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GHEE of the SEA! Body Butter

GHEE of the SEA! Body Butter

An infusion of 2♃ medicinal herbs of Jupiterian provenance designed to promote relaxation, release, calm, and general beneficence, ritually combined following fumigation of frankincense on Sphere + Sundry’s Butter Ocean election — a Jupiter in Pisces series from June of 2021, which incubated over a year and a half before its debut.

This is the first of the BodButs to include additional oils of organic grass-fed ghee, avocado, olive oil, and grapeseed, in addition to the classic shea butter and coconut. The texture has small crystals that dissolve when rubbed into the skin, and the results are remarkably refreshing to body, mind, and spirit. Both grounding and elevating, soothing and fortifying. And melts away stress like (drumroll…) its series’ namesake.

Comfrey, slippery elm, poppy seed, olive leaf, borage, valerian, catnip, yarrow, mullein, meadowsweet, hyssop, hops, and honeysuckle, Echinacea, blessed thistle, burdock, and more, with essential oils of labdanum, amber, frankincense, and tangerine.

Excellent before bed or anytime to promote luck, ease, and abundance. A true thick and luxurious butter that can be mixed into lotion for a lighter application, but excellent to smooth winter dryness. In addition to insulating the skin, it creates a layer of protective, buttery insulation to the auric and astral.

Offered in your selection of 2 oz for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $96.

Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately! 

They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send “half empty” Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content. 

Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather. Thank you for understanding!




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Creation Date

Sunrise of Jupiterday the 17th of June 2021, Jupiter in Pisces on the MC. Hour of Jupiter. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

Step / Function


6 oz, 2 oz

Planetary Body

Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects

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Suggested Pairings

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Times/ Activities

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No — Ghee (organic)


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in
Weight 5 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 37 reviews
Dancer (Maine, United States)
Grew on me

I found this series to subtly unfold on me, as compared to Cloud Kingdom, which had an immediate impact and I totally adore. At first, I thought I just didn't vibe with it, but I kept applying the BB to my hands before bed (alternating with Asclepius BB) and I began noticing a reduction in my anxiety, which is soooo welcome. Funny that I noticed the results but never the initial magical zing I do with other series - and now I appreciate there's other ways to connect. For winter dryness, this is now my go to moisturizer.

Oh, one personal thing is that the buttery smell is off-putting to me, so again, I'm introduced to a more nuanced relationship. I will purchase again, for sure.


there was such OMGHEE on the client forum that i followed my FOMO but did NOT understand it until astrologyman rulership said TRY THY THIGHS. make goofy but true prayers for relief and fall right to sleep.

K.E. (Washington, United States)
High on Jove

Super yummy smelling and relaxing, but with an uplifting, cosmic feeling that almost reminds me of a cannabis high, but so much more lucid (obvi) and masculine. The munchies are real with this one though! Great for dissipating physical tension.

Mary S. (Minnesota, United States)
Vacation All I Ever Wanted

The moment I bought this I felt giddy like I was waiting for a beach vacation to arrive. The first night I used this, my partner and I went out to dinner on a whim and got uni, which tasted exactly like the scent of Butter Ocean. Every time I use this, I know part of my day will be light and fun in some way, no matter what. It feels incredible on the feet! I also love using this on my hips. As others mentioned this is excellent for a massage. I frequently use this to rub my partner's back (which has herniated discs) and it provides exceptional pain relief! I also notice if I put this on before going out, sometimes I end up with freebies or more than what I paid for. If I apply this before an interview, it helps me be cool-headed and confident and curbs anxiety. Highly recommend!

M.W. (Illinois, United States)
Embodied relaxation

Firstly I LOVE the scent of this, not sure how to describe it, kind of grassy but warm and rich at the same time? It's so creamy and luxe and my skin loves it. Effect-wise it feels similar to a microdose of weed. Chill but in a way that's embodied, not floating away (more of a Cloud King thing). Just a gentle release, like a full-body exhale.

Jennifer Y. (District of Columbia, United States)
You want to turn your body into butter? Look no further.

Butter Ocean body butter turns your body into butter.

(Extra buttery when you drink some Butter Ocean tea!)

I really enjoy both BO and JEV to unwind after a long day/journey. Butter Ocean literally melts your body, and all you want to do is rest. Things hurt less. Getting off the couch may be impossible though. Apply only at your final destination. Moving will be an issue afterwards.

Kyndal W. (California, United States)
Chill Vibes

Butter Ocean is an amazing foil for my Virgo Rising self who wants to get and know as many details as possible before doing anything. Butter Ocean tells me: just chill. And I do...luxuriously so. I love the way it soaks into the skin and makes me feel blissful. It eases both the mind and body in a soft and subtle way.

Allison U. (New York, United States)
The richest

I can’t imagine a more luxuriously rich body butter. This is supremely comforting; insulating, calming. It sinks into skin while also leaving a lovely glow. It’s perfect to use before bed since it instills a deep calm, or when I need a Jupiterian infusion of optimism and reassurance.

Lara S. (Maryland, United States)
Buttery Goodness

So lovely and chill, great after a hard day at work or for a lazy weekend day. Very creamy with a delicious French-toast scent that starts relaxing you as soon as you twist off the cap.

tea (New Jersey, United States)

I have seen so many people in the community rave about Ghee of the sea so I instantly ordered when the re-stock was announced. I got the 2 oz jar and a little goes a longgggg way. I love the way my skin looks so glowy and nourished after applying and it really does feel like you can take a big exhale and lighten the energetic load.


  1. This body butter is so incredible. It helps my excema when I use it. I was expecting not to really love the scent but I do. I feel so warm wrapped in it.

  2. Praise Jove! This body butter soothes anxious states while still feeling grounded and present in my body. This series is amazing for both keeping things calm and resourced, yet not checking out. I can still go about my day in a productive way, just more resourced and calm. Thank you for this wonderful balm!

  3. I use this only during they, because it weirdly seems to keep me up at night, though I will try it again at night some time, to see if that effect has worn off–sometimes that happens. But I use it now during the day when I’m stressed or know I am likely to be. And it keeps the jitters at bay, makes me calmer, more able to handle whatever’s coming my way!

  4. This is the silkiest, smoothest, loveliest formula yet. It’s very much like melted butter on the skin and of all the body butters I use, this leaved my skin instantly soft and smooth. The top note scent is a little ghee heavy (obvs because it is formulated with ghee), but that smell dissipates rather fast to reveal a heavenly aroma of catnip (minty), tangerine, and echinacea. I probably smell other herbs but those stand out to me. I’m instantly relaxed and oddly enamored by how soft my hands become after I slather it on. I’ve had two unexpected monetary surprises since using Butter Ocean Ghee of the Sea… A $1500 work bonus and early arrival of large payment I didnt expect until late January. Jupiter, our Sky Daddy, always comes through for me and he seems to really agree with all the Butter Ocean items I’m using 🙂

  5. My favorite body butter so far! Soft, luxurious, and supremely comforting. The formula sinks in relatively quickly and is surprisingly non-greasy for such a thick and insulating butter that literally contains ghee. My skin feels incredible and my mind is calm and at peace.

  6. This is such a gorgeous product, and a lifesaver for my perpetually dry skin during what has been a very cold and drying winter. ‘Insulating’ is most definitely an apt descriptor: it rehydrates literally and figuratively, protects both skin and spirit, and feels like being wrapped in a very lovely, very Jupiterian hug.

  7. As everyone has stated, this butter is SO lush and luxurious, smells heavenly and feels even better. Not only is it fantastic on the skin, what it does to my spirit is even better. This month has been incredibly difficult and JuBO has been saving my ass! Every time I apply it I feel completely supported and lighter of heart. This is my new favorite Jupiter series and I am massively grateful to have it in my arsenal. And Ghee of the Sea is quite possibly the cutest name for an offering yet. Another S&S win!!!

  8. This series is shaping up to be everything I thought it would be, and perhaps more. Always more, as that’s the way of our Divine Kings & Queens!

    So far, my favorite Forms of materia from Butter Ocean are the Oil & THIS. Sea Ghee lol. They smell rather similar, and I already left a review about how magical & evocative the Oil’s scent is. I think they have this amber-labdanum thing in common. Very smooth & sexy. I haven’t been a fan of the aromatic profiles of really any of the previous Jupiter series’ (except Jupiter’s Bounty Water!), so Butter Ocean’s wholeeee vibe has been super welcome & satisfying. It’s pretty much impossible to talk about this series without using words like “sensual” or “sexy” lol and I find that really interesting. But it’s not surprising as Jupiter is karaka of the 5th House. A LOT of connections there, and I could go on & on about this, but I’ll probably reserve the in-depth stuff for the Client Forum! Needless to say, this series — especially Ghee of the Sea & Butter Ocean Anointing Oil — have given me a sense of deep bodily relaxation/ peace that I can scarcely remember feeling before. The sheer unboundedness of it all, the genuine release of all tension… it’s an indescribable gift. It’s nothing less than the most divine of miracles & blessings. I thought that I was just permanently neurotic/ uptight/ stressed (even if that is the result of lifelong trauma), but now I have experienced myself as far beyond that through the expansiveness of this Supreme God. I’m able to savor His majestic freedom of pure being. Literally, I don’t even know what to do, this is the best feeling in the world. And that’s the key, one realizes one needs *do nothing.* That’s the answer to everything: relax into limitless being. From there, all one desires is available for the taking. Kaitlin, I can’t thank you enough…

  9. This butter is LUSH.
    Delicious on the skin, and causes my neck and shoulders to relax instantly. I’ve also found it to have an extremely mellow and yummy aphrodisiac effect, like my whole body just suddenly remembers how GOOD it is to feel good. Worth noting that Pisces rules my ascendant so it makes sense that I would feel it especially in the body. I’m hoping that regular application will help me with body-related insecurities and health anxieties.

  10. This is delightful! A light, frothy, and melty body butter reminiscent of the best tallow balm. The languid butteriness that compels you to enjoy, savor, and absorb the experience of it. This is an incredibly sensual series, and the body butter is palpably thicker, heavier, insulating on the skin and yet the lightest thus far. Nourishing in the best way.

  11. I must confess I was primarily drawn to this because the name made me giggle, but if that’s not an embodiment of what this body butter is all about I don’t know what is.

    On a practical level this extra hydrating blend is going to be a gift coming into the dry winter months that make me feel not unlike a snake with stuck shed. My skin just DRANK this up, and while it will probably be a bit heavy during the hotter times of the year, it’s going to be a luxurious friend during the winter. Even my grouchy face skin didn’t find this to be too much and often it can’t tolerate products aimed at the body. I’m even bringing it with me to my massage today to get a full body rub down with it.

    As for the magical, this Jove is goofy, social, and supremely unbothered. He made hanging out with my friends a treat, melted away background stress I cannot control, and gave me two days of my job feeling less like work and more like play (I’m a special education teacher and some days are HARD, no matter how much I love it). This is Grandpa energy par excellence, warm, friendly, generous and delightful.

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