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Jupiter in Sagittarius Ritual Salt

Jupiter in Sagittarius Ritual Salt

See that yellow salad spinning bowl at the top of the picture?

It’s filled with frankincense resin, which was fumigated and consecrated during Sphere + Sundry’s Jupiter in Sagittarius II election way back in October of 2019. Following 1160-days of quiet incubation — after playing a notably important role in the making of Thema Mundi — it was powdered in the day and hour of Jupiter with a hint of Butter Ocean’s residue, combined with purifying Dead Sea salt, essential oils of orange blossom, hyssop, manuka, more frankincense, and 24k gold.

A Ritual Salt of the highest holy + benefic order results, to apply, ward, and purify as you see fit!

Use as a candle dressing, sprinkle in floor washes and the corners/ thresholds of sacred spaces (or those in need spiritual protection). Carry on one’s person, in the car, and hand bags or briefcases.

Can also be used in a manner similar to magical Powders, sprinkling in the shoes, pockets, brassiere, or otherwise.

Brings luck and good vibes. Begets elevation, inspiration, protection, and purity.

Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90




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Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 3.5 in
Planetary Body




Yes — contains NO animal ingredients

Creation Date

Jupiter ascending on October 18th, 2019, hour of Jupiter. Chart in image gallery

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Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
A Spark of Renewal

Keeps the lights on in a low mood, highly recommend just sprinkling in hair for an instant reset. Added to a diffuser, it's fabulous, especially if you can pair it with a citrus-y oil. If you've got more spoons, a floor wash too, but I think it works well in layers...warding, cleansing, establishing a new wavelength when you're feeling a little blah.

Caitlyn Post
Great combo with DAII

I recently returned to my office after a long LOA (which is not the friendliest experience for my neurospicy brain) and have been putting this salt in my shoes+ wearing DAII salve as a benefic buffer for my nervous system, so far it's worked a treat. Thank you Jupiter!

My Go-To For House Blessing

This hits such a wonderful balance of cleansing, protecting and blessing between the salt and the frankincense--it's not necessarily going to banish incredibly baneful or powerful influences but rather knocks off about 90% of your day-to-day nasties and their attendant hijinx by simply elevating the energy to a point where it just doesn't really stick. The bang for your buck is almost unparalleled within the entire catalogue.

Steven Gibbs
Outrageously Excellent!!

I love that this particular salt is so versatile yet potent!

Sparks Hope

This salt is such a spark of hope! It has a myriad of uses, from a sprinkle in a floor wash, a bit into the shoes or onto a candle, sadness and lethargy just seem to sparkle away. The smell is warm and clean, bracing and comforting. Keeping a bit next to the bed was a helpful boost during a prolonged funk. It just helped me get up, get moving and get connected with a sense of some optimism and gratitude for the world and community around me.


I dress my candles with the salt and immediately feel the energizing brightness of the materia. But my favorite way to use this is to mix it with anything I'm using to clean the house, it leaves the space feeling joyful and optimistic.

A bit of padding and insulation against the harsher realities of present time

I purchased this offering to mitigate Mars transit in Sag, and natal Mars opposition at the cusp of the old/new year. Even before I had the chance to sample the goods, there was a pleasant surprise upon opening the package. Not one, but two packets of pop rocks candy were included. What a welcome treat for my cranky children who waited 45 minutes with me at the overcrowded, holiday post office. That was a huge mood boost right of the bat as we trudged back home in the gray winter. The kids were no longer whining and complaining, they were too busy telling me all about the fizzy effervescence happing in their mouths. Good start.

I proceeded to use the salt at home and despite this being a Jupiter in fire, it was quite calming, grounding, and neutralizing. I immediately sent myself off for a little rest despite having much to do. It feels like being transported back to that carefree pre 2020 world, where despite problems and uncertainty, there was an absence of ever present possibility that at any moment something completely out of the left field can hijacking all plans, goals, hopes, and dreams. This Jupiter salt offers a little island of peace, calm, and order before all manner of s**t starts hitting the fan.


I’m obsessed with this whole series, but the salt especially is a nice primer for adding other materia, kind of like a kolonia. It helps to remove negative/draining vibes, while adding a layer of buoyancy, protection and optimism. I mix a few pinches in a spray bottle with distilled water and use it as an aura or room spray!


This ritual salt is bright! Good! Cheerful! Hopeful! I’ve carried a small vial of it in my pocket for protection and also added to a dish of water beside the bed and it made me feel warm and safe.

A helpful boost!

I like to sprinkle these in the area where I'm going to draw tarot cards. And, a tip I got from other testimonials is to sprinkle some, or "season," a candle before burning. I do all this to prep the space for a tarot pull. I will also sprinkle some in my slippers or shoes. The other day I got the idea to anoint a salt lamp we use as a night light in the hallway next to the bedroom door. As soon as I did so, my eye alit upon a lost earring that I'd given up looking for. It had bounced all the way from the bed to under the lamp.


  1. The powder for this is very very fine. And I currently have it dusting a Jupiter candle. A little goes a long way, smells great, and given that I’m still burning the candle – happy to state that so far so good. I’ve also used this to dust a Jupiter mojo-bag. Would definitely rebuy again.

  2. Is there too much going on for one more ritual? Don’t underestimate the ritual salt in housekeeping ! Better than a smudge and more long lasting. Comes with Jupiterian good juju sparkles. It only takes a pinch!

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