Oil of Exalted Venus II
Organic jojoba oil poured over consecrated Exalted Venus II herbal mix following prayers, offerings, and fumigations, left to incubate alongside its sistren for many moons. Lavender, fenugreek, yarrow, passionflower, vanilla bean, benzoin, genuine copper leaf, pink amethyst and purple jade.
Anoint yourself, friends, and consenting lovers. Toys, jewelry, and items of Venusian regalia, whether mundane or magical. Use to dress candles or anoint spell work.
Offers relief, respite, and relaxation. The onset is gentler than many offerings, but a few minutes following, you may be delighted to notice tension and stress has dissipated… leaving the vessel relaxed and the mind-body open to enjoyment, pleasure, and love in all its facets. A slim vial of fresh, floral, metaphorical water, sure to please
Wear in the world to soften your way and invite kinder, more indulgent treatment. May result in free gifts and abundant niceties.
A vacation in a vial…
Offered in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($80), or flawless-glide steel ($65), each with 24k gold and a keepsake purple jade or pink amethyst. Or, an adorable lil 5 ml Mini for $33.
$3 – $80
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This is a wonderful truly wearable oil good for all manner of settings from work to date nights. Unlike other Venus materia you can work well after application without any influence of laziness or kicking back, and it’s equally effective for a pleasant time when you’re off the clock or wanting to enjoy something alone or with friends.
At furst try, very subtle. But simply open yourself up to her and before you know it, Venus will get to work on you in mysterious and surprisingly powerful ways. This is kind, calm, sweet self love in a bottle.
I’ve had EVII oil since last summer, but normally used it only for relaxing at home or unwinding after a long day/week. Recently, I’ve started experimenting with calling on Venus through EVII oil more to help with my natural introversion, particularly at events where I may not know a lot of individuals (but want to build social connections), and my goodness, does she ever help out!
I layered a bit of EVII oil on my wrists before my most recent event at the Finnish embassy. Culturally, Finns are not known for being sociable with strangers, but I barely had time to myself during the course of the event, and walked away with multiple connections (and plenty of compliments). ~ thank you, Venus! ~
I ordered oil of EVII a couple of months ago and have been slowly experimenting. It’s been subtle. I recently used it to anoint a small candle while some friends came to dinner on a night when BF and I had been quarrelsome. One friend remarked that she hadn’t seen me so happy in ages. I was kind of hoping for *her* happiness, but that was also clearly there, and it did, indeed, seem to palpably soften the edges of everything that evening.
Even more interesting, I anointed my heart center with it in Venus’ hour before heading to a dentist’s appointment before work. There were no parking spaces – except for the one closest the door. Nice, no big deal. I had absolutely no pain during the appointment (perhaps a first). And when I went to pay, I was told I had a credit on my account and no payment was due. Definitely a first! I only get cleanings, so what the credit was, I can’t imagine. I didn’t ask, but thanked the office and Venus! Perhaps she and I are building a relationship.
I love EVII, upon wearing it, I immediately feel more relaxed and less tendency to control everything or need to always have an end goal when setting out to do a task, and just be more in the moment and do things for the enjoyment, or fun of it. Helps ve be more open to socializing with others, and in doing so have a more pleasant experience.
I love Exalted Venus materia (both I and II)! It’s so soothing and comforting, like a warm blanket. But it’s also girly, a little flirty, and playful. I definitely feel indulgent when I wear it, like a Queen enjoying and being pampered and praised by an adoring court.
Applying EVII oil was like jumping back in time. Long forgotten snippets of childhood bubbled to the surface of my mind. Laying in bed on the first day of summer, listening to the mourning doves outside my window. Ripping the Velcro on a brand new Trapper Keeper. Coasting down the hill on my teal and purple Huffy bicycle. Taking a deep whiff inside a popcorn-stocked Blockbuster. Exploring the world with my bare feet.
Since receiving it, I’ve used this oil and other items from this series when trying to connect with my newly teenaged daughter. We have a great relationship to begin with, but EVII helps us both be kids together. It helps us see the world through the same lens.
I also use this oil to explore some of the events from my childhood where my own (recently passed) mother and I never got resolution, where I wanted/needed (but never got) her reassurance, encouragement, and connection.
This is my new favorite oil. I am currently in Italy and brought this oil with me. It’s definitely helping me let go of some of the rigid rules I place upon myself. It’s allowing me to lean into pleasure opposed to strict restrictions. I will also say I think it’s imbued some good luck upon me! The smell is also heavenly.
ooof this is so good. smells lovely, it’s one of my favorite oil scents. my venus is in pisces and i’ve been using this oil sort of religiously since venus has been in virgo opposite my venus. I’m also a teacher which can be stressful and I’ve been wearing it to school with some positive and lucky outcomes and more relaxing on my part. Very easy to wear on a daily basis, not heavy or overwhelming.
Exactly as it says, vacation in a vial. Smells predominantly like lavender mixed with other things. Brought it with me on vacation and it helped me stay in the moment and enjoy myself rather than worrying about work. Allows for good conversations and helped me work through a conflict with a friend with ease and coming from a heart centered place.
The oil is beautiful, it seemed to change in capacity content wise from when I first received it. It presented in a way that seemed mysterious then it settled into being EVII that it is.
The entire series calms and exudes love and gentle in expression. it feels good and the sensuality calms the spikiness from any planetary misalignments going on.
I love the oil that Kaitlin makes they are divine.
I have EVII and VAD, so I will try my best to compare-contrast.
VAD seems to me more outgoing, fun in nature. When I use VAD, it feels like I want to get up and sing, and do something with this newly-found loving energy, as if I have to share it to the world (or someone near). One time I wore VAD and I forgot that I did, I chatted with a security guard who — out of nowhere — helped me find a parking spot where parking was really tight (and he kindly showed me other places where I could park, too for next time!). It’s that kind of outward/extrovert energy I experienced with VAD.
Whereas EVII is more inward in its effect, with even a “luring” sense of attraction even before I tried it. I feel it beckons me to use it, more Neptunian it feels to me than VAD. The first time I used this, I feel a bit light-headed/akin to the effect of drinking alcohol (and I don’t drink that much, so I can feel the light-headedness right away) but not in a drunken sort of way. It made me want to sit down and relax (the “vacation in the bottle”) with a good book and just rest. The second time I used it before bed, I had a disturbing dream, and upon awakening, I realize that this was the shadow effect of EVII so the next time I wore it, I said a little prayer and intention, and I never had a disturbing dream again. The effect is very relaxing and calming, perfect for winding down, esp when my mind is hyper-activated by Mercury/Uranus transits.
Each one of these Venus offerings has its place and magic and I love them both and use them at different time. Thank you S&S for such a potent offering!
I just got my package this Friday – it came along with a check I had been waiting for! I have Venus in Pisces in my birth chart so I was excited for this series. I love the smell, its more herbal and less sweet than other Venus series. I put it on and went shopping – I started chatting with the store’s manager. He ended up giving me a huge discount and then gave me a discount card to use every time I came in – thanks S&S and EV 11 !