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Son of Apollo Incense

Son of Apollo Incense

*almost* Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

Solar herbs of a healing nature, ritually co-mingled on an election featuring the Moon conjunct the Divine Physician’s patron star, Ras Alhague, in trinal application to the exalted Aries Sun conjunct the IC of the chart.

Organic calendula, St. John’s wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, balm of gilead, carnelian, and 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense during the operation and left to greet the rays of the rising Sun on his day and hour the morning after. Ground to a fine powder with frankincense resin under the auspices of Sol.

Smoke bathe to promote good health and positivity, burn as an offering to spirits of a healing or Solar nature, or use to clear energies before or following ritual operations in rooms, clothing, or the self. Banishes the Dead and other spirits incompatible with the life-giving nature of sunlight.

100% uncut organic herbs, resin, gemstone, and genuine gold leaf.

Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $29, or 2 oz bulk pot for $87




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Creation Date

April 12th, 2020, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery

Areas of Application

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Step / Function



1/2 oz, 2 oz

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

Uses / Applications

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Yes — Vegan

Dimensions N/A
Weight N/A

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Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
HB (Georgia, United States)
Happy Body

I fumigate myself with this 1-2 times per week. This routine has helped me make healthier decisions, and my body just feels better, less desperate, less constrained and oppressed, more expansive, expressive, and free. I also fumigate myself with this before personal alone time, and that is by far my favorite use. It unlocked bodily things that I didn't even know were possible. I used to get slight lower back aches, and those have gone away unless I try to tune into it, which I don't recommend. My tailbone often hurts, and this lessens it. I've paired this with Descending Heart, which I highly recommend - it brought a light and levity to my heart center.

G. (Illinois, United States)

This incense definitely has a more yang touch to it compared to just the Asclepius incense. It’s more energizing and fortifying—definitely better for daytime use. I like burning this while cleaning the house during the day or after experiencing a heavy night.

Malgorzata W. (England, United Kingdom)
The Ultimate Must-Have

If I ever had to tell someone, even a person completely inexperienced with the realm of magical materia, to get one and only one item - this would be it. It's as safe as it gets, a great place to begin with because there is no harm that could ever come from it. It's cleansing, protecting and restoring. On the other hand, an advanced practitioner will benefit from it as much, if not more, as a beginner. It's perfect for cleansing any residual energies from other workings, for supporting self-healing or healing of others, for protecting against darkness, to remove any unwelcome spiritual presence. It has many uses and, in my humble opinion, should find its way into any practitioner's hands.

Yolanda M. (British Columbia, Canada)
Son of Apollo Incense

One of my most used incenses. I find it works wonders as a mood booster. I feel more optimistic and divinely protected and supported. Thank you!

Emily S. (Illinois, United States)
Aragorn in the Houses of Healing vibes

I got covid last spring which has been one of my biggest fears due to covid's long lasting harms in general but also because I have conditions that predispose me to worse outcomes in the acute and chronic phase. It was rough, but I used this incense twice a day, smoke cleansing the whole body as well as my Paxlovid pills, and saying the prayer to Asclepius. I've been spared of lingering effects, and I think using it so constantly for over a month had other health benefits. It also is great at getting you the resources you need to heal. When I first received this incense, I sat down to meditate and connect with it. It came in a communication that Asclepius is not just the doctor who comes into the room, looks at the cold hard facts, prescribes something or doesn't, and leaves. Asclepius is the healer who sings at the bedside, who bathes the heated forehead, who listens and crys and cares. Big Aragorn in Return of the King vibes. Because of this, I think it's also very useful for healing medical trauma and helping to protect from it.

Saunya H. (Florida, United States)

Be prepared-using Son of Apollo powder has been a very healing experience. It can bring up deep down reasons for some physical problems. Personally, I experienced an increase of a particular symptom and then had a very intense emotional cleansing down to the point of old childhood stuff coming up that surrounded said injury. I will say it was heavy-but it healed very quickly-and the emotional stuff has not resurrected since(THAT is a first)-and the physical has been far less than it ever was. I knew it was gonna be some good stuff-but I am blown away at how it worked so fast and so well. Highly recommended.

Meg W. (Illinois, United States)

This and classic Asclepius are my most-used incenses. Its energy is like a ray of sunshine. Whenever I need a little more optimism or pep in my step, this is what I reach for.

R. (Alabama, United States)
insanely versatile

I love including a pinch of this powder in healing magic, cleansing charms, and other incenses. It seems to ameliorate most minor issues just by being present/included. Perhaps it brings with it the proverbial ounce of prevention!

Jenny M. (North Carolina, United States)
Bright, soothing energy

I adore this incense. It is tied for my favorite Sphere and Sundry incense (tied with Regulus!) and use it at least weekly, if not daily. This incense fills you with a bright sense of reassurance and healthfulness. It has helped me through many illnesses in my family: I am able to stay more grounded and even-keel as I care for my sick family members. For me, the Son of Apollo line has a strong emotional support aspect. This incense is one of my staples from Sphere and Sundry.

DP (Oregon, United States)
A must-have

This incense is one of my Sphere + Sundry must-haves. It is so useful.
It's perfect for cleansing during the ritual bath. I use it for petitions to Asclepius on behalf of loved ones. It has also come in handy for preparing a space with a lot of stuck energy, to be cleaned. It really worked to break up the muck.
I got the larger size, and am so glad I did. What a fantastic deal-- it seems to last forever. Absolutely worth the money.


  1. I was sending heartfelt gratitude to the Son of Apollo and S&S Material. My son with a disability gets agitated and restless around a full moon. I used this incense and Asclepius tincture during the last full moon in Aquarius; as a result, my son was calm, Focused, and joyful.

  2. I love this incense. It is lovely and clean and reassuring. It has a steadying and spacious quality. I got a brass incense / resin burner that can hold the incense over a candle flame. I use it this way often instead of burning the incense because the incense is warmed up rather than burned and the smell is so sweet and delicate. I am grateful for my little bottle.

  3. This incense is my favorite for feeling great in my body and in my home. Each Sunday, I fumigate my entire house and it clears and lifts not only my spirits but the whole energy of the house.

  4. This incense is by far my favorite so far from S + S. It’s simply have a very concrete and real effect when I use, It is clearing, positive, definitely a very intense shift of energy happens when I use it. It is so clear and it also lasts for ages. I use it after cleaning the house, or when I need a bit of an energy clearing on my spaces. It is divine.

  5. Wow. I am still blown away by the potency of this series. I ordered Son of Apollo Incense and ritual oil to help heal some old injuries – both physical and paternal. Though my injuries have always been on my right side, which also speaks to the yang. I knew that Son of Apollo was PERFECT for me, but little did I know how swiftly and powerfully they would assist. I performed a healing ritual to mend the relationship with my father once and for all on the Summer Solstice with Son of Apollo’s help. Since, my father and I have shared some tearful and clearing conversations which have truly and honestly renewed our bond. It’s a whole new relationship and we couldn’t be more relieved. BUT there is also a mega Asclepian DREAM component. My dad was adopted. I somatically dreamt that I was pregnant and had to give my baby away, but changed my mind and wanted to keep my baby. I woke up WAILING. The dream connected so many dots for me and showed me why my father may have subconsciously created distance with me in the first place. That dream was real HEART MEDICINE. I also use the oil to help kick lingering colds etc for me and my daughter – it really works!! Thank you so much Kaitlin. You are a true gift!

  6. I always have at least one Asclepius incense on hand! This variety, like each from the multiple Asclepius series’, has a calming & clearing vibe. The fact that it makes me feel more secure/ safe also reveals how the processes of healing & cleansing are greatly bolstered by divine protective forces. This is what makes the Son of Apollo sub-series just slightly different from the other Asclepius’; the bright, fiery solar energy is strengthening & vitalizing in such a way as to inspire fearlessness, strength, wholeness- as opposed to “regular” Asclepius materia, which is more about clarifying & purging. They are similar enough, however, so as to be able to be used interchangeably for me.

  7. My favorite S+S incense i own. I crave the scent sometimes in passing! So gorgeously warm and illuminating, dispels all darkness with clarity and calm. Like beautiful golden sunlight streaming into an old house. Feels gently brightening and strongly purifying. Comforting, strengthening, healing, and uplifting. Buying my second vial!

  8. I use this incense each Sunday while I do my ancestral healing practice. It is an indispensable support in holding space for healing the lineage and providing much needed light and warmth on that which needs to be acknowledged and healed.

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