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Deneb Algedi I Self-Igniting Incense

Deneb Algedi I Self-Igniting Incense

Sold out… but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II

Herbal base, ritually combined and suffumigated during the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi, 2019. Traditional correspondences include marjoram, mugwort, and blue chalcedony inscribed with the star’s glyph during the election. Other fortifying, protective, and wealth building ingredients include Solomon’s seal, holy basil, mustard seed, as(s)afetida, myrrh, and genuine silver leaf, among others, later ground to a powder and made into a self-igniting incense blend with the addition of frankincense resin.

Burn for protection, generally or against slander, jealousy, thieves, and those who would unduly persecute you or those in your care. Assists in fortification of one’s boundaries, literal and metaphorical. Take a smoke bath to ingratiate yourself to bureaucrats, the law, and those in power. Smoke paperwork, evil eye averting talismans, and other appropriate implements. Aids in the generation and protection of wealth. Pragmatic and powerful.

Pure and uncut herbs, gems, resins, and silver, sealed in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top and hand drawn label.

Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $27, or 2 oz bulk pot for $81




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Creation Date

Full Moon on Deneb Algedi, August 15, 2019. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


Magical Applications

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Yes — Vegan


FIRE HAZARD — Never leave fire unattended. Clear away packing materials before burning and do not close the lid on boxes while a flame is burning

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 2.85 in
Weight 2.5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 130 reviews
Anonymous (California, United States)

Grounding, insulating. Feeling like I can more calmly address emotional states in the midst of chaos, like I can pull myself together; it's easier to do what's responsible for my mind and body. Love the smell.

SW (New York, United States)
DA II Incense

I use this one regularly because I work at a job where I am constantly dealing with people. I run my work phone through the smoke at least once a week and it makes a MASSIVE difference. I find it keeps the BS out. So grateful for this one!

LeaH (Quebec, Canada)
a beautiful companion

This was my inaugural purchase from S+S, and I was pleasantly surprised by the increased sense of security it provided. I dispersed the powder throughout the studio, which instilled a sense of protection during my absence but also while deeply focused in creation. Intruders were effectively deterred from entering the premises.

G. (Illinois, United States)

Burning the incense gives a sense of peace. Definitely feels Saturnian but lighter and more uplifting. Great to use as part of the ritual bathing protocol. It did raise some flags for me when living in a sketchy part of town but I took that as sign of erring on the side of caution.

Lepus (Chiapas, Mexico)
You should always have a little DA

I had a DA talisman that had served me well before I got anything from this series, but wow, you can't go to sleep with a ring on, the use of oil also gives a plus to some simple spells and it warns you of certain risky situations. I ended up putting up additional security cameras, paying more attention to my taxes, and avoiding troublesome people. This time when there was a restock I stocked up on more things to try out.

Sea (Ontario, Canada)
Kingly favour

Really love the addition of Jupiter to the sphere in this version of DA. The same boundary-reinforcing protection but softer and with an abundance twist. Great for any spell work to safeguard anything (place or person), but I’ve also found it increases luck—especially around money, income, grants, favorable rates or conditions, etc. Feels overall less stern than the OG DA, but not any less effective.

J.W. (England, United Kingdom)

This keep me protected while commuting alone at night. So far so good and I hope it stays this way.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)
Still Saturn but Softer

This is a perfect option if you hesitate to engage a Saturn materia directly. Also, I use this oil in order to fix my knee ligament problem as it fixes what is out of balance. I anoint my front door and windows with this oil and ensure that my house is safe.

Elizabeth G. (England, United Kingdom)

This is our 'no more nightmares' powder which I sprinkle on my daughter's head every evening before bed. She loves to see the flakes of gold shining and can't wait for one to land in her hair...

Elizabeth G. (England, United Kingdom)
Wonder oil

Why, oh why, didn't I get the bigger bottle! I use this every single evening without fail as part of my daughter's nighttime routine. She had been suffering from awful nightmares every night which were having such a detrimental effect on her wellbeing. She was scared to go to bed and scared to be left alone at night. Since using this oil and other DA materia however, all that has changed. After one miss-step on the first night in that I didn't give DA a job to do, I just applied it and hoped for the best, her nightmares have gone and she wakes up every morning and tells me what lovely dreams she's had - usually about guinea pigs... well... she is only seven... Thank you so, so much, S+S - you've lifted my daughter's world.


  1. This is probably my most used incense, filing taxes as a married couple for the first time. Lots of factors that make my taxes complicated anyways completed the form and waved it through the incense smoke before stuffing it in an envelope. Minutes later, my spouse came running out to tell me we filled it out completely backward. Really glad we were able to catch that and avoid a mess with the IRS.

  2. Was going through a godawful roommate situation back in 2020. They were constantly inviting people over in large groups to get loud and drunk. This incense burned in the common areas consistently put a stop to that right quick. Great for protection and boundary enforcement. Never had to deal with the loud drunk randos with DA around.

  3. I really like the way this incense smells – mostly of mugwort, which I find very comforting. Since the powder is sold out, I’ve rolled candles anointed in DA oil in this incense, to good effect. Brings a sense of peace, security and safety. Can’t have enough of those qualities in a world gone mad. Thanks, Kaitlin + co, for this wonderful offering.

  4. The Deneb Algedi line has become one of my favorite S&S products. I have taken to carrying the DA powder on my person as an effective talisman on its own. I have used it to reduce negativity and aggressiveness from superiors in my workplace and have found it very effective.

  5. I wanted to engage with Daneb Algedi to reinforce my personal boundaries and aid in protection, and thought I’d start with the incense as an offering while DA was conjoining the moon. I was amazed at the immediate and powerful sensation of gravity I felt in my body when I used even just a small amount of this along with the accompanying prayer. I’m really grateful for DA in helping me learn how a high expression of this grounded and serious energy feels. I also feel like it’s been a beautiful complement to the different Jupiter S+S materia I’ve been using.

  6. I used this in conjunction with the DA bluing and powder to set up proper boundaries in my apartment, as I had some neighbors that were super noisy and disrespecting the communal spaces.
    I know people have said that the smell isn’t great but in truth I love it- it just seems so empowering and full of strength, but comforting too.
    After I used the incense for the first time a visitor’s wallet remained untouched when it was accidentally left in the backyard overnight, and I was able to have a very frank conversation with the noisy neighbors. I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for assistance with protection and establishing/holding boundaries. Thank you S&S for another amazing product!

  7. I think that DA’s incense has a very heavy do not mess with me vibe, leaning more into the stern Sky Grandpa vibe (as opposed to the kindly one). I’ve used the incense now twice in ritual for my DA talisman and its been v. helpful in creating the right space and energy.

  8. True, this incense does not smell pleasant, but it does emanate a do not fuck with me vibe in a cooling, distanced way. Fortify your boundaries in the ethers. I find combining the Deneb Algedi series with almost anything else S+S works well, hail !!

  9. Deneb Algedi has turned out to be one of my most favorite offerings so far from S+S. Bathing in the incense in my space- I can immediately feel its strength, grounding and protection. I also use the Bath Salts from this collection and they are incredible. In a way, it’s not for the faint of heart- it forced me to hold my boundaries when they were pushed past a point I could not internally tolerate. Normally what would have happened is that I would have repressed the intolerance to explode at a later date- but instead I put it up there front and center for discussion and in a respectful manner too. It still resulted in a fight (with my significant other) but ultimately I felt relieved for standing my ground and proud of myself too. Turns out within a day or two, my significant other came back to apologize for their actions- understanding they were taking too much continuously for me. These are hard times amidst the pandemic- and it’s hard for me not to be generous 24/7 whenever people need it- but Boundaries ARE important especially for someone who has had to teach herself about them in the first place. This month has begun a beautiful relationship with this Fixed Star and I plan to make it last a lifetime. Thank you Kaitlin and Austin and Deneb Algedi.

  10. As recommended I placed the incense on my ancestor alter and petitioned them to aid me.
    I bought this to help me out with a court case, I gathered some dirt from the court house and every Thursday on the hour of Jupiter I made a little nest of the dirt placed the incense inside and burnt the offering to Jupiter.
    Fast forward my court case went extremely well.

  11. Deneb Algedi is a FORCE. Even before it arrived I could feel a “serious” tone headed toward me. When it did arrive and I unwrapped it, it felt heavy yet safe. I used it to smoke one of my oldest pendants. It’s a daily necklace I wear and has always felt like my “protector” but after smoking it with the incense, it actually felt physically heavy even though it’s a small pendant. DA came into my life exactly when I was needing it. I don’t use it daily, as it’s presence alone is strong enough, but I love it!

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