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Luna in Cancer Salve

Luna in Cancer Salve

100% organic: calamus root, mugwort, watercress, chamomile, ashwagandha, calendula, california poppy, all heal, white lotus, milky oat tops, orris root, blue poppy seeds, flax seed, and white willow bark.

Ritually immersed in organic jojoba and coconut oils post-fumigation during Luna in Cancer’s election, and left to slumber for many moons. Strained and combined with organic beeswax on Luna’s day and hour, alongside essential oils of chamomile and myrrh, crowned with white gold.

Soothing and sensitizing. Apply to the feet and anywhere else you’d like before sleep or ritual, to relax, to prime, and to potentiate the influence of Anointing Oils, Holy Waters, and Talismans from other series.

A less volatile/ “safer” offering than the Moon’s Anointing Oil

Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $66, or 4 oz bulk pot for $99




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Creation Date

Night of April 7th, 2022. Hour and Night of the Moon. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


2.5 oz, 4 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)


TCM + Ayurvedic

Times/ Activities



Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
k. (Oregon, United States)
Like a gently auric hug

Sometimes working with moon materia can feel too intense for me, so I tend to save this one for the days where I need extra TLC in my body, due to chronic illness. I like it for emotional comfort, but it may be hard for those of us who find it hard or feel unnatural to relax. It's soft in how hard it hits right away but it carries me gently through my day if I need it.

NS (England, United Kingdom)

I was a bit worried this would make me oversensitive or bring nightmares at bedtime, but gladly it's felt like a really soothing energy that helps me settle into my body, which I can find hard to do. In using it, I've accidentally made an indentation of a crescent moon in the middle which felt so magical and perfect. I actually really like salves for the patterns they reveal even though that's not an explicit use.

Laurie (British Columbia, Canada)
Soothing for body & soul

I was worried about using this with a Scorpio Moon in the 6th house, but I have a strong relationship with the Moon and decided to go for it.

This promotes a deep sleep and dreams. I use this when my body or soul are painful and the sleep afterwards is restorative and the dreams uplifting (and usually includes a visit from a friendly spirit or two).

The balm promotes a feeling of gentleness and safety. Here are the arms you're safe to cry in; here are the arms that will rock you to sleep.

LD (Uusimaa, Finland)
Gentle and soothing

Gentle and soothing. A great way to enhance or extend the life of any other S&S salve by mixing it in or layering.

Anonymous (California, United States)

As someone dealing with chronic pain, the potentiating, magnifying effects of this balm are so palpable when layered with the Asclepius series. I've also used this with Exalted Luna materia. A lil dab will do ya good. Definitely an essential/staple in my routine that will last me a long time.

Laura M. (Ontario, Canada)
Deepest of Sleeps

This salve is, quite literally, what dreams are made of - deep processing dreams that move emotional mountains. I was unsure about this series as a scorpio moon native, but I think it is actually exactly what the doc ordered.

C. (Nebraska, United States)
This makes me feel like a human being again.

This has become my go-to bedtime materia combined with Asclepius, as I find that this expression of Luna gets me more in the mood for sleep than Exalted Luna. When I put it on I feel sensitized to my body again. Makes me feel “real” again. I feel tender and loving towards myself. I do find that it works best to layer Luna in Cancer with something else, otherwise sometimes it can feel disorienting/confusing. Asclepius and Jupiter are my favorites for layering.
The smell….absolutely otherworldly. Delicate, feminine, slightly fruity?….yet mysterious and hard to pinpoint. I adore this salve.

TV (California, United States)
Howl at the Moon

This series is not really for the uninitiated - take Kait’s warnings seriously. This is my first salve purchase, and other than the oil, I find the salve to be the most intense application of materia. A perfect companion to your flights over the hedgerow or peering into your black mirror, it brings profound dreams and psychic phenomena. Use with care.

U (Uusimaa, Finland)
Soothing good night moon

Soothing, lovely scent, muted but powerful. Dispite the warnings in the write up, the salve is safe and this is Cancer Sun talking. Magnifies other materia.

Gentle but don't underestimate

The salve is more gentle and muted than the oil. An excellent way to layer with other materia. Cooling. Easy to underestimate, as she works in roundabout, subtle ways, but she is actually very powerful.


  1. I’ve approached my work with Luna in Cancer quite slowly as it was my first Sphere + Sundry materia and Kaitlin had made a point of offering caution in her write up. I felt drawn to it when it was announced and refused to talk myself out of this as my first (though part of me tried). I am one of many injuries, including some significant ankle and calf owies, so at first I decided to dabble slowly with some salve in these areas. I was already working with the concept of Saturn as Fascia and so I focused application when the Moon was transiting Saturn’s signs (and yes to the calves and ankles depending on if in Cap or Aquarius). LiC has shown me a path of embodiment…which I was always on, but not conscious of until deep in this work…before it was a healing journey, now it is an embodied journey. As I enter the dark zones of my body and excavate the pain, Luna gives me light to know I am not alone and that I can continue to navigate my experience in a kind and gentle way. When I apply the salve to my ankles it doesn’t just sooth the topical area, but communicates to the rest of my body through the nerves and fascia — offering adjustments and relief. I can be in my body and feel love. I can be in my body and want to be there. I especially appreciate when I have a physio or other hands-on practitioner appointment under the noted transits as applying the salve after treatment exponentially amplifies what treatment would have done alone. This has become such a core part of this journey that I bought a second, larger tin to ensure I’ll have some for the coming years. Kaitlin’s caution is not unwarranted. I use this a couple times monthly at most. In a period where I got a little excited and was putting it on more often I came to recognize that I was a little much (on top of me already being a little much), and so I scaled back usage and am comfortable with where I netted out. A little of a gateway drug as I’ve started playing with several other items and series’ since starting with LiC, and I am ever grateful for Luna’s gentle acceptance of me into this magic.

  2. I usually layer my liniment with Regulus salve, but last month, when the Moon was enclosed by benefics, I decided to add this Luna salve in the mix. It made the liniment extra spicy and I absolutely love it!!! I thought that since Luna is more of a Yin nature it might cancel out the Yang in Regulus but no it just boosted both Regulus and liniment into this absolutely awesome blend of extra spicy relief

  3. This salve has been a gentle swoosh of waves in the way it guides me towards insightful dreams. I already have vivid nights, but on nights when I wear this, I find more clarity around them. The symbols become clear and I’m able to understand the messages from my spirits more easily. The nighttime extends into the day and I’m given a container to explore what is most important for my soul in that moment of time. I have a few Luna in Cancer items but this salve is quickly becoming my favorite.

  4. I decided to test out the Luna in Cancer series with this salve as a more gentle introduction and I found it to be a wonderfully soothing, intensifying primer for anointing oils and body butters from other series. My favorite pairings so far are with Cloud Kingdom oil and Exalted Venus II oil; the former yields an elevated bliss and the latter creates pure embodied joy. The sum of the combination is far more than its parts—the synergistic effect is powerful and can be mood altering, in a good way. The scent and texture is among my favorites of the S+S salves, as well. I’m so glad to have this on hand.

  5. So far, I’ve engaged with the candle, oil and this salve and the salve definitely feels calmer more focused, less dangerous I suppose. I haven’t had negative experiences with nothing out of s+s, though. The salve helps other materia sink deeper into my skin and also further focuses the already super focused materia! Lovely

  6. As someone who was both intrigued by the LiC series and also a little intimidated, the Luna in Cancer salve felt like the best way to jump in. (It was also my first S+ order, eep.) I am SO glad I purchased this! I’ve found that it is both soothing and sensitizing, as promised — and like Kaitlin mentioned, it’s wise to have a goal/process in mind when using. Any potential negative side effects seem far lessened when I am mindful of what I hope to gain (or lose) from each intentional use. It’s worth noting that the only “negative” I’ve experienced has been some emotional discomfort that has actually been really damn good for me… weird how that works 😉 I also have to mention that for any periods of discomfort, there have been at least twice as many experiences of feeling soothed, calmed, enveloped in exquisite softness. Lunar love. Truly fantastic on its own and equally – but differently! – delicious when paired with Cloud King or Exalted Venus II. I plan on grabbing the bulk pot soon because I do NOT want to be without this.

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