Ink + Skin Stain of Exalted Venus II
An all-natural light pink-purle alcohol ink made entirely from botanical sources, fumigated and combined during our Exalted Venus II election: plantain leaf, spearmint, copper, and more, left to incubate before being strained and combined in the day and hour of Venus with colloidal copper + organic honey — one of the oldest known ink fixatives, employed by Ancient Egyptians.
This ink works with dip pens or paint brushes.
The cap also features its own brush, which can be used to create a light background for petition papers.
Use as a temporary tattoo stain on the body itself, tracing sigils, glyphs, or names of power, especially upon the heart, Venus, and Pisces ruled areas of the body, in addition to meridians and acupuncture points to support organ systems. In ritual, before ritual, or for the purposes of practical enchantment.
It doesn’t matter what skin tone you have (it’s so light it’ll probably only show up on fellow ghost-toned people); what matters is that it’s there
Incredible versatility…
Offered in a 1 oz glass bottle with brush tip for $63
Warning: do not apply to the skin of people with honey allergies. External use only.
Read reviews of our other Ink + Skin Stains here…
Photos coming as soon as they’re available!
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I was gifted this ink by my partner (thank you, Venus!) and it’s been such a helpful magical tool in sigil work. I’ve used this ink on paper as well as directly on my skin, and both methods create huge impact. The color of the ink is beautiful, too: a light pink-lavender, delicate and pretty.