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Golden Sol II Ink + Skin Stain

Golden Sol II Ink + Skin Stain

Organic turmeric and saffron, combined with consecrated Golden Sol II herbs in organic alcohol. Shimmering cruelty free, and ethically sourced mica.

Please note that our Inks + Stains are botanically derived, and relatively light.

Arrives in a 1 oz bottle with brush cap.


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Creation Data

Sunrise August 4th, 2024, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery.

Planetary Body


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 1 × 1 × 3 in
Weight 3 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Sea P. (Colorado, United States)
Fave Ink so far

The sparkle truly cannot be understated on this one, it's SOOOO GORGEOUS!! Worth noting that the ink does contain turmeric which will absolutely stain anything it comes in contact with almost instantly, so definitely apply mindfully only where bright yellow splotches won't bother you (but one nice thing about the high stain potential is that it does make this one of the more visible magical inks S+ offers - very appropriate for Sol!)
My most frequent application so far has just been to draw a simple heart on my chest before I wear the talisman, and I've definitely noticed a positive impact on how it affects the talisman's manifestations when I do this (Leo is my 7th house, so I usually wear in the context of helping myself be more extroverted and open to actually connecting with others).

Plus its just so fun to color stuff with this ink, the sparkle and *joy* just spill out from the bottle any time I open it. Love this product!!

LR. (Colorado, United States)

The color of this ink! The sparkle! This was just the most gorgeous material to create magical Solstice greetings cards with. Recipients were awed by the beauty of the ink and the vibrancy of the magic radiating off of them. Working with this ink also felt so delightful. Perfectionistic self criticism vanished like the unnecessary echo it is and let the artistic endeavor be joyful and SHINE.

HNatif (Maryland, United States)

Love love love Golden Sol II ink. Golden Sol II has been a tough series for me to warm up to (I'm very fire heavy in my chart) but the ink has been spectacular to work with. SO YELLOW!! So GOLDEN!! so BRIGHT!! so POWERFUL!! Excellent ink for sigils, protection, and general Sol workings.


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