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Water of Exalted Luna

Water of Exalted Luna

Water harvested from Mt. Shasta, distilled via copper alembic with consecrated Exalted Luna herbs, white lotus, white gold, and remedial-grade pearl, and tucked in the series’ herbal matter to incubate. Colloidals of silver and copper.

Use as an aura spray to calm body and mind. Mist over altars, linens, and throughout any space to invoke a sense of security, safety, and healing abundance.

Wonderful before bed, leisure, and to calm children and pets.

Arrives in a glass spray bottle with keepsake moonstone, in the Client’s choice of 1/2 oz travel/ sample size for $30, or full 2 oz for $75.




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Creation Date

Night of November 24th 2023. Luna’s hour. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

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Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects

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Suggested Pairings

TCM + Ayurvedic

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Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Allison H.
It Works! But with Unexpected Results

One of the reasons I purchased was after reading these reviews - they all sounded wonderful and as someone who often struggles to fall asleep, I was excited to have an easy night's rest.

First, it smells wonderful. Instantly grounding for me. I rested my head on my pillow, relaxed and grounded, and patiently awaited restful sleep. Lol! That didn't happen.

I've used this for a solid week now, and have decided this is not a helpful tool for me to fall asleep. With my eyes closed, thoughts fly by and keep me awake. They've been about politics, about work, about the state of the world. What can be done about all these things?! After daytime reflection, this makes absolute sense to me because my natal moon is in Gemini in the 9th. Instead of relaxing me, it activated my thoughts and feelings about 9th house matters while trying to sleep. I switched to my old regular Lavender aromatherapy spray last night, and had no problem with racing thoughts.

This absolutely works! Just not in the way I wanted. Maybe consider where the moon lands in own natal chart? Strangely enough, the Mercury in Gemini body butter relaxed my mind more. I'll likely change this use to daytime when needing to emotionally process. May try nighttime use again when astro-weather is less rocky.


Of all the EL materia, this one feels the most uplifting. They all have a comforting quality to them. But a spritz of this is a real feel- good boost. I also happen to have 6H Taurus.

Illuminated Daughter
I think you’re just what I needed

I have suffered from chronic fatigue for a decade and insomnia for a lifetime. I began using the water of Exalted Luna before bed each evening, spraying my pillow and my person. I slept deeply and deliciously as never before. For at least two months, I simply received the R&R I had been craving for years.

In the second two months of use, I have felt a great vitality and have been tending to my nest, just as the beautifully penned description suggests. As a recovering workaholic, it has been a joy to easily find myself caring for my home and my body before heading to work.

I am also finding the magnetizing of pets as an unintended effective consequence- I had been spraying my partner along with myself, and despite they not being either a believer or nonbeliever, and not knowing the ins and outs of Exalted Luna, they got a wild hare recently around adopting a third dog! I put the kibosh on that, as it would greatly interrupt my slumber.

Love cleaning my apartment with it

I've been spritzing a few sprays of this into my vacc-mop before I clean my place and it truly feels like I'm invited in the warm presence of Luna. I truly truly do feel light, calm, and loved in my home afterwards. The entire place feels refreshing, cool, and inviting.

Enjoyable scent and calming effects

I recently used the water on last Monday - I liked the fresh scent of jasmine and citrus. The water also was helpful in inducing a meditative state of mind, which was useful before divination.

Comfort On The Go

I love to spritz this on my heart if I’m feeling vulnerable or stressed or just in need of a hug before walking out the door and facing the world.

Angela Kirby
Exalted Lunar Support

The water ofanyseries is what start with thus water of Exalted Lunar where I begin my anointing…. I feel support in a way that connects me strongly to spirirt as I wash this over my body… it feels good

Quick spritz of calm

This spray feels almost instantly calming. I feel my shoulders drop and I let out a sigh upon using it. It’s definitely my go-to when I’m feeling wound up or stressed.

Beautiful smell and soothing energy

I have generally found Lunar waters to be so subtle I can't quite discern their energy. Not so with Exalted Luna! This water is delicious-smelling and so soothing and calming. I spray my face when I need to ground or cool down/feel calmer.

Mysterious and soothing...

I know it IS working - there is a palpable shift in aura when applied - but I'm actually not certain HOW this is working for me, as my moon resides in the twelfth house.

I find this a bit sensitizing on the skin of my face, which I think is due to the (clearly high-quality, natural) rose oil/absolute used in the composition, so I tend to spray over the crown and the lower parts of the body.

Lovely scent, probably my favourite of any materia.


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