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Water of Asclepius I.I

Water of Asclepius I.I

Water freshly harvested from Mt Shasta, distilled via copper alembic with rose of jericho, home grown and ritually harvested sages and incense cedar, and carnelian Asclepius talismans.

The scent profile is most similar to Asclepius I: heavier on jericho and rosemary, rather than sage.

Perfuse testimonials and the description from Asclepius Waters I, II, or III for a sense of what to expect and application suggestions.

For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, neck, chest, and spine.

Invokes instant clarity and refreshment, and aids in helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply after difficult interactions or during times of stress and negativity (so, 2020), and before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from Gods and Spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use.

Includes a piece of carnelian in each glass bottle, a stone used in talismanic rings of Asclepius for thousands of years.

Arrives in your selection of a half ounce travel sized spray for $26, or full two ounce spray for $52

For more Asclepius offerings, such as Oils and Incense, see Asclepius III.




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Weight .5 oz
Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.4 in
Spray Bottle Size

1/2 oz, 2 oz


Benefic, Neutral

Fixed Star


Yes — contains NO animal ingredients

Creation Date

October 10th, 2021, hour of the Moon. Chart in image gallery

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Customer Reviews

Based on 153 reviews

I wish I didn't go through this stuff so quickly, but it's just so freakin' helpful for so many situations. I keep mine in the fridge, which makes it especially soothing when I get bad headaches.

Get the big bottle

So grateful this was suggested with Mother Algol materia. The waters go quick because they smell amazing and are ultra refreshing in the hot weather. This is by far my favorite Asclepius scent, and my favorite water out of the two I waters I have. Clean, crisp, soothing, and refreshing, but not too strong, day or night you can’t go wrong to clear the energy. Highly recommend! Will definitely be ordering another bottle to work with malefic materia and promote healing ease.

Derek O'Neill

I love, love, love this water. Feeling a bit sick? Hungover? Need to remediate your situation? Use this spray. Use it almost daily on my body, linens, or to clear the space. Highly recommended.

Louise Weir
My nephew loves it

Bought this product for my nephew’s birthday. He loves it and says:”It felt grounded, focused, and helped clear some pragmatic thoughts in a gentle but immediate way Both (Asclepius and Luna) lit up energy tingle reiki hands pretty instantly.”

Lizzy Berezy
Crisp fresh air in a bottle

The moment I first smelt this, I had visions as if I was standing on top of a snowy mountain looking out at the sky with the sun shining through. Instant crispy clear fresh clarity. I also felt a snake at my feet which freaked me out until I put 2 and 2 together lol. This feels like a delete button, white-out, an eraser - instant clearing. It doesn't always lead to insane healing dreams (trust Asclepius knows when/how I need them) but when it does, WOW.

Buy the large one, thank me later

Healing may be difficult and unglamorous, but we all need it. A lot of it. This water instantly resets the mood of any room, cuts through the smell of the compost bin, and feels clarifying, astringent, and cooling. Soothes pains both spiritual and physical. Strong, bracing rosemary odour I happen to find lovely. Brought courage and fortitude when loved ones were going through medical issues.


One of the best and most helpful items of the entire S&S catalogue IMO. It clears and refreshes energy and primes for layering of other series. It’s like a palate cleanser for materia. When I spray this over my crown chakra before applying any other series, the effects always feel more potent. Really great for a lift in spirit too as it feels like it’s clearing away heavy and lingering energy. An incredible reset.

Spray Bad Days Away

Not to sound like an informercial, but this stuff is versatile and smells wonderful. It's perferct for banishing ill feelings of the body, mind, and soul. If there ever was an S+S starter pack, I'd choose this water to lead the way. It will clear the space you're in and I like to shimmy under the mist to help slough off bad vibes. You can feel the difference right away and it's so easy to use and there's never any fallout with Asclepius products, at least in my experience.

I love using this spray to clear the space when I pull tarot cards. It's a lovely way to keep my cards clear of negative energy and it helps to make them feel cared for. Hard recommend!

Lisa Solari
Wake-Up Spray

This Water gives a refreshing, energizing boost. It is a potent reset spray. I love it.

Must Have Travel Item

The small bottle is perfect for bring along on trips for quick and easy cleaning of energetic gunk. I spray on myself and also around hotel rooms/airbnbs which often have a funky energy.


  1. So due to some mishap in waitlist notifications, I got an email that I water I thought never to see again was suddenly available, and quickly jumped on purchasing it — turns out that I already had this iteration of Asclepius water, but I figured that I suppose I could never have too much of a good thing, right?
    As a result, I kept the duplicate in my bedside drawer and reserved the other for more ritualistic usage. I’ve since been reaching for this conveniently-placed bottle whenever I have nightmares or anxiety attacks, and it never fails to amaze me how grounding and soothing it is to spritz this water during such occasions. It feels like a protective cloak that shields me and penetrates straight to my nervous system, simultaneously calming my energetic and emotional bodies and leaving me able to breathe easily and reset. A staple item, for sure!

  2. This is one of the most powerful S+S offerings I’ve found. At first I used the waters generally, before bed, to cleanse myself and surroundings. I started to notice I’d wake up in a pool of sweat each morning and after day 3 that subsided. Since then I’ve been unusually healthy – especially as a perpetually sick-ish person and also in the middle of the pandemic. I now use the water as a ritual before travel to anoint my family for all kinds of protection w wonderful results. I’ve even been able to talk international TSA out of throwing away the big bottle of water (twice!). It is a must for me, I don’t go into germ filled or uncertain spaces without it. As a 12H Libra sun who is deeply affected by the energy and emotions of others I find this helps in big parties for me to not be overcome by what others are putting off. Lastly I’ve recently used this to help some muscle spasms brought on by severe anxiety and perhaps all the Neptune in the air. This wasn’t a cure, but has helped me to sleep and rest well and I’ve had a bit of easing of the muscles as well. I’ve already ordered this twice and likely stocking up on more very soon.

  3. Water of Asclepius I.I has been of great support in times of illness, inflammation, fatigue, or after have been in crowd or having a feeling of being drained. I regret that I didn’t take the larger one because I have been real cautious with it even when I could have benefit a greater use. Definitely in my wishlist for another order ! It’s very refreshing, supporting, cleansing.

  4. This water is just amazing. I used it during flu season on my kids before they went to school (6 yo and 8 yo), just one spray over the crown and it did miracles – nobody got sick.
    Although their father got fever and I used it several times during the first day – I sprayed his crown, shoulders and chest, gave him a gallon of tea and on the next day he was fresh as a radish!
    On me: I use it before I go to crowded places because my Virgo Moon has issues and I can actually *see* the bad viruses fly, and Asclepius forms a shield I am absolutely sure.
    It is also mentally clearing and healing, I use it before I go to my therapist and I just reach to conclusions and breakthroughs so easily and lightly.
    Will be ordering two more bottles.

  5. Calming, great for relaxing and restoration. I was drained from work and anxious. Remembered I had some of this water I was at my most vulnerable. It was like magic in a bottle. Cleansing, calming and just perfect. Thank you Kaitlin xx

  6. One of the most refreshing parts of my months have been highlighted by the softness and ability to rest Asclepius has brought. Using it as Jupiter finished pieces up brought IMMENSE drainage to pent-up energy and trauma. Aided in the removal of gunky energy!

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this offering! The smell is so uplifting and a few sprays is all I need. IT truly is refreshing and is my go to when I need a pick me up.

  8. This stuff is amazing. The original Water of Asclepius I was my first S+ purchase, and this is pretty similar to my memory of that edition. It helped me to heal up from the worst cold of my life (that I suspect might’ve been COVID despite *several* negative tests). It’s an immediate blast of relief and ease. It pairs really well with Luna in Cancer too, in my experience. I like to mist my face with Asclepius water and then use the Luna in Cancer beauty oil, with the intention of easing my TMJD discomfort, and it’s been a huge blessing to have discovered this combo.

  9. This water is my go to for refreshment and clearing. It’s clean, light, and effective. I spray my face before entering crowds and shared air-spaces, bed linens, and on the body after showers.

  10. This water has been such a helpful ally for cleansing and protecting, especially after baths and before sleep. The results are quick and powerful, instantly calming and refreshing with just a spray. I’ve also noticed more intense dreams after using this water at night, another way that it helps clarify one’s being.

  11. Water of Asclepius I.I has helped me heal from a bad mountain biking accident, fractured ribs, torn muscles. I often share with like minded go-getters and they are amazed by the quickness of healing time. Excellent for children-my child calls it ‘miracle water’ after experiencing the quickness of healing. During last eclipse season, my child and I took sea salt showers with Water of Asclepius I.I. I can honestly say we made it through peacefully. Thank You S&S

  12. This spray has been so helpful with both body pain (headaches, period pains) and pains of the soul. Highly recommend wearing it for better sleep.

  13. This spray, which has helped me get through a very turbulent month, is really beautiful. I direct it towards my heart and it immediately relaxes my shoulders, slows my breathing, and clears my mind. I have a 12th house Libra moon and tend to soak up extra energies in my environment, and this materia causes them to simply fall away. Very grateful for this medicine!

  14. This spray has helped a lot with emotional healing, allowing me to turn the “venom” of hurt and resentment into medicine. Much appreciation.

  15. Asclepius is my favorite S+ series, and all modalities – water, oil, salts, kolonia, salve incense, are indispensable medicine. This water cuts through all the etheric gunk like spiritual Mr. Clean. I love the way 1.1 smells, more so than earlier series, which all smell great, but this is the best. So clean and sharp.

    I am carefully hoarding the last of my 1.1 bath salts, and layering the salts, water, then kolonia, to very good effect. One can never lean too heavily on Asclepius’ healing gifts.

  16. Simply the most powerful, effective, healing medicine. I turn to this spray when feeling acute issues, particularly headaches, tooth pain, or muscle tightness.

  17. i won’t go to work without an asclepius water – as ward & revivifier, my in-purse fixer. versus asclepius 3, i find 1.1 more receptive to (s)prays for clarity as much as cleanliness or defense (also much better as a deodorant refresher duh don’t solar influence my pits!) but perhaps i’m just better able presently to notice that bc 3 taped me together through the depressive states that were 2020/21.

  18. I spray myself with this water before going to bed at night – it is fantastic for calming the mind and body. It has a herbal, medicinal smell that I just love – it reminds me of clean, quiet, aired, shaded spaces.
    It is the most soothing S+ offering I have tried so far, one that I hope never runs out!

  19. I’ve been dealing with undiagnosed chronic pain and using Water of Asclepius I.I has helped me calm down and not let my anxieties and fears get to me. While the pain doesn’t go away, I appreciate the calmness and peace that help me deal with it better. Using this materia has also encouraged me to speak up and be more honest with my needs, even if it means getting into a screaming match with family members before I was finally taken seriously and brought to an acupuncturist. Overall, I adore this materia and will forever be grateful to have discovered S&S.

  20. This was my first ever S+S purchase. It arrived on a bellow freezing day but was miraculously not frozen it self. I decide to try it out and HOLY S it was like spraying hydrogen peroxide on a wound but in the best way possible. It has also help open me up magically I’m a cashier and have had several angel numbers a day checking customers out now.

  21. I find the effect of 1.1 to be very similar to the very first Asclepius Water ever offered, but just slightly less ‘cool’ feeling. All iterations are my almost-daily Go To for an instant clearing & cleansing of my energy field. I never wish to be without it!

  22. I have been using the Water of Asclepius 1.1 very regularly since purchasing. I missed the description of how to clear the energy body and was using it originally to lave my hands, bathing them in Asclepius/RasAlhague energies.
    I was re-reading the description of 1.1 and came across the description of using the waters to clear the energy body. The first time I did it I noticed an immediate lightening of my overall energy. It has since become a go-to for my early morning practice. It has helped me become more aware of where subtle energies are stuck in my body and how to open the flow up. I look forward to using them.

  23. This was one of the first of the S+S Waters that I’ve used, and I am surprised that I go to it so frequently. Gives an instant boost if I feel lagging, but it’s not overly energizing. It also works in reverse – if I’m too amped up, it clears the static and helps me return to center. Like a nice shower in a bottle. I also give pillows and linens a little spray after I clean and cleanse the house and it makes the place feel like a crisp and fresh and renewed.

  24. I started using the water of Asclepius 1.1 during the eclipse season and now find myself reaching for it every day. It’s extremely helpful with navigating year three of 2020 and I spray myself before leaving the house, when preparing for problematic work scenarios, and whenever I’m in need of a quick energetic cleanse. When I was heavily applying the spray during the last doozy of an eclipse, I lost my desire to eat meat out of the blue and went on a cleansing diet. I’d say do not leave home without this in 2022!

  25. If you’re in search of a protective water to clear the air, the auric field, and provide safe passage, Water of Asclepius I.I will not disappoint. I’ve grown to love S+S offerings of every order and ilk, and am continually impressed with the elegance and depth of this materia. A spritz of this water is immediately effective and refreshing…
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  26. I sent a friend who was diagnosed with Cancer Water of Asclepius I.I. She had a double mastectomy and used the water. She healed quicker than expected, her test results were better than expected.

    She then used the box it was shipped in to ship a healing crystal to a friend. The recipient immediately reported how charged the crystal was when she received it. This is very powerful magic.

  27. For the last year I’ve lived right next to a retirement home high rise. As this is a place where people are regularly passing away, sometimes…things..wander over into my space. The water of Asclepius keeps me and my family protected without fail. I use it very sparingly as a little goes a long way. I recommend it for anyone dealing with any kind of paranormal difficulty.

  28. When I first started using S+S about a year ago, I undervalued the waters. But, I msut say I have absolutely come to LOVE them. I love them because they are quick & easy to use before clothing or after. And- they are like the cherry on top of any other oils I might have layered underneath. This Asclepius water is a literal God Send for anything you can think of. Eclipses, bad juju, too much application of another product etc. I use when I have headaches and I use after cleansing. The thing that really helped me was Kaitlin reminding that after you clear and cleanse you must fill with something else GOOD! This water has helped me get to sleep at night when I have good ole washing machine brain. It’s a staple and honestly something I try to never be without. It always comes in handy and you never know when you might need it!

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