without my doing, is so indicative of the loudness and scaffolding it's provided for my practice. It is without a doubt my favorite oil to use when I just need to chill tf down. Everything you have is right in front of you. You don't need to speed through anything. It's taught me so much patience, and is probably one of the chicest bottles ever (the black is so so stunning). This is a crowned jewel of my collection, and the fact that it's sold out is even more reason to cherish it, and take my time.

D.M. (California, United States)
Long-term planning friend

I like to use this subset when I do long term planning. Oil sits well on my body (I do subelement with Mg to prevent muscle and joins pain). Combines well with Goat's Phalangers BPAL for time traveling - I like to transport myself in some places from my childhood - the vividness of memories it bring is absolutely unreal. Might feel cold afterwards so I keep warm tea handy after the sessions.


  1. Burning Golden Gator Incense has a grounding, calming effect. It clears the mind and facilitates focusing on what needs to be done. It is serious and no-nonsense but the *golden* quality is very much present!

  2. I leaned into this Saturn series over the summer when I had some big projects at home to take care of. I found Golden Gator was the most effective at helping me push through things and focus on the task at hand. Under the influence of Golden Goat materia my efforts got bigger – I started planning loftier reorganizations and found myself diving into new projects I had created for myself, but Gator kept me closely tethered to the work right in front of me. I also noticed a lot of structure and solidity in my body in the days following use of this materia.

  3. This oil is one of my favorite I have ever used, like stepping into the gears of an undercurrent. Keeps my mostly lofty thoughts on the ground and pushes me into an intense sense of objective and direction. This has been extremely useful for the ADD fog that I’m normally saturated in.

  4. Between my physical struggles of chronic joint pain and being perpetually cold, I was leery of using Saturn materia for a long time, not convinced it would be of any help despite my natal Saturn being in Leo. But, I decided to dip my toe in with Golden Gator and I’ve very glad I did. It does give a cooling sensation when applied, but not in an unpleasant way, and not to excess. Mentally and emotionally, it supports a calm, cool, detached kind of patience which has been a balm for my more impulsive and impatient placements. It helps me access a watch-and-wait vibe, so that if I do decide to make my move in any given situation, it feels much more consciously considered, strategic, and calculated. This has been particularly evident in how it has shifted the way I respond to conflicts between my teenaged kids when they arise. Gold Gator-ed mom is much more able to intervene in a calm, collected, not-putting-up-with-any-nonsense way that results in a drama-free resolution, instead of losing my temper and yelling at everyone to go to their rooms.
    I was also surprised how much I enjoy the scent, which is both earth and fresh. Grounding, but with a self-assured lightness. I’m looking forward to further developing my relationship with Saturn with the support of Golden Gator.

  5. I initially didn’t use Golden Gator for a while after purchasing it because I felt more in need of Golden Goat. I then went through about 1.5 rollers of the Goat in a couple months while I transitioned to a new job. However, I’ve been using Golden Gator oil lately at my new job to cultivate fortitude and to make the best of my own birth chart placements regarding Saturn, my 4th house, and my Saturn in Cap.

    I love the empowerment aspect of this oil and use Golden Gator with other S and S to put my best foot forward with persistent courage. I use it with Jupiter in Pisces regularly to ideally provide expansion and a Jupiter-based buffer of sorts. And yes, to preserve what I have attained recently while promoting the conservation of effort (I work 10 hours a day and 6 days a week in disaster assistance right now; I need whatever conservation of effort I can get).

    About two weeks ago, a situation happened where the HR at my new work put the wrong bank account information in multiple new “employee accounts,” including mine. We were not paid for over a week and a half after everyone else we knew was paid because our funds went into the bank accounts of other employees without our consent due to this error.

    I found out where my paycheck went through an incredibly kind and honest employee who got my paycheck and not from HR. We both contacted HR right away and hoped this ought to be rectified asap since we had electronic evidence of HR’s errors.

    It was not, and I became scared the next paycheck would roll into the incorrect bank account too. HR seemed slow to communicate with us despite my and two other employee’s efforts to politely but persistently seek help for all of our sakes (we started comparing notes to help each other and formed friendships over this shared experience). Days passed and the few updates each of us received didn’t clearly tell us when we would be sent our paychecks either.

    In any case, I used Deneb Algedi and my Golden Gator oil with a focus on getting what I was due returned to me asap and having the strength to embody the positive aspects of GG in the face of this uncertain situation.

    Suddenly, my paycheck appeared in my bank account a few days ago. The day after, I received a small paycheck I wasn’t expecting. And the day after, the latest paycheck that all new employees were due appeared. My paychecks were now “caught up” and I even had the small extra payment of what was probably “holiday pay.” I was also paid much more than expected for my overtime, which was an awesome relief after that intense “dry spell.”

    This is just one of a couple recent situations where I used Golden Gator and noticed interesting occurrences surrounding money, boundaries, or preserving what I have earned and built. I really value this oil and Golden Goat as well.

    An interesting side effect: I have noticed myself making rather Saturnian references in conversation from time to time since I began using this oil regularly. I noticed this today after an affirming conversation that was full of them …. with my Cappie guy.

  6. Come on in, guys, the water is fine! I was afraid of the Saturn series, but Golden Gator has proven to be exceptionally smooth to integrate. The easiest of this collection, IMHO, even more so than Golden Goat. As described exactly in the write-up – very good for preserving what’s been built up through hard work. Good for setting boundaries not only with others, but with my own self-destructive tendencies.

  7. I just love the almost church-like scent of this oil. I have definitely noticed setting stronger boundaries since I ordered from this series. #BoundaryBoss

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