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Exalted Venus Oil

Exalted Venus Oil

Ritually created during one of the finest elections Venus’ time in her exaltation had to offer in 2019.

Equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils, combined with organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, blue lotus, and other herbs sacred to Venus, along with bee pollen, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, frankincense, benzoin, and genuine copper leaf.

Similarly to the Venus in Libra oil, our most beloved and best selling offering to date (check the testimonials…), apply to the heart center and perfume points to be seen at your best, brightest, and most beautiful, to increase glamour, draw others to you, calm anxiety, and facilitate connection between yourself and those around you.

This is a more emotionally activating and intimate take on Venus. One may choose one or the other based on their natal chart placements, or whether they would prefer a lighter, more social and airy Venus, vs. a deeper, dreamier, emotionally activated Venus. For the most embodied and money drawing effects, see Venus in Taurus.

Use in magical works devoted to love, beauty, harmony, connection, glamour, or other things related to the Venusian sphere. Apply before intimate encounters or tantric practices (in non-delicate areas) to enhance the experience.

Supremely soothing, like a deeply satisfying emotional vacation. If those were available in in 1/2 oz vials for $68, of course 😉

Note: The last portion of this oil was reserved for 10 ml roller bottles before the pre-bottled standard sizes ran out, and we were waiting for the custom commissioned rollerballs to arrive. These have been made available as of 10/30/20 in a limited edition Cape Amethyst for $53 or genuine copper plate for $98. The copper will patina over time and should be cleaned using a polishing cloth every as needed…




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Creation Date

Morning of April 7th, 2019, hour of Venus. Chart in the image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function


1/2 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Times/ Activities


No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 122 reviews
Anonymous (New York, United States)
When you use every Friday results multiply

I've fallen off my venus rituals and boy does it show. This oil helps calm murky waters of relationship troubles. A much needed balm for Mars in cancer times of irritability to the max. I am hoping to reinitiate this luxurious ritual oil every friday as I did in 2022 when I first bought it. <3

Philly (California, United States)

Comforting, peaceful. This oil transports me and calms me. I love this internal Venusian energy.

Tess A. (California, United States)
Love love love

I love

M (Northland, New Zealand)
living the dream

this is dreamy and it leans into that misty phase of a romance when you can only see the good or you go soft-focus on the obvious, inconvenient flaws in the gem. as a venus-ruled human who has these tendencies innately, it makes the phase of the gauzy veils being ripped off particularly stark and shocking - there's a sugar crash for sure. Not just in a romantic context and not just for the user - it seems to blind others to your flaws or lull them into seeing what they want to see and thinking that you're perfect for them. It's strange and sometimes not ideal. I was fired from a gig and my agent — who I'd luckily had an ongoing relationship with — told me what the client said when they attacked, the next thing they said was 'I don't understand, it's like they're not even talking about you…!' so, you know, handle with care.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)

Use it with your partner and just feel the cosiness, the intimacy and all the seduction.. Perfect for winding down, relaxation, enjoying everything in life. Highly recommending it!

N.E. (Basel-City, Switzerland)
love, love, love it!

Ever since I have this oil I oint myself behind the ears and on the neck and sometimes also wrists as a daily self-love practice. Going through several very rough transits from Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus at the moment it eases my day and brings a feeling of warmth, kindness and love very close to me. Really thankful to have it in my life.

Lucy (Ontario, Canada)
Instant ease and connection

I struggled with this series at first because it felt a bit heavy, like a mantle of calm descending over me, which I kind of didn’t like. I prefer VAD’s breezier energy. But this series layers wonderfully with others and is so so good for facilitating CONNECTION. For example, I was hosting a friend of my partner’s whom I didn’t know well, and the conversation was a bit stilted. I nipped out to apply some VAD salve plus ExVII Oil. immediately the conversation flowed and we had a really interesting chat about creative writing and fiction. That instant ease of connection is what I feel now when I reach for EVII.

Vik (Capital Region, Iceland)
Boundless love

I already loved the first exalted Venus oil and this new version beings even more love and softness into my life. Pisces is my 5th house and I especially love wearing the oil in the afternoon and evenings when I am alone with my toddler. These times have become absolutely lovely and magical, when before the days could be quite strenuous. I am so grateful to be able to really enjoy every minute with my precious child and give her all the love she deserves.

Kay E. (Washington, United States)

I put on this incredible smelling oil one morning (just to feel the relaxation) and then went off to do some errands. I kind of forgot I had it on and was so confused as to why nearly every woman I passed went out of her way to smile at or talk to me. Then I remembered I had this on! I most frequently used it before bed—it is so relaxing and gave me some really gorgeous dreams about water.

Lili H. (Washington, United States)
She's got it

Using to remediate so taking it slow but had a pretty head turning effect so far!


  1. Love this oil. So much. Very live and let live and allows you to see the beauty in everything.

  2. Compared to Venus in Taurus (ViT) or Venus in Libra (ViL), Exalted Venus is the most “emotional” Venus materia for this Venus in Capricorn 12H. This is about deeper connection, facilitating that connection, and calming emotional anxieties, which invariably leave you being better for yourself and others. It’s uplifting and calming, and very much into emotional self care. It smells flowery, and soothing.

  3. The Venus Exalted oil is part of my Friday Venus ritual, for anointing altar items and candles. It’s scent is absolutely divine.
    For me it has an uplifting and calming quality, that has been very helpful during difficult times.
    Lastly I wear it when leaving the house or meeting people. It makes me feel radiant and more confident in my body.
    I highly recommend it!

  4. cw: sexual acts mention

    As a libra rising with a 5th house pisces venus I’m certainly no stranger to pleasure and intimacy – with that in mind, I can quite happily say that this oil is essentially the equivilent of bottling the most delightful, decadent, drawn out orgasm mixed with pure ambrosia, and then sprinkling a hearty helping of ecstasy on top. I know that sounds a bit like an overexaggeration, but seriously y’all – the first time I used this oil (under a libra full moon, in venus’ hour, in ritual with my sweetie) I got fisted, I squirted, and had multiple overlapping orgasms – all for the first time in my life. Using this oil habitually (outside of sexually intimate spaces) has provided a lovely soft sensuous feeling that is simultaneously grounding, nourishing, and gently energizing, and ultimately my habit of friday night venusian bathtime has totally levelled up

  5. I have natal Venus in Virgo, day chart, receives an exact square from Mars in Gemini; needless to say most of my astrology peers bug me all the time to try this oil for “remediation.”
    I’m stubborn as hell as ‘remediating’ Venus lol, but I can say that when I used this oil, as an astrologer and a human, I gained so much insight into what the oppositional experience is to my own natal conditions. When I put it on, the first thing that happened is that I came overcome with a pure desire to simply sit and draw. I typically would never choose to create aesthetic art just for the hell of it – and when I got going, I immediately noticed how “easy” it came to me, to just sit and draw – no mental chatter, no inner critic, no thinking five steps ahead – simply, drawing, and feeling at peace the entire time as if I was simply a medium for the art coming through me. I didn’t produce anything worth sharing, but the experience itself made me understand what this placement is like to be ‘felt’ and has made me wish I could bottle my own placements just to have others understand our experiences. I’d recommend this oil for anyone looking for unconditional creativity, love, or appreciation. I notice my experience listening to music is entirely different when wearing, as well.

  6. Exalted Venus had a lot to teach me as an Aries w/ natal Venus in Aries. I have always appreciated the calm centeredness it brings, and can admit that I may have abused it to a certain extent in my externalized quest for calm. But after working with this materia for a year, I can say that after months of undoubtedly heavy lifting on the part of She Who is Most Beautiful, it was a real shock to realize all the things I had previously associated with my personal Venusian energy were really me using Martial energy as a crutch for something I had trouble understanding. Exalted Venus taught me I know nothing, and it helped me develop a healthier emotional muscle memory for what pleasure, love, and vulnerability actually measure up to. It’s a wonderful True North for those with a debilitated Venus or those who have a thing or two to learn about being more gentle (even just with themselves).

  7. I use this gorgeous oil everyday, mixing it with my face cream and I swear it gives me a glow and has made me look younger. It is also an amazing remedy for anxiousness and stress. It smells sooooo good too. It mixes really well with other S+S offerings that can sometimes give me a little too much “juice”, softening them in a beautiful way. 🙂

  8. This is the S+S oil that I have used the most. I had been working with Venus for a while before I got the EV oil but it went to a different level once I started using it. I was able to receive messages from her. She was making requests of me which sounded odd at first, but I followed her instructions. I’m so glad I did because each one has worked out very well. I also found it easier to make requests of her. There is no doubt in my mind that EV oil helped me deepen my connection to the goddess.

  9. I looooove the exalted Venus oil. I’m Taurus rising and my natal Venus is placed in Pisces. I have trouble landing in my body (Aquarius Moon). This oil helps me to sink into my body and every time I use this oil it feels like coming home!

    The oil also supports relaxation and feeling sensual. It doesn’t make me lazy. It just makes me more soft. For me the oil is healing. Again ‘coming home’ best describes what this oil does for me.

    My natal Venus applies to a square with my natal Mars. This brings inflammation in my body, especially skin (since Venus rules my 1st and 6st house and Mars brings heat). This Venus oil combined with the Asklepios oil works cooling on my skin. As a teenager I had a lot of acne. It’s much less now that I’ve passed thirty, but my skin is still inflamed. The combination of these oils works well for my skin. I feel grateful!

    I’ve used the exalted Venus oil on dates with two different men. The oil makes me feel more sensual and flirtatious, so that definitely helps. One of these dates brought me a lovely romantic experience (good midnight talk, sharing intimate personal experiences, really beautiful, lots of love) and the other one some really good passionate hot sex haha. This Venus oil definitely makes my natal Venus shine, lol.

  10. Venus Exalted Oil is a warm blanket for 2020. I have been using it usually for creative activities but sometimes just before sleep and it is a magical elixir.

    Absolutely love the scent, it makes me want to use it everyday as a perfume. I have Venus in Aries so it sort of works as a remediation or an experience of the Venus rays at her best.

    Highly recommended for creative and artistic tasks, even writing is enhanced. When I look at the bottle I see a little mermaid house with lots of plants and magical objects around, art and shinning things.

  11. This oil has been such a feel-good, soothing, relaxing experience for me and very potent. It does feel state-altering in a very nice way. I can be quite neurotic and over-analytical so it pulls me out of my headspace or shifts me into a more creative and heart-centred space but mostly it makes me feel like floating off into dreamy states. Great before sleep. After working with this materia I feel more open, at peace and drawn to escapism in the best possible way. It *does* make me want to drink after years of barely touching alcohol, but it’s manageable and not uncomfortable in any way. I recommend it very much for relaxation and heart-opening healing purposes.

  12. This oil was my first introduction to the offerings of S+S (I placed a large order but this item was actively used ritually first). Starting fertility treatments and having very specific days on which I needed to feel seductive, relaxed, and libidinous – Exalted Venus oil was absolute perfection. I applied this oil as well as the Exalted Venus water, and the Exalted Venus Hair + Body Oil on Venus’ day. Our fertility doctors had made it clear these days were our last days before proceeding to the IVF process so I went for it. We had a less than 4% chance and this magic made it happen. Our Leo baby is due July 31, 2020. All our gratitude and highly recommended.

  13. This oil is a gift from the goddess! I cannot emphasize what a gorgeous addition it has been to my life and my practice… and my skin.

    Add a drop of this beautiful smelling and wonderfully sensual oil to your evening skincare routine, and watch as you become more radiant by the day.

    You can’t quite put your finger on it… but something magical will happen, leaving you feeling more confident and glorious than ever before. It is so nice, I’ve bought it twice.

  14. I bought the three Venus oils after wanting them for a long time. Where Libra and Taurus were more clear to me, Pisces were hard to pass for some reason, didn’t exactly know why when I purchased them. It happened to be the oil I vibe most naturally with and it has helped me a lot with more introverted Venusian matters, that needed to be addressed – in general, but also before having the full benefit of any of the other two oils. I have been using it for about three weeks for meditation, sleep, beauty/skin care and just intentional use, and it has helped me in my relationship with myself, but also others. I am very impressed with this oil.

  15. First of all, this oil smells amazing! (I have purchased at least six of Kaitlyn’s oils at this point and this one is hands down the most magical smelling one!) It reminds me of how the color Violet feels–if Violet had a smell… When I wear it I instantly feel more relaxed and airy. Perhaps my favorite Sphere + Sundry creation to date!

  16. Very grateful that this came into my life!
    As I retrieved the package from my mailbox, I felt myself just drop into my body and then connect very strongly, magnetically to the earth. This was a very unusual sensation because I habitually spend most time lost in my head and disconnected from the body.
    I apply this oil to my pulse points, third eye, and heart center in the morning and really any time I feel like it. The changes in my life have been rapid and profound, yet seem completely natural at the same time.
    I loved the product description “Venus wants what Venus wants” and after years of self-denial and slef-degradation, decided to take on this philosophy for myself. It’s been very pleasant to connect to the feeling of what I want without feeling distressed or pressured to hurry up and intellectually define exactly what that is. Right now I can be happy with the feelings of making that heart and body connection and trust that further information and instructions will follow. I also have fully accepted this divine gift of Life that I have been given and feel 100% committed to doing my best with my gifts but, again, in a way that is unpressured. This is incredibly healing for a type A woman like me! As a bonus, I stopped caring about how others might judge what I want!
    Sometimes I will combine this oil with with Jupiter’s Laughter and/or Expedite’s Fast Luck when I feel that I need a little more focus. The three of them seem to get along quite well.
    I love this Exhalted Venus Oil!

  17. I Love the hypnotic and relaxing effects of this oil. At first, I’d solely wear it when wanting to deepen my connection with lovers but lately I’ve been putting a drop on my pillow before bed and I feel deeply relaxed, blissed out and so full of love As I’m falling asleep and upon waking. I absolutely love this magical delight.

  18. I have a natal venus in pisces. This oil always called to me even before I decided to purchase it. I am so glad I did! It blends beautifully with my natal venus and it grounds me and makes me feel like “home”. Highly recommend!

  19. I’ve been incorporating the Exalted Venus oil during Friday rituals for about the past 2 months. Since then I’ve established a regular Friday lunch with friends leading to deeper friendships with these women. It’s also inspired me to stick with a simple beauty regimen that has boosted my self esteem and self acceptance. With a natal Venus in Virgo placement, I have a tendency to require perfection in just about everything. Exalted Venus smooths that out. So, when I do work after anointing myself with the oil, I can easily get through the paralysis of that desire for perfection. This offering has had a huge and undeniable positive effect on my life. I am so grateful for this.

  20. This! Wow, this was a whole experience. Kaitlin is right about being careful not to apply if you need to get some things done! Because, you won’t! However, you will relax, let go worry, and find what you need to attend to pleasurable. It seems to enhance creative expression of all kinds. And, brings a sense of belonging and a deep devotion to being gentle with myself, which is a lovely surprise.

  21. I loved the effects of the Venus in Libra oil so very much that I purchased this Venus in Pisces oil also. I was delighted to see that in this election Venus is on my natal Sun in my seventh house, with some other auspicious factors as well. Accordingly, this oil makes me feel like an embodiment of the love goddess herself: generous, expansive, delightful and delighting, so naughty and sweet, an attentive lover– an attended-to lover! Using this oil last night, my lover and I were over the moon in one another’s arms. We practiced our tantra for hours together, cocooned in an ecstasy of a loving dreamlike bliss.

    This is the 6th S+ product I’ve used and they are all so wonderfully luxurious and efficaceous. Highly recommended.

  22. Wow!!!! I had a feeling that this oil was going to be a bit more aligned with my natal chart than Venus in Libra (which at this point I have developed a good relationship with and use regularly) and I was right. The energy of this once I anointed myself thoroughly was like going back to the womb. Such a nurturing, sensual and at times erotic energy. It may have been the amount I applied but I felt a very strong body high with this, almost like I had smoked some strong indica. This oil was also very helpful with feelings of love, compassion and self-confidence. I really liked what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I had a really enjoyable night in with this and am so excited to explore further. I see myself using this for when I want to go “deep” with venus in an intimate way, whereas the Venus in Libra oil I’ll use when I’m feeling more light and social. I will definitely use venus exalted for self-love practices.
    I just ordered the venus in taurus rose water and I’m so curious as to how it differentiates between the two previous venus oils. Thanks to sphere and sundry for these wonderful products!

  23. This little vial is beautiful just to look at. Upon first sniff it’s uber calming, and then it sends a little shiver of pleasure throughout the body as your senses process it . I feel a steady inner and outward glow when anointed. I’ve also found that this oil + Jupiter’s Bounty make a total power couple. When used in combination, I’m confident and focused, and find myself taking greater pleasure in my tasks and not second guessing myself like I can tend to do. Gorgeous.

  24. There is a gentle, grounded confidence to this oil. I began using it during the days and hours of Venus several weeks ago, and my experience feels like rooting into rich soil of my own pleasure and my capacities for love and erotic connection. I feel supported in moving from a place of clarity—about the love that I am a part of, the love that I can give, about my own desires and my own pleasures. I’ve used this oil to support me in solo practices of taking time for myself, luxuriating in what feels good, and treating myself well. With a partner, it has supported some of the most intense erotic connections of our relationship. None of it feels forceful, but there is a steadiness and clarity that feels somehow both regal and also close to the earth—like stepping into the truth that love and pleasure are a birthright, to which Venus gives her blessing.
    Thank you, Kaitlin, for making offerings that are so supportive and clear in their energetic qualities.

  25. I love the sweet lavender scent of this oil. That said, it also gave me a huge gift this week: not only was work slow enough that I was able to play hooky, I was able to spend two whole days with my guy in addition to a surprise visit one morning. I consider this nothing short of a miracle since he’s been crazy busy lately. Thanks for the love, Venus. (And Kait!)

  26. This oil is extremely potent – in a good way. I find that when I wear this oil I feel so powerful and confident in myself. I have been attracting a ton of attention and people have been much kinder and actually come up to talk to me. Also, I combined this with the Exalted Venus Hydrosol and WHOA! I started an online dating profile and I received about 40 messages from very good prospects over the first 2 days of being on. There have been so many good things have been happening to me since I have been wearing and using this oil in rituals that I do not even know how to list them all!

  27. The efficacy and potency was immediately evident with this oil. Upon purchasing it communication with my partner became sweeter and dreamier than it had been in a while. When I actually put it on, I felt my energy soften and become a bit more gentle. I felt expansive and safe to to receive love and there even appeared to be a bit more light in my eyes.

    I’m actually planning on ordering some more to gift a friend for her wedding.

    This oil also immediately commanded respect for its power to attract. The morning after I purchased it I received several messages from an ex from whom I hadn’t heard in over a year. Just a reminder to remain respectful and with a clear intention when working with this oil.

  28. It’s taken me a few days to kind of understand this oil, whereas I had a much more immediate connection to/understanding of the Venus in Libra oil (perhaps because my natal Venus is in Libra when utilizing the Tropical zodiac). In some ways, the two series’ are very similar, but Exalted Venus definitely has a mystery about it and an energy that initially felt foreign to me. It is becoming more familiar the more I work with it, and has already greatly enhanced how I feel about myself, increasing my confidence and sense of sexiness

    On to actual experiences that have occurred so far! When I first got this, I used it before bed two nights in a row, and both nights I had two separate dreams involving two separate people: one was an ex, and one was a friend from the past. I found this extremely interesting, because clearly there is a connection between this oil and the dreams. I had a great deal of love for these two men despite major problems in my relationships with them; but most importantly — although I’ve come to expect this from life — I never got the closure I felt I should have in these situations. That’s not to say that this oil or the dreams have brought such a thing, but at the very least, I feel that it has given me a chance to explore the possibility of closure on my own. For, in reality, closure is nothing other than a sense of healing & clarity, and Exalted Venus oil is somehow a strong channel for these energies. Since I practice Jyotish (and therefore consider myself to have a debilitated Venus), I feel that I have finally gotten a glimpse of what it’s like to be in the presence of Venus in her highest state, as well as the ability to embody this myself. It seems rare in this Kali Yuga (i.e., darkest era on Earth), but you know how some people are just masters of love, sex, relationships, emotions, sensuality, aesthetics? Obviously — barring afflictions and such — Venus in her exaltation would be the most likely to encourage such mastery with ease. I can totally see this oil being not only very serious and legitimate as a remedy for a weak or problematic Venus (natally/by transit/etc.), but also simply as one of the most powerful catalysts for manifesting top-tier Venusian energies.

    Another thing I want to mention is the definite mystical, Piscean feel of this, which is actually amazing. It’s not “in your face,” but I’ve noticed that if I really let myself go deeply into the energy that this series carries, there is almost a sense of being high on life; like you’re on that spiritual awakening Kundalini bliss crack and everything feels perfect. So you start to internally laugh at the sheer weirdness of this sudden change in perception — like, how am I thinking shit’s perfect with so many problems in the world? — but your amusement at this notion only breeds more lightness and happiness, and things seem even more perfect. THIS IS WEIRD AF KAITLIN

    Anyway, this series is pure sensuality. And by that, I literally mean that who you think you are disappears and your senses take over when you work with this. Yet it’s more the senses of the subtle realms, or chakras; this is not at all a grounded, five senses, down in the dirt energy. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but everything is heightened in a euphoric way, and it’s as if the part of you that is unseen is now suddenly being fed by a powerful, enticing, inexhaustible force. Honestly, not unlike Kundalini…

    So fuck yes to using this in Tantra as mentioned in the write-up, and fuck yes to using this for literally everything in every moment of life lmao

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